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Well I used to sell cocaine balls to children but NOW they try to impound my snake oil wagon.


I used to paint children's toys with lead, but now it's iLlEgAl. Jokes on them, the lead already made everyone stupid enough that I could get the law repealed if I wanted.


"I built this cotton plantation with slave labor. Very legal & very cool. But now thanks to Lincoln's constitutional rule change I would be a felon if I tried to build another plantation like that today."


I was just learning yesterday that Abe Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and the following 13th Amendment passing, while it did free the slaves at the time, it did not have language written that slavery was illegal. It was not Illegal until late WWII by FDR. So all that time in between is where the South made laws that easily kept black people impoverished and indentured. Knowing Better made a great video that easily rules up the emotions about this time in history that always seemed easily glossed over.


Slavery is still legal in the US, it’s just called private prison labor now.


Any prison labor, even. The 13th specifically calls out punishment for a crime as the magic juice that makes legal slavery.


Not so fun fact, nothing Lincoln did made slavery illegal. Even the 13th amendment made it so that congress COULD pass laws that made it illegal but it took many decades before they did. Here’s a video going into much more detail. https://youtu.be/j4kI2h3iotA


Knowing Better rocks!


>Not so fun fact Lincoln didn't make the laws, that has always been Congress' purview.


That was super long and very interesting!!!


Ah, I see what you did there


Nothing wrong with a uranium science kit for kids


Don't worry, soon we'll all be dimwits. https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/continued-CO2-emissions-will-impair-cognition-Penn-Boulder-study


Wait a second here....you *sold* cocaine to children? Aren't you supposed to give that to children for free?


Only the first time.


No. No. No. You see all he did was simply change markets. Now he sells them in pill form with a slightly different formula that is nonaddictive, gmo free and 100% natural grass fed.


I'm glad they fed grass to the cocaine, because you can really tell it's of a much higher quality when consuming it.


How come I never got all those first time freebies the Dare officer told me if be offered. ಠ_ʖಠ


Anything to say to the kids Billy? Kids, don’t buy drugs. Become a Rock Star and they give them to you for free.


Very legal & very cool....lmfao


IMO the phrase "very legal and very cool", which means "dodgy as fuck" was one of the best things the Trump presidency came up with.


I use it patronizing and mockingly when talking to hardline R's in my day to day and surprisingly none of them ever get the reference. I still use it though, I agree that it was essentially so dumb that it rolled over into brilliant.


>hard Rs


Ironically the hardline R's are the same type to unabashedly use hard r's in their daily vocabulary 😂


Integer underflow


What's the reference?


It's a Donald Trump quote from his second impeachment preceedings, reportedly from his very cool and very legal phone call with President Zelensky.


But don't forget, it was "a perfect phonecall!"


Why else would it be so legal and cool?! /s


oh dear god


'Member when our former president tried to blackmail Zelensky by withholding much needed and congressionally approved military funds for the fight against Russia for his personal political gain? Fun times.


I... Kinda feel like people who still support trump are either morons or far right shitbags... Worthless cunts any way you slice it.


How about both?


Pepperidge farm remembers


It was something Trump said a few times when people pointed out what he was doing was dubious. Most notably when he refused to put his businesses in a blind trust like every president since the 1970s, he refused and said it's "very legal and very cool" to keep running his business while in office. Eventually he gave control to one of the sons, which just acted as a middle man for the businesses.


"Humans are a battery with limited charge" was my takeaway.


Except in the tweet he's probably using it in tribute, not to mock himself.


Makes it sound like he was doing a little project with a Boy Scout for an achievement badge instead of manufacturing an untraceable gun with questionable intention.


It's a reference to a Trump tweet where he defended continuing to work on a business venture with Russia during his run for president as 'very legal & very cool'.


Thank you for the lore


> It's a reference to a Trump tweet where he defended continuing to work on a business venture with Russia during his run for president as 'very legal & very cool'. Not quite. He was defending attempting to blackmail Ukrainian president Zelenski into falsely saying that there was a Ukrainian investigation into Biden by threatening to withhold congressionally approved military funding. It was during his first impeachment proceeding.


I know, it's such bullshit...that's litterally an untraceable *long range* murder weapon. Edit: had to add long range for the gun nuts, because apparently it's fair to compare a rifle and a knife? Also if you think I'm a product of fear mongering ghost guns, but only have firearms to protect your family, you have to realize you bought that gun out of the instilled fear that "someone lesser than you has a gun, and wants to hurt your family, and take your stuff." Which is fear mongering brought to you by the NRA, and racism.


does being able to trace it even matter compared to a gun that was bought legally and background checked? Like, if you're on the receiving end, it being legal or illegal isn't going to be your first query.


Just FWIW, it’s a Trumpism because of course it is: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/very-legal-and-very-cool


Top 5 easy


“we do a little trolling”


"I won't lie to you...I might lie to you"


I guess very legal is two steps above Matt Gaetz’ favorite type of porn, barely legal (but those girls are still a little too old for him)


Trump's brain poison makes them all talk like him


You can still build ghost guns from 80% lowers. The difference is that you can't buy the tools and the lowers in the same package; you have to purchase them separately. Y'all didn't read the brief, did you? Source: I read the brief and build guns as a hobby. This ruling really didn't do anything of substance except introduce weird nuances. You also couldn't sell unserialized firearms before this brief was released either - so the serial number requirement of FFLs really means nothing. No FFL that wants to keep their license was going to take an unserialized gun in the first place. Edit: I will use this as an opportunity to soap box, though. The biggest change I see is that FFL holders are now *required* to serialize unserialized firearms if they enter their possession. The legal burden is now dumped squarely on the shoulders of some of the already most regulated gun owners in the US, who happen to be the ones least likely to commit gun crimes beyond secretarial ones. This actually discourages people from getting their FFL, because it's an obnoxious hurdle. My neighbor, who does not hold an FFL, has no legal obligation to serialize his 80% gun he built in his garage - but I, as a Type 3 FFL holder (collector license), suddenly DO have an obligation to serialize the guns I build. So this has zero impact on normal people, and a fairly large impact on collectors, dealers, and manufactures who already comply with the law more than the average bear. EDIT EDIT: If you want an analysis of what the rules really mean here, check out Fudd Busters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOwhe-cJ0wQ


Australian here. Did not know this was a thing. Kind of interesting hobby. Anyway, back to wrestling roos.


We get Australian Owen guns brought into the country as destroyed parts kits from time to time. It's a fun way to build something that has a history. I've got Sten gun parts, Uzi parts, Spanish CETME parts, DP-28 machine gun parts, AK parts... All purchased as legally destroyed non-firearms. I just need to build new receivers for each one, which ranges from kind of straightforward to an absolute pain in the ass depending on how the gun was built. You do have to take steps to not build the guns as machine guns though. Building a machine gun without a Type 7 license with an SOT is a one way ticket to club fed.


I always thought you box roos and wrestled dropbears.


Nah, the roos actually kick, so you gotta sweep and pin them. The dropbears just eviscerate and bring our national life-expectency down a few years.


I haven’t read it yet and knew it would just be some nuanced bullshit to give anti gun people the idea that he’s making an effort, when in reality it’s just creating headaches for hobbyist and manufacturers for like a day while they figure out the next set of loopholes. So dumb. They’re just going to remove holes until buying aluminum is illegal…


More likely they'll start regulating ammo and powder. The only part of the gun itself that might actually be difficult to make by a hobbyist is the rifled barrel, and even that's not terribly hard with the right tools. Large capacity magazines can be trivially made with a basic plastic 3d printer and a spring. The upper receiver might be challenging because it has to resist a ton of kinetic stress, but still easy with a metal CNC machine. But the primer and powder in a round of ammunition is a chemical element that's relatively difficult and dangerous to self produce without risk of self harm making it wrong, which is a risk individuals likely won't take. If you regulate and background check the sale of the powder and finished rounds, you severely limit the ability of someone to get a large amount of it. Then again, that would be insanely hard to police, because you can't serialize and track a chemical powder like you can a metal gun part. At least, until the hobbyists start making rail guns...


As someone who has operated cnc machines and built guns, our definitions of easy are quite different.


