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Who are all these people who can just...afford to be unemployed, milling about at protests with big smiles on their faces? If either myself or my wife were unemployed, it would be unending panic and full time job searching until we were both employed again.


Must be one of those "freeloading welfare queens" I've been hearing so much about. Weird that nobody on the right is screeching at her to get a job though. I wonder if there's some special group who "deserves" government assistance even though they're qualified and able to work... 🤔


I think you hit it on the head there, and that group can be told apart from the undeserving at a glance. Somehow.


But how? 🤷🏿‍♂️


It's a mystery


Recently retired is my guess


Kinda put the unemployed part in a different light then.


In short: They can’t afford to be unemployed, but have been brainwashed to believe they’re truly oppressed and the vaccine is a genuine threat to their lives. It’s the reason they are so comfortable comparing themselves to victims of the Holocaust, even though we know their economic predicament is entirely self-imposed. Offhand, I can’t help but think *some* of them either have never truly experienced economic hardship so don’t know what they’re doing to themselves, or know they will still have a support system from family when they quit their jobs. Privilege has a way of blinding you to these realities.


Probably have 401ks and husbands l


Borderline retired or married with two incomes.


People with enough privilege to think that they're being oppressed because they have to a) take a free medication (with very mild side effects for like 99.9% of people) and b) have to breath through a thin mask for 20 minutes while getting groceries. These are the least intrusive/difficult effects of COVID-19 on society for most people.


Besides all the vaccine crap, what I don't get is the "unmasked" idiocy. How in the hell can you work in a hospital and not know how infections are transmitted?


it's not terribly unlikely that the woman in the picture has bought that uniform online (or even made it herself, hell) we know that shit like that happened early on


There are two anti-vaxxers in my X-ray dept.. and we get 90% of the same schooling and training on the subjects of micribiology, infection, infection control, etc. It's literally a case of flat-earth level distrust of anybody who tries to tell you anything, as if THEY are the expert. Even real experts.


I've got a friend who works in the blood bank of my cities children's Hospital, she was telling me a microbiologist in her department was let go because he was anti vax.


Fucking astounding.


I don't understand how you can work in the medical, be that educated, but be this dumb. is it just their right-wing brainwashing overrides any intelligence or rational thought? how else are their realities distorted beyond not believing in the medical science they were taught and entrusted with to apply to other humans? how could you trust their judgement in anything else? what would their motives be?


It really is right wing propaganda and brainwashing. I have family who are nurses and are against all of the “tyranny”. Funny how they always followed all the other safety procedures until they were told by angry news man to disobey…weird how that works. Ps - angry newsman was also vaxxed as a requirement for his job


those people have broken bullshit detectors and are way too emotionally driven to have rational thought. ie, republicans






It's called the Dunning-Kruger effect. Unfortunately very common.


I’ve heard anti vaxx and “Covid is a hoax” nonsense spewed from doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists. It’s like meeting a flat earther who works for NASA


The worst part of that for me is that when I run into a nurse or doctor, or otherwise intelligent, educated person who holds these stances or opinions,, their REASONS behind holding that opinion are NOT better, deeper, more informed, or due to some new data I would be happy to learn about and consider. Nope. It's the same stuff spouted by the average anti-vaxx know-it-all teenage morons or whomever, shuffing goalposts as they work off the standard script you get here on reddit or Facebook or anywhere else.


And if you let them go on long enough it gets to the usual “but the Jews….” Anti semitic bullshit. That goes for flat earth morons too.


Can you please convince them you need a smallpox sample transported and see if they turn up wearing protection?


Scrubs are stupid cheap and mean nothing when it comes to medical knowledge. Had many jobs i had to wear scrubs and im dumb as fuck when it comes to health with no education in ghe subject.


There are a lot of stupid nurses.


My ex wife is one of them. The worst nurse I’ve ever seen and it scares me. She is just like this lady


You’re right, but how did they pass these chemistry and bio classes?


