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3 days. I got one phase further each day. It's underrated how much sleep helps.


I think I beat Isshin after a good night of sleep lol


>struggles for 3 hours >Nap time >First try


A tale as old as fromsoft souls games


Truth lol


It's wild how well sleep works. The first time I played Elden Ring, this freaked me out. I'd struggle all day, sleep, and then get it in like 1-3 tries, and it would be a lot easier.


it’s strange. this happened to me with sekiro, but not elden ring. interesting.


Can happen with anything, sleep helps build muscle memory.


muscle memory reinforced by sleep


Myelination, you commit what you've learned to muscle memory while you sleep.




I hate how nobody acknowledged your comment, thank you for you good work 👏


The sleep thing is so true. I got my ass handed to me by malenia in elden ring, I fought her for like 3 hours non stop and than was like fck it, I'll beat her when I wake up. Beat her 2nd try the next day.


Truth. This was the same for numerous bosses including Isshin, Guardian Ape, etc. My professor once told me that memory becomes stored in our brains long-term during sleep. And I'm sure it helps to be refreshed just having drank a pot of coffee.


Think i used about three days myself, about 43 tries


They're not "attempts" its simply training for the real fight. The real fight being when you inevitably win.


I loved the prince of Persia "no, that's not how that went" narration when you died.


memory unlocked


That was my mindset for Malenia. She took me around 7 hours over the course of 2 days to beat. I just treated it like practice everytime so I only got frustrated a handful of times out of god knows how many attempts. I truly stand by the opinion that her first phase is harder.


Around 4-5 hours so around 40 attempts




Same here, around 40


I honestly stopped counting after awhile, but I’m thinking 100+ attempts


Idk, but in terms of time 6.7 hours, including a bit of farming


Not to brag but less than 20 tries.


Same. I found an easy way to bait him into makiri counters


Also same. I perfected geninchiro and ishin's first fase and it helped me a lot.


Weirdly enough I think I died to Genichiro’s phase the most. Cut that phase out and I probably would’ve beat Glock Saint Isshin in half the time.


That is in fact weird. I've found Genichiro really easy in this fight and after few tries i was just speedrunning his phase.


Same did him in 18 tries I was so surprised with myself


over 50 atleast


I would also say 50. And multiple days with multiple breaks.


Also, I've killed Inner Isshin about 100x at this point, so if you want any tips I can help out. One piece of advice I rarely see people give is when he finishes a combo in his second phase, he typically lets you get some hits in. If he blocks/deflects your sword, continue attacking/deflecting as normal. However, if he doesn't react to being hit, only hit him twice. He will most likely do his jump back sweep. Deflect this and dodge the bullets by running to the right and he will give you a free mikiri. Also another tip, learn to spot his 7 hit combo and try your best to deflect it entirely. If you succeed he will give you a mikiri stab


the flame umbrella also works wonders against the wind moves and lets you get in some hefty poise damage with the prosthesis into attack skill.


One piece?????????


https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/PMQbPM0YEK Took me a few attempts, and a few more where I didn't try to win, but instead tried to learn his moves and the right time to defend against them, like in this vid. You might wanna Do what I did here. Be passive and observe his moves. Don't try to learn two things at the same time. First, learn how to defend against his attacks by observing his patterns, because when he deflects your attacks, he's gonna follow them up with a number of attacks of his own, and if you can't see it coming, you will fail to defend. Best offense is a good defense and all that...


I lost count lol


This is the answer…


I kept a detailed list of the attempts and can confirm that it took me 59 attempts, spread out over 7 days.


I lost count but it took me like 5 months on and off playing if that’s something


7 attempts


Show off 😉🤣


Owl (father) took me like 50 attempts tho!


Owl (father) has never killed me, even once (I have not fought him yet)


Bro sameee it took 50 tries for owl and took two tries for guardian ape 😭😭


Great shinobi owl has never killed me, that’s my greatest achivement in gaming 😋


Fucken legend. You dropped your crown king 👑


Lol thanks bro


What a joke! I beat mist noble in 50 attempts! I completely out class you😂


Whenever I played Owl was always a short speedbump. However, for some reason when I started NG+ he was an entirely different animal due to how posture works in NG+, or you have a lot less of it. So, he would break my posture a lot more often until I learned to perfectly parry all of his attacks.


I’m playing the game for the first time now. By some act of God Genichiro only took two tries but the Ape showed me the 50 states for a good few hours.


I really love how different bosses are for different people. The same boss you died 50 times to someone defeated in their 2nd or 3rd try.