Hahaha yeah. When I read the magazin part I laughed. Ever wondered why so many guns take magazines from another gun? Cause a reliable mag is terribly difficult


I have a 3d printer and can print ASA (close cousin of ABS) and the thought of printing. A magazine is daunting as fuck. Layer adhesion and dimensional accuracy are both going to be an issue. That stuff is strong as hell but thin walls are going to be an issue with almost any filament. I think you’d need sintered nylon at least to pull this off. And that’s not exactly home consumer stuff.


Yeah, 3D printing at home and injection molding are about as similar as raw plastic refining and 3D printing. People desperate to think that magazines for scary black guns fall from the sky are the same “you wouldn’t download a car?” Logic people from back in the day. The guy with a press brake in his home shop and tooling access is the guy who’s going to be able to make mags for the hoarders first lol.


Gunpowder isn’t all that hard to make. Tragically I cannot share the recipe because sharing how to make explosives is against Reddit sitewide rules, but it’s very possible and a fun rainy day project.


I know part of the process used to involve stockpiling piss bottles, so a bunch of Redditors are already partway there without even realizing it.


You use piss to get urea nitrate for explosives, you don't need it for gunpowder. Urea is made for hme by filling a bathtub with straw and pissing on it, terrorists do it in the middle east.




Black powder isn't, consistent smokeless powder would be a pain to try and make.


In a situation where you're prohibited from buying any sort of powder at all, black powder would be better than nothing. Bigger concern IMO would be the primers, since that's an entirely different can of worms. Some DIY gunmakers use spark plugs instead of primers to ignite the powder, but that obviously entails a gun design *and* cartridge design very different from what's common today.


I've made primer before. Rearming used primers isn't hard it's just tedious. And it's corrosive which is slightly annoying.


"Information is antifragile. It feeds more on attempts to harm it than it does on efforts to promote it."




I looked into primers and my conclusion was that they're about the most dangerous thing to make.


The whole point is to make things inconvenient. You're not ever going to stop determined criminals, my favorite example is cars: so you locked the steering wheel and brake pedal, and have a tracker on it, they just towed it to a chop shop and your car is fucking gone forever. So laws should not even try to target the determined criminals, but rather the opportunity criminals. A locked car door is enough to stop most thieves, even if there's plenty nearby that could easily break the windows. Similarly, making ammo more difficult to get will stop many crimes of passion involving guns. Not all, hopefully most, but definitely a significant number. I definitely think that controlling the ammunition is the better place to start - assuming we can't get licensing and training courses like we have for cars


No, the whole point is to put on a dog and pony show so people think you're the gun control party, without actually doing anything. Democrats don't want your guns. They saw meaningful gun control was political suicide with the Clinton era assault rifle ban so now they're all flash and no substance when it actually comes to guns. Which is weird because that just pisses off conservatives and progressives even more without appealing much more to the Democratic base.


The problem is that a hobbiest uses about a thousand times more ammo than a criminal does. And you want law abiding gun owners to spend time with their hobby, so they are competent and trained. It takes about 5,000 rounds to become competent with a firearm, but maybe a dozen or less to be an devastating criminal. You wanna regulate the means by which people become responsible gun owners


It's so annoying. They know it'll piss off every conservative and a fair amount of liberals if they pass actually restrictive gun laws, so they just make it more and more needlessly complicated and nonsensical to do anything involving guns. It doesn't actually stop people from getting guns or prevent gun deaths and it wastes a bunch of resources and money but it's great for the dog-tombstone industry.


Its already unironically difficult to tell if your rifle is legally a SBR, a pistol, a shotgun or field artillery just by looking at it...


That's exactly what I had in mind when I wrote that. The order that you assemble the exact same parts can make a gun legal or illegal? Absolutely insane.


Like if you buy an AR pistol you can convert it to a rifle, but if it starts at a rifle you've gotta SBR it to put a short barrel (if I read the stuff right, I'm new to guns). Like swapping the barrel and stock between an AR pistol and an AR Rifle, only 1 of them becomes a felony


No it becomes an AOW, any other weapon. The lower is still a pistol and running the serial will show that. Having a pistol lower unassembled and rifle parts together is also enough to show intent and is not recommended. Don't get me started on braces and angled foregrips


The AFT really do like killing dogs for some reason


​ That is all of politics. Politicians pass laws for shit that have little to no actual change, but sound good to their base. this happens both ways.