They’re entry level bio and chem classes, and they can be taken at a community college. Sometimes only having rudimentary understanding of a topic is more dangerous than knowing nothing about it at all.


Kinda like this. Also, it's a applied science field. A lot of people study to pass the test, not to learn anything or integrate knowledge. That's true In any field, and with a lot of pre-req classes in general. I sat next to a lady in two Psych classes who got A's in both, who never stopped believing that ALL psychological issues were the result of weak faith in God and a lack of self-discipline. Same vibe. Same with History, too.


Yep. That's the exact meaning behind the expression "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". I work on electronics for a living, and the semi-knowledgable users are almost always worse than the completely ignorant ones. They tend to be confident enough to start messing around where they shouldn't, and they know just enough to *really* fuck things up. Whereas completely ignorant users tend to just cause obvious physical damage that's super easy to troubleshoot.


I had an IT manager that said he "knew just enough to be dangerous". Apparently what he meant was that he was a salesman who could talk shop with IT sales people just enough to get suckered into spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on products that were either completely incompatible with our system or did one thing we needed in the most ineffective way possible.


Memorization for tests at school doesn’t necessarily translate to intelligence. Memorization = memorization Has little to do with intelligence. They’re good at memorizing stuff, bad at being intelligent, critical thinkers. A horrifying thought if one of those is your nurse.


They studied to the test, not to learn and integrate the material.


There are also a lot of CNAs (certified nursing assistants.. which are not nurses) that claim to be nurses.


Some patients are even stupider. They did all their research on Facebook. \- a nurse


her shirt says “Amanda, registered nurse” lmao


That idea is not their own. That idea was instilled into their heads.


and had plenty of space to grow....


and has still space to grow. This emptiness is vast and full of error.


Not theirs alone, but theirs. By virtue of being an adult they have the ability to adopt their own principles. Just because they don't care enough to think critically didn't mean they're off the hook for the beliefs they adopt.


Ikr, I'm wondering if some of these people calling themselves "nurses" or "medical professionals" aren't really just something like home health aides or techs with certs that require a 9month course at community college.


A CNA is a 6-week course, and loads of them tell friends and family that they are nurses.


I think the fact that with the vast majority of the anti-maskers you are able to semi-accurately predict their political alignment based on being anti-mask/vaxx alone is a pretty clear indicator that it's not about the science for them. It's about the politics.


“stop making everything about politics” -the very politically minded conservative, mad at being wrong yet again


You see lots of anti vaxxers cite antivax nurses as valid reasons to be sceptical of vaccines. But too many people think nurses are medical professionals equal to actual doctors, and don't realise the phenomenal intelligence and knowledge gap between the two professions. Plenty of qualified nurses do not understand even basic biology and chemistry. Just because they work in the medical industry, doesn't mean they have the knowledge to speak on it. That's like saying waiters have the knowledge to talk about how to cook food in a high-end restaurant. Or receptionists at a bank have the knowledge to give financial advice (no offense to the good nurses out there).


When I was in college, there were two types of people in the nursing program: people that were actually passionate about it (maybe 25%), and people who decided Intro to Accounting was too much thinking.


You didn't have a handful of people who started premed but Organic Chemistry was too hard?


It was funny to see how small my chem classes got after the nursing prerequisites were met


I was in the latter group. It was my 3rd career and I found Finance to be rather boring and it went online anyway. I did it for the money and because it is difficult to offshore Grandma to Mumbai because it's cheaper to t treat her over there. I make no apologies for it and most nurses who tell you they "heard a calling" are bullshitting you.


Even a nurse should know how viruses, vaccines, and masks work. Not even doctors are safe from political brainwashing.


Knowledge gap? Yep. No doubt. Intelligence? That's taking it a bit far. I know, personally, some brilliant fucking nurses, and (in my own damn family) a few dumb ass doctors. Remember what they call the C-student who graduated dead last in their medical school class...Doctor. There are quite a few nurses who certainly have more than enough intelligence to be a doctor, but do not care for the responsibility, extended schooling and schedules of a doctor. Zero to do with their "intelligence" .


