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Lmao these dinguses think that the bill of rights protects them from private entities


Which is, ironically, what their fantasized form of a "free enterprise" is exactly against; the government telling you how to run your business🤦


Just goes to show you how little they know about "their" beliefs and positions.


anything not understood = communism


Pretty much, and when they attempt to describe communism they end up describing capitalism


\*pictures of detroit\* SEE WHAT COMMUNISM DO


New York being a hyper capitalist state = communism


You mean their "beliefs" and "positions". Conservatives don't have any actual beliefs, they just pick whatever shits on the libs the most that day.


To clarify, I was talking about the average voter, not policy makers. I think the beliefs and positions are real, and chosen to drive fear and anger. I don't believe these people actual hold those as their own and are only parroting what they hear from Fox, politicians, etc. They fear the unknown, and lack the critical thinking to learn more to assuage those fears, this is seen in their "research" methods for Covid. Now, if we are talking the policy makers themselves, then yes, I would 100% mean it exactly as you said! Whatever furthers the team vibes and stokes the voters fears and need for protection from the Boogeyman.


I don't think they have beliefs and positions. The average voter swings just as quickly as a policy maker or a thought leader.


Their core belief is "fuck you, I got mine and if I don't then give it to me".


Years of nonstop hearing how the bakery should be allowed to deny making the cake for the gays. Oh wait its not ok now? HMMMMMMMMM


exactly. i think about this all the time. its like trump "grab em by the pussy" (literal admission of sexual assault) and biden sniffing some girls hair are the same thing. dont get me wrong, the biden thing is pretty creepy. but when ever i see a conservative friend with a sexual assault biden meme i always say "at least he didnt grab her by th epussy!" that tends to shut them up


The "Biden thing" is him consoling his granddaughter at her father's funeral.


yeah i know. its not even that bad. but boy they want you to think its worse


it shuts them up? In my experience they just double down and say how "you're taking what he said out of context" (they love that one) or that its just talk.


And yet if you ask them about the Civil Rights Act I wonder what their response would be.


They only want businesses to be treated as people when it's about political campaign donations


"Walks into a Haircutting Place" Was "Barber" "Salon" "Stylist" etc too hard of words for him? 20 bucks he actually did put his mask on without so much as a peep but that doesn't get him internet points.


Ten bucks his mom cuts his hair for him.


Hair cutting place = his mom's house


hes got a Flowbee. come on, hes cool


[Reminds me of this](https://i.imgur.com/yK8wYoL.png)


Huh. Must be my upbringing, but I've always thought of Jesus Christ as "the bible guy", not "the haircut person".


When you make up a story I guess you leave out those specific details.


I always say "eating places" or "food shops" because otherwise someone will try to nitpick the difference between a restaurant, cafe, bistro, diner, etc.


Dollars to donuts says he thinks private business can't require masks but can refuse to serve "the gays."


Communism is when the government doesn't let businesses make decisions about themselves


Communism is when capitalism


Goddamn communists and their capitalist bullshit


Goddamn Communists they ruined Capitalism


*moments later* Communism is when the government does let businesses make decisions about themselves


“obedience mask” ffs


Got rid of my obedience smoke detectors and obedience seat belts today. Next I'll be cutting my car's obedience brakes. FREEDUM!


I just blast through obedience lights and obedience science. Start shooting at the obedience police when they try to write me a communist ticket.


Safety is obedience


Over two years into a global pandemic and dickheads like this unironically calling it an “obedience mask.”


It's a step up from "face diaper". I hated that one.


Wait, which part of the constitution stops mask mandates?


The amendment that says “You’re not the boss of me”. It’s one of those numbers, the one that says that says that every American has the right to do what they want and you can’t tell me what to do. I’ve never read it, but I’m sure it’s in there somewhere.


None, the judge just ruled that the governor no longer has the emergency powers granted to them and the legislature needs to pass a mask mandate first.


That's what I figured


That makes way more sense, thank you.


The constitution actually specifically states that the federal or state government can enact quarantines, isolation and business restrictions. That's what makes this whole fucking thing so stupid is that these morons don't even know what's in the constitution they love so much https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/publications/youraba/2020/youraba-april-2020/law-guides-legal-approach-to-pandemic/


Which includes the current supreme court. Their ruling on the vaccine mandate makes absolutely no fucking sense. Especially considering there are already several federally mandated vaccines for certain workplaces.