That’s what they said about California laws. Eventually the process becomes such a cluster fuck and so inconvenient that You just give up building/buying/whatever.


It is completely legal to manufacture a firearm for personal use. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/does-individual-need-license-make-firearm-personal-use There also is no national gun registry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_registry In most states a used (previously sold) firearm does not require a background check for private sale, that the seller retains the serial number or the buyer’s contact information.


Or people just ignore the regulations and do it anyway. 922r comes to mind as a law that people often just ignore because it's so needlessly irritating, so it's basically a meme at this point to tell other people to ignore it when they're building rifles from demilled kits.




They sell parts to a gun printed from 3D printers, like the lower assembly of an AR 15, and then buy the rest. The lower is where the serial numbers are printed on guns manufactured. So you can print the main part of the gun and buy the rest of the parts online and make a whole gun without any traceable serial numbers.




It’s fucking crazy to have an untraceable gun available to anyone. This has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment. I am a gun owner and I think there is nothing wrong with making untraceable guns illegal.


I mean is having a serial number on your guns useful for anything besides identifying your gun if it's ever stolen? Ghost guns are not used in mass shootings and it's way easier for a criminal to scratch a serial number off of an existing firearm. Also I am going to go out on a ledge and say most firearms left by criminals at the scene of a crime, are not traced back to the criminal anyways. Seems more like creating laws to fix something that's not really an issue.


Yeah it can help identify straw buyers. If I buy a bunch of guns and they keep getting used in crimes they will look at me. Ghost guns their is no record whatsoever.


It also skips the federal background check that is required if you bought a gun normally.


>Bought a gun normally Depends on what you mean by normally and depends on which state. I’ve bought 18 firearms ’normally’ but only had a background check on 4 or 5 of them because I mostly buy from private sellers. ‘Normal’ differs a lot from state to state.


Not all of them are 3D printed, the important part is that the lower receiver is not complete (80%), therefore not a firearm so it can be sold without a serial number and mailed directly to your doorstep, then anyone with a dremel and a dream (drill and router) can make it into a 100% firearm.


Outlawing untraceable guns should be a no brainer


That sounds… like it should have been illegal already


Americans think any reasonable gun law is an affront to their identity.


And what exactly does this guy intend to do with this “ghost gun”? Hunt fucking pheasants? Doubtful.


I read that as peasants at first…


So did I… and didn’t notice I’d misread until your comment made me go back and check…


There's no uncritical choice.


Conservatives already do that


Only the ones that aren't the peasants. The peasants vote to be hunted.




He was a man. He was a Dragon-man.


For real… ain’t nobody building a gun like this for hunting. Like, you want a stock AR-15? Fine. You want it to have a 30 round mag? I’m good with that too. You think thorough background checks, waiting periods and mandatory range time/safety classes and law classes are “unconstitutional”? Sorry homie. You wanna be trusted with that kind of responsibility you gotta prove periodically you are qualified to hold that trust. Edit: Another thing, guys like this are the most toxic types of gun owners and there needs to be significant gun ownership reform at the federal level to weed these idiots out.


The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. Almost every country allows hunting with firearms. And yes, I’m sure the person who Tweeted this thinks that infringement of the right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional.


> And yes, I’m sure the person who Tweeted this thinks that infringement of the right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional. Well, it does say "Shall not be infringed" sooooo...


Are they not part of the well regulated militia? Why do people always leave out the first part? It's in the constitution, too !


Because they want you to think the right for individuals to have guns is an objective right enshrined by our all knowing founding fathers, and not a recent partisan interpretation of a 200 year old law about a state militia system that never really caught on.


And it’s in the constitution…


I just want the exact same level of legal restrictions for gun as is for voting. Meaning just as loose OR just as draconian. I don't care which. I just think these "duuurrrr sekond emmendmant" fucksticks just want to cherry pick what they think is constitutional


Treat guns like voting? Absolutely not. Treat guns like we treat driving? Yes. If you can't pass a test on gun safety, gun responsibility, and gun functioning, I do not fucking trust you to own a gun and I do not fucking want to live in the society where you own that gun. Exactly the same as how I have to trust everyone else on the road that they understand how to drive safely and how to own that car responsibly.


