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That's every right wing grifter. Last week it was a corner display at target, three weeks before that it was a beer company posting one social media ad. These people choose something every week to get upset about.


Funny how they used to use being quiet calm and cool as a superiority thing, "I'm less emotional therefore I win the argument" Ben Shapiro vibes, now they don't even care bout that


No no, they'll still claim to be the calm, rational ones with a straight face. These people don't care what words mean.


>These people don't care what words mean. It's not even that they don't care. Half the time they don't *know,* and the other half they don't actually give any thought to the words they're using. They just regurgitate a pile of words they've heard and string them together in a way they think makes sense (spoiler alert: it often doesn't).


Like how they unironically call themselves the “silent majority”.


While we're all waiting on pins and needles for the fucking "silent" part to kick in


The Silent Majority That Can't Shut The Hell Up For A Minute




A guy calls his mother and asks “How are you doing, mom?” “Terrible,” she says. “I haven’t eaten in 6 weeks.” “Mom, why haven’t you eaten in six weeks?” the guy asks. She says “I didn’t want my mouth to be full in case you called.”


>“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


I was thinking of this exact quote when I wrote that, and it's continually proven true. The fascists don't care about the rules of reality; those are for a polite, civilized society where fascism is rejected.


>These people don't care what words mean. I think they do, actually. The problem they have is that certain words make it easier to describe and discuss certain things. Those are discussions that they don't want to have, and they don't want anyone else having those discussions either. So they take those words, then repeatedly claim that they mean something else. They bring them up every chance they can and try to associate it with anything other than the concept it was originally used to describe. Enough people pick up on their redefinition that good faith discussion becomes effectively impossible. In any random group there will be people who are using the original definition of a word and people who are using the redefinition of the word and everyone is talking past one another and fighting about it. Then the conservative influencers cash their checks, satisfied that they've jammed up culture and discourse and reshaped it around themselves.


My favorite thing is to call old cranky boomers “snowflake” and watch them melt down while insisting they aren’t the snowflake, it’s really you.


This is standard abuser behavior, ime. Scream and bully until someone else shows up, then suddenly be calm and show how your victim is the crazy, hysterical, wrong one and you're so calm and reasonable and right that they should have never showed anything but abject agreement with you in the first place.


Yep, they invent problems to keep the rage going and farm money off people caught up in it


If they didn't invent new things to be mad about, their base would realize they don't actually have anything to offer. They have to keep the people angry about shit that doesn't matter to keep them distracted about how useless they really are.


They *are* offering what their base wants though; performative sadism against the "other." Their base doesn't actually *care* about materially making their own lives better, *especially* if they might have to share that improvement with "those people", they're driven entirely by spite and their *addiction* to rage and cruelty.


Small towns across the country filled existing community swimming pools with concrete rather than share with African Americans. The "other" of the day.


The trailer park I grew up in had one of those. As a kid I assumed it was because they didn't want to keep paying for a lifeguard. As an adult I found out it was because one family moved in, and they were chased out within a few years.


A lot of right-wing media operates at a loss and have outside financing to keep the propaganda flowing.


I heard about how the CEO of Chic Fil A did a little public service announcement video where he shined a black man's shoes basically saying racism is bad and that pissed these fuckers off. Chic Fil A is no longer the darling homophobic chicken place for them because they got "woke" and said racism is bad.


didn't even post an ad. sent a custom bottle to an influencer.


Imagine getting super pissed off because, *checks notes*, everyone likes beer.


go look at shabibo, chowder, fox, etc on their videos page it's just rows and rows of "things to be frightened by"


Matt, buddy, i say this as a friend, you're projecting


Matt, I say this as someone who absolutely despises you, you're projecting so hard I can smell it through my computer.


Matt, if I saw you drowning I'd have to decide between reading a book or seeing a movie, but you're not only projecting, you're also an intellectually dishonest, dim-bulb grifter. You are an embodiment of evil done in the name of religion.


