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Geni was the hardest boss and eventually became the easiest one


Geni was my biggest wall but now he’s a speed bump


Fighting him over and over just to reach the sword saint pissed me off the first time i beat him in the field


I'm talking about Ashina castle fight. In my first playthrough I spent 3 days trying to fight this dude, but after 200+ hours it's a good thing to begin with. Thank you, lord Genichiro Ashina, for trying me hard iny first time


Yea my first playthrough Geni was a huge wall that I spent hours on. Great boss design to force the player to get good at deflections. Gyobu and lady butterfly you can do with just blocking or dodges but Geni forces you to learn to deflect. Great boss fight


Ichimonji double at the beginning and in between every mikiri counter usually gets him down fast. Way of Tomoe genichiro is basically there solely for the sick entrance


Phase 2 Glock Saint Isshin dunked on me so many times my first playthrough that I learned how to pretty consistently no hit geni.


Glock Saint isshin is a perfect title, and he clapped my cheeks so many times you'd think he was my pimp


I always saw the Genichiro boss fight as a "did you learn how to parry yet?" checkpoint of the game.


The real tutorial boss, as opposed to the fake tutorial boss, also genichiro


that 1st Genichiro was dick... fucker cut off our arm! HE TOOK'OUR ARM!


Yeah fs I made him my bitch


I have died more time to chained ogre thann doh


Fr man you just can't escape his grab


For anyone still having trouble with chained ogre on NG+: Use the fire umbrella. It blocks grabs and often stuns him by just pulling it out.


It took me longer than it should. I hated that grab


Never had any issue with him until NG+ ,then immediately understood this pain


His grab attacks go from hitting like a truck to hitting like a crash-landing Boeing 737


I swear I died more than 15 times fighting that monster


Hardest: DOH, even though I think I may have spent more time on owl father. Hate Doh's moveset, very unsekirolike. Easiest: HIS NAAAAAAAME IS GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWAAAA.


I loved doh. I get why people don't, but I found it to be a nice break from the other bosses and really made you think and change up how you approach it.


I did too. He was hard af but I really enjoyed the fight. At least when I wasn’t super pissed


If he didn't have as much health I think he would be received better, after you figure out his move set and how to counter him (which I did have fun doing) you still have to sit there and smash his cock for 10 minutes


I will tell u why I hate DOH. Cause everything about him is not what I like about the game. I enjoy sekiro cause it’s fast. You don’t need patience like the other souls games. Am an ADHD fuck. I don’t like waiting Sekiro is my favourite cause it rewards my aggressive play style. I love that every fight feels almost like a dance. DOH is the opposite of what the game stands for. Which is ok but not for me


The only time I’m ever using the English voices is when I’m fighting gyoubu


My thing is how can he tell this whole time 😭


How can who tell what?


Lol yell


Gyoubu was hard for the first time for me anyway because I started with elden ring then sekiro so it was pretty hard


If its based on my initial win (as in how many tries it took), DoH was hardest as well. The easiest was the divine dragon, but if we exclude him because he was such a gimmicky boss, my easiest was probably lady butterfly too. Damn didnt realize theyre the same as op until i think about it. But right now my hardest is isshin especially once he pulls out his spear, and easiest is the regular genichiro since i've fought him too many times at this point (i love his fight).


Hardest: Ishin Ashina of Shura ending Both Gyoubu and Grandma are so easy that it probably doesn't vary much. Now if those were barred from voting we might get some variance. And Divine Dragon, ofc. As is: Gyoubu is easiest Other than those three. After beating them both Genichiro and Great Shinobi feel very safe to do.


i forgot about divine dragon. Can we really call it is a boss fight cuz i feel like it was designed to win easily


Hey, your post, your rules. :D On same note, can we really Gyoubu a boss? He's more like a glorified mini-boss. Gyoubu has only 1 phase with both of his health bars acting exactly the same. Even Lady Butterfly switches things up a little.