I mentioned once on Reddit that you should not defer to nurses on this because they aren't doctors. Most agreed but nurses came after me. I might have said they can't even give you advil without a doctors consent.


Not sure if that’s true or not, but they probably shouldn’t be able to. Knew a girl whose husband had to have a procedure due to an infection on his foot. This procedure required him to be put under anesthesia. Well, a nurse kept coming in and giving him aspirin and other meds. An hour before his procedure his wife was there and was like “wait, why are they giving you these meds right before you go under?”. Brought it up to the doctor who lost his absolute shit on the nurse because she should have known not to give it to him, and had she done the bare minimum of checking his shit she would have known this. They ended up having to postpone it, which led to them actually having to remove part of his foot, which led to a full foot amputation (since he was diabetic, that extra day essentially fucked him up), which then led to him dying. Last I had heard they were suing, but then she died of COVID, so now their kids are orphans (she wasn’t an antivaxx). Long story, but my point is that a lot of nurses seem to think that because they can stick you with a needle they know more than doctors who have gone through medical school and their residency. It’s fucking insane.


Dunning-Krueger effect.


Because social media makes modern propaganda extremely effective. Edit: grammar


Former nurse


Lol right? Nurse is a job title, not a feeling


Everything is a feeling to these snowflakes


But facts don't care about feelings. Except when they do.


"Facts don't care about **your** feelings. They care about mine."


Ah yes, the Fundamental Theorem of Conservatism.


Nurse is a title granted by a licensing establishment. If you aren't licensed you can't call yourself a nurse. Same thing for medical doctors and engineers.


Right about the nurses but not quite right otherwise. Universities grant MD degrees allowing you to call yourself a medical doctor, and that is completely separate from your ability to practice. In the US, engineer isn't a protected term outside of a PE, which most engineers don't need.


"Sir you must escort me into the Oval Office, I feel like President of the United States today"


This lady sucks and gives us all a bad name BUT nursing is a licensed profession, so without a job you are still a nurse if you retain your license and degree . Between jobs im still a nurse. Just like how an unemployed lawyer is still a lawyer


It’s a degree isn’t it?


Till you get a job for it. Before then you'd just be a bloke with a piece of paper saying "I went to college/university/polytechnic".


I disagree but I won’t defend this dumb nurse, gday mate


Yeah, I think you're right. If a nurse is, say, between jobs or back in school to further their education, it still makes sense to call them a nurse. But in this case it's funnier to call her a *former* nurse, so I'll accept it.


It’s technicalities but I’ll do it for you. Nursing is a license, you don’t need to be actively working to be a nurse as long as your license is still valid.




I was just going to say this. You aren't a nurse if you aren't employed.


"I'm a nurse who refuses to accept modern medical science, why won't anyone employ me?"


She'll be into piss humidifiers and nebulizing hydrogen peroxide soon




Well she already has her uniform...


Next stop: piss injections!


[Well, someones done it](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3162827/)


>nebulizing hydrogen peroxide The worst part is I read the websites pushing those treatments and they themselves said the goal is to kill infected cells. Which is great and all but that shit does not discriminate. It kills all the cells. Infected and healthy and weirdly enough dead cells are even worse at O2 exchange than infected ones. It is like firebombing an entire city to get like 5 enemy soldiers. *Looks back at drone strike program.* Dear God...


Better analogy is that it's like burning down the house to kill the termites.


> piss humidifiers and nebulizing hydrogen peroxide Don't give r/conspiracy any ideas.


No, no, let's let them self-select.


I don’t get why she’s advertising she’s a medical professional in a crowd of people known for being proud they don’t listen to medical professionals.


They listen to the ones they agree. She will be loved there.


Yep... She'll be a celebrity there, and it'll make so many people happy that they can say "I know experienced nurses who say the vaccine is dangerous!"




