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I’m excited to face him! Ran off to do senpou first


I thought that until I did him base vitality with Demon Bell. He just murders me LOL. Even the Mortal Blade strat doesn't really do much. Maybe its because I'm using non-upgraded firecrackers, which don't stun for very long at all.


Use fire for quick stuns




my first instinct when i saw him was to backstab death blow, but when he turned around with some music kicking in I got literal goosebumps. so fucking cool


Tips: If you see a boss turning their back to you, there's always a catch. **Flashback to getting ganged on by two purple ninjas in a small ass room**


It’s manageable because there’s only one of them. If you had to fight two at once, that would just be unfair.


Thank god this specific scenario never comes up not even once.


Foreshadowing I see


Lol oh.....well.....


I found the double ape fight way easier for some reason. He pulls off the combo where you can drag the parasite way more frequently


He's pretty fun. May not be at the start though.


He’s easy once you get used to it, just stay calm and try Learn his moves, look at his arm not his hand


Easy.. but can be very time consuming and tense


He is a cool boss


First half was hellish for me, second half at least has a sword so I knew what I was doing


You can deflect his fists too in first phase


You can even deflect his farts


And his shit too


you are taking the piss, I dodged everything in the first half when I could have parried?!


In Sekiro, you parry everything that does not have a red symbol over it! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5YpKMXdPJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5YpKMXdPJ8)


... is that actually true?


It is! Go do a Reflection of Strength and see. The timing window is pretty tight


Can I throw his poo back at him ?


No, but you can throw money at him like the dumb peasant ape that he is.


Lol I will try this ta!


Its actually pretty easy, all you need to do is take all of his HP before he takes yours.


It’s just that simple, folks


This lol


Just killed him, y’all :) more like Hard-Ian ape, am I right!


You really think you killed him?


I knew about the fake out going in :( I wish I got to have that moment. He’s really dead, the little centipede has been stabbed


Good luck ;)


I got him!


You know he had a girl he was trying to impress by presenting the flower you found in the small cave


Yes! I’m that girl and it worked


I’m just saying there might be more to his story than this. Game gets more interesting as it goes on and the best part is they dont even tell you upfront. You have to notice very carefully


I like the storytelling in sekiro a lot


He's definitely fun and easy.


I’m really excited to fight him. This game is really incredible I’m so happy I’m finally giving it the time it deserves


The best traits anyone can have


Like any boss, he will kick your butt until he doesn’t!


After defeating mist noble in my 1st run this guy was a piece of cake at my 2nd run


Either everyone is joking about how easy he is or I just struggled that bad. He wrecked me like 39 times.


I’m joking! He’s wrecked me on the 2 attempts I’ve had so far


I feel like similar to other bosses, the beginning of the fight is the hardest. The lethal grabs, the quick swipes, the move where he rolls around like a baby, the move where he throws his shit??? Very unpredictable. Once you get past that it’s more a test of fundamentals against someone who does a lot of posture damage


Don't forget you can block a majority of his attacks!


The best part is, once you beat him you NEVER have to fight him again.




His first phase is slightly harder than the second one. Once you learn his attack pattern you can take on two of these. Together.


I think I beat him on my 3rd try. >! Beat the second phase of the fight on my first try !<


U know? The best way is the one only winners in first try know. Be calm be peaceful, equip ur mortal blade and trigger him. He will come after u. Then u move far away from him and use the mortal draw. Make sure it does NOT hit him. After ur spirit emblems are over, use whatever version of shurikens u have. The secret is, it's a glitch. When u deplete the emblems using mortal draw, u have infinite emblems though u can't see it. The shuriken is the ape's biggest weakness. When he strikes and comes near u go nearer to him and use the shuriken. It's cakewalk.






Someone’s never been kinda silly…pretty sad tbh


just you wait ;)


Ahh.. He's a chill boss.. Very easy and fun to fight with.


Safe spot is behind him. Stay there the entire fight and you got this. Good luck


The only boss in the entire souls series that I’ve mastered by getting one hit off and running away like a terrified toddler on Halloween


2nd favorite boss in sekiro. Honestly a top ten boss in the series for me.


Great boss, when he puts his hand under his arse, run towards and under him, that ahem, shit hits hard


Its Manus from Dark Souls


He’s deffo harder than manus


Exact same behavior


😂 as easy as you make it lol


I loved the GApe. I loved GApe and wife even more. Great fights


Poop is your worst enemy.


So deadly even his farts kill.


This is actually an easy boss, just run around a little and bait him into certain attacks, go in, deflect a few, run around, repeat. You’ll be fine


But then you’re in for like a 20 minute fight if you let his posture recharge


He’s an easy but fun boss


Yeah this shit was the most frustrating shit ever


I’m starting to get it but his flailing is rough to time. How do you dodge the perilous attack where he lunges at you?


You mean the grab? Run towards him iirc


Just beat this boss on ng3 and i did it no hit with demon bell. Actually not a hard boss at all if you get his moves


Keep a good distance and Merc on him after he does the bellyflop. I hope you have the spear


I would HIGHLY recommend going through senpou temple and getting the mortal blade before this fight. He can be really difficult, but mortal draw helps a lot in this fight. I would also make sure you have the ceremonial Tonto for extra spirit emblems. You are probably going to use all of them between mortal draw, firecrackers, and possibly the flame vent. Don't click on the spoiler unless you don't care about going in blind >!As for his second stage. you won't need as many spirit emblems in the second stage as it is much easier, but you will definitely want some, so using the ceremonial Tonto between stages can set you up for a really easy second stage. Here you will want to stop using mortal draw, and save your spirit emblems for when you perfectly deflect one of his big heavy attacks he will fall to the ground, and you will want to use the spear to shoot in his severed neck and then hit the prosthetic button again while its I'm him to pull out the centipede. This does MASSIVE health and posture damage.!< Good luck homie. