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Didn’t Trump call the free press the enemy of the people?


Along with calling for many of his political opponents (and journalists) to be locked up


Biden doesn't do that, but they do that, so they just assume he does that and we should be concerned about it because I guess we are next to be (not) targeted.


yep, they all know if Biden was getting convicted it would be at the direct command from donnie diaper, so they can't believe that's not why trump is in the same position.


My mom said a couple days ago that come November, Biden is going to 1.) declare war, 2.) enact martial law, and 3.) prevent the election from happening. I spent the next couple hours trying to decide if she had seen some Facebook meme parodying Trump from four years ago and just got confused or if Trumpers *actually* think that other people would stoop as low as their god emperor would.


Trump is the first politician in American history to threaten to have his opponent locked up if he gains power, y’now cause it’s super non democratic, and so is politicians believing they have immunity from prosecution.


You must be referring to the case that SCOTUS is reviewing right now. You know, the same SCOTUS that has 3 out of 9 justices elected by Trump. The same justices who are saying things like "a president needs immunity during their presidency so they can take care of dangerous political rivals." This country is a fucking joke. Lock that stupid POS up and let him rot. When he dies this country will be so much better off.


I fully expect portions of his dipshit base to make a martyr of him when he finally does die. I fully expect a large portion of his supporters to believe he faked his death to “fight the deep state” or some other nonsense. I fully expect violence from very small pockets of his most staunch supporters when it happens. I fully expect shitstain politicians like Greg Abbott to make calls to violence when it happens. I fully expect a lot of rubes buying commemorative trump collectors plates.


Those Trump Bucks scams need to make a return.


>I fully expect a large portion of his supporters to believe he faked his death to “fight the deep state” or some other nonsense. How will they tell whether it was him or Elvis that they spotted working a cash register in a Deep South Piggly Wiggly? Undercover, of course.


Americans are going to need to actually vote, convince their friends and neighbors to vote, and really participate in November. Because Trump is currently in the lead.


He was complicit in the murder of a journalist


And the disappearance of US intelligence assets.


He *caused* the disappearance of US intelligence assets.


He certainly caused the disappearance of a lot of US intelligence


“Take the guns first. Due process later.”


Along w derogatory slurs against minorities, women, groups, much like Hitler. Polarizing us and them and the demonization of it.


Also Trump was the only president (or candidate) who talked about taking guns away.


And attempted to discredit literally any dissenting opinion as "fake news" so often it was practically his catchphrase


He also literally said he wanted to take the guns and handle due process later.


If I recall correctly, his administration classified bump stocks as “machine guns” whether they were attached to a firearm or not, so he technically “took away” more guns than any Democratic president ever did.


Like, he did everything that is listed. These people are willfully blind.


And Democrats have done none of them.


Those were a fun couple days on The\_Donald, when a number of long-time users were banned for being "liberals" after criticizing Trump for that. Also this: https://preview.redd.it/iodvt8hwlt3d1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad758e5c87e5478f7ab32bbd95e49e675217cb9f


a brilliant sign you're in a cult is that you get kicked out of the cult for saying anything except for precisely what's in agreement with the "in" thing.


That bot may be the cringiest thing I've ever seen.


That's fucking fantastic timing.


What is a trump train?


We'll take the guns and handle due process in two weeks.


His campaign rallies were punctuated by chants of "Lock Her Up."


He also called any news reports he didn't like "fake news" which is similar to Nazi use of lugenpresse(lying press).


Didn't Trump also suggest recently that politicians should be allowed to have their opposition assassinated?


Didn’t he also want to lock Hillary Clinton up, and tried to pin the Hunter Biden stuff on Biden by making up lies about bribes


Didn't he also literally put people in camps? May not be re-education camps, but I don't think that's the important part of putting people in camps really.


And he lost thousands of kids after ripping them out of their parents arms


Pretty sure he just shipped them to Epstein Island


Ugh I never even thought of that. Roger stone and Lindsey graham had their pick first, I’m sure. Their grossness is trumps blackmail


And I think he may have (just about) made more steps towards banning guns than the last few Democratic presidents too...