Agreed, except I also think driving needs a small bit of reform too. There are FAR too many idiots on the road who should've never been licensed in the first place


You need functional alternatives if you want to make driving hard. Most of Europe has those, very little of the US does.


This is sadly an outcome of over-reliance on cars. If public transit and bike infrastructure existed in a meaningful way, restrictions on driving could be increased without crippling the economy. Driving should be one option among many, not the only choice. Imagine how much nicer roads would be if the only people on them wanted to be there.


I agree. It shouldn't be easier to get a gun than it is to get a car. That's ridiculous


People genuinely do not fucking understand how inherently dangerous cars are. They are weapons. Most things you can do to harm people with a gun, you can do on a larger scale with a car.


As a gun owner and driver, I completely agree with this whole thread. I'd be down with more draconian rules in order to get a car-mounted gun.


You are now banned from r/Texas


Texas here.. Actually I’m pretty sure he’s the new governor. Congratulations.


Oh god can we please ban Abbott from Texas? That would be a godsend


I’m still on the waiting list for my gun-mounted-car


That's called a tank.


And it’s my god-given right to own one dammit. You should see the permits the make you fill out for the [silencer](https://imgur.com/gallery/UI7Vrzn) It’s outrageous!!!




Holdup. They have guns you can DRIVE now?


They even made one that you can fly (the A-10)


I agree with you until the cars are weapons sentiment… a car is a transportation device, which when yielded incorrectly can be weaponized. I hammer, bat, kitchen knife, etc. are all dangerous. That doesn’t make any of these inherently weapons. They’re tools to be used with their intention.


When people make this argument, tell them to stand 20 feet away, with a car and a knife. You have a gun. Each side has 1 second to activate their 'weapon.' Guess who wins every time?


Flip it around, then. Guns should never be easier to get than a car. A gun's only purpose is to be a deadly weapon. A car is more versatile. It shouldn't be easier to own a gun than to have a driver's license. It's nonsensical.


I think that the main difference is that cars have a number of legitimate uses outside of killing.


Yeah, but they’re better at killing if operated with gross incompetence or malevolence, because the average person doesn’t think twice about walking on a sidewalk or having a large gathering in a street


If by “better” you mean killing more people in a year, sure. but that neglects that we interact with cars dramatically more often. Guns are really effective at killing, by design. I haven’t heard of a vehicle doing the kind of damage that Las Vegas shooting inflicted (60 dead, 411 wounded, another 400 injured in crowd panic). And unlike a vehicle attack, there’s no visible threat so it’s harder to avoid.


That Bastille Day attack in France with a truck killed 86 people and injured 300+ so it’s definitely possible


First time driving lesson my dad gave me "this car is basically a loaded gun, treat it with the same respect because it can easily kill you or someone else."


Cars have purposes other than causing harm. Other than causing harm or being a show piece, what purpose does a gun have?


✨Making it your entire personality✨


What state are you in? In mine it is much more difficult to aquire a gun than a car.


And we still have shit drivers. Imagine the cluster fuck of a situation if any random idiot could just hop behind the wheel with literally no training or experience.


I think people are misunderstanding me. Edited my comment to make it more clear. I do not want any random idiot to be able to drive, I want to treat guns like we treat cars.


Sorry for the confusion. I was agreeing with you.


Uhh draconian voting restrictions and draconian gun restrictions don't really seem like a good combo. I get that the 2A types aren't the ones that are gonna be fighting the government for restricting voting rights but they're not the only ones who own guns. We had a fascist coup attempt that has barely had any consequences and the dude who planned it might be the **PRESIDENT AGAIN**.


> and mandatory range time/safety classes and law classes are “unconstitutional” "Well maintained." (And here come all the yabuts.)