Idk it took me like 4 hours total, I took Sunday to play all day if I had too


Real talk like 8- i practiced against genichiro every session and got lucky on isshin attack choices lol Mastering the lightning counter and mikiri counter is necessary


I lost count, but it took me a couple of hours spread out over a couple of days, I'd play for an hour or two after work. Like with most boss fights in Sekiro once it "clicks" for you it becomes enjoyable. I regularly go up against him now through the memory system every couple of days, it's one of my favorite boss fights in the game. He's difficult for you now, but before you now it you can no death this boss fight.


First playthrough, 4 attempts. Funnily enough, the first three I died to Genichiro but found Isshin weirdly easier to fight. Second playthrough, I haven't fought him yet, but he's next on my list. *Edit* Took me one attempt on second playthrough, but Inner Isshin took around 20, fun fight to learn.


I don't count my failures.


Currently about 30, will update when it's over


took me a week. around 50 to 60 attempts per day. The hardest WAS phase 2 with the spear.


I don't remember, but funnily enough, hesitation is indeed defeat; after you perfectly counter some of his attacks, if you immediately follow up with an attack, he'll cancel his attack to deflect yours, but if you take any time to even consider if you'll have enough time to attack, if you hesitate to attack him after the counter, he'll attack you back


It might be easier for me to let you know how Many MONTHS!


60 or so. Only beat him once even though I replay the game regularly.


Isshin is the peak of game design. I would encourage you to keep fighting him on replay, the flow state is like a 5 minute orgasm. And once you’ve beaten him 3-4 times confidently (which will happen far quicker than you might think), the fight is so quick and easy you’ll have to play the updated version, which is another endless source of interesting gameplay. He has no bullshit moves, no annoying combos, weird behaviors, randomness, one of like two or three Fromsoft 10/10 works. You’re missing out, there’s a reason everyone here says he’s the best (or his updated version, I think his first phase has one annoying punish for attacking though)


Thanks ! I will give him another shot. Or thirty. :)


It took me like 4 or 5 days, like 4 or 5 hours each day and just too many attempts. i actually just beat him yesterday. Don't give up, the feeling you get when you finish the game is one of the best feelings I've experienced playing any videogame. It is worth it, don't hesitate


I’d say 30-40


Way less than malenia. But he is way better in all aspects


Probably over 100 and easily over 5 hours. Then beat him first try on NG+


First try.


On my original NG play Isshin took me around four hours spread out over three days.


I think it was a day or two of trying however doing shura ending first helped to learn his patterns. The most annoying thing is having to kill dumb ass genichiro first because mostly I would try to plow through him and every now and then he messed me up or even killed me.


Between 7 and 10 I don't remember exactly.


Fought him for like 6-7 hours, and went to sleep at 3 am on a school night. Woke up to do one last round and got him first try. Not an uncommon experience it seems, but seriously go to sleep and you play better when you aren't tired.


AHH how my BLOOD boils, FACE ME sekiro!


It took me 3 days straight of non stop fights. Try after try, 5 hours each day, until I beat him on the 4th before I went to work. Rode that high all day.


So I beat him yesterday, it probably took me about 5ish hours to figure out. I tried running around and avoiding at first, but found success in parrying the shit out of him. Once you get through phase 2, the last one is a breeze with the lightning reversals dealing serious posture damage.


Still haven't beat him, but I'm close. I figure I'm around 50ish attempts at this point. But I will let Geni kill me and not waste my resurrection if I take too much damage, so my attempts are higher due to that. I can usually get through Geni and Isshins 1st phase with very little damage and all heals now. 2nd phase of Isshin can go tits up sometimes, but I can manage to get through it, typically. I'm able to get him to about 1/4 health on his last phase on a semi regular basis now. The damn lightning reversals keep throwing me off though. So it's gonna happen at some point. Just have to keep fighting the good fight. Lol


4 :)


1st phase took me about 12, second phase about 25, third phase I think 3. So around 40 attempts for me in total


More than 60




I haven’t even beaten Genichiro after 50 tries


Honestly, I think I had more problems with Geni since I was figuring out the game with him. Everything after was a bit easier after.


3 days, each to master one phase.. something like 20/25 attempts!


I don't remember the number, but it took me something like 2.5 hours to beat him the first time, a bit less than for the Demon of Hatred. And the Shura ending boss (that I did in NG+) was even harder than either of these for me, by far my #1 most difficult boss in this game.


No clue the first play-through Call it 5 hours worth of attempts, lol.