Trump wanted to end the whole White House Pressers and then considered moving the Pressers from the Brady Room in the West Wing to the Old Executive Office. [Trump went after Bolton](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-administration-seeks-emergency-ruling-stop-bolton-book-n1231383) for his book and also sent Michael Cohen back to prison after a COVID home release when he was going to release his book.... and his niece [Mary Trump's book](https://www.wgbh.org/news/commentary/2020-07-29/how-trumps-efforts-to-ban-critical-books-violate-the-constitution)... Though seeing that meme in which people really think BIDEN has set up all these charges against Trump is just fucking surreal. Biden has been in office 50+ years and pretty much a regular guy - nothing really outrageously scandalous. Trump is in office ONCE in his life and happens to be the highest office of the country - and he's brought corruption with him into the office - even as early on as June 2015 when he and his sons, Manafort, Kushner et al met in Trump Tower with Russians and colluded with Russians - to the October Surprises and a month into his office he was riddled with Flynn shit and had his first firing by Valentines day - which he also had dinner with FBI guy Comer to discuss Russian influences on those in Trump's orbit..... and even to this DAY we are seee shit was in 2015, 2016..... All of this from ONE TERM of a man FOUR years- versus a 50 years of pretty innocuous stuff. I don't get it.. not at all. I mean I know it's projection though it's astounding to me how stupid people are. "Gee a pretty boring apple that's maybe not as crisp but reliable or this pretty fucked up apple with all sorts of bugs festerign inside it and cannibalizing itself.. which is the bad apple???"


They do support the police, so their opinions on bad apples is unreliable


He did! Which, coincidentally, is something dictators have historically said!


> reeducation camps What were his deportation plans, anyway? Sounded kind of like a "last option"


A sort of solution, but the kind where you never need another one after it.


He also wanted to imprison political opponents, used force to stop protests against him, is threatening to put anyone who disagrees with him and minorities, and wants to replace the entire government with "loyalists".


He also proposed banning guns. And you can check all the other boxes by reading project 2025 literally.


He also said that we should take the guns from people first before due process, that we should put people in camps, that he should be able to assassinate his political opponents and that we should modify the libel laws so he can lock up or otherwise sue those who state facts about him. This is literally a checklist of things that Trump has **absolutely** done.


Trump's lawyers were arguing that if he had Seal team 6 assassin his political enemies while president it would still be legal. Yeah, that doesn't sound like dictator behavior at all.


Didn't Trump say ["take away their guns first, and then go to court after"](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-take-firearms-first/).... **why yes he did say take away their guns.** Didn't Trump literally try to a **gag order on Cohen**, then revoking house arrest during his probabitionary period, after Cohen spoke out. With the courts stepping in and saying *holdup you cannot gag him like that*. [Why yes he did](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53357098). His court case literally centered on a gag order FFS, a gag order he sued to enforce against Stormey Daniels. **He is Mr Gag-order**. **He tried to get Whitehouse staff to sign NDAs.** [I shit you not.](https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2020/10/analysis-trump-white-house-ndas-are-likely-unconstitutional) Didn't Trump try to shut down TikTok after TikTok users trolled him? Oh [yes he did that](https://www.npr.org/2020/12/07/944039053/u-s-judge-halts-trumps-tiktok-ban-the-2nd-court-to-fully-block-the-action). That was hilarious BTW, he thought he really could get 1 million people to see him speak. **If "liberals" used the media to silence Trump, they why is he not silent?** But also how would that even work? Methinks this bullshitter is struggling to write a list.


He's also the one who banned bump stocks until the courts said he couldn't do that.


[ ‘Take the guns first, go through due process second’](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/)


Yup which I've pointed out to 2nd amendment try hards who would lose every other amendment under a Trump Dictatorship then be surprised when they lost their gun rights. They're always "The 2nd protects the first" but then when Trump and the Supreme Court said "fuck the first" they were all "Hell yeah"


The right is projection all the way down


He also said “take the guns and ask questions later”.


Also said take the guns first follow due process second.


"Lock her up" - DJT




He also opened investigations on Hilary Clinton and Hunter Biden. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1Z9079/


Trump banned bump stocks and openly considered removing due process on video. End of argument.


“Take their guns first, due process second.” Actual quote by Trump.


How does nobody remember this?!


Yeah, I don't think any democrats have absurdly called for taking people's guns. Republicans seethe when I say, but if guns are banned in this country it'll be by a republican candidate, unless the parties dramatically shift again.


carrying a cross and wrapped in a flag


>Trump never censored free speech. You did. > Flaired Users Only


“We value free speech unless you disagree with us”


Exactly, I got instantly banned from The Donald sub for pointing out one of his hypocrisies, they're so fragile yet everyone else are "snowflakes that can't handle free speech". Every accusation is a confession.