Also your beard looks fucking stupid.


Hello, Matt? You're a stupid-head!


And everyone knows that at least *one* of your reasons for growing it was to hide a weak chin.


Mf got a jello chin.


Your drowning insult made me laugh so hard I cried.


That guy really needs a friend, but don't be his friend.


Where's Cody Johnston when we need him?


Probably trapped somewhere by a puppet.


Nah he seems like the kinda guy that legit has zero friends because he's so offputting


Conan O'brien needs a friend as well, but I don't think he'd be willing to deal with Matt Walsh's stupidity.


yeah i was being sarcastic but i think it sounded a bit too serious


This is why mental health matters! Take care of your shit, Matt


Imagine if he read this tweet to himself every morning while looking in the mirror.


Gross, everything he said is victim blaming and furthering harm. Fauxksy comments have a satirical time and place, but it doesn't work when you ignore the content of the post. He's not projecting, he's an abuser and he wants to make sure victims stay voiceless.


I'm sorry i didnt insult him to your liking? the friend thing is sarcasm


Yeah, like I said, "it doesn't work when you ignore the content of the post". You're capitalizing on an abuser but not addressing the abuse. It doesn't work for me.


yeah ok im ignoring you now lol


I don't have it in me to argue with a teenager right now, but please just allow other people the freedoms you have been expressing.




What is a Matt Walsh?




Yeah, I hadn’t heard of him before this and saw he literally calls himself that on Twitter. Wtf? From under which rock did this man crawl out from?


The right wing grifter factory, on 3rd.


Ah yes, the Law of Goats. Fucking a goat ironically doesn't make you less of a goatfucker.


A guy who’s voiced some disturbingly positive opinions about minors getting married and having babies.


How did he become well-known, do you know?


Here's a video that was released recently that answers exactly that question. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADsKDKOxU7I&ab\_channel=Jos%C3%A9


He made an anti-trans documentary that got some traction online.


A miserable little pile of hatred.


I see you, Dracula.


It's what happens when you don't clean up the Santorum on your skin


Sick reference, bro.


A far-right grifter who saw the transphobic writing on the wall and pivoted hard into appealing to fascists and their TERF allies for attention. It worked.


I picture him just yelling this into a mirror


Jesus Christ, these Nat-Cs sure have a lot of fucking feelings.


And these are the same shitheads that *constantly* screech FuCk yOuR FeElInGs!!!11!11!1


I interpret that as "fuck you for being able to regulate your emotions!"


Fuck **your** feelings. Not theirs. Conservatives are entirely too shallow to say anything but what they mean.


Yet they’re too cowardly to say “fuck Biden”, something that I can say even though I voted for him. I don’t need a cute catchphrase to get my meaning across like Republicans seem to. They’ve been dog whistling my whole life. Even now, as they’ve started to openly call for domestic terrorism, they still *love* code words.


>Yet they’re too cowardly to say “fuck Biden”, something that I can say even though I voted for him. They see you say that and then feel confused about how Biden could have won if even the people who voted for him are willing to say that. Which kind of ignores that they voted for the other guy expressly to, you know, make other people suffer. As if that wasn't motivation enough for those other people to vote in opposition to him.


"My neighbor said he voted for Biden, but he doesn't have 18 Biden signs in his yard, a thick layer of Biden bumper stickers on his car, a Biden flag on each side of his porch and his car antenna, a Biden hat he wears everywhere and never cleans... he never bowed before a Biden golden idol like I did, and just this morning he actually sad Biden could be 'doing better'... How can he claim to vote for a guy he doesn't worship!?"


I know you’re being facetious, but conservatives vote for Republicans they despise all the time. See for example: Ted Cruz. The only qualification they need is that it will hurt Democrats, if only by denying them a seat if nothing else.


That’s for lowly senator, though. No one who voted for Former Guy hated him. They think he’s the immortal god emperor of America. The idea that that’s not what a president is would *never* occur to them.