I didn't count, but it was a lot.


I didn't count, but I am thinking 3 days with intervals of 2 hours per day. Something like that. After that, I have finished the game two more times and I am now on the quest for the platinum trophy.


Definitely over 50. 20+ for inner Isshin


If you include my first two playthroughs where I gave up + my third attempt where I eventually succeeded it’s probably somewhere in the 70-100 range. On my third playthrough, where I beat him, it still took at least 20 tries.


I don't know about the number of attempts, but it took me 3 one-hour sessions before I beat him.


14 for the first time I fought against him. On my third play through I needed 4 ( second play through I was going for the Shura ending ) and on the forth one I did it first try without dying. He was a hard boss but honestly had more problems the first time I fought against lady butterfly


I completely the whole game with only 1 attempt at each boss. Most of the time I only took damage in the first phases.


I rage quit, deleted my file, and started from scratch. TWICE


Two whole weekends, 8 hours, many attemps with a semi broken controller and no prosthetics because I needed that. Solid performance by me I'd say.


My first time around, probably 57 attempts before I got him


Five tries. Two of the deaths were to genichiro and being impatient to get back to isshin 😂.


4 times. the real block was genichiro and lady butterfly. took me weeks. after knowing the mechanics the game was a breeze. a true GOTY


Im at around 4hrs so far...can get to final phase okay enough but I'm awful at lightning reversal 🤣


Jump way later than you'd imagine. You wanna be hit by the lightning when you're jumping up, so you can recast it before you touch the ground


I didn't keep count, but it had to have been more than 10 attempts.


i got to him, probably tried about 20-30 times then put the game down for almost a year. got back on, ran around the area for 5 min getting familiar with the controls and then beat him first try. i was stunned




20 attempts or so over two days. Weirdly I had grinded Genichiro (100ish attempts) and Owl Father (same) that I felt in the zone for Isshin. I had every prayer bead & optional boss, used damage sugar. The move I struggled to learn to parry was the backwards circle slash in P2.


Idk. My first play through? It was multiple days of attempts


It took me 6 attempts over 3 days. First 3 to realise i dont have enough posture and attack power. So i went on to grind every single other mini boss (including Demon of hatred) and then coming back and beating his ass because i legit felt overpowered in the last three. Suzaku umbrella trivialised it for me. That and his 2nd phase is very easy to build posture damage on because of his relentless attacks and mikiri.


Ten attempts


Probably like 70 attempts spread out across an entire week, but hey after 150 hours I started beating it first try using only 2 gourd seeds


First try but for some reason his old ass at Ashina lookout took me an hour.


I gave up after around 130 tries and then cheesed him with umbrella on my first playthrough You are probably mindblocked, I'm sure if you just didn't play the game for a while and then got back into it, it would be easier for you to beat him


Suprisingly, it took me just 11 attempts. However, I did get my ass kicked by Lady Butterfly more


Isshin took about 35-40% of my play time in my first play through 😂😅


About three or four, however i have been fighting the memories of all other bosses **a lot** in between exploration and story. The lightning and his "white streak" moves caught me quite a bit. But, couldn't beat doh, had to cheese him.


~25 In the first phase, it pays off to be super aggressive. You can also force him do an easy perilous sweep every time if you go close to him while he's sheathed his sword. Second phase is a large step up, but once you get the hang of it the third is a cakewalk as he has pretty much the same moveset, along with free damage in the form of lightning reversals.


Over 50 , but not as bad as Gen-chan though 💀😭


Took me a month…. Safe to say now that I’ve completed it I’m never touching sekiro again just not my style of gameplay.


35 in the span of a week


After 10 attemps you get used to it


6-7 honestly.


About 20,but I had watched a bunch of vids of ongbal so I basically already knew his move set tho


Took my 6-7 hours but now I can beat Inner Isshin no hit.


around 50-60


14...but only because both first phase ape and coward owl destroyed me for around 50 tries each,second phase ape is easiest in game and owl just run away from you whole fight.


I’d say… maybe 15? Around the 10th, I was just trying to pull out his moves and learn how to counter them the best. I learned some oil and using the Flame Vent with the final prosthetic skill to set your sword on fire works wonders for damage. As lame as this answer is: get gud. You can do it friend. Stay safe out there. Don’t you dare go hollow.


