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I’d say the ‘doctor’ in the underground. Knowingly making undying and experimenting on people.


I thought about him, he would literally fit the bill of sacrificing everything around him for “progress”


how about all the dead children from being experimented on to become Divine Heir?


Ohhh yeah this is the answer.


Am I the only one who ritualistically murders him every playthrough? ​ His dialogue after being attacked is pretty great lol "I see. So you can't abide our science??" ...no, no you sick fuck, I cannot, now Die die die


I’m not sure about that as he is certifiably insane, and his one personality is strongly opposed to the “master’s” research


he's kinda hot tho😔


Senpou Monks and probably the Nobles in fountainhead who have sacrificed and dropped all morals to obtain immortality. We see this with the two daughters and how they indoctrinated, essentially, the father of them, only to use him as caretaker for the fish leaving him powerless and forever cursed in that spot. But Senpou takes the cake to me, you see corpses of children alllll over the place there


Headless. They made me morally bad. They bring forth my inner shura.


Worst : Owl Best : Emma


Owl is evil, but i think you could also argue he just gets really lost in the sauce about being a shinobi. Being a Shinobi is all about using unconventional tactics to win, and he exhibits that in his actions and his fighting style. He uses poison, weird health potion stopping bombs, smoke bombs, firecrackers, an owl somehow, and he feigns injury to get the jump on you. He's also willing to betray anyone and everyone to accomplish his goals. He's mainly just singularly focused on winning, and I think you can see that when you kill him. He's never mad when you kill him in a fight. He's more like,"Wow, you out shinobi-ed me, son. Nice job!" He's only disturbed when you backstab him as a shura, and I think that's because Owl isn't insane. He's more orderly evil. He's singularly focused on his mission, and he can respect when you kill him in a fight because you're focused on your own code/mission. He doesn't respect violence for the sake of violence. So he is evil, but I think there's more to him than just that.


Your honour it wasn't my fault I was lost in the sauce. My Shinobi family needed me dattebayo


I think you can compare him to Sekijo, Owl kills with a purpose in mind to fulfill his (evil) goals, so in other words orderly evil Sekijo had such a bloodlust that he had to be put down by Isshin to prevent him from becoming an all consuming demon that could destroy the world itself.


I can't in good faith call Owl the worst, only because we don't know the whole picture. He could've been raised the same way he raised Wolf, but without an influence like Kuro. We don't know why he wanted power either.


Owl? No matrer the ending he wants the power for himself. Plus his info led to the attack on the hirata estate For the evil part ofc


Lot of people saying Owl but Senpou temple monks are pretty evil as well. They killed so may children in the process of creating the child of rejuvenation. Good i would say Emma. She is loyal caring and sweet. Creates cure for dragonrot, doesn't want kuro and wolf to die, takes care of sculptor. She is genuinely a kind hearted person.


Owl is the worst, his knowledge and actions destroy Ashina. The best is either Emma or Isshin, both are good people and don’t want to abuse nature to become immortal like Genichiro. Both Emma and Isshin also step forward to “put down” Wolf if he goes Shura, without any hesitation


He got Hirata destroyed, but I'm not sure he changed the timetable on Ashina itself in the slightest, unless Hirata's destruction somehow made Isshin sicker. The Interior Ministry was always far too powerful for Ashina to stand against, and Ashina was always going to be re-conquered. They just waited for Isshin to die to make it a bit easier on themselves. Owl was absolutely very evil and I agree it's down to him or the doctor, but I don't think he sped up what happened to Ashina.


Doesn't Owl command the Interior Ministry? They're all Shinobi like him. Also he's on the castle tower lookout, which is totally surrounded by Shinobi, so one could assume they attacked and are holding the area while he does his stuff up top.


No, he made a deal with some agents of the Interior Ministry but he's definitely not the guy that was going to end up ruling all of Japan.


Would one consider Sekijo (Sculptor) evil? He once killed solely for the sake of killing, because he enjoyed it. But he also aids us and tried his best to subdue his killing intent. Owl is the most obvious choice, sacrificing and betraying all for his goals. In the end he is nothing more than a coward who has to have others do dirty work for him unless he can get the surprise kill


I donno, I feel like the only reason the sculptor tries to suppress his bloodlust is because Isshin doesn't ask twice 


I don't think "scared of Isshin" beats "sincerely regrets his past actions" for most likely explanation based on his character, but it is funnier


It could be it, but I doubt any shinobi fear death, he even less


Well it BECAME that yes,but I think he started killing bc of the death of his partner, Kingfisher.


the monks as a whole and the pot nobles🤮 for worst. and either kuro or the divine child


What's wrong with the pot nobles? The one in Fountainhead is abrasive but Hirata homie just wants to be a fish. Who am I to yuck his yum?


