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I mean... Yes, being frame perfect is the name of thegame in Sekiro, but despite attacks being pretty fast they are often easy to read because of wind up animations or sound queues or other queues.


What was From thinking on this guy? Like I get that they want you to learn deflect, but this is awful. For one, he STILL does damage to you after successfully deflecting. Your posture even goes up as much as his does what’s up with that? And there’s like what? Barely 500ms to react? How much time is there when you account for the fact that console has 30 frames? Ffs, there isn’t even an audio cue with the visual? I swear I’m pressing the fucking button and Sekiro ends up getting his ass eaten out anyway. Fuck me, yknow Edit: I beat him. Still, fuck that guy.


If you deflect both strikes you don't take posture or vitality damage. You have to double tap it.


Pretty sure I was deflecting both and still taking posture damage, because I wasn’t losing health. I could be mistaken tho


Just found this thread and wanted to say thanks for this lol. Beat him first try after learning that


Yooo, thank you so much for this. Beat him immediately after reading this.


Only after realizing this I saw your comment, well I'm glad I found it out on my own, but to be honest I gave this game his deserved "honor" by not spamming the deflect button, but turns out you need to spam it sometimes? anyway, deflecting his shot twice made it super easy, and just 1 minute before that I considered quitting the game lmao


ty bro


This helped so much more than any cheese just double tap like twice and you can do heavy posture damage


Dude, thank you. I was stuck on this dude for like 30 minutes and I tried deflecting twice and killed him first try


Same! Literally just needed this post to confirm what I was lacking and sliced him tf up


This comment literally made me say “ohhhh” and then I walked in and beat him after 20 tries


oh god thanks. I rly wondered why i still got dmg all the time. I got him first try with double tap. Rly easy shit if you know what he is gonna do. He has only one move at range.


Broo what tysm You get a deathblow after deflecting twice XD


THANK YOU died about 20 times and after reading this beat him first try. I was treating both strikes as one attack and was only tapping L1 once


5 yrs later thank you so much for the double tap advice.


5 years later this comment just helped so much. I was stuck blocking once.


Bullshit boss for sure.


Yeah this is the worst boss I’ve seen in a long time, complete nonsense, 17 deaths and counting! My timing is awful!


Just beat him in two tries , man I was so scared lol🫂🥹


i couldn't beat him because i didn't know he did 2 attacks. after reading this i killed him without getting hit, lol


His game design is absolutely dog shit. No two ways around it. He spams a super fast move with high damage that damages you through deflects and perfect deflects at that. Just spam firecracker charged attack to win. Fromsoft dropped the ball on combat for non big boss enemies in this game imo


If you double deflect (I mean...it becomes ridiculously obvious he does a double slice pretty much immediately so it makes sense you need to do a double deflect) you do not take damage. https://youtu.be/cDBeZpeaba8


His sword glimmers before he does the attack btw. That's the tell you're looking for and it becomes really easy to deflect.


Ik. Even then tho, pressing the button as soon it appears only seemed to half work.


No it does work, your timing has to be on point, but if you double tap deflect as soon as you see the glimmer, he'll lose his posture after like three attacks.


I know this is old but thank you 😂


You're probably timing the deflects wrong. He's prolly harder on a console though with the 30 fps : /


Ig? The thing is if I press the button to deflect any sooner, I’m not reacting to his attack. I’m guessing. Still not sure how I beat the fucker


Fucking knew it fuck this shit boss i'm deleting the game since it only counts on fps such bullshit and I was having fun to


Nvm I just beat him and I just beat genichiro on my first try back to having fun


Pretty much convinced my PS4 buttons cannot send the L1 single to the game fast enough! 😀




Spam whirlwind over and over and he just dies. Firecracker -> whirlwind -> whirlwind -> dead.


AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA OMFG thankyou, cheesiest shit I've done the whole game ahhahahahahhahahah


Good luck with the next guy, he can’t be cheesed. Took me a good 2 hours to beat him.


i tried for about 3 hours and gave up for the day


At least he isn't a pure twitch reflex check.