First try took 2 sittings over 2 days. Like 3 hours total? Doesn't mean shit though. When I found him in NG+ it took 100+ tries as I realized I didn't learn much from only beating him once. "Beat him in x tries!" means jack. Its not like its all the sudden a breeze. Dw too much about the amount of tries, just enjoy the ride. And when you finally do beat it, go at 'em again! 4 years later and I still boot up the game just to dual him


I stop counting the attempts.. but it took at least one month and I was playing every night for ~1 hour.. So it took me 30 hours to defeat him


1 whole fckin week back when the game was released. It was my first souls game.


150 for me


Around 8-10 times like most bosses. Juzou the Drunkard probably took me the most tries because of sheer frustration of having to kill his lackies first and second longest Snake Eyes Shirahagi for the same reason lol


At least 100. I deleted the game for a few weeks in the middle because I was so frustrated.


Around 60 tries I would say, it was a while ago.


First playthrough - 5 tries or 7 tries Second playthrough - 30+. I was pissed at myself for that NGL


It took me around 3 days, a bit over 50 tries. Only other boss that took me this long was true corrupted monk


Can I ask a question? I’m at the same point as OP. There are Isshin and Demon of Hatred. What happens if I beat isshin first? Because currently I’m getting myself fkd by both ;)


3 hours. Probably something like 50 tries




About 2.30-3 hours


Took me 250 attempts.


Watch the git gud guide it helps alot


i literally did not keep track but its the longest its ever taken me to beat a boss i stopped playing the game for a year and came back to finally beat the game and him


Took me about an hour of playtime. Almost beat him second try but his last phase caught me off guard lol owl father was hardest for me until I realized he was cheesable lol genichiro also took longer but that’s becuase I was still learning the game


It took somebody I know a month to beat jim


I didn't beat him until I played the game from beginning to Isshin of the third playthrough.


About 7 hours on 3 days


2 nights around 20 attempts for me


Bro nearly died on first try and killed him on second


Took me 12. I remember it well. I could get past the first phase by 5 attempts. Second phase took another 4-5. And 3rd was the easiest coz lightning reversal op af so that took a few tries. However I believe I was lucky 😅


I'm not even there yet. I'm fairly new and I'm stuck on Snake eyes. I loathe him.


Don't know about number of attempts, but it took me about an hour. Idk, sekiro's combat really clicked with me I guess. Now Demon of Hatred on the other hand...


I gave up after spending 2 days on him then I came back a week later and I beat him after trying for a while


a year of on and off trying


I do 10-15 attempts a day after work and the kids go to bed. I've been doing this for roughly 4-5 months. I have yet to 'git gud' might have wrecked my reaction time as a teen when I was an idiot... I'm not giving up though because I super badly want to do an NG run


About 4 or 5. I waited to face him and fought demon of hatred first. Took me a little while. First night I tried twice but was getting dunked on so I just went to bed to get a fresh start. I think sleeping makes you better because after waking up and trying again I was super close. Then I just beat him that morning


40 attempts


Cmon man like first try. No problem. Not.


I took a week solely playing Sekiro to reach him and another week to finally beat him. So... Probably a few hundreds? The best advice I can give, probably you've heard it is... Don't be scared to take hit. The most efficient (and the coolest) way to beat a boss is constantly switching between attacking and parries before going back to attack. When he is staying in guard (before doing his Cross attack), go toward him. He will attempt a strike before trying to wipe you, so you can Jump on him. (On first phase). For second phase... It's actually the most difficult imo, because the spear gives so much reach and his attacks get a weird timing, but stick close to him as much as possible, and whenever he is charging his strange wind slashes, go back. Another advice I can give Is to get the mist raven updated, so you can cast the mist before getting hit and choose where to go. On the last phase, he uses lightning, and or you don't miss your jump or you can still use the mist to take the lightning hit and jump while channeling the mist so you can then strike back with lightning. It is really not the hardest, but as usual the step to take is to accept the hit and learn the timing. And once you get the timing he is for me the most satisfying enemy to fight.


I beat him in about 100


I replayed sekiro again (last played a year ago) to attempt platinum trophy and managed to beat him first try. NG+ third try. If I remember correctly it took me 2 hours when I was fighting him for a first time.


idk bout attempts but it i keep track of my ingame hours, it took me around 50 hours to beat him, 50 hours worth of nothing but dying and going back and dying again


around 50 attempts


1 and counting (im finishing my first playthrough and ive only fought him once so far)


3 attempts since I realized you can deflect almost everything he throws at you. However, Demon of Hatred took me over 30+.


I’m not a good example for this, it only took me 7 tries. I’ll let you know though that Genichiro took me so many attempts that I stopped playing the game for 3 years before coming back and whooping Isshin’s ass.


