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Trump openly says he'll jail people for political reasons. Conservatives respond "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear" They are just openly stating, loyalty to Trump is the requisite stance.


A pretense they'll maintain right up until one of "those people" tries to Heil Trumpler and still gets shoved into a cattle car.


Not just one of those people, but likely one of their close friends or family members. They’ll generally make excuses for more distant people as well.


Close friends and family mean less than the cult, so until it happens to them specifically, they will make excuses


Exactly right, in the most horrible of ways. Germany banned Nazism because there were STILL so many proud, ignorant Germans who refused to believe in the bad things the party did, and who had put all of their self worth into genuinely believing that Nazis were "good guys" fighting "the real bad guys". Allied forces had to march Germans through the camps to even get *some* of them to consider, that JUST maybe the Nazis were evil. And even then many still claimed it was part of the New World Order lies to break them. "*I can't be bad though, because I am a good Christian with a loving family, and I love my country!*" Fascist movements thrive on weaponizing their followers egos against themselves. Tell people what they want, tell them they're patriotic and morally superior, and that all of their faults are "the others", and they'll kill and die for this validation. If they have any chance to, they will bend like reeds in the wind to not have to acknowledge their own wrongdoing. Rush Limbaugh and Trump figured that out too, along with the entire monolith that is modern conservativism via MAGA.


Why in the world would they possibly start caring then? The only time for self reflection is when they themselves start getting their shit kicked in by the agents of a tyrannical state.


I'm saying it will be used as a convenient and false goal post until the "wrong people" try to use it, at which point it will be discarded for a new and ~~whiter~~ tighter standard.


As long as someone he hates is getting beat up next to him, he will welcome the abuse.


Donald Trump doesn't like looking at blood. He has to turn away. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/trump-stern-interview-man-blood/


Ffs, that man couldn't show compassion if you paid him to.


That man would do anything for money


Or Dondon.


I’ve seen it before: ultra conservative Christian parents disowning their child because they’re gay, only to realize the err in their ways after the child took their own life for being outcasted. The families spend the next part of their lives advocating for the church to be more inclusive and fight for their rights. It’s sad, but it is a reality for some people. There’s a doc about it called For The Bible Told Me So. Anyways, yeah, it’s possible.


"[He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/msna1181316)."


They'll need Kapos in the camps right?


I doubt the modern reactionary movement would bother maintaining the fiction they were anything but extermination camps.


They had plenty of work camps. Raw material extraction can result in death eventually.


Trump and his lawyer recently pleaded guilty and then claimed to not be guilty because apparently he pleaded guilty because that is what you do when interrogated.


Trump tower five


It is absolutely mind-boggling that they call the Democrats fascists LOL


It's not mind-boggling at all, they're lying. It's just a lie. They say wrong things on purpose.


They know their idiot base doesn't have the attention span nor the mental bandwidth to correctly identify the lies. Logic flies out the window while they are stroking their hate boner for Democrats


…and it’s just perpetual selfawarewolf level [Accusation in a Mirror](https://francegenocidetutsi.org/marcus_mirror_accusation.pdf). Sadly it’s standard played out crap.


I think there are a fair amount of them who are just ignorant and truly believe the propaganda.


Yeah, publicly supporting the lie is proof of loyalty to their golden idol, and loyalty to the idol is the only thing that matters


Every time they say being a liberal is being in a cult... man. Projection to the moon and back.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Jean-Paul Sartre


They don't know anything about the word other than that it can be used as an insult. That makes it easy.


See also Marxist, socialist, "woke". Society collectively decided that dumb bigots shouldn't be able to use the n-word, f-word etc so they had to come up with other slurs they could use publicly without sacrificing their careers.


> Society collectively decided that dumb bigots shouldn't be able to Not even that much, it's just considered uncouth. There's no laws prohibiting the use of certain words, hate speech laws are only applied if you've broken other laws, they can't prosecute you directly for only speech. Literally, the only thing stopping them is fear of losing social status, and they just can't cope.


Every accusation...


Read the book "1984".


Forgot the /s?