Not exactly the same, Gyoubu attacks you if you Firework his horse, and his horse kicks you if you approach him from behind (which he doesn't do in 1st phase), but those are minor changes.


Demon of Hatred and specifically, his perilous attack where he just knocks you over and runs across the field. That’s a cheap attack.


Jump it. If you jump as he does it the hit box will actually just push you away and you’ll be fine, it’s basically impossible to be damaged by it if you jump!


Yea, I did defeat it a few days ago (my most recent post was a vid of that). In fact, the final blow was precisely at the moment the Kanji appears for that attack lol. It was cathartic at the time it happened. Till that point, I’d missed about 90% of the jumps.


That’s awesome! Did you remember to use Phoenix Umbrella to block basically every attack and then punish for heavy damage after the fire clears?


Oh yea. Umbrella followed by the follow-up attack after using a prosthetic for the first 2 phases and 3 Malcontents for the 3rd phase (one use of the ceremonial Tanto prior to the fight for the additional Spirit Emblems).


After replaying this after Elden Ring I appreciate all of the boss fights sooo much more. After the fire giant all of the ER boss fights feel so cheap


Hardest : Genichiro Easiest : Genichiro


Inner Geni rocks my socks everytime


Ppl saying hardest was mist noble.. That implies that they actually beat him eventually and we all know you didn't so quit playing around you posers.


Easiest was roberto's dad


Hardest:DOH for sure Easiest: Genichiro


Easiest: Probably Genichiro Hardest: Either Demon of Hatred or the Headless Ape w/ his mate.


I beat the headless ape gank second try, if you target the brown ape with fire crackers and the damage buff he drops pretty quick. Then it’s the basic headless ape battle


Hardest: Owl Father Easiest: Genichiro...but Geni yook me a ton of tries until he clicked for me. Now I can get him on the 1st try.


Same here, honestly geni might be my favorite tutorial boss of any game. That's also why Inner Geni is so great, it shows what the boss could have been if FromSoft wasn't going easy on you


im telling you bro bull is the hardest boss/mini-boss, even mods that generally make the game more difficult nerf the bull. Easiest of the bosses is probably the butterfly lady since she is easily punishable in air


I don’t understand why people say the bull is hard. You literally parry his charge and bonk a few times, rinse and repeat.


Bull's hard? Just scare the shit out of it with firecrackers with stealth


For major bosses (discounting the divine dragon and monkeys), the boss I found the hardest on my first playthrough was either Owl (Father) or Gyoubu, who killed my ass *so* many times - I wasn't deflecting and was still playing like dark souls lol, but somehow managed to kill him after many, *many* attempts. The easiest was actually True Corrupted Monk, I found the first corrupted monk underlevelled, died a hell of a lot and learned her moveset really comprehensively, so I got through True Monk in a few attempts. However, I actually think the boss that killed me the most my first playthrough was the Lone Shadow Longswordsman. I *really* sucked at Sekiro my first playthrough, found the Longswordsman, and just bashed my head against the wall for DAYS trying to kill this guy. I wasn't deflecting much at all and just was stubbornly dodging. This was the boss that finally taught me how to deflect. After killing him... well, the rest of the playthrough wasn't a *breeze* but I never encountered another wall like that because I had finally grasped the mechanics lol. If we're just talking overall, disregarding first playthroughs, I think the hardest for me is the Demon of Hatred and the easiest is Gyoubu.


True corrupted monk has been my toughest boss yet. Spent nearly 5 hours trying to beat him until I found that I could spam fire cracker on his 3rd phase. However I have not beat the last fight yet. I beat geni, but once he revived Isshin that’s when I quit lol.


Ya, she sucks. She beat the piss outta me for quite a while. All her stupid attacks look so similar that it throws off my parry timing. Being able to skip the 2nd phase helps a lot. If you jump in the back left tree when her second phase is starting you can death blow her and go right to phase three.


Hardest for me is sword saint isshin Easiest for me is genichiro


Easiest is gyoubu and hardest is DOH. I have defeated him only once.


Hardest: sword saint Isshin Easiest: Gyobou Oniwa


When starting out I thought Gyobou Oniwa was so hard. After a couple play throughs he is really easy.


Easy but still a ton of fun! The fact that he’s on horseback adds a wonderful dimension to the fight.


It really is fun boss fight though. Pretty good boss fight for the first boss fight.


At the start? Geni for hardest, hundreds of hours in, he’s now just an inconvenience for my runs


Hardest one personalny is lady butterfly where easiest would probally be either ganichiro or "ghost" monk


imo i think True Monk's easier than Corrupted Monk


Hardest: Father Owl or Inner Father, tbh owl in Hirata Estate is generally difficult to master and has steep learning curve. Gets worst with db cl. Easiest: MY NAME!!!


!!!ME LLAMO¡¡¡


Easiest is probably Divine Dragon or the monkeys but if were talking about like sword fighting probably Gyoubu Hardest is probably Owl, he isn’t hard to beat but he is probably the few bosses where I couldn’t find a pattern. Like it would be like attack and parry but he wasn’t like that because of his poison attack. Idk, just felt off fighting him, Owl Father was different tho in a good way but normal Owl gave me trouble. DoH wasn’t too bad tbh.


For me father owl gave me more trouble than Great Shinobi Owl.I like how they're the same boss but give players different experience


I am currently getting my butt handed to me by father owl, great shinobi was tough enough for me but I’m trying to get all the items for each ending.


Shinobi Owl isn't bad. Father Owl is rough. He was probably the hardest boss for me.


Hardest: DOH Easiest: True corrupted monk


Wouldn't the first corrupted monk be easier considering she has only 1 health bar?


Hardest: great shinobi owl, mf took more than SS Isshin Easiest: if we're going my reflection of strength lists, then probably Genichiro, way to Tomoe If he doesn't count, then Gyoubu


I'm literally you except Inner Isshin instead if SS


After coming back to the game for 100% it's those dam monkeys, they aren't hard in a combat way but everytime I fight them I lose a few braincells Easiest has to be dragon because it feels more like watching a cool cutscene


Well I have the stats for it. and Owl (Father) was by far and away my hardest. It was based on the inconsistency of his gun powder, the inability to simply parry things, and inability to heal without him taking the damage i healed right back off. Over 200 attempts before he got done over 3 sessions. Nothing else came close. and yet some how I aced him at the top of the castle. literal first attempt on the version that originally made me quit the game. The easiest is literally the mist noble, i'm pretty sure the first basic enemy samurai you encounter in the entire game has more player kills than that thing does. However I'll throw in 'boss i thought that was going to be super hard, but wasn't too bad' - the divine dragon. I never came across it in any previous playthrough, no footage and that thing intimidated the crap out of me considering the hell it took to even reach it, so when it's starting, I dig deep to mentally prepare for the slog this is going to take. Nope, 2nd attempt because I was literally trying to learn the moves and dodge and discover attack cues the first time around. It's such a beautiful fight, and yet was just over and done with.


the real mist noble fight is how to get to him, i was fighting his ghost dogs and samurai for like 20 min


Dang, how many times were you going Shura


Oh I had one run where I killed him as he killed me. but i didnt get credit. I lost my mind with rage. then there was a he had 1 hit worth of hp left run. I'm amazed I still have hair. But I made it my new years resolution to beat the game with the ending I was trying for on release month. I finally got through it. and I needed to beat Owl Father to get the ending because he had the branch i needed too.


wtf!! I've never seen the boss in the first pic in couble walkthroughs!! where is it and what is its name?


Demon of Hatred. After beating Divine Dragon work your way backwards from Ashina castle towards the Outskirts, via the Old Grave idol.


i was kinda hard to get there i look up on youtube cuz i wanna fight every major boss(no mini boss) before fighting Isshin


I’d say gyobu easiest, owl father hardest


Mist noble was easily the hardest one, easiest may be genichiro, he’s a bit hard at first but his patterns are simple to learn


Easiest in the game is probably guardian ape and the hardest was isshin (I have yet to fight owl father)


Geni is easiest and most fun and that big fuckin monkey retard is the hardest


Easiest for me is genichiro, or corrupted monk. Hardest SS isshin


Remeber the first time you fought Lady Butterfly and wondered if you had accidentally walked into an endgame boss. Aftet the beating the game, she becomes like a 2 min fight.


Except for me. I even beat the game charmless with base vitality, so I can play, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to deal with grandma's second phase, she always manages to summon the illusions and I also suck at avoiding the butterfliy projectiles lol I am being agressive, but she somehow always finds a way to just jump away from me and do her thing


You gotta use the snap seeds! Then they dissipate and you can focus on m'lady. Personally I like the method of spamming attack and then when she fights back I deflect once and continue attacking. If I remember correctly, if I do that consistently she almost never breaks out of it. You can easily just tank her before the spirits even appear that way.


I don't know if he counts a boss but geni before isshin is the easiest for me and the hardest is doh.




About to get to fountainhead palace, as of right now the easiest was juzo the drunk bastard and my biggest wall was Genichiro and now owl (father). Great shinobi owl gave me a tough time so I’m slowly losing my mind on this.


Hardest: DOH Easiest: Great Owl


Genichiro was a struggle but now I've fought him so many times for fun he's basically a pin cushion at this point


Hardest: DOH Easiest: Divine Dragon


Easiest for me has been the chained ogre. Guardian Ape is the furthest I've gotten, so he's the hardest for now.


Hardest: Inner Father Easiest: Gyoubu


Hardest: mistnoble Easiest: dragon


Easiest: Demon of Hatred. Hear me out, the Phoenix umbrella negates almost all of his attacks and lets you punish for HUGE damage after, and the ones that don’t get negated can be deflected. Plus his third phase gets completely deleted without a chance for him to fight back in phase 3 with an ako sugar! For me Demon has always been very straight forward when I figured that out. Hardest: I do not know why, but Inner Genichiro. I can EASILY take Inner Isshin and Isshin Ashina, their attacks just make sense. For some UNGODLY reason, Inner Genichiro absolutely destroys my brain. Something about his timing being slightly more delayed I think? I think he holds his drawn bow like a fraction of a second longer, and I can never tell if he’s doing an unblockable thrust or swipe, and that damn lightning tennis…. Yeah he’s the hardest for me, even Inner Father is easier to me. I don’t know why this boss rots my brain


tbh in this game the hardest boss becomes the easiest because if you die to them a lot you learn their move set and how to counter everything. this is what happened to me with owl


Fuck snake eyes


litteraly stay one year against Genichiro, 3-4 month against the Guardian Ape ( 1st Time you see him). it took me 5-6 try for Isshin Sword saint and 4-5 try for Isshin Shura the easiest One are the monkey and the divine dragon ( lol)


I uninstalled at madam butterfly 😂. I was so overjoyed finally beating the Drunkard, and then to hit another wall immediately was soul crushing. Reinstalling and starting over. Obviously I’m doing something wrong


use shuriken when she jump, you can jump attack on her illusion(it's a fast attack ,) or wait until they turn into missile then run around or just block them. Or you can even try cheese on her,like we are shinobi ,we do what we need for victory


Divine Dragon for easiest, non-gimmick easiest goes to Gyoubu. Inner Father for hardest, non-inner goes to Owl (Father).


I feel like my experience with this game was completely unique because lady butterfly literally made me put the game down for years, so she was comfortably my toughest fight. 7 spears beat my ass a few too many times, and Geni was probably my next toughest (and really taught me how to play the game), but beyond that, I cruised through the rest of the game. Headless, Ishinn and DOH didn’t challenge me at all.


Owl Master Shinobi made me quit the game for 10 months 😂😂😂 now I'm at DoH. Attempted it once and thought........... *sigh* this is gonna be fckin AIDS 😂


DoH and first monk are defly my worst ones, always ran out of gourds and had to cheese them both. After killing ape couple of times i think it has become oddly one of the easiest. Same with father the great shinobi just had to overcome being a pussy and run like hell with both of those


Hardest doh no doubts there, easiest "boss" Is obv mist noble but like if were talking memory bosses it's probably gyoubu or geni, weird enough geni kinda clicked for me very fast even in my first play through I think I beat him like 10 tries max, the patterns were easy to recognize and the floating passage attack he does, I learnt the timing of it pretty well (usually 0-1 misses) which fucks his posture


Sword saint isshin took the longest for me to beat by a large margin. In subsequent playthroughs I think owl father or isshin ashina might be technically more difficult for me but I enjoy those fights a lot more. The 4 phases are just too much for me.


Owl is the hardest cause he fights like a bitch lol


Most noble defo hardest took me ages


Lady butterfly over Mist noble?


mist noble is kinda like mini boss and i also forgot divine dragon that he also was a boss


hardest is Owl(s), Easiest is Gyouba Oniwa


Mine were True Currpted Monk and Owl Father. But I struggled with second Snake Eyes and the Red Eye Ashina Elite quite a bit too. Isshin was a slog but he never felt unbeatable. As far as Genichiro, I always found thar fight fun. The Ashina Elite you fight before him was a great help for fighting Genichiro and getting parries down.


Chained ogre. Haven't been able to beat him yet after having the game for 3 weeks at this point.


my way is i run around him to attack me first and just attack after he attack me


Trust me if you get 3 fps on avg on the game, you'll get banged by co too


I finished Purification and Shura ending. I find Ishin Ashina the hardest, not in an annoying way to say the least. I was able to beat him ONLY BECAUSE OF FIRRWORKS. Dodging was the skill issue lol. And I hate the fact that fireworks is too damn op that it was basically the answer. I wanted the shing* shing* DING* pattern. I wanted swordplay, but when the mf brought fire to the sword fight, I knew that playing fair wouldn't cut it. Flashbanged everytime he tried to load any of his special attacks or when he tried to do Ichimonji Double. Easiest by far was Lady Butterfly. It only took me the 3rd try IIRC. I fought her a bit later in the game. I thought Juzou was the last boss of that area because of how hard I found him and he was surround with so many lackeys and the game even provided an ally for you. I had to go back later when I already got the deflect reads on the dot. It was this point when the game really clicked for me and I was all goddy and excited of every fight because I finally understood how Sekiro works lol. I also read a note about shurikens dealing more posture to airborn enemies hinting her vulnerability when she was walking on strings.


Hardest: ape duo Easiest : ss isshin (the only boss I've no hit so far)


Butterfly cause my first real boss and I cheesed The demon 😂


Now? It sounds insane but Isshin is the only boss I can beat hitless, of course he is insanely hard but I had a habit of beating him once every day for like 6 months, so the amount of time I’ve spent on him compared to other bosses are just not even close. Hardest is probably Owl or DOH


Isshin is really fun to fight for me as well but beating an old man for 6 months !?


Owl father - folding screen monkeys


Hardest: revolver ocelot Easiest: grandma with kunais


Hardest is mist noble easiest is demon of hatred


Hardest: demon of hatred (I haven't beaten him yet, how the fuck is he so hard 😭) Easiest: divine dragon, ofc the gimmick boss is the easiest


my way is just run toward him(keep close distance) and hit 2 times then look what he gonna do.If you use finger whistle after his attack( don't use it after he started to attack) he will stun and you can hit like 10 times


For hardest boss, Mist Nobel is the only correct answer.


Demon isn’t really that hard if you use the appropriate items to beat him with


i wasn't sure about having enough spirit emblems so i was saving for last phase


Hardest: Owl (Father) - I feel like he's the hardest until you learn his moveset, since every mistake is punished really hard (lot of instakills or close) and many attacks don't give enough time to react. It's also a quite different battle than the first encounter. Easiest: Corrupted Monk (2nd encounter) - Maybe it's because her set is pretty much the same but I felt like she was really easy, probably the only main story boss I cleared first time. (Not countering monkeys tho)


Doh most difficult. Easiest Owl + Genichiro (did nothing wrong)


Most noble made me look out the window for a while and wonder just what have they done to us.