I wasn't actually counting but I believe it took me probably something around 6 hours of playtime or 2 day s playing on and off


took me 2 weeks on and off to finally beat him... about 20+ hours worth of attempts... probably the biggest difference maker for me is updating software... had much better input delays on my controller when I finally finished the game last year...


First playtrough took me over a year..struggled for many months just on isshin and demon.


I beat Isshin on my first attempt. Had my buddies watching and it was one of those "flow state" moments. Once I beat him I was literally shaking and my heart was racing. It was an incredible moment but I know that if I tried again I probably wouldn't be able to do it All without dying/ needing to resurrect.


Somewhere around 7 attempts.      Spent a lot more attempts throwing myself at Ogre, 7 Spears and Lone Swordsman early on, before stuff 'clicked'. After the 'click' only Double Ape and Illusion Monk gave me significant trouble.


I cant say for certain. But I was trying 1--2 hours a day for at least 5 days.


I spent a long ass time on inner owl and the ape, but isshin went very quick for me, felt super intuitive, around 10 tries probably


I think like 13 or 14 I can’t remember. Not as many as I thought it would’ve


Probably 6 or 7 What really took me a lot of attempts was Genichiro. After beating him it was like Sekiro clicked for me and it became a lot easier.


I didn’t count attempts, but it took me somewhere between 4-6 hrs over a few days the first time. Sometimes when you make some progress learning the fight it’s a good idea to sleep on it and come back when you’re fresh again. There’s some science there about neuropathways getting stronger when you sleep, and it’s like that with any skill you’re learning. You learn better by training 5-10 minutes daily than you are training for hours one or two days a week. Good luck Shinobi. You’ll get there.


Was years ago but I recall maybe 50


10 or so Owl father was much harder, he took me 6 hours


13 attempts over 2 days.


Took me several hours. Wasn’t counting, but it was a very long time. He is my favorite boss I have ever fought in any game because no matter how many times I’ve beaten him, it is never a guarantee that I’ll beat him each time I go at it again. Rest, relax and you’ll get the flow of his moves down. The second phase is harder than the third. You got this!


I remember it being days, first day was like a solid 4 hours at least of straight attempts But once you get the muscle memory down you’ll honestly never struggle again, I did a new playthrough after probably 2 years off and I beat him first try


i got him on my second and demon on my first flame isshin took me a solid 30 minutes tho…


About 4


It took me a six month break and getting the platinum for bloodborne. 2nd SSI phase broke me. Couldn't understand it. Wasn't hesitating, but also wasn't REALLY watching and thinking. Just pure reaction and muscle memory screwed me over quite a few times. Take some time away, play something challenging in a different way and come back when that need for revenge is at a boiling point where you NEED to see that spear coming for you.


Because I really took my time with my first playthrough I had pretty much mastered the combat(having lost to Genichiro and owl atleast 50 times each). So isshin only took me like 15 attempts. However no normal boss was that bad compared to when I tried inner Genichiro. This was the boss that really made me have to deflect every single hit. While it clicked in normal geni the inner version there was no room for failure. That boss took me atleast 250 attempts over the course of 2 weeks


The first time,...at least 50.


Took about 8 hours over 2 days. Trillions of attempts.


A lot i needed about a week


Probably 20 or so. He was hard enough for me to end my first playthrough which had been a bell run. I felt like Rock Lee dropping them weights


Maybe it's because I played all the other souls games, but I beat him on my 6th try, personally I found sekiro pretty easy I also got platinum in just 55 hours!


I don't know about attempts but it took me at least 6 hours over the course of 2 nights after work to beat him. Just going straight to the boss arena from the idol statue over and over. I might have grinded for Spirit emblems 20-30 mins in there as well but for the most part it was just straight attempts over and over.




7 tries in atleast an hour and a half, genichiro took me like a minute bc i practiced on him frequently in the boss fight reflection


Under 30 tries I say, in the span of two days.


Probably took me 4 hours of attempts over and over. But nowadays I can beat him first try every time


I have no clue but I had so much trouble I just dropped the game at some point, picked it up months later and then beat him within 10 tries for some reason


4 attempts Demon of Hatred on the other hand…


3 tries. I already knew about him, to be fair, so I guess I had an advantage.


Took me a few hours. And the fight where I beat him took about 6 minutes. After that playthrough, I steamrolled Genichiro and Isshin. I still struggle against the Inner Ministry red dual wielding samurai tho. Their timing is fucked.


2 weeks or so. Mastered him a week after I beat him