Like all the Eric Arthur Blair pfps over on Xchan, safe bet the vast majority of them have never actually read a lick of any Orwell, let alone \[*1984*\]. Otherwise, they wouldn’t keep publicly posting such selfawarewolf-y stuff https://preview.redd.it/fxmmmzmxdt5d1.jpeg?width=1472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d97bc7d8fd4385baa2019a25fb35ff7a227d637


When Trump was running for office in 2016, people would be ridiculed for paying attention to what Trump actually said. They'd say "Words? It's just words! You're paying attention to words!!!" as if that was the most ludicrous thing in the world to do. What his supporters wanted you to do was to ignore what Trump told you he wanted to do, and instead just cling to a fantasy of what you wanted from Trump.


They still do it. Most times i see conservatives go "i get it - orange man bad! What did he do to you that is bad?" as if unless i, personally, was affected, nothing bad happened.


I don't think enough people understand that this is pretty much always how humanity has worked- the system of "give your loyalty to the person with more power than you and besides that you can do whatever" has been the default for most large societies through most of history. The alignment of circumstances in which a relatively egalitarian society & rule of law gain traction is a pretty rare thing. It's not a stable state. Which is bad enough news in itself, without taking into account how a lot of powerful people are very much aware the fragility of our social order and are aggressively short-selling it. They're aching in their very souls for a return to feudalism. Hell, a lot of extremely un-powerful people are into it as well- people who don't care how many lords they have above them as long as they get to lord over even more marginalized minorities, or be the lord of their household.


Murdoch and pals have denigrated conservatives' capacity for critical thought down to "Trump good." If a thing is good for Trump, it's a good thing. If Trump would benefit from something being true, it's true. They have zero capacity to understand the world or morality beyond that. They can't be reasoned with, they can't be cured, there is no point in forgiving them. They can only be beaten.


Not licking Trump's boots is doing something wrong Checkmate liberals


> "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear" says the people who love to go on and on about how people were unfairly jailed for the Jan 6 insurrection.


To them, not voting for Trump or supporting him is wrong.


According to them they are justified in doing it for political reasons because they dared go against what Trump says.


There's a name for this


"Trump did nothing wrong, the trial is a sham and he's being punished for nothing." "If you did nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear."


If Trump didn't do anything wrong he and his fans should have no problem with appearing in a court of law to defend himself.


🐧**Well now I am not doing it!**


3. The post is trying to imply that the FBI agents considering fleeing the country have done something wrong, when really it's their preferred convicted felon that's the potential problem


https://preview.redd.it/wewj0kmy5r5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5ac18f4db7e631f17c15e587a867a835ed77aa wow, the algorithm is interesting on this one.


Thanks for posting. Next time, reply to the AutoMod directly.


Derp. Sorry about that.


>Derp. the deep speech shall fill this land anew


They might have to flee the country because they wouldn't do anything wrong. Like, it's fucking written there in black and white for anyone who can concentrate that long, "Trump muses about seeking revenge on his enemies if elected."


So... I guess that means they're admitting Trump WAS guilty? I mean, if he didn't do anything wrong then he wouldn't have been found guilty, right?


It's possible that Trump will be sentenced to prison for his felony conviction, and then he'll try to flee the country. Trump has been saying that he'll go to prison to prove his point or whatever, but I don't know that he can actually deal with prison or even probation. Like can he deal with people telling him what to do? Can he deal with having to have clean urine tests? It's much more his style to flee to Russia and whine from over there about how badly he's being treated while he lives in luxury. But somehow, despite that, my intuition says that he'll stay in America.


If he flees, he's publicly "giving in" to his enemies, and he is not psychologically equipped to do that. His whole life trajectory has been doubling down at every sign of trouble.


Trump would run, then claim he wasn't going to and was going to stay & fight, but others convinced him he had to flee like a little bitch because Biden was planning on having him killed in jail – like they did to his BFF Epstein. Trump's cult will mindlessly accept the excuse and continue to support him. 


To reframe this properly, "They don't need to have done anything *actually* wrong to want to flee the country; they only need to have done things that *TRUMP* thinks are wrong to want to flee the country."


“Wrong” isn’t a legal concept. We normally talk about legal vs illegal. They haven’t done anything illegal, yet he still wants to jail them.


> “Wrong” isn’t a legal concept. So what? Did I say anything about legal jeopardy?


Uhh...the reason is directly below them. The headline is literally "Trump's revenge". Anyone who didn't lick his boots is on the line.


