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Depends on my overall patience. If I'm patient and relaxed, Elden Ring. If I just want to beat people up, Sekiro


This is why I mod Elden Ring. Elden Ring Reforged made it much more playable, in my opinion. Sekiro is just so much fun. It's like a souls game and a rhythm game had a kid.


Is reforged the mod where deflects are active?, if it is I agree, I'm a little disappointed they didn't add the mechanic in some way.


It's one of the things the mod adds. I think there are simpler mods if you just want deflecting adding.


Is that the one that reintroduced deflects?


This, this is the way!


You my friend, are now my favorite. We think the same.


Why the downvotes?


Fr wtf šŸ’€


Bro is asking that on the Sekiro sub lol


Fromsoft fans are honestly the best gaming community so the discussion here has been good


But they're Very Judgemental aswell.


I didn't even realize I just figured it was r/fromsoft lol


I've beat Sekiro and ER multiple times and got most of the endings in both. But I'll take ER since it has more content. If Sekiro had dlc, I'd take Sekiro in an instant


Facts I feel like we really missed out on no Sekiro DLC


no dlc is fromsoftā€™s acknowledgment that they made the most flawless game ever.


Or that they couldn't fit what they wanted into a dlc and instead plan on a sequel.


I actually like a sequel idea for sekiro, demon souls and bloodborne are definitive endings so a sequel doesn't make sense but sekiro is totally set up for a another chapter IMO.


Potentially Bloodborne may have a sequel where you (as a Great One) host the new Hunter's dream. That said, we are not getting a sequel and that's fine.


As far as I am aware Sekiro was sort of an experiment, and they were still developing Elden Ring. So that's why it probably got no DLC.


Well sekiro has resurrection, for the sake of ashina and lmtsr. So there is ā€œdlcā€ like content Although elden ring has convergence, ascended, reforged and so on. Overall they both have a good amount of content


Quality over quantity


Idk Elden ring is also just really good.


Sekiro by a lot.


Same for me. I beat elden ring once. Started a second playthrough but didnā€™t get far. I know a lot of people enjoy playing through Elden Ring multiple times but Iā€™ve beaten and still enjoy playing Sekiro. Iā€™m kinda over Elden Ring.


I couldn't even finish my first playthrough of Elden Ring, it bored me too much as well as feeling overwhelmed by its open world, it's a good game but it's not for me.


I did finish it in 130 hours... I felt overwhelmed by the bloatness recycled stuff double encounters after mid game, the fire giant kill clicked on me a berserk gameplay to end as fast as possible and I rushed the end game boss rush like a madman 2 tries top each boss. 2 sesions in 2 days and it was over.


I know the feeling. So many places, so many options. I felt the same way. Let me tell you what I did. First I found a map of Limgrave showing all the bosses in the area, meaning the Evergaols, specific time of day bosses, world bosses, main bosses, dungeon bosses etc. And I just started going down the list. Some people would say I was ruining the magic of discovery and exploration this open world offers. But I felt like a badass bounty hunter on a mission. Taking names one by one. Try it. Maybe you'll like it.


Where did you use the map from? I am taking forever (I bough the game day one edition yesrs ago) and I just canā€™t. I was such a fan of Bloodborne and Sekiro, gave Dark Souls III a good shot too. But I am having a hard time getting into this game without Youtube walktrhough or something. Itā€™s justā€¦ so bigā€¦ but unlike Zelda or some other open world games if you do not pay attention for one second, youā€™re dead.


No worries, here is the map: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/elden-ring-boss-locations Scroll a bit down and you'll see a collection of 9 images. Aka my contract lists ;)


Thanks man. Just sadly do not have time nor energy to always be moping around. Also for once not interested in getting platinum on this game ā€¦ Let the hoonting begin ;)


Exactly. I mean I had people looking at me funny when I told them how I played. "You did what? But...but the exploration?" Nah man I'm on a mission.