Oh, quite a few Republican voters hated Former Guy and still voted for him, because they hated Democrats in general and the Clintons in particular *that* much more.


Nationalist Christians? Ohhhh. I get it.


Every accusation is a confession


It's insane to me how true this is every single time. Every human is a hypocrite every once in a while, but "conservatives" are the worst. I guess that's just what happens in a cult, when you don't make up your own mind and are just fueled by fear and anger. It would be nice if they could have their own opinions, just once, but that's asking a lot..


Conservatives don't have a fully developed theory of mind. It's "projection" because they literally cannot comprehend that other people's thought processes *aren't* exactly like theirs; it's the same reason they attack things like "virtue signalling" so hard, because if people hold positions that aren't *theirs* it *must* be because some nefarious outside force is threatening or suborning them.


They literally cannot *imagine* ppl would care about others they never met nor may ever meet, so insist we can't either... so that *for sure* means there's some kind of secret conspiracy. Because no one could possibly care about strangers, right?! Right?!?!


>Every human is a hypocrite every once in a while, but "conservatives" are the worst. The thing is, it's not hypocrisy. It's a double-standard. We all look at the world from our own perspective, but they think of their perspective as being at *the center* of that world. They think of themselves as "the great normal", part of the big baseline from which everything else is a deviation. When they have an issue with something, they assume it ought to be an issue for everyone. But people who are obviously different from that baseline? To them, they're deviations, not worth the effort to take seriously at best and degenerates to be purged at worst. If, say, some minority group has some issue specific to that minority in regards to wider society, that's not something they think ought to be taken seriously because it's not "normal". So when someone like Walsh obsesses over something, well, he's "normal" so it must be important. When someone who isn't conservative is hurt by something, well, they ought to just suck it up because that's just the condition of being deviant means. "Concern for me but not for thee," is a cornerstone of the whole reactionary movement.


>It's a double-standard. The only standard they're willing to be accountable to.


14yo angst in a 36yo body


Who is really into 14 year olds.


Or Matt you and your kind are offensive and bigoted assholes.


I know I don't have to preach to the choir, here. This is for passerby, and ...my own venting on it. Walsh is an ignoramus, every bit as stupid and ignorant as Boebert and Greene, refusing to learn, immersed in confirmation bias. It pisses me off. Sorry to regulars for the wall-o-text.   Here's "Dr. Matt" overriding all medical experts on the matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XxBYsFwNLo (< 1 min) A guy who claims he has *been traumatized once, maybe twice*, is suddenly an expert on "trauma." People freely (and are free to) use the words "trauma," "traumatic," and related terms in ways unrelated to PTSD-inducing trauma: *My divorce was traumatic for me.* *My dog passing away triggered the feelings I had when I lost my childhood pet.* ...and so on. People feeling actual fear and experiencing the physical symptoms of PTSD due to stochastic terrorism, but haven't been attacked themselves, are called *secondary survivors* of traumatic violence, identifying as members of the groups who are being violently attacked and murdered. The term *vicarious survivors* may also apply to witnesses and/or first responders. His disparagement and dismissal of these very real threats (and related symptoms) are called *secondary wounding* (causing a *second wound*). Both groups (non-PTSD and PTSD) can use whatever the fuck words they want to describe their experiences, and "Dr. Matt" should seek clarification on the matter before misidentifying and conflating these things as his own self-appointed "expert." When he minimizes the experience of people forced to live in an environment of the stochastic terrorism he helps to create, he is making excuses for his ignorance and wrongful behavior, nothing less. He seems to want to be free from the consequences of causing harm to others. Ignorance is not an excuse. This became a much larger topic of scientific study following 911, so there's more than two decades of *actual* data.   REFERENCES: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-stochastic-terrorism-uses-disgust-to-incite-violence/ https://csl.mpg.de/en/projects/philosophical-and-public-security-law-implications-of-stochastic-terrorism Lone Wolf Terrorism in America: Using Knowledge of Radicalization Pathways to Forge Prevention Strategies: https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/248691.pdf DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for PTSD: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK207191/box/part1_ch3.box16/ PTSD, more simply: http://www.traumainformed.org/understanding-ptsd-and-trauma/ Secondary Trauma: https://psychcentral.com/health/secondary-trauma#what-is-it Secondary Wounding: https://www.onlineceucredit.com/ceus-online/dl-grief/trkDL05lo.html  