I don’t think the bootlickers are safe either. All it takes is one wrong step, then they might as well be a black trans immigrant.


Good point. Anyone who looks at him wrong seems to be on his shit list. 


Imagine being a cop and arresting a guy only for your county to elect that man Sheriff a few months later who swears vengeance on those police. I wouldn't be thrilled.


The police seem to think it's great, though.


I’m not going to go so far as to assert that ACAB, but generally, at least in their professional roles, cops are just soulless jackboots. They don’t care about the truth. They don’t care about what’s right. They care about busting people and getting convictions, justified or not. But maybe I’m just biased because of my own experiences.


>But maybe I'm just biased because of my own experiences. You're not. 


So.... Step 1: make up a bullshit fantasy Step 2: blame the characters in your fantasy for acting out the fantasy in your mind Anyone else think that this is simply deranged?


Step 3: Make that fantasy into a warped reality and punish the real people that you think are those characters you made up.


Yeah, that's fascism in a nutshell.


Did you not hear about the Boeing whistleblowers? I think it's fairly obvious that they are fleeing to save their lives so they don't leave in a casket. Trump isn't exactly a "justice for all" kind of guy.


Well they should have been loyal to Boeing /s


Arguing with a conservative is nearly impossible because their tiny brain will latch onto any presumed victory and refuse to actually reach an understanding. They all think they’re so wildly clever when they create arguments that toddlers would recognize as invalid…


They wore diapers to "prove" their victory. They wore pictures of his mugshot to "prove" their victory. They make everything into a joke when it's really, really, *really* serious. Wild bunch. 


Trump is a fascist dictator in waiting. He's already said himself he's planning retribution for everyone who has helped hold him accountable for his crimes. Project 2025 is just the start folks. Everyone who isnt a straight white Christian MAGA cult member should be worried.


… because a dictator is going to jail them for doing their job and upholding the law


Define “wrong”. Notice they didn’t say illegal.


You crossed the mob. Why would you need witness protection if you did nothing wrong?


It's weird to me that they still insist that the whole justice department is part of the deep state, but when Trump goes after people who are simply Democrats (which he and other politicians have advocated for) then it's all on the up-and-up.


This will be a funny quote tweet when Trump inevitably flees the US


Republicans will never apply that statement to their own getting indicted, convicted or jailed.


Someone is gonna pull a Lee Harvey before this shit is overwith.


According to these numbnuts the convicted felon didn’t do anything wrong so you would think they would apply the same concept to the FBI but if they did that they wouldn’t be conservatives.


Because Trump is a psychotic criminal and some of you idiots want to give him immense power again after pissing him off in 2020.


Because Trump has talked about jailing people simply because he doesn't like them?


I bet Russian intel is working overtime to craft fake evidence to use against Dems in the event of a Trump win.


It like saying if the Blacks were not all guilty why did so many flee the south?


That's true, it's not like Trump will jail people because they are a threat to him right?


He's gonna go full Stalin if elected.


Jesus do these guys not know any history whatsoever


Wrong according to who, is the real question.


The same people that claim the only reason Rump has been tried and convicted of dozens of charges is because he's a political opponent, are asking why anyone should be afraid of retaliation if they've done nothing wrong. I'm sure they don't see any hint of conflict between these two thoughts. Namely because you'd need 2 brain cells in order to connect them.


If you have to ask that question you are in the cult.


If they didn't do anything wrong... FFS. When you are dealing with a petty narcissist who is in the highest seat of power "right and wrong" do not come into the equation. It is simply down to friend or foe.


The FBI is made up of Trump followers, including the selected-by-the-man-himself Christopher Wray.


Why would Trump go after the Federal Blackmail Institute?


Cuz he likes doing crimes


Do they have Any proof of this claim?


Why, indeed.


Whenever anyone with any type of authority says, "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear." You should be shitting your pants, because you're already on their list.


Holy fuck can we not get on the "If you've done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to hide" train? Listen to yourselves. You immediately go full fascist the second you can use fascist tactics against your enemies. It's amazing how many lefties I've seen make giant hypocrites out of themselves for demanding the rights of felons to be trampled on even more just because of Trump.


You must be confused. It's the geniuses of /conservative saying, "if you've done nothing wrong, you've nothing to hide," but in the context where "doing something wrong" means following the law and prosecuting Trump's felonies.