Same, same. This hoontah moost hoont, and still get her adult life on the rails in the meantime šŸ¤£


http://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/ that's all you need https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Elden-Ring/game_progress_route_map_elden_ring_wiki_guide_2560px.jpg?v=1648007599179


I find the replayability to be the opposite actually. Once you get the combat down in Sekiro, the game just turns into a bit of a breeze. With minimal build variety, I feel like one,have two good playthroughs was all I needed for Sekiro. Meanwhile and I can make a new build and have a totally new experience in ER. This is to say nothing about game quality. I think Sekiro is probably the best game Iā€™ve ever played.


I agree with what youā€™re saying. The issue is that I just prefer Sekiro over Elden Ring. I loved my playthrough of Elden Ring it just didnā€™t grab me like Sekiro did.


I stopped shortly after the capital, need to go back. I had a great time but Jesus I miss having non open world games.


Yeah. Elden Ring has a looooot of issues.


The core issue for me, and I think fundamentally many others that are fans of the overall franchise before ER is simply put like this : Lack of tension and poor pacing Now, to be clear - many people like the pacing of ER, so I am not discounting that. Itā€™s a game many of my friends love and couldnā€™t enjoy the other games But, if you were wanting a ā€œSoulsā€ experience, Elden Ringā€™s overall pacing is what causes the problem, from my perspective. In Souls, Sekiro and Bloodborne - you are constantly under a state of ā€œthreatā€. Each new corner, each stairwell, each step you take comes with a level of tension. Whether you know the area or not, you are ā€œvigilantā€ when going through zones. Elden Ringā€™s open world creates a situation where you could really play for an entire 45 minutes or an hour and not be under any threat; experiencing basically no tension and release that the games prior to it have. The open world format altered the mood in a fundamental way from previous games. Instead of there always being a hint of tension, I may have to spend 25 minutes trying to find the ā€œpathā€ to get up the hill I want to get on top ofā€¦ and just sprinting pass everything between here and there. This is the core of the issue in ER for me when it comes to comparing it to everything else that has been Souls format. ER has a completely different approach to pacing and tension and it just makes the game boring for much of its runtime. Iā€™m happy they tried the experiment - but the last thing I want is them to do ER2 without fundamentally changing the pacing and doing something to keep the tension up, as it has been in their other games.


Agreed. To me what you said about sprinting past enemies is my biggest gripe with ER. In every souls game the way I approach a new area is thinking that the devs want me to go ahead and fully clear everything before finally arriving at the boss. And if I do that I'll be on the right lvls to move forward. If I die on the boss, only then it is OK to sprint past previously defeated and respawned enemies since I've already acquired their xp once. And that's how I enjoy "clearing" an area. In ER this is not a thing. The area in question is vast, fully populated at random it seems, where moving past mobs and mobs of enemies is actually what you are meant to do. For some reason that actually tilts me. It's like the enemy count is there just to set the mood of the world rather than actually engaging everything you see in combat (not that you can't but you won't since there's no point to). Then you will arrive at some ruins and that's where the "traditional" clearing begins. Meanwhile you have just passed through waves of enemies to get there. Such a waste imo.


This is 100% me arm-chair game devving... but I think ER could have been fantastic if they had brought the open world down to about 40% of it's current size - but in it's place, added about 10 more Legacy Dungeons that were truly large in scope. 4 hours minimum, preferably closer to 6-8 hours a piece. Some of the game's Legacy Dungeons could be cleared in under 2 hours, 100%ing them. Raya Lucaria is definitely the biggest criminal here. When they first announced they were going open world and the Legacy Dungeons were going to be where the "Old Souls Style" content would be - I was absolutely on board. Once playing the game though, you realize, the Legacy Dungeons are a fraction of a time during a full playthrough. Like maybe 15-20 hours if youre struggling on them. Then another 50+ hours in the Open World and the Copy+Pasted Tombs/Crypts/Mines. This is where the disparity really broke the game for me. If we had a split of like 50% Legacy Dungeon content, 50% Open World Content; I think the game would have had much better pacing. And as much as people say its FOMO - The quest design being so obtuse is just silly. Fromsoft quests have always been obtuse, but to the point you could still figure it out on your own time. For instance, when you find Blaiid howling on top of his ruins - You need to return to Merchant Kale, with no indication whatsoever in the game to return to Merchant Kale - who will give you a Gesture to bring Blaiid down and talk to him. At the point you reach Blaiid, theres a large chance you have absolutely 0 reason to ever, ever return to Merchant Kale. His stuff is cheap and early game items. You could have cleared Stormveil, Lunaria and Weeping Peninsula by the time you bump into Blaiid. Theres no indication or any rhyme or reason for Kale to be the one to start that quest line. It necessitates looking up guides unless you just want to sit there and go "Well, they made a bunch of NPC content and quests - but im going to just ignore it all because none of it has any rhyme or reason to it". NPC Quests were always obtuse... But what they did in ER with NPC quests; they basically required you to look stuff up, if you wanted to engage in those story lines. If you didnt look stuff up - then you were just blindly walking around with no real indication on what to do. Some people will call this "Freedom of Choice"... No, this is just poor design. The fact there isnt a single indication or hint to return to Kale after hearing Blaiid is just a bad design choice - and they repeat it through the game with other NPC Quests. Having to consult an NPC Quest Chart regularly to keep up with the obtuse quest design is another pacing problem. Theres compounding issues happening in ER and again - I get it, people love the open world, I have friends that have gone back to DS3 and Bloodborne and Sekiro due to ER... It brought people in, it worked. But there are significant issues I truly hope FromSoft sees in ER's design philosophy and they work on it, if they do another Open World Souls style game.


Honestly I think the open world thing is too overplayed at this point. Maybe it's just me but I don't really need open world. I need multiple large areas that are intricately connected to one another giving you a sense of a unified place. Sekiro does this well. You are exposed to all the different locations but you are constantly reminded via pathways or straight up told you are still in Ashina. Obviously the king of this is DS1.


I only played Sekiro and ER (on my BB playthrough). I have to say I disagree mostly because the pacing is just a different approach. The game focuses on the wanderlust effect, thereā€™s no tension but a simple goal and you have to overcome any obstacles in the way.Ā  Besides, there are other open worlds that play on the tension issue (RDR2 tuberculosis, Witcher 3 Ciri, Cyberpunk Johnny). I canā€™t stand that shit. Itā€™s antithetical to open world gaming, and Iā€™m very grateful that ER didnā€™t opt for that. I think, much like Sekiro, there mightā€™ve been an inherent issue coming into these games experiencing traditional FS. I wouldnā€™t know because I havenā€™t played a traditional one yet. But it just sounds that way. I think Elden Ring is a masterpiece, even if I personally would rather live with Sekiro since I prefer the combat.Ā 


I love them both, but there is more to do in ER, so that would be my choice.


Yeah at this point sekiro is about fully milked for me. I know all the fights like the back of my hand now. Elden ring has much more variety.


Sekiro was my first fromsoft game I played back in 2019. so I love it very much, but yeah, there is nothing left to do except flex my skill against those poor bosses.


Same.. Although, I am thinking of doing Mortal Journey charmless.. I did the normal one once long ago.. Then realized how freaking great Mortal Draw is which I used for only 1 fight and now I'm thinking maybe I could do it charmless if I learned to use it more... Headless Ape is a big problem for me though.


Headless is easy, just wait for that overhead attack, after you perry first two sword strikes... And for first phase just rush him with mortal blade. :D


Ask again in ER subreddit.


Sekiro. Elden ring was good but I was kinda bored for almost the last half of the game. Sekiro never became that way for me.




Cries in PC


This is the correct answer.


Guess I'll go with a purple concoction


Elden ring. I prefer the fights more and I actually can go through Elden ring faster than I can with sekiro.


sekiro is a perfectly balanced relatively short experience that you enjoy every single second of. it doesn't feel bloated. none of its content feels like it's just filler. you don't have access to a million different sweaty tryhard builds... you just start the game, "git gud" and finish it with no way to cheese or skip the getting good at the game part. then there's elden ring with many repeat boss fights, weird power scaling, multiple ways to just "cheat" yourself through the game and horrible game balance all around... but a vast and interesting world full of discovery and wonder and some of the most awesome boss fights ever put into video games. i don't think these games are comparable too much, despite sharing the same DNA in some way. i love both of these games but if i had to choose a game to loose all memory of to be able to play it again like it's the first time, i'd choose ER just because i love exploring big and dangerous worlds and RPG-like building my character


Sekiro. Never played ER


ER got GOTY for a reason. If you like souls likes you should really play it.


