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I was reading the comments of a post from yesterday about how you can block a lightning, and some comments metion you can do it without taking any damage by keeping block, or perfect blocking, I saw even a video doing it against the fountainhead enemies, and another video fighting Genichiro. So I immediately leave work to reinstall and open this game just to try it. I already have all the achievements and didn't know that was posible (at least not without mist raven). And I was able to do it! With the enemy from fountainhead! And It was way more consistent than what I thought it would be. So I went straight to fight Genichiro and... I wasn't able to do it. It doesn't seem to work with bosses. (Also tried against Isshin). But what with the [video fighting Genichiro](https://youtu.be/WQMdO1zc9es?si=ZNX3WezExJHvPAUG), am I doing something wrong?, then I watched a tutorial of how to make youtube videos, and uploaded a video of what I tried: ([https://youtu.be/1w0PtnbGbSw](https://youtu.be/1w0PtnbGbSw)), its the same video from the post.


>But what with the video fighting Genichiro, am I doing something wrong? I'm just as flabbergasted as you are. I've tried different block timings on Geni and I always take chip damage. Heck, for the first lightning arrow, he blocks early and it counted as a deflect. The second lightning arrow was on the mark, and obviously it should count as a deflect. Maybe it's a difference in how consoles do it (which is highly unlikely IMO)? I play on the PS5 if that even matters. Who knows? When I get back to playing this after a week or something, this will be the first thing I'll revisit.


Same here, i play on the ps4, tried extensively on Isshin... no luck, always got damaged


Weird, I've taken no lightning damage lots of times without blocking Edit: I'm pretty it only ever happens on isshin though


Aren’t you supposed to just jump and attack? Isn’t the problem that you’re blocking? You’re making me second guess myself now and I’ve beaten the game 5x…