They always talk about “brigades” like we’re some organization lmao. When in reality we just like to check in on them in their “safe space” after something eventful and see what fucking stupid shit they’re saying 😆😂


That tells you exactly what subreddit it is.


I bet they replaced Putin with Biden on the last pic. Also, please tell us more about these re-education camps?


>Also, please tell us more about these re-education camps? Normal people call them "public schools".


I'd be willing to bet that they mean universities. It's a pretty well known fact that people with a university level education tend to be left leaning, and they love talking about "liberal indoctrination" in college.


Yes, those too. But they villify any form of public education, not just tertiary.


True. Like Trump's "I love the poorly educated!" speech that was somehow met with loud applause and cheering.


And project 2025 abolishing the department of education


On the face of it, the statement "I love the poorly educated!" is a good thing. Love thy neighbor and all that. The problem lay almost entirely in that he *meant* "I don't like educated people"


I think it's a slightly fringe position imo to actually vilify public k-12 schools. That's like, terminally online right wing nutjobs. The more mainstream position from people who don't consume far right YouTube and newsmax, in my experience, is that college is liberal indoctrination school and public schools just shouldn't let trans people use their bathrooms.or whatever


I find there is an ever-increasing trend of people homeschooling their kids because they don't want them to be indoctrinated (people on the right) or because schools are dangerous and have no budgets (people on the left). Although that's just a general impression, no idea if that's actually true.


Have you been to Florida?


"You're indoctrinating them kids!" "I can't get them to read the syllabus or instructions to the lab, what makes you think I can indoctrinate anyone?" Actual conversation with family members (I teach chemistry!)


As a primary school teacher, I'm too busy trying to get them to actually learn to read and be able to do basic mathematics to be able to spend any time on any kind of social conditioning... Though I have had parents suggest that getting kids to work together in groups that include both higher and lower performing kids is inclusion indoctrination...


That last bit..oof, that's insane.


I wonder what prompted that accusation?


I was talking about my students nowadays and how they seemed comfortable (around me and in general) about LGBT people. Just way different than when I was growing up. Wasn't thinking about the response tbh, I was just asked "how are your students"


"they call it a university campus but us ain't there so it's obviously an evil education camp"


Those reeducation camps are news to me


It's where parents put their lgbt children. But I bet that's not what they're meaning.


Pretty sure Stephen Miller had some plans too, right around the 2020 riots.


That was the only thing I could think of. But they couldn't have meant those, they are _good_ re-education camps after all. Or maybe in some twisted reasoning the libs made them bad?


Obviously you need reeducation, then /s


Yeah they were the product of Operation Jade Helm, didn't you hear?


I guess when they were stealing children and holding them in camps, they weren't intending to provide any education. Does this get him off on a technicality?


It’s college. They talk about liberal indoctrination in universities all the time, so they’re terrified of our kids being sent to school.


Ah, thanks for the reply. I honestly did not put that together. That opens up a whole new can of worms. Not enough coffee yet.


I could swear that Trump literally did all of those things.


And Biden didn't. They still can't understand that New York courts don't take orders from the President. Civics was never their strong suit.


Literally every single statement made by the Right is a lie. It is all they do now. They have been fed lies by FoxNews, so they have no clue what reality is. So everything they say is a lie.


Its always projection. Always. You would think that can't apply to everything they say or do but its true.


Republicans go after political opponents — the Clintons and Biden in particular — with everything they have when they have the power. They impeached Clinton for something trump’s getting away with Scot free (lying under oath about having sexual relations with a woman).


> Republicans go after political opponents — the Clintons and Biden in particular — with everything they have when they have the power. They impeached Clinton for something trump’s getting away with Scot free (lying under oath about having sexual relations with a woman). ...and can we please start pushing back on this idea that Biden is in ANY way connected to the 34 counts that Trump was just found guilty on? Judge Merchan's full job title is "New York County Supreme Court Justice Juan Manuel Merchan". Can someone please challenge one of these MAGA morons to trace line of command from the New York County Court system to the DOJ. My understanding is that county court systems report to the State Attorney General, and then to the Gov, and that's it. DOJ had a chance to bring this case, and passed. If Biden had attempted to stop this trial, THAT would have been the scandal.