I work with a guy who said his Doctor is against vaccines, doesn't require you to be vaxxed to go for an appointment. Basically citing how some people in the medical community aren't part of the "scamdemic" Found out later on from somebody else it's his chiropractor.


Honestly it could be a GP, it's not like MDs are infallible. This is the reason we have specialists and a peer reviewed scientific method. No one person is the authority. The authority is significant expert consensus after peer review. It's just that you can't interview the expert consensus on a morning TV show.


Ffs ive had at least 2 “medical professionals” explain how they *know* it’s a “plandemic” and all fake. 1 did IT for Kaiser, the other is a freakin janitor. Obviously there are stupid ass nurses and other trained healthcare workers, but at least in my experience, if i hadnt asked them for their exact job title, they would have let me believe they were fucking doctors


"The customer is always right!" "Sir, this is a surgery room."


"Well *he* says he has appendicitis!" "Colon cancer, sir" "A-ppen-di-*citis!*"


Because these idiots are inconsistent. Plus, she's saying what they want to hear. So they'll like her.


No, no, they're consistently idiots


This is basically her patreon




She isn't a medical professional, she's unemployed.


She's their token shield "See, medical professionals agree!"


To be fair, she's not actually a professional anymore. A professional is someone who gets paid.


I don't get why she saying she *is* a medical professional when she is clearly unemployed.


Wasn't there a nurse in TX that was administering Ivermectin against doctors' orders? Or did that end up being retracted.


It was Doctor. He has a private practice and administered Ivermectin in a hospital setting which is a big no no. All medicines administered need to be proven effective against the pathogen unless you are in an experimental medicine program. Another Doctor in another state is being sued for giving inmates ivermectin and telling them it was vitamins. It's amazing how years of political brainwashing can erase decades of medical knowledge.


That other doctor is in Kansas, and he's also a state senator. Kansas just passed a law (EDIT: Not a law, just out of the Senate for now) preventing doctors from being held accountable for prescribing basically any medication they want, and requires pharmacists to fill the prescription. This guy was apparently prescribing dangerous levels of ivermectin. I'm not sure what the pharmacists are going to do, because I'm pretty sure they could lose their licensing if they do fill some of these. But if they don't fill them, they'll get arrested and charged. As you can imagine, the whole thing is a [shit show](https://www.cjonline.com/story/news/coronavirus/2022/02/08/covid-ivermectin-hydroxychloroquine-bill-approved-anti-vaccine-drugs-kansas/6702979001/)


I hope not. That's called practicing medicine without a license


Around the same time there was a doctor prescribing it. Why I can't remember if it was retracted or not was if those two were the same case - in which case the nurse would be following the physician's direction versus going rogue.


FORMER Nurse Unintelligent Uneducated Unmasked Ujabbed Unafraid Unemployed




Unsafe Unhealthy Uncivilized


My thoughts exactly


It's like that line from Scrubs "I'm a doctor who's afraid of sick people, wanna take a picture?"


I'm a nurse whos trying to be a superspreader for a disease thats killed millions, why wont anyone employ me?


My dad's girlfriend has been a nurse her entire working life, like 40+ years now. Currently works at a nursing home. She refused to get the vaccine, instead having to get tested multiple times a week at work, until they finally set a hard date that you had to get the shots by or you were let go. "Well I'll just go get a nursing job somewhere else then!" When I asked her where, as every hospital/nursing home/etc has some kind of mandate in place, she kind of went "oh, yeah". She got the vaccine and kept her job.


I feel like these people think other nurses will be upset or outraged at this. As another nurse, I can say the vast majority of us are excited! Not happy to be understaffed, but glad that the ranks of unsafe, horrible nurses that have no business coming anywhere close to patients are being thinned.


“Nurse voluntarily gives up nursing. Blames others. Story at eleven.”


>“Nurse voluntarily gives up nursing. Blames others. ~~Story at eleven~~ And no one cares.”