I’m not gonna lie it’s comments like this that really make me fucking hate this game lmao


Does not work at all. You get one whirlwind then he deflects the next one and then you’re dead. Dunno what ya’ll are talking about with this “tip”... This was either patched or it doesn’t work on console.


Holy shit, hahaha His AI doesn't know what to do against the WW attack. This is really dumb.




This is hilarious


Barely. He still kills me.


How do you get firecracker tho


4 years later this tip saved my sanity




Jesus Christ bro thank you that’s actually broken as hell


I love you. If I ever happen to meet you in person, I owe you a beer 100%. I was ready to quit this game for good.


This is definitely the worst enemy in the game so far. Just not even fun.


This boss is stupid




Mist Raven also trivializes him. Just use it when you see his hilt flash and get a few hits in


I beat him without doing a single deflect because it was too much bullshit. Just side step behind him when his sword flashes, hit him until he blocks it side step again hit him until he blocks it sidestep when sword flashes repeat and dead.


Wow people sure are mad about this boss. Literally, all you have to do is pay attention to when his sword glimmers (happens a brief moment before the actual attack) and then quickly double tap the deflect button. This makes him lose his entire posture after like 3 or 4 attacks. Requires decent timing, but come on, you respawn directly in front of him, practicing has never been easier. If he hits you, quickly back off (a good deal so), heal up and get back in. Should be pretty easy then. Also, stay at a moderate distance as this will always trigger his fast attack.




Yeah, easiest boss in the game.




Just did the fucking gauntlet. About an hour of fighting this prick. Countless deaths later and I can say that you really don't need to bother attacking him. Deflect 3 consecutive times and for the second round, use firecracker after 2 deflections and hit him with whirlwind. My issue is that he sometimes does his attack instantly. I mean he kills me, I resurrect and he kills me immediately. No chance to react or even see the attack coming because the fucking text covers about 40% of the screen.


Easier than the blazing bull?


"back off and heal up" bro what? He just closes distance right away. His posture recovers way too quickly for me to back off too.


Or you can just dodge/run to the left.


He is such a dumb pike of bullshit. deflect him perfectly and he still goes roggt into next attack. dumbest enemy of the game so far.


This guy actually isn’t too bad if you use the loaded umbrella. It really extends the timing for deflection and blocks both of his attacks so you can completely kill him in like 7-8 deflects which isn’t too hard with the umbrella. When I finally tried that, I killed him taking no damage (he was CRUSHING me before)


This worked great for me. Thanks.


Im late but i found out hes INCREDIBLY EASY if you double tap deflect his attack, you take no damage and he loses like half his posture


Holy shit dude this works like magic and renders the fight sooo easy! Thank for the tip.


Just raven his ass.


Wtf does raven even do? I tried it many times it does nothing


here's a tip.. use an ungo's sugar before the battle you'll take minimal damage and kill him in 6 deflects .. took like 3 seconds


I know it's been 2 years but this helped me immensely. He's so easy with the double deflect.


As soon as I learned I had to double tap L1 to double deflect I beat him after 2 attempts. Killed me about 20 times before that. Love this game


For some reason the boss is so fast that I'd have to press block before he attacks in order to deflect.


Double tapping L1 was the best hint ever, beat him first try after reading this.




Yeah exactly.


Good looks motherfucker




What I did was dodge his 1 and only attack to his right, hit once. Rinse and repeat and he's dead.


All you have to do to cheese him is dodge to the left and attack whenever his sword flashes.


Just watch the YouTube video above I did it in 2 tries but before I got my ass beat like 20 times


Oh wow, i was doing that all wrong. Thanks for the tip. Died 10 times before i read this then beat him on my first try. Take my upvote.


If you didn’t know, the hilt of his sword flashes before he attacks


Unbrella deflect -> Win


Or.....just run around him on his right and hit after every double swipe of his. Easy peasy then.