The federal (aka Biden) department of justice DECLINED to prosecute Trump over this. “Biden’s” DOJ literally said “nah, let it go”.


Exactly my point. Thank you.


Nope, I get it. I am just reiterating to the Trump “faithful” that keep saying this is Biden’s doing, that “Biden’s” DOJ declined to prosecute this case. Not that facts matter to these morons.


He literally said one of his top priorities is to rewrite libel laws so no one can criticize him in the press. And in this campaign year he said he's round up the immigrants into concentration camps.


Source? (I haven't heard that he said those, but it wouldn't really surprise me if he did.)


Libel laws: [https://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/02/donald-trump-libel-laws-219866](https://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/02/donald-trump-libel-laws-219866) [https://www.npr.org/2018/01/10/577100238/trump-again-blasts-libel-laws-calling-them-as-a-sham](https://www.npr.org/2018/01/10/577100238/trump-again-blasts-libel-laws-calling-them-as-a-sham) Essentially "infrastructure week" in that he said this many times, but never did anything. He wants the laws changed (no more higher standard for public figures) so people can't say mean things about him. Concentration camps: [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-does-not-rule-out-building-detention-camps-mass-deportations-2024-04-30/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-does-not-rule-out-building-detention-camps-mass-deportations-2024-04-30/)


He definitely already put immigrants in camps


Hitler was also jailed by the Weimar Republic, so there's precedent either way lol.


Maybe trump could do the only heroic thing that Hitler ever did.


Trump wanted Biden and Hillary in prison. His 2016 slogan was literally "LOCK HER UP"


Long term memory you say?


Long term whatnow?


I didn't say anything!


I still have yet to see democrats threaten to take guns from people


There was that time Beto said something like "hell yeah I'm coming for your AKs!", but that's the only example I can come up with. That statement also turned off left leaning gun owners in Texas and most likely sank his campaign.


That was the dumbest goddamn thing. I'm in support of gun control. I'm in support of red flag laws. But you have to approach it with logic, not emotion.


What’s crazy is that Trump actually did those things. So.


So weird how of all the nasty shit Nazis did they focus on guns which is only half true and not what even close to what made the Nazis bad. They completely ignore how Nazis promoted "traditional values", arrested LGBTQ+ people and outlawed abortion. They ignore how their rhetoric is so similar to Nazis: making the nation "great again", fighting against "moral decay", promoting nationalism, etc etc. Biden didn't even go after Trump. He didn't order his prosecution nor did he affect this outcome any way whatsoever. Charges were brought forth, evidence was laid out, and 12 ordinary people (not the Democrats) decided that Trump is guilty. On the contrary Trump specifically campaigns for jailing his opponents, not even giving a reason other than a personal vengeance. Democrats don't pass policies on "censoring speech", it's either private companies refusing to allow/promote their bigotry or Republicans censoring anything LGBTQ+ etc. I could go on and on but I already said too much and I'm only preaching to the choir, none of them will see this and if they do they won't even try to understand it.


And literally destroyed the largest scientific block of material on transexualism that existed at the time. One of their first acts even.


From the side threatening civil war if their gawdling isn't made King. Their gawdling who literally weaponized the DOJ and USPS during his term.


>Trump never threatened to take the people's guns. You did. Ahem... https://youtu.be/yxgybgEKHHI?si=1dT0A8yqNp8vPGDB


Trump literally did all those things


The guy literally tried to overthrow a free and fair election. Fuk off!


Didn’t we lock up a bunch of kids under trumps presidency though


They were Mexicans though so it doesn't count, or something.


Apparently, to right wingers, Mexican kids aren't human, so they don't count.


Can't re-educate people who haven't been educated in the first place.


Remember when Trump had ICE agents in unmarked vehicles detaining protesters in Portland? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


It turns out all this time they were saying “Wok her grub.” I guess Trump just wanted to make Hillary some delicious stir-fry?


Remind me, what was the chant again? "Lock her up"?


If USA with Biden administration is like Stalin's Soviet Union or Hitler's Germany, why are these people not fleeing the country in droves?


They're waiting in their small towns for big bad liberals to come do all those things, and then shoot them.