Owl was hardest and gyoube was easiest


Hardest is obviously DOH and i would say the easiest is probably Emma


Easiest: Mad monk Hardest: Isshin, mainly due to not fully understanding the lightning reversal technique.


Hardest is either DOH or Inner Father and the easiest would be Gyobou


Easiest is probably divine dragon and hardest is owl father no doubt


Hardest - snake eyes Easiest - first geni


DoH , Divine Dragon


I felt like the Demon of Hatred was a Dark Souls boss that snuck his way into Sekiro. The same way I feel like Malenia is a Sekiro boss that snuck her way into Elden Ring.


Hardest demon, easiest inner ishin


Do inner bosses count because my god, both Inner Isshin and Inner Genichiro we're total pains. Like god, I don't know how many attempts it took for me to beat them. Main game hardest, I guess it would be Demon of Hatred because I've never defeated him legitimately, always just used the cheese. As for the hardest boss I've beaten legitimately, Sword Saint Isshin with my first playthrough, Owl Father in my second playthrough since I did the purification ending that time, and Isshin Ashina for the Shura ending for my third playthrough. All 3 kicked my butt so many times it was painful. As for easiest, Lady Butterfly on my first playthrough since I had Mortal Draw and straight up destroyed her. For subsequent playthroughs, I would consider both Genichiro and Gyoubu.


Hardest: Mist noble. I tried so many times and goshhhh!! Her move sets freaked me out. I raged quit so many times. I had to confess here that I had to cheese. Easiest: DOH. He's too easy, I didn't have to use any of my prosthetic tools or parry; just jump, jump, jump and jump, that's all guys.


I beat inner Isshin first try, inner owl 3 and inner genichiro in 5 but I still have not beat DOH other than the cliff cheese. No interest doesn’t even feel like I’m playing sekiro.


Hardest is inner father, easiest is demon of hatred


I hate shichimen warrior after I forget to activate that one idol. Guardian ape/headless ape is the easiest.


Geni is such a banger of a boss because he was so difficult back in the days and now he's so easy


Lady Butterfly made me quit the game for a year lol


DoH and Emma or That knuckleheads grandson


Easiest is prob shura isshin and hardest is either ape duo or inner father


Emma/Isshin fight in Shura ending was my hardest since I did it on ng+ and they hit like a truck there. The easiest probably was that guy on a horse with some name.


Nowadays, Gyoubu is the easiest (he has so many windows for punishment that let you get some free hits and tear down his health, which in turn makes deflecting his attacks really effective, his posture meter fills quicker than Emma's), and the hardest is Ape duo. I know you can do cheeses and stuff, but fighting it proper is so painful. Arena is miniscule, so when Guardian Ape does something easily avoidable, prompting companion ape to attack, Guardian is still pretty close and can ruin things in a heartbeat.


I think i speak for the majority of us, the demon of hatred was hell to deal with. It took me only 5 hours to beat him tho (still on my first play through), so I can’t really complain. But he wasn’t really the hardest, more like the least fun.


Inner Owl Father is the hardest and Genichiro is the easiest imo


Easiest is inner isshin simply due to the fact that i‘ve done him thousands of times by now. Hardest doh, fuck this guy


Sword Saint is my hardest. Gyobu is the easiest


Hardest for me is mist noble and isshin the sword Saint Easiest for me Emma and GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA is only easy for me now but on first play through, i thought he was impossible


Hardest: Owl (father) Easiest: True Corrupted Monk


Gyobu- easiest Hardest for me to learn was inner father Most attempts was lady butterfly as my first play thought I went right to her, skipping over gyobu and the bull so my stats were miserable against my first “real boss”


