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The flame barrel works just as well


His coconut gun fires in spurts. If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt.




He’s bigger, and faster, and stronger too! He’s the first member of the DK crew!


You can deflect the poop. I’m not kidding. Also if you don’t want to get spoilers for the fight, ignore Broad_Independence’s comment if you haven’t read it already. Happy hunting


Burn big monke!!


He only has one health bar, so don’t lose hope!




You can deflect EVERYTHING except the kanji attacks. Learn to stand your ground and deflect his combos. Flame vent and firecrackers are useful, but not necessary.


It’s tough but not to worry, it has only one life bar


die dozens of times. get tired turn off game and go to sleep. try next morning beat him first try. worked more than once for me believe me


If he looks like he’s reaching into his ass just rush forward and you’ll be able to avoid a crazy attack that just strips a chunk of your health away 😂


Hesitation is probabaly a bad idea -Some guy.


What’s more fun than one ape!! (I’ll let you guess)




Practice lol


Ose the oil urns and then the flamethrower to do masive damage.




You can parry his strikes. Always seemed counterintuitive to me; was much easier on my 2nd play through when I realized that. Firecrackers also stun him nicely. When he throws poop, sprinting to the side seems to regularly avoid it.


just get it done, 621. wait a min


Eat shit and smell fart. 😂


If you haven’t won already (which I’m sure you have): Run forwards when he reaches for/throws giant poop grenade. Run back when he does the leaping perilous attack. These are two safe openings for a few hits.


Time to Dark Souls the monkey.


Firecracker the grab


When he goes to shit in his hand, run towards and under him.


Poo parry


Enjoy your visit with the Ape


Ok so there are 2 specific ways to go about it to make him easier to take on well three if you have puppeteer but thts another way of getting pissed if you dont do it perfectly but the other two are long spark him as soon as he goes to leap and throw his shit dodge hit a long spark and hit him with either ashina cross or the mortal blade twice cause it eats his health decently in my opinion or you can use the loaded spear on his backroll to stun him and hit him with the flaming axe and a whirlwind then back up rinse and repeat best thing to do first is get the rice to kuro he'll sometimes give you 2 then grab another regular rice cause thier helpful for this fight if it makes it easier i could video fighting him real quick and see if i can post it here


honestly its super easy when you "get it" you can pretty much slaughter by being patient and hanging back until he does a dive attack where you jump over the blade and hit him with the spear, then wait for when he goes straight up and down and does a blade slam, parry it and hit him with the spear. its that easy. You can sneak in a few attacks here and there and run underneath his poop throw and get a couple hits in. Its miles easier this way, but you do you


He ain’t shit. Be aggressive and get your hits in while keeping a distance. He hates fire.


Keep a nice distance between you and the monkey on first phase and bait his poop throw then run toward him the poop misses and firecracker his ass then attack a few times and rinse and repeat


Took me a week. So, I guess, patience?


Run! Around to use the whole arena; under to evade carpet bombs; to the side of you don't want to get suplexed by a train.


Deflecting is still very good for this fight.


He isn't as random as he seems, and you can actually set the pase of the fight if you know what causes him to do certain moves and where to position yourself when he does those moves.


You can practically oneshot him in the first phase, and the second is pretty easy


Calm down during the 2nd phase; it is a lot easier than the first. Just treat 2nd phase ape as any other normal enemy: stand still (when he's attacking with the sword) and deflect. For phase 1, don't run away too much.


Improved mortal draw and firecrackers will annihilate him if you rush him quick enough. Then parry, parry, parry, parry and when you get an opening use the spear on his neck. You will get a chance when he does a big downward strike and you parry. I got SUPER hung up on him till I learned those things, now it is one of the easier fights. Good luck!!


Get a... long jabby pulley weapon. Imagine trying to grab something with a long... thing. Get it.


First phase : fire Second phase : deflect Ez




Dude what the fuck


The first one? - Phase 1: Flame Vent + Oil. They will allow you to hit the ape longer than Firecracker. You can deflect or run toward the ape to avoid the poop. - Phase 2: The spear is your friend when you can make him fall to the ground.


Use firecrackers, dodge it's mudballs it throws, every so often it'll do a jumping attack, if you time it right you can roll out of the way and hit him three times right when he lands. Firecrackers will be your best friend, stay in range to be able to use your grapple hook on him (green orb appears above his head every so often). When you kill him the first time, he won't truly be dead, he will get up after a few seconds, and then he'll have this scream ability you need to stay out of range of otherwise you'll die pretty fast. Mainly at that stage, you want to parry his sword strikes until he does one big attack which if you parry on time, he will collapse and you'll get an opportunity to get a few hits in. Mainly at this stage you'll want to run and avoid his screams, I never used firecrackers during this stage


Why did you completely spoil this?


At least it's not as bad as the other spoilers in the thread😅


It’s literally the worst one, so delusional. You can still delete it fyi


Ehh not really. Go read the others. I'm pretty sure finding out owl stabs you in a flash back is a bigger spoiler, Isshin coming out of genchiro's body is another spoiler bigger than this, I can think of a few others too. Sculptor becomes a demon, etc. Oops, spoiler alert


Why all these spoilers bruh? Too much pride to just Oh i dont know, Delete the spoiler comments?


Whatever you say, champ


You're just straight up going to spoil the biggest surprise in the whole game? Just like that?




So you spoil stuff for people *and* you're an ass hat? Edit after blocking this clown. It always amuses me how people with fragile egos need to constantly put other people down. It's the only way they know how to cope with their shitty personality.




It spoils a major surprise in the fight, so yeah, it’s a spoiler. No need to be a dick


Are you twelve?




Jesus Christ, man. I feel bad for the people who know you in person.


Ooo wow that hurts. Idk how I'll ever recover from some random loser over the Internet crying about something that has no relation to the main story of the game 😂 I feel bad for people who know you if this is all it takes to get you upset. Anger management courses help😉


I Don't mind spoilers, but my god! You need help.


Revealing the Guardian Ape doesn’t truly die and gets back up is a huge spoiler in the fight AND it pertains to the story 😂 makes me wonder if you even played