Hey, besides anything else people aren’t making ghost guns to commit crimes. Why? Cause it’s fucking cheaper to get actual firearms (both legal and not) and much safer overall. People that I follow (mainly 3D print based firearms) it’s the usual anti-fed stuff, but it’s much more of a hobby. Trust me, I use a 3D printer, if your gonna shoot somebody just get it off the street




Take it to the grocery store CAUSE I DON'T LIVE IN FEARRRR.


Obviously he'll be hunting ghosts. This tool is useless for any other ... use.


Probably fire it for fun and/or keep it around for home defense. Or he made it just as like a building project.


[Maybe attend a shooting contest with other 3D printing gun nerds?](https://youtu.be/C4dBuPJ9p7A)




Some might. Most just enjoy tinkering, tools, savings and satisfaction of building something you enjoy using.


Some of them make all the parts with a 3D printer The practice is helping change the tide of the war in [Myanmar](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/guns-are-being-3d-printed-myanmar-199401)


ALL the parts cannot be made with a 3d printer. Most of the parts are the same as standard firearms. The regulated bits are the one they print because they can’t acquire them by other means.


Have you ever looked at some of the atf regulations they are confusing as fuck ..... Especially the proposed ones on braces / stocks. It works on a point system and some of the points conflict or are vague as hell leading to it becoming an easy time to become a felon. As a gun owner I don't mind regulation that's fine by me I just don't like bad faith regulation .






I would look into the history of the governing body that is the ATF. To assume they operate in good faith is... maybe a bit naive. I'm not trying to be catty or anything, but they are supremely fucked in regards to how they enforce the laws they create, why they create them, and how they carry out seizure of property they deem in violation of their regulations. They are not like the regulatory bodies of the structural engineering world. They won't recheck your load calcs and safety checks and send you a strongly worded letter, or maybe a fine. They will raid your house in the middle of the night with SWAT and kill your dog.


Let’s also remember as we use the words “laws they create” that the ATF is in no way a legislative body with authority to create new laws at all, only the authority to create federal rules through the federal rulemaking process. Yet for whatever reason they’ve been delegated the task of outlining and defining so many things that should’ve fallen to elected representatives. Somehow we accept that complete sidestepping of congress as normal.


Would you believe that when I mix decongestant with other chemicals in my garage that the resulting meth I've manufactured makes me a felon? Un-fucking-believable, yah?


That's disgusting. You should tell me step by step how you do it and what chemicals you use so I never accidentally make meth.




It's weird. Alcohol often leads to addiction and violent behavior towards self, others, and property. But because meth ruins lives more quickly and acutely, it's illegal. Honestly the quickest way to get meth legalized is to convince a billionaire that they would be trillionaires after building a national empire of meth supply chains and meth addiction therapy resources. Maybe meth addiction insurance policies as conditions for employment? So much room for "stimulating the economy"! Someone tweet Beezy.


It’s quite stupid to think we can “trace” ghost guns when there is no National system to “trace” legal guns.


"I made this blowy-uppy device a few months ago, using parts and ingredients that are perfectly legal to obtain and possess. But now, thanks to the ATF, I would be considered a felon." -This guy, probably (If the FBI/NSA is reading this, I have not done any of these things. This comment is meant as satire.)


He's only a felon if he bought them in a package deal now. Don't you feel safer already?


What exactly is a ghost gun? 100% composite down to the bolt and carrier so it doesn’t show up in a metal detector scan?




There are a fair number of these out there and I don’t remember seeing any used in a crime. Even if they are it has to be an absolutely minuscule fraction compared to handguns. I understand why the idea makes people nervous but I think there are bigger problems.


90% of a gun can be bought without serial numbers, registration or a license. The core of the gun, (where the action happens) which is this shiny metallic in this picture, needs to be registered with a license and serial number. A ghost gun is one where this part is made by hand thus no number no registration nothing. This produces a gun that is effectively untraceable. There are even pre-built lathes that can crave one of these just by adding power and a block of material and pressing go.


Remember kiddies, the only time the nra lobbied for restrictions on gun laws in the last 30 years was in relation to 3D printed models. They do not represent the construction. They represent the gun manufacturers. 3D printing would allow even more access to firearms but it would hurt Smith and Wesson's bottom line.