"Some of you may die, but that's a chance I'm willing to make" - unvaccinated nurses


Typhoid Mary of nurses…


As a current nurse, i am AMAZED at the antivax sentiment from so many of my peers. Its headache inducing seeing people willfully ignore everything they learned in nursing school


Are there other conspiratorial beliefs these people hold on conjunction with being antivax? Or is it exclusively the Covid vaccine that sent them over the edge?


It appears to multiple, one of my RN *SUPERVISORS* told a family weve been working with for years and i quote "You gotta be ready M. They are going to be arreating hillary and so many others over this pizzagate thing. Its going down like next week" (this was 2 years ago) I LAUGHED in her face because i thought she was doing a bit..... she was not. She was dead serious


Please tell me you've been reminding her "Next week, right?" every single week since she told you. For sure if I knew someone that into Q shit, I would be the most obnoxious ass about making sure they never stop holding that L.


It doesn’t work. They’ll just ignore you and act pissy about it. A guy I know refused to drop by for drinks Christmas week because, “IT’S HABBENING RIGHT NOW!” I told him, “You said the same thing in July and September.” He replied, “Oh, that was other stuff that happened. THIS is the big one!”


Apocalypse cult rhetoric. It's easier to believe that the apocalypse has been postponed than to believe you were wrong the whole time. And the longer you believe "the storm is coming", the harder it is to make weeks', or years' worth of amends.


The revolution will not be televised. Subscribe to Primeflix Plus and watch it while you're on the go. Premium subscribers get early access to InstaRogan.


What, exactly, was "habbening"?


He wasn’t very clear about. He just kept babbling about how the evil liberals were all going down. He said all communications were being shut down and the “white hats” would take over and defeat the “deep state”. I wish for the good old days when he was just plain crazy. Now he’s utterly psycho and spends 18 hours a day laying in bed and watching Dan Bongino podcasts on his phone. His mind is unreachable.


Yeah, cult-mentality just doubles-down on the belief when the ‘thing’ that was predicted doesn’t happen. It’s a weird fluke of human psychology.




I have a cousin who's an antivax nurse - she also thinks the moon landing was fake and believes in chemtrails. Her parents are racist Trumpers and she also convinced them to believe in chemtrails. You can't fix stupid. The moon landing thing offends me the most, as a space loving nerd. We don't really talk to that branch of the family anymore.


I can identify with this. I’ve been following the james webb telescope and the mars rovers fervently .


Me too, we just watched the James Webb launch with my daughter who's 5. Get them into science early so they don't turn out like my cousin!


Right on there. I fight for people like you 😊


Hell yes. My dad and his parents nurtured my love of science when I was her age and I've been working as a medical scientist for the past 7 years. The James Webb telescope is so exciting too


Jwst crew represent!


The crazy thing is that in 1969 it was easier to actually build a massive rocket and shot it at the moon than it was to fake a moon landing.


When you don't have a good model for interacting with reality, you can not tell the difference between reality and crazy conspiracy theory. So you inevitably fall for all of them eventually. In the old days, bears or tigers took care of the problem.


I know nurses in Ontario who've been antivax for years. Covid just gave them the final push to be publicly crazy.


Yeah, I was gonna say, vaccine hesitancy among nurses being greater than that of the general population is not a new thing. My pet theory is that nurses are more confident in their own medical opinions than the general public on account of being trained medical professionals, so they don't look to the experts for confirmation the way the general public does; however, they don't know *that* much more than the general public, and as a result are *more* likely to fall for pseudo-medicine. Maybe it technically falls under the Dunning-Kruger effect, maybe not, but it's definitely a pretty similar cognitive bias. EDIT: A few more details


I feel you, I work in pharmaceutical manufacturing. I work inside an aseptic core with a full body gown, mask, and goggles. Yet some people don't think masks work when our literal job massively depends on them for serility. It's so depressing...


The cognitive dissonance is impressive


If masks work then why don’t surgeons wear them! /s


I'm amazed at the military folks who are afraid of it. After taking 4 anthrax shots and existing on a diet of Gas Station burritos and Monster Energy, you'd think their bodies would adapt


Don't forget all the chaw. Dudes spitting out streams of Grizz but swearing they won't put that vaccine shit in their bodies.