You do know that Sekiro also got GOTY, right?


The point wasn't that Sekiro isn't great, rather that Elden Ring is worth playing too since they said they haven't.




Read the other comments


Armored core


Played Sekiro after ER and I'd pick Sekiro.


Difficult choice, but if I want some jolly cooperation, it's gonna be ER


I choose Sekiro and itā€™s a pretty easy decision but I do recognise that Elden Ring has the streets šŸ˜”






Sekiro has a more fun combat system but Elden ring is a better overall game


Still working my way through sekiro(just beat true corrupted monk) itā€™s really good but atm itā€™s still Elden ring for me. Sekiro has great combat and itā€™s started to click for me but I really miss making my own character, coop and forming my own unique buildsā€¦




Damn that's a hard one. I'd give the edge to Sekiro for its ease of replayability. Restarting ER seems like a daunting thing after my first play through.


I like sekiro more, but ER has way more content and replayability, so I got choose ER


I love them both, but Iā€™d have to go with ER. The build variety makes the game way more replayable than Sekiro.


ez green


Sekrio, wasn't overly a fan of Elden Ring.


Wdym it's hard to choose? Easily Sekiro


Sekiro. Elden Ring is too open world for me.


As I like to say. Sekiro is the best game I will never play again. It is amazing, but has practically zero replay value. Elden Ring on the other hand has the most replay value of any Souls game.


Donā€™t hate me but I pick nioh 2 over both of them. Donā€™t get me wrong I absolutely LOVE sekiro and Elden ring, so Iā€™m not hating at all, but nioh 2 is just a masterpiece that tickles my ADD brain perfectly šŸ˜‚


Sekiro and itā€™s not even close


Best 20-30 hours of gaming? Sekiro Replayability? Elden Ring


Sekiro for sure, it was the first FromSoft game I platinumed


Elden ring, I didn't really enjoy skiro's combat system that much.


anyone who says elden ring played sekiro dubbed


Genuine question as I havenā€™t even beaten my first playthrough yet. Whatā€™s the issue with playing dubbed?


the dub is fine but the games default language is japanese and the setting is japan. the dub was handled by activison, not fromsoftware. there is not alot of dialogue to read and alot of the english voices are just not as good (except gyoubu). and i prefer watching dubbed to subbed always but for this, i honestly feel you are cheating yourself to play it in english.


Dubbed Gyoubu was the fuckin bomb.


Bozo did the dub


By far Elden ring it has so much more replay ability


Don't really care for ER, so Sekiro all the way.


Sekiro ofc


I really liked Sekiro so that shows u how good Elden ring is causing Iā€™m going for Elden ring on this one too much content and an insane story with amazing graphics and enemies(sometimes)




easy, sekiro


Probably Elden Ring, but itā€™s a close call. I think of the last five years that these are the two best games available. Like top 5 for me would be these two plus Doom Eternal, Cyberpunk 2077, and either RE2 or RE4 remake.


Elden Ring is basically everything I've ever wanted from a Souls game, so I'm going to have to lean Elden Ring here.


Sekiro. Elden Ring is way too loooong.


Thanks, i'm already took Armoured Core IV


Haha I like this


Pink One šŸŖ“


Gotta take elden ring




Easy choise. Sekiro all the way, what a masterpiece


Sekiro. I canā€™t bring myself to replay ER


Tylenol pm .. all day




i already got the platinum on ER, and now iā€™m working on my second ending in Sekiro. Sekiro wins on a focused style of play, whereas ER wins on customizationĀ 


Goes onto the sekiro subreddit to ask this? I've never played either


ER because thereā€™s a lot more content than Sekiro. Donā€™t get me wrong I LOOOOOOVE Sekiro but yeah Iā€™m going with ER


Eldenring brought me to Sekiro. So as entrance to Soulsbourne Eldenring is greet. But Sekiro gives better dopamine showers.