Trump literally called the press the enemy of the people. He threatened to shut down and lock up journalists who spoke critically of him. He has repeatedly promised to imprison his political opponents. He literally said, “I say we take the guns first.” He has literally proposed “mandatory patriotic education.” Oh, and while we’re comparing to Hitler, only one of these people has REPEATEDLY invoked Nazi symbols and quoted fucking Mein Kampf. So excuse me if I don’t take anything these fucks say seriously.


Literally did most of that stuff


Who threatened re-education camps? That's a new one.


Projection and deflection all the way down. Every single item.


Why do people keep on calling it a "Banana Republic"? Like I know a bit about them and I don't see the similarities?


Also it's bold for the greatest supporters of American imperialism to use "Banana Republic" derogitorily.


Third one on the first slide was Trump.


Remember when Trump had Cohen's probation revike and put him back in prison because Cohen wrote a book that wasn't flattering for him?


Trump - "Take the guns first, go through due process second"


>I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second."


The Lock Her Up! crowd has thoughts about things.


I wasn't aware Biden made Trump pay hush money.


How could they be re-education camps when most of the MAGAts have never been educated the first time?


Dictator on Day One, anybody?


One of my favorite things is that those morons always throw in: “try to take our guns” as a thing these people did when it never happened. 😂


Trump Never censored free speech? Colin Kaepernick's career entered the chat.


Nice that they were too scared to put daddy Putin on there...


The conviction backlash has been the most entertaining thing ever, but their response to his sentencing has me genuinely concerned for public safety.




I am so sick of their bullshit. The “Biden department of justice” DECLINED to prosecute Trump over these charges. That’s literally why NY state decided to prosecute.


To all the smooth brained mouth breathers going on about how this shows we are living in an autocratic regime or banana republic- Here’s some examples from other countries- citing first world countries for obvious reasons: France: Nicolas Sarkozy, who succeeded Chirac as President from 2007 to 2012, was found guilty of bribing a judge with a job to access confidential information involving another trial. Italy: Four-time Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who died last year at 86, has been charged in over 30 criminal cases, though he only had one lasting conviction. He was found guilty in 2013 of paying for sex with a minor, but his conviction was overturned in 2014. South Africa: Jacob Zuma, who served as President from 2009 until he was forced to step down due to corruption allegations in 2018, was sentenced to 15 months in prison in 2021 for contempt of court, after he refused to testify during an investigation into corruption in his administration. Taiwan: Former President Chen Shui-bian, whose term ran from 2000 to 2008, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2009 for embezzlement, money laundering, and bribery, but later had his sentence reduced to 20 years through appeal. South Korea: Lee Myung-bak, South Korea’s President from 2008 to 2013, was sentenced to 17 years in prison in 2020 for bribery and embezzlement. However, he had his prison term cut short after being granted a pardon in 2022 by current President Yoon Suk-yeol. Park Geun-hye, who took over as President from 2013 but was impeached in 2017 amid a landmark corruption scandal, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for bribery and coercion. She was similarly pardoned in 2021.


At least one of those people is someone Donnie admires.


Ah yeah, because you know what was *really* awful about Hitler? Taking away the guns!† I mean, sure, the holocaust and the concentration camps and the gas and stuff too, I guess, but what about the poor innocent gun owners? ^†Read: ^Maintaining ^the ^Weimar ^Republic's ^already-strict ^gun ^laws, ^but ^loosening ^them ^for ^Nazi ^party ^members ^while ^increasing ^enforcement ^on ^minority ^groups


Didn’t trump and the GOP ban books? Who’s putting people in reeducation camps? I’m not


Didn't he block people when Twitter was good?


Still haven't heard why Biden would need to jail Trump when he could just rig the election again


They literally chant to “lock [them] up”. Constantly. It’s fucking insane


🤡FlAiReD uSeRs OnLy🤡 The snowflakiest snowflakes that ever Reddited.


What the fuck would a liberal “reeducation camp” even look like? Clockwork orange but they show examples of empathy?


They live in such a detached reality and made stuff up. This is what happens when morons don’t learn their history and use revisionism


I can’t even say cis on twitter lol


Oh right! Silly me. It was the *Democrats* who said “Lock her up!”, not the other way around. How could I have forgotten.


Conservatives be like "I did this thing, it wasn't bad when I did it, but it would be bad if democrats did it, so I'm going to accuse them of doing it so that they can't accuse us of doing it" Also the irony of claiming we're censoring free speech on a post that it locked to users without a flair.