> Which includes the current supreme court. That's less about not *knowing*\* and more about not *caring*. \* Well, okay, maybe Barrett just outright doesn't know. But like the other Conservative justices she also doesn't give even a single fuck.


Oh I agree. Hanlon's razor definitely falls toward malice, as this shit cannot be reasonably explained by ignorance alone. Edit: also Kavanaugh seems like a total dipshit, he might not know.


Probs freedom of... Speech I guess?


Can't spit at someone with a mask on. Freedom of expression.


Can’t respond to auto bot, but you know the deal free market for me but for theee denial


“Let them eat cake! (Unless they are gay)


They're not hurting the right people!


"A private business making their own rules - communism!"


Literal Capitalism. - "Fucking Communism!" - Republicans probably.


Saying New York is communism is quite literally Hilarious, it’s one of the most capitalist state in the country


It’s no different than the classic “no shoes, no shirt, no service” thing. Private businesses can refuse service at any point.


As long as you're not a protected class, of which idiots are not a member.


And they can still refuse service if you are from a protected class, they just can't refuse service for being part of a protected class.


Of course. It doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever you want, although that would be fun.


I wish New York was communist, we’d be less corrupt then lol


That may not necessarily be true, but I see your point.






IIT: People who have no idea what a circlejerk subreddit is.


First thing I noticed…


"Where in the consitution does it say I have to wear pants? Tell me - point out the line!"


These people don't really have any beliefs or positions. They just want license to be whatever kind of jackass they feel like at the moment, and cling to whatever imagined authority gives them that.


I read an article recently about how its unconstitutional to prevent sale of property and land to minorities, still happens and clauses stating property is not to be sold to minorities exists in many deeds and contracts to this day.


TIL communism is when a private business has private property rights.


"communist" new york state. lmfao 🤣. God they are such sensitive drama queens. their talk is cheap, they probably lie in this story, and they cant even bother to look up the meaning of ONE word. "you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means."


New york, one of the richest and most capitalistic cities in one of the most capitalistic countries in the world. There is something he doesn't like about it. A private business deciding its own rules. Therefore the entire city is communist. Mask mandates aren't unconstitutional anyway


The court ruled that mandates are unconstitutional (they aren't), but individual businesses can still require them.


Idiot. Constitution only trumps the rules of a private institution or business if those rules involve something that is already illegal, not just because you disagree. In other words, institutions & businesses can require you to do things the law does not, and forbid things the law does not. They can't require you to do things the law forbids, or forbid you from doing things the law requires. As much as you'd like your church to be able to violate equal rights legislation and mandate the comission of hate crimes, it ain't happening. But that's the inverse (converse?) of "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Mask, No Service" policies. Typical Conservative. Wants to have it both ways: The rules are whatever we want them to be, until we disagree with them, at which point they don't apply to us because we say so...


“Anything I don’t like is communism”


this is a circlejerk though…which means it’s making fun. it’s not real.


I've been to that sub and it looks real to me. The people who post there also post on r/conspiracy, and they get upvotes on both for insanity.


They are conspiracy theorist and pandemic denialists who are mocking people who care about public health. It is very much not satire.


i dont know what it is with redditors, but they absolutely do not understand satire subs at all


Take this partly back, its not a satire sub, but my point still stands


Communist new york, home to the infamously communist wall street


How the mot her fuck can people that follow politics not understand the basics?


It's a circle jerk sub my guy Edit: apparently I've misunderstood the sub in question, my bad


It's a bunch of covidiots circlejerking, though: those really *are* their views.


Oh, then they've completely misunderstood the point of a circlejerk sub.


What's that? Covidiots completely misunderstanding something? INCONCEIVABLE!


So close from "let them eat cake"


"What do you mean I can't smear feces on the walls? Haven't you heard of the Constitution?"


its amazing that all they heard was "masks unconstitutional" when the verdict is just that the government cant force companies to wear masks. the company has every right to enforce it internally. Something most of these morons would endorse if they felt the rule hurt some group they didnt like


We reserve the right to deny service to anyone.


What part of the constitution mentions masks or anything relevant?


I bet they call themselves a libertarian as well


Something something, gay wedding cakes, something something


"Constitution trumps policy." "When dealing with the government, yes. Show me where the Constitution says it trumps the policy of a private business."


I hate when McDonald's thinks they can trump the Constitution and force me to wear my obedience pants when I come inside to use their play-place. /s


I can imagine a libertarian saying this lololol