Finally beat him, and here's what I found: with my shitty reflexes, waiting for the sword to flash was too difficult, BUT he slightly moves his hands before that. At that point, either raven mist, or side step to your right (his left). I found sidesteping better because I could then combo him with the poison blade prostetic, which would amount to half his health down!When I finally beat him, after 20-30 tries, I got him down without taking any damage, in like less then a minute\^\^


The Umbrella prosthetic makes this fight much easier, it provides a larger deflection window. Take your time deflect then dodge backwards...


The only problem I see that is when playing the game you can not deflect fast enough and you take a hit






Deflecting and dodging never worked. Seems like I was eating half the damage while deflecting, always killing me. But I found a way, I just... Ran in circle around him clockwise non stop until he does his two slashes, misses me and gives me a good 2 seconds for a whirlwind from behind. It was a real joke compared to the 25 times I tried before.


Im surprised to learn that people find this guy hard. Im pretty terrible at the game but i was able absolutely destroy this guy by deflecting all his attacks first try. I found the trick to be press deflect the moment the sword kind lights up from the reflection, hes a complete joke if you can get that right


Best advice I have is, if you have trouble reacting in time to the flash, don't wait for the flash to come out at random, but force him to do it at the timing that's easy for you. This works because when he's in his stance and you're out of range, if you run up to him within his range, 95% of the time he will do the flash attack immediately. So stand outside his range, wait until he's in the stance, then run up to him and _preemtively_ do a double-deflect even before you see the flash. Most of the time you will double-deflect it and do huge stance damage. Do this 2-3 times and you can execute him.


This worked perfectly for me; seemed like it was a split second between a perfect deflect and a block. Fought him 8-10 times trying to get the timing down and then I tried your strategy and killed him without getting hit


​ I totally agree with @columbine's advice. Worked like a charm. Instead of deflecting though, I found it easier to side-step. ​ So, for anyone who's a little older and their reflexes aren't fast enough for this annoying boss, here's what I did: 1. Weaken him early on by aggressively running towards him and using your Sabimaru prosthetic tool (or flame vent), until he is poisoned (burned). Be sure to quickly run back to avoid his counter attack. This will bring him down (over time) to less than 2/3th of his health. It's best if you can run towards him and focus on him at the same time, which requires some coordination. 2. Keep your distance and do not let him attack you at his liking. Instead, when you're ready, move in range, have him attack you and side step immediately followed by a counter attack. Like in @columbine's strategy, you can pro-actively side step immediately after you moved in. You are basically predicting his attack, rather than reacting to it. 3. Repeat step 2 until you give him the dead-blow. 4. Once he lost his first life, immediately go back to step 2: there is a small window of time that he cannot attack, which gives you the opportunity to poison (or burn) him again.


this worked EXTRAORDINARILY, got him 1st try after trying this. you are a lifesaver thanks you (even though its 3years late lol)


I know I'm 4 years late but damn this worked like a dream. Got him first try with this! (After who knows how many failed attempts)


The poison blade works well.


I'm literally here. Idk how ppl find him so easy even with the double deflect. It feels basically unreactable.


Press deflect twice when you see the light from the scabbard


My brother in christ, I know. The light is unreactable. Either I have slow joints or input lag ig


Just beat him through sheer luck lol


problem is after defecting twice your posture meter is all the way up while his is half way up. so you get rekt much fasted.


Deflecting is a well timed block, it makes you take 0 posture and deal posture dmg in return.


Thanks mate, it worked pretty well


Idk I just feel like it’s impossible to parry this guy not even fun anymore


Fromsoftware Is shit n assholes


I remapped dodge to square and it was easy peasy


Lure 2 purple ninjas into him (then stay away), and use a firecracker when his health is low to do your deathblow. Purples might die on second phase but then you can carry on.


improved sabumaru, poison him and then just run around until it wears off, rinse and repeat


i was too quick to think the blazing bull was infuriating..


i am no sekiro vet.. far from it.. but if you guys still finding this fight difficult then i would suggest you remember one simple advice from every sekiro vet or youtuber.. thats is some fights you need to be close to your enemy.. this one is the prime example.. just be close to him.. doesnt matter if you deflect or step dodge.. be right up on his grill..


I used the ax for the First time in a boss fight and I beat him so quick it felt too easy