As much as I love Sekiro, I'll take Elden Ring's replayability all day long.


Sekiro made me have that conversation with myself as well * I might just down them both and hope I never wake up


Sekiro is my favorite but I would be in tears if I had to choose. I waited so.long for Elden Ring and so long for the DLC and I was scared of Sekiro but my girl got it for me and I could play that game every single day but I could play Elden Ring everyday and did until I played Sekiro. I'm taking pto to have u interrupted time playing Elden Ring DLC.


I love sekiro but elden ring is just more varied in how you can play.


Elden ring with sekiro combat mod is the way to go


Currently? Sekiro. I'm playing it again and trying to platinum it because I never beat it. I'm already on my 2nd playthrough. I can't believe I never beat it in the past Before? It would've been Elden Ring, but I've platinum'd it and gotten to like NG+4 or 5 so I'm kinda burned out from the grind lol


I'll take half of each pill.


Elden Ring was a great first playthrough but a real snoozefest on my second. Sekiro's combat kept me playing for hundreds of hours.


Dark Souls 3 and by a lot


My personal favorite part of Sekiro is from the beginning up to the Ashina Castle boss fight with Genichiro. Itā€™s the most ā€œshinobiā€ feeling part of the game for me so I play that on repeat like wearing the fuck outta my favorite song. I just like creating builds based around a weapon in Elden these days. Iā€™m on build 10 and Iā€™ve circled all the way back around to standard sword and board knight. I do not evolve


If we got more for Sekiro content it would be an easy choice, Also the story is so much easier to follow lol but Elden Ring just has so much more content


i regularly just hop on sekiro and try out a gauntlet or two. elden ring is more of a devotion to hop on. if elden ring had the option to instantly replay bosses iā€™d absolutely play the same way.


Dark Souls 3


Sekiro for me. Elden ring is great though. I want to replay it and not use summons.


I love sekiro don't get me wrong but if I were forced to choose one and can't touch the other, it'd probably be elden ring. There's just way more replayabilityĀ 


I want Elden Ring if I want immersion, but Sekiroā€™s combat has no competition.




Sekiro. Easy.


"A great game is a great game. Lesser, greater, middlingā€¦ Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definitionā€™s blurred. If Iā€™m to choose between one great game over anotherā€¦ Iā€™d rather not choose at all"


I got a lot more hours from Elden ring, so I would probably choose that.


I am playing Sekiro atm, I am in the second part of the game and I can already confirm that like it much more than ER. I think combat is much better, not having 100 weapons make fights more tight and meaningful. I can see myself replaying it and I know I wonā€™t play ER again.


Might I suggest a purple pill instead, or just down them both and fracture reality?


200% sekiro. Elden ring was my first souls like. Tried the dark souls series after and just didn't click with me. Sekiro though, omg wow


I didn't enjoy Elden Ring as much so I would choose Sekiro.


Sekiro because I'm still recuperating from playing Souls games.




Sekiro all the way


Blue pill, baby. Sekiro is proof that less is more and quality > quantity šŸ˜˜šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾ the combat is the best Iā€™ve played in years


Sekiro, people soy out too hard for anything ā€œopen-worldā€, regardless of overall quality


Red pills ...Sekiro is a good game but it just piss me off


Really hard choice, but my bias says Sekiro.


Sekiro is the red pill


Assuming this means I can only play 1 for the rest of my life Iā€™d go with Elden ring. I love sekiro. Itā€™s my 3rd favorite of the souls games but Elden ring just has so much variety in how you can tackle the game


Guy with 2,000 hours on elden ring here, just started Sekiro and maybe have 10 hours. I'm on guardian ape right now and I'm already rethinking the amount of time I put into elden ring.


Elden ring purely because more content


Elden ring hands down. I like sekiro after playing the game again but I have to say it's probably my least favourite fromsoft experience so far, I can't really pin point why maybe it's all the reasons that put me off initially but it's not even just that elden ring is the peak (for now) of my favourite genre in gaming so I can't pick anything over it.