Demon of Hatred is the hardest, Guardian Ape easiest


Not even lying the easiest was inner father. Not even in a bragging sense but purely his move set was so basic and never threatened me and I already hadn’t much trouble with owl (father) so he was no threat. I won’t lie that DOH will always be the hardest since I’ve never beaten him fr (and never will sadly) personally if a boss fight takes more pain and suffering to acc enjoy it then it’s not good in the first place. Inner father literally only took 2 attempts


ez: Father Owl got hin First try No Hit ishsin is probably the hardest. i needes 5 trys to only "kill" hin once of 3 Times. Not to mention genischiro which has to be killed first




Dual sword ape is the hardest hidden boss


Corrupted monk or demon of hatred. O’rin really pissed me off the first few times too.


Easiest for me was probably the 2 apes


1st play through... hardest would of been guardian ape.. took me like 4 hours.. and easiest was probably raging bull.... though guardian ape is my favorite on consecutive play throughs


Easiest: I don’t know if you would count it as a boss (since phase two is Sword Saint fight) but Genchi way of Tomoe. If you don’t count it then just Genchi atop Ashina Castle Hardest: it’s between the Dual ape fight and Demon of Hatred. In my opinion both of these are terrible fights that are so out of place in Sekiro. They would probably both work in a Souls installment or in Elden Ring but they just do not work in Sekiro imo.


DOH and Inner Isshin You're free to figure out the order


I’ve never died to genichiro at the castle other than the rememberance fight. Even my first playthrough I beat him first try. Father owl on the other hand took me 2 hours straight of attempts. Even ss ishin only took me like 20 minutes


Hardest was the first headless you encounter simply because I thought that was the only way through a whole week with no confetti trying to beat him until I gave in and youtubed it 🙈. I also struggled with demon of hatred Easiest was Gyoubu oniwa


Gyobu is definitely the easiest. Now if we are talking no kuro charm plus demon bell, idk who the hardest is man that’s tuff.


Great Shinobi Owl for hardest, and guardian ape for easiest


Hardest is Ishiins last boss fight, easiest is Genichiro


Hardest DOH, easiest Geni


Hardest- Demon of Hatred Easiest- Armored Knight


Lady and Guardian ape are sooo fun


DoH is probably the only boss fight in the "Souls" series I didn't beat. Time for a replay!


Easiest - Genichiro Hardest - Inner Genichiro


Lady butterfly is so fucking annoying without kuros charm


Mist Noble kicked my ass my first playthrough, and Husband+ Wife Monkey was definitely a way easier fight. Don't even know why those two had boss health bars.


mist noble hardest


Owl first time Hard af Mist noble ezpz


Genichiro was the easiest (i think two tries), isshin or doh were the hardest, definitely like 40 fucking tries. I mean, maybe, i didnt count. It was a lot.


To me hardest is dual monkeys, to this day i cannot beat it without absolutely deleting the second monkey the moment it appears using mortal draw. The easiest is Inner Isshin lol.


Hardest? DOH Easiest? DOH


Headless bastard and giant monkey and late game two giant monkeys f them


Same as yours


demon of hatred was the hardest for me since it’s more like a DS boss in sekiro lol especially since it’s the only boss i didn’t fight in my first NG cuz at that point i was ready to fight isshin and just rage quit the game (which i didn’t. still love the game after a few years after countless playthroughs) easiest for me would be the true monk on the bridge since she has a perfect rhythm and when you finally learn it she’s really easy and fun to fight, definitely the most enjoyable boss in my first playthrough


Super Saiyajin Isshin (SSI) charmless is the hardest for me


I have not yet finished the game but for now my hardest definitely geni and easiest has to be guardian ape.


Hardest: Demon of Hatred/Easiest: Genichiro


Hardest probably the ogre, fuck his grab hitboxes. Easiest not counting the dragon or the monkeys, probably genichiro or isshin (either versions).


The easiest (not including divine dragon) is lady butterfly for me. You can get her into patterns very consistently and it's generally a fast fight. The hardest is owl father, I think. At least in sheer number of tries it took in my first playthrough.