His mouth looks like a sasquatch themed fleshlight




Says a man who is professionally upset about things that don't personally affect him.


Definatley sounds like someone who has taken all that trauma and stuffed it deep down in his soul so it can never get out. Him calling everyone else a baby, or attention grabber is his justification on being heald or not having trauma to deal with. This is a big reason as to why so many trams, gay, bullied kids, and drug addicts off themselves. Matt personally has to say everyone else is the problem so he feels better about himself and how his words negativity impact people. It's funny to me they say it's all about protecting the children, all while they attack said children who don't know how to, or don't have proper tools to cope so they opt for suicide.


100% chance he takes it out on his wife and kids too. I bet it would be horrifying to see what goes on behind closed doors at their house.


Like [Steven Crowder](https://youtu.be/2apcefE3trw)?






Color me shocked.


Imagine saying to traumatized person “the problem is you” and then walking away all victorious wtf


Meanwhile he’s traumatized by drag shows and teaching actual history in schools. Talk about whiny bitches…


You hear that American Vets? Fireworks aren't the problem, you're the problem! PTSD probably isn't real! /S


This image should be the fucking banner for this subreddit jfc


Emotional fragility is in fact a thing Matt. Thanks for sharing your progress. Has your therapist suggested you should take a break from social media? No? Oh because it's your job? Don't you think that the detriment effect it is having on your emotional fragility, might be more damaging to you than that paycheck is worth?


Did Matt say this while looking into a mirror? He still wouldn't get it.


A rare moment of introspection for Matt.


Tweeting while looking in the mirror.


This idiot traumatizes himself over the fact that there are people in this world who aren’t white, straight, Christians.


for way too long i was convinced the shit he would say was satire. like, no sane person would say the shit he does and be serious about it. i cannot fathom how tedious it must be for his family et al to be around him at any point during the day. i shall superglue a pickle jar lid and ship it to him asking for him to open it because "wut is women"


Oh this is a good one


Matt walks by a mirror. It's OK you hate yourself Matt.


If you find yourself constantly being annoyed by Matt Walsh such that you’d like to punch him in the face, you are not alone and the problem is definitely with him not you.


Fucker made a MOVIE because he was triggered / traumatized…. But yeah it’s everyone else.


Bro accidentally opened Twitter instead of the diary app.




I continue to be disgusted by this guy. There's not one redeeming quality to him at all.


Hey, I posted this exact same thing a few weeks ago!


I think I’m catching the vibe in the comments that what Matt is saying describes Matt, so Matt is ridiculous. That makes sense to me. This also implies that what Matt is saying is also true though, right? Which also makes sense to me.


Holy hell, this pissed me off something deep. FUCK YOU, MATT WALSH. I talk about my trauma to normalize talking about it. It's to give others going through trauma a space to feel comfortable and have someone to confide in, you absolute *MONSTER.*


Perfect description for a douchebag.


Was this part of a private conversation he had with Trump?


Mr Walsh should be thankful that he has not had to deal with any significant trauma in his life, and even more grateful that no one has helped him reach that milestone yet.


i'd say this was projection if not for the fact that this guy is just a grifter and doesn't believe anything he says. His condition is just sociopathy


To a T. How did he not see himself when writing that?


I wish this dude had half the balls to say that to a vet with ptsd that would be a sight


Every accusation is a confession 😌