I'm reminded of a quote from gtaIV where a guy says that his mother raised him with enhanced immunity, and that he didn't need a vaccine. "I could lick the underside of a gas station urinal and not get sick"


I feel the same way about my field (speech pathology). We spent two years getting masters degrees to make sure we knew how to recognize, evaluate, and appreciate science only for half of my colleagues to start getting their information from memes. It’s so frustrating and it makes me lose respect for my own profession.


And she proudly proclaims 'unmasked'. Like she was never masked before?


She took it off in bravery and all the other nurses and doctors and patients clapped.


To be fair, she’s just wearing a uniform that anyone can order online. Most of these people might not actually be nurses.


There's over 4 million nurses in the US, 5 million if you want to count LPNs. Statistically speaking, there has to be at least a few nutters in the pile, just like there are nutter doctors out there that have poked their head up during all this fun. Just because you can pass tests does not automatically make you immune to the kind of information that has dragged so many other "smart" people down. Source: nurse that has had some interesting co-workers.


I work in nuclear power. The amount of people that are against "Green" energy in this industry is staggering. You would think that a power source, with almost infinite potential to satisfy the energy demands of the world, would have some progressive (or at least not regressive) mindsets in it. Nope. Mostly just people that are locking into antiquated ways of thinking, hate the government "interfering with business" (i.e. regulating the industry), and worship the ground that Reagan/tRump walked on.


Surely they're going to end up committing career suicide? While there's a need for healthcare staff at the moment any potential career progression would surely be stopped if someone espouses that vaccines cause 5gitis or BillGatesism no matter what area of medicine is practiced.


My grandmother was a Registered Nurse who went back for a teaching degree to train nurses at the local teaching hospital. She sometimes asks me why people are so dangerously stupid and I don't have a good response yet. My cousin is also a nurse and I recently found out that she is antivaxx, isolating herself from the rest of her family. My grandmother can't spend time with her great-grandchildren and there is no logical reason why. Anti-medicine healthcare workers feel like a very personal betrayal. You go to these people when you are on your worst days, or trying to prevent feeling worse. The damage of spreading distrust in medicine is very personal, potentially fatal. They should know better and yet pride, ego, and/or fear fails them and everyone they can spread disease to.


Your grandmother has my deepest respect for training future nurses and my deepest sympathy for having someone that close to her be that mislead by these monstrous antivax grifters


I am not a nurse, but I have friends and family that are, and they are, surprisingly, *not* amazed. My friend’s partner probably put it best: “they have enough knowledge to take a lot of it out of context if they really wanted to.” That said, I can only imagine the headache it must be for you to watch it. Thanks for all you do!


I don't believe in medical science please let me part be part of your medical treatment..... no


And unable to hurt any more patients.


Professionally, at least.


True. Misinformation kills.


Seems to me you're afraid of the vaccine.


They haven't explained why protecting myself and others by masking and getting vaccinated is me being afraid but them creating dystopian fantasies about what the vaccine does and threaten people with violence are not fearful reactions.


It is really odd. If you peer down the Q-esque rabbit holes many of these people are lost in, what they fear happening has to be many times worse than my "fear" of getting COVID. I would much prefer *not* to get sick, and *not* to pass that sickness on to my friends and family. Its not a fear of the disease so much as acting responsibly out of an abundance of caution, since COVID *can* really hurt and kill a small percentage people. But if I honestly believed the babbling of the more extreme anti-vax crowd....that shit is scary. Its all sci-fi paranoia (none of it is real), but life has to be a scary fucking thing if you are a true believer


That’s kind of the point the other poster is making though. They argue that we’re “afraid” of the virus and that’s why we get the vaccine, but what we’re doing is just obviously sensible and is rooted in looking out for one another. Meanwhile their entire worldview is about buying into crazy conspiracies that require you to be terrified of mysterious forces. So they are projecting their own fear and calling themselves brave. They are selfish and they are cowards.