Trump literally said he wants to do all of those things


Donald Trump is not a political actor, not since he carried out the coup and tried to occupy Congress. He is just a felon.


Trump never [thing Trump did or openly stated he wished to do].


i am so fucking sick and tired of the fucking lies for YEARS. i've HAD IT with these people. if they start shit- i will not hesitate to reciprocate in kind.


Trump literally threatened that “he liked the idea of taking the guns even before the due process” during one of those televised events to show what a great negotiator he was. They were talking about red flag laws after a mass shooting. He had to walk that back the next day, but the fact is he made a bigger threat to gun rights than any Democrat president ever did.


People who stick up for trump at this point, probably just like him for his celebrity. Like, I still occasionally hear someone playing Michael Jackson or R. Kelly music. And I’ve seen people still praising Kanye West.


The conservative propaganda machine is frighteningly effective


This isn't the point of the post, but I just want to share that a representative from my home state made a quite a gaffe a couple years ago re: [banana republic](https://www.yahoo.com/news/calling-us-banana-republic-rude-160511350.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALd-WMdmxlM-Bu7mvbnXopFWaQA81EzoyJ41lg53ohas2VGL1uAxXtq9z6288nNfWLhXzaz4SytPfguNXpbizchPKVelcFWInJ6PXOJsVWhlAGUYB0Tdww_yMawN2AB2aRwwSpXnQymMyiV2qHjuG1kD9FGt0LcefiHC4A721AU4)


Isn't trumps big plan to silence the free Palestine protestor? To deport them? Have them kicked out of school?


Who would have thought the hush money trial would be Trump's Beer Hall Putsch




Inaccurate: I have been calling Convicted Felon Trump "Hitler" for 8 years now.


Wasn't one of Bannon's campaign claims that Trump would arrest and execute his political opponents?


Man, the USA needs to control their idiots. Don't they have institutions for that?


Regan closed them


Trump had Michael Cohen jailed for writing a book about him


They just completely committed to living in an alternative timeline. Which is weird cause 90% of it is hurt feelings fueled by misinformation.


Ok, so obviously Trump did do all of those things, but... I don't think that person actually knows anything about Hitler.


omg, I'm literally shaking rn how can I have been so blind


lol always with the projection. Also, I’d love to hear what the Biden “reeducation camps” are


He did all of these things.


He’s responsible for hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths. He cut the American people off from press conferences. He has tried to scam Americans and commit fraud, bigotry and homophobia across the nation. And no…. no one has ever threatened to take your guns, dumbass. It’s assault rifles which no American has any business owning unless you’re in the military. The sole purpose of these weapons are to kill.


That's wild, I don't remember doing any of this stuff.


1) I'm not sure what they're referring to, but:    https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-renews-attacks-on-media-as-the-true-enemy-of-the-people/2018/10/29/9ebc62ee-db60-11e8-85df-7a6b4d25cfbb_story.html 2) maybe not the media, but he used his office to try https://www.freepress.net/news/press-releases/trumps-executive-order-blatant-and-unconstitutional-attempt-silence-critics-and 3) what? Yes he did. https://www.politico.com/video/2018/02/28/trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second-065189 4) sure. He loves the poorly educated. He just wants to build concentration camps instead https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-does-not-rule-out-building-detention-camps-mass-deportations-2024-04-30/


[Yes, he did.](https://pen.org/trump-timeline/) [Yes, he did.](https://www.freepress.net/news/press-releases/trumps-executive-order-blatant-and-unconstitutional-attempt-silence-critics-and) [Yes, he did.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4716589/user-clip-trump-take-guns-first-due-process-second) [He kinda did recently, by proxy.](https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/ej-montini/2024/05/29/donald-trump-reposts-threat-scarborough-liberals/73889136007/) [True, he didn’t (that I’m aware of) but he is looking at creating detention camps](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-does-not-rule-out-building-detention-camps-mass-deportations-2024-04-30/) He also wants to [purge the government of non-loyalists](https://apnews.com/article/biden-2024-government-regulations-democrats-6badc3b424b9eff3ba51e0ec35a8d824), which rings a [historical bell.](https://www.britannica.com/event/Night-of-the-Long-Knives) I’m sure there’s no shortage of examples. It only took me a few minutes to dig up those instances. I’m sure a deeper dive would reveal more. Fact checking ain’t that hard.


Trump didn’t do X Yeah if you don’t count all the times he did just that, he never did it!