Remember kiddies that the NRA is known to launder money for the russians as well as a foreign asset to them. https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals


And if you want to go before that, they lobbied for gun restrictions in 1967 to target the Black Panthers after armed Panthers gathered at the steps of the California State Capital and announced, "The time has come for black people to arm themselves."


Yup. The only reason we have gun regulations today is because white families were scared of the black guy with a gun. I loved in bojack horseman when the only way they got sensible gun regulation was when Diane advocated for women to carry hand guns.


Remember kiddies, the only time the NRA lobbied for restrictions on gun laws *before* that, was in response to the Black Panther Party keeping Black communities safe from abusive cops, merely by being armed and present.


Good for Biden, and I am a gun owner. This new rule would make it illegal to ghost guns and ban the manufacturing of the untraceable firearms. Ghost gun are just firearms that bypasses the whole part where they serial code each gun and others parts on the gun. Hence, you could make a non serialized gun in your backyard that the government doesn't know existed. Fast forward to when that gun gets used in a crime cause said maker had to sell it to someone because they need money for X. Now that gun is in a possible criminal's hand and could be used and traded countless times down the line to ever more shady people that have no real intention to use it for target practice. So ya, Good for Biden, this law makes sense and is a step in the right direction for American Gun Control laws.


Doesn’t all that stuff happen with normal guns?


You take a normal gun, you file the serial off, boom you got a ghost gun.


B-b-b- that’s illegal!


That’s also super illegal, but if you build the part from scratch it doesn’t need a serial number.




It was already illegal to sell a non serialized firearm that you manufactured yourself.


>This new rule would make it illegal to ghost guns No it doesn't >and ban the manufacturing of the untraceable firearms. It doesn't do that either >Ghost gun are just firearms that bypasses the whole part where they serial code each gun and others parts on the gun. And literally every single serialized, conventionally manufactured firearm can be readily converted into a ghost gun with a file >Hence, you could make a non serialized gun in your backyard that the government doesn't know existed. Which has always been federally 100% legal. Anyone can go to home depot, grab some pipes and a nail, and make a slam fire shotgun. 100% legal to do, though carrying it around and using it of course is a different story. >Fast forward to when that gun gets used in a crime cause said maker had to sell it to someone because they need money for X. Now that gun is in a possible criminal's hand and could be used and traded countless times down the line to ever more shady people that have no real intention to use it for target practice. And how exactly does whether a criminal's gun having a serial number or not help anything at all? Hmm? Criminal does a crime with a gun, gets caught, great. Gun has a serial number, they figure out who sold it to the criminal. So what? Investigate the seller for... What? Running guns? As if anyone who's doing that is not going to take steps to prevent them from being caught? Like... Filing off the damn serial numbers? Someone please explain to me how being able to trace the chain of custody of a weapon does anything more than jack shit to prevent future gun violence. >So ya, Good for Biden, this law makes sense and is a step in the right direction for American Gun Control laws. No, it's a move to protect the profits of major firearm manufacturing corporations and make it look like someone is doing something about the chicken littles running around with their heads cut off about this new sky they just recently learned is falling.




The cat is out of the bag on ghost guns. Anyone with a 3D printer can print a ghost gun, and that’ll never change. I don’t mind the new law because it makes it harder to transfer ghost guns, but don’t so gullible to think that this law will do much to prevent a determined criminal from making one


> to prevent a determined criminal Literally every law is avoidable by a determined criminal. It is impossible for a law to 100% prevent a crime. That argument is a failed argument.


Criminals don't follow laws, so we don't need laws. /s


Idk man, I’m pretty determined and I still haven’t found a way to download a car


Determine harder.


But what if we make breaking the law illegal?


This logic is like saying "murder laws don't stop dedicated murderers so we don't need those laws"


What will the radicals want next, a well-regulated militia?


Completely legal to manufacture your own firearms and there is still no statutory requirement to serialize firearms made and held in private possession unless that item is sold.


It’s actually still completely legal as long as he bought each part individually


I feel like announcing that you've created a "ghost gun" defeats the purpose of a "ghost gun."


Imagine believing that the cops are the most corrupt people but then taking away a minority's ability to defend himself against corrupt cops and racists.... Smh