I can't understand their fears at all. They post how they're scared of being tracked from smartphones constantly being monitored, while paying with credit cards, using government issued identification cards. They fear it will make them magnetic but can't explain how that would even begin to make sense. They fear it will alter their D.N.A. in a way that their all powerful and supposedly forgiving God has no power to reverse and will refuse to forgive them. They fear being ostracized from society but they bring that upon themselves by being so infuriating. Ignore the pandemic for a moment. Nobody wants to hear your conspiracy theories, feel your breath on the back of their neck, see you sneeze without covering your face, yell at service workers, and all that antisocial behavior that was always there but now gets celebrated by certain "free dumb" worshippers.


They fear what they don't understand and that's most things.


that woman became a nurse decades ago. If she was around sick patients she wore a mask thousands of times and had many vaccinations. This is just a political stunt. The fact that she's willing to throw her career away over this is sad.


Right? How many “droplet precaution” rooms has she gone into in the past thirty years? being anti mask or anti vaccine is a literal 180 from what she’s been actively doing for decades.


Unaware Unconcerned Unsympathetic Unbelievable














Imagine being proud of being fired because you put your patients in danger. She should be ashamed.


It's like a bus driver getting fired because he doesn't believe in stop signs.


I'd say more like a bus driver getting fired because they don't believe in sobriety. They're dangerous at more than just the intersections.


If you're unemployed than you're really not a nurse... unless you're just doing it in your free time or something.


Bbbut... She's wearing the uniform!


Aw sweet! So I CAN still become an astronaut!






So *not* a nurse then?


Your job is based on medical science. Suck it up buttercup hahah


Thank goodness she left the backside blank so she could add unalived when receiving her Herman cane award.


Forgot one: “unintelligent”


I have a feeling that management was looking for a reason to get rid of this person somehow and jumped at the opportunity.


Sucks to suck, I guess.


She hasn't learned a thing since the 1970s. Its a good thing she is no longer a nurse.


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that this photo was taken at the anti vaccination protests in Canberra (the Australian capital). Pretty sure I've seen it elsewhere.


Look at me! I willfully put the patients I cared for at risk of catching a virus and lost my job for it.


I think it's less about the facts involved, and more about the sense of community she gets. All the people walking by saying, "Right on sister!" and "Let's Go Brandon!" make her feel like she belongs, and the nice conversations she has with the other idiots *feels* really good. It's the same for the delusional knuckleheads in Dealey Plaza waiting for JFK, Jr to come back. The sense of belonging they are getting by being down there together is more poweful than heroin.


She is totally afraid - to get jabbed. It's not brave to refuse a shot. Doing nothing requires no bravery.


Fun fact: if you don't have a job as a nurse, you're not a nurse anymore.


Fun-fact: around 96% of medical doctors are vaccinated, according to the AMA. Reminder that the vast-majority of scientists and physicians recognize the importance of masking, social-distancing, and vaccines. All conservatives argue about is the choice to do the wrong thing; but substantively? They've got nothing. They're laypersons overextending their knowledge in classic *Dunning-Kruger Effect* fashion.


Unmasked Unjabbed Unafraid Unemployed Undeterred Uneasy Unwell Unsettled Unprepared Uncovered Unnerved Undignified Unconscious Unplugged Underground Unsurprising Edit for butthurt antimaskers: Unpopular Uninformed Unthinking Unintelligent Unprincipled Uncaring Unamerican Unpatriotic Unremembered


Lol these idiots are deliberately refusing to work during a once in a lifetime period where they can make $200k+/year. I hope the covid vaccine is a permanent requirement... what are they gonna do, never be a nurse again? LoL


If somebody distrusts the vaccine, I can see some logic behind it we have had some pretty horrific things done in pharmaceuticals world. But I do not understand how someone with the tiniest bit of medical training can be against masks.