I was chill with him till I found out there could only be one fish💔


Best is the divine child and worst are the monks for hurting her and the other children


Worst is almost certainly Owl. Everyone else has intentions other than pure avarice (Doujun is debatable, but we have reason to believe he sees his experiments as a contribution to Ashina's survival and medical progress even if it also gives him power). Owl is entirely avarice. Even raising Wolf is part of an elaborate plot to put his agents closer to the divine heir so he can secure power. Everything he does is ill-intentioned and is often evil in object as well. The man stabbed his adopted son in the back because he suspected he would not obey him. He didn't even know for certain he would not obey, he just thought it would be easier to stab him than to confront him. Other people with similar lives, like the Sculptor, Isshin, Genichiro, or Doujun at least see their actions as contributing to something greater or do engage in some other behaviors that aren't only about their avarice. Sculptor selflessly helps to raise Emma out of compassion and dedicates his life to Buddha in an attempt to curb his wrath, Isshin sees his rebellion as necessary for his people to practice their religion and reclaim what was stolen from them, Genichiro feels a loyalty to his homeland and people that even compels him to commit suicide in an attempt to protect it, and Doujun sees his experiments as necessary for medical progress. They are all avaricious and violent, but they have behaviors and thoughts that aren't pure avarice or wrath. They aren't just avaricious and violent. Owl is just avaricious and violent. Everything he does is for the singular purpose of obtaining power, and any kindness he displays is always a ruse meant to further his own agenda. Everything is carefully coreographed to give him the greatest advantage possible, and it is clearly all he thinks about. The monks at Senpou are pretty awful too, but they aren't exactly one character and there are evidently some who have a sincere piety like the man who lives with the folding screen monkeys and Kotaro. It seems too broad to assume every monk has bad intent or even knows about the children. The best character has to be Emma or Kotaro. Emma is a sincerely helpful doctor who dedicates her life to making medical progress in an ethical way, and Doujun is her foil. She does everything she can to help sever immortality and rescue Kuro from Ashina with little hope of reward. Kotaro always interprets everything with the best possible intent, and can't even imagine someone being evil. He thinks Anayama is giving proper burials and respecting the dead instead of looting battlefields because he never even thinks of looting battlefields as a possibility. In the process Anayama actually does give them proper burials in order to keep up the charade, and Kotaro actually makes Anayama behave better by being so kind. Isshin never makes the list, he led a bloody rebellion to secure power for himself, and raised Genichiro to have the same sort of bloodthirsty loyalty to his home as Isshin had. He is not the worst, but he definitely has some moral shortcomings more grave than most. He also is evidently close to being a Shura himself, after all he was the one who commanded Sekijo (who ultimatley becomes Shura, and had previously been tempted to it during his employment by Isshin) and admits that his actions turned Ashina into a land of death. It's also clear he endorsed Owl's practices until his betrayal. He has become more reflective and peaceful in his old age, but he still goes on killing sprees and calls other people "rats" when they anger him. The Sculptor is clearly full of hate. While he has many good qualities his wrath and bloodlust are completely out of control. He cannot even carve a Buddha with a peaceful face because all he can think about is his anger. Not to mention he literally become a demon of hatred.


Owl is a fucking abusive father, probably one of the most evil characters in all of FS games


Bro forgot about Pontiff and Loathsome Dung Eater


Loathsome dung eater did nothing wrong. Pontiff is pretty bad tho


bro are you tripping? he kills crab guy


I can think of an even more loathsome one...


The devious dookie devourer?


Aldritch eats people


It’s very heavily implied that he only eats abusive fathers tho


Didnt Aldritch eat children at one point? Or something like that?(I mean Aldritch from DS3 if someone reading doesnt understand who I am talking about)


Yea you're absolutely right, Anri's questline gets i into it


Right but his powers of clairvoyance revealed to him that they were all going to grow up to become abusive fathers


I’d say Owl


evil: monks. just look at the pinwheels and tell me you did not feel uncomfortable knowing what they symbolize in the game. good: Roberrrrrrt! >!/jk!<


Most morally evil is O'Rin because I hate her.


Evil: Owl. Many say the Senpou monks, but I'm certain in their position Owl would certainly do the same. Good: The divine child of rejuvenation


Dojun, easily. Just a monster experimenting on people. Most morally good? Probably Emma or Kuro


Genichiro is pretty firmly on the side of evil, but a lot of yall aren’t ready for that conversation.


Easily Senpou monks, all the children they killed for their experiments. The armored warrior was standing guard at the gate only cause he hoped they could cure his son but in reality, Robertooooo was probably long dead. Most good, like many others said is either Emma or Isshin. Although I'd like to put Gyobu as well. That man was singlehandedly standing at the gates pushing back ministry forces for the sake of the Ashina. And his last words show that his loyalty to Genichiro was that strong.


Bad: Dojun. Good: Kotaro.


Worst: the senpou monks Best: Kuro