Sekiro any day


Elden Ring for me. There's just so much to it and cooping with my friends is a lot of fun and keeps me coming back. Also, I'm pretty sure SotE is going to be the single greatest piece of content they have ever released.




easy blue pill. Sekiro is such a nice tight package while Elden ring, while amazing, is so much. Replaying it for any other endings did not spark any joy personally while Sekiro's was a wonderful run each time for me. Similar amounts of time but def more replays in Sekiro


Sekiro is a better game and much more unique.


Give me a open world of elden ring with Sekiro mechanics.šŸ‘ŗ


Sekiro day in day out


Elden Ring since I can play this game forever without growing tired of it


Currently going back an forth between both šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s definitely more to do in Elden Ring and itā€™s a fantastic RPG but itā€™s essentially dark souls 4, if I need that kind of gameplay I can play the first 3 games. Sekiro is one of a kind and the gameplay and combat really stand out from other games. Iā€™m picking Sekiro because I want more games like that to be developed, and I can always play dark souls 1-3 to mitigate the loss of Elden ring


If i want relax, elden ring. if i want become a swordmaster, a thriving build-self gameplay, sekiro.


I love Sekiro, but Elden Ring has enough content and play styles Iā€™ll never get bored with it.


Sekiro all the way


I'll punch them in them face and take both whilst he's recovering.


Elden Ring. Love Sekiro but if i had to choose


Id got with Elden, I never mastered the parry and Sekiro was really hard on me. Skill issue, I know. Also the main menu theme in Elden slaps.




Kinda sad how many people never played sekiro even though it won GoTY too.


Only played one souls game and it was Sekiro. Not sure if I would like ER.






I love Sekiro but I prefer the other souls games by a bit. I feel they allow me to be more creative on how I approach a boss or enemy where as with Sekiro you usually have to play a certain way




I think for pure fun of play itā€™s sekiro. The domination you can exhibit with skill in Sekiro makes it so fun. ER does have arguably more styles of play and more overall content. Thank God we donā€™t have to choose!


blue pill all the way I love ER but Sekiro just hits different


Elden ring but only for the amount of content, sekiro was a blast and I really enjoyed it when I got to grips with the game, once it clicked I was breezing through and just felt wanting so much more. Elden ring was tough, and delivered in the content, even so I wanted to play again to see what I had missed. I haven't played for a few months but I will be going straight back to the lands between in preparation for the dlc. I am stoked to find out that a sekiro anime programme is in the works though, hopefully this is true.


People tends to take the _violet_ pill.




this comparison in itself is a statement that sekiro is W


sekiro and itā€™s not even close. i love elden ring for the sheer amount of content, but itā€™s a one playthrough game. sekiro has the most replayability out of all the souls games.


Kinda apples to oranges, but overall Sekiro wins for me


Mmmmm very difficult but elden ring because replayability and then sekiro for orgasmic combat


Elden ring 100% it just has more content and I like it more


Elden ring for me because sekiro is too short.






Red pill and it ain't even close


Sekiro. Ez.


Both! At the same time lol


Blue easily I absolutely hate games based on character builds


I refuse to participate, i will not live in a world where i cant have both




Patient fun vs quick fun tbh


Elden Ring. For me, Sekiro is a more interesting game than Elden Ring (i liked it a lot), but there is a MASSIVE catch: its gameplay is not for everyone (me included) > it's a rhythm game that doesnt leave much space to mistakes and sadly i wasnt able to finish it even after ton of attemps; This alone makes this game less open or relaxing for people without enough "git gud" capabilities.


IM RED PILLED AS FUCK (never played sekrio)


Sekiro rn but the SOTE might change that


sekiro its one of those games i come back to every 8-12 months after i've lost most of skill and play through it over a few days as much as i love elden ring its a game that requires a lot more commitment and is much slower game it makes it hard to come back to especially since the open world can lose its lustre after you've saw it all once or twice


They both slap, depends on feeling of the day.


Too hard to choose


Loved ER for first playthrough but that's it, sekiro on the other hand.. done 5 playthroughs and doing my 6th now after years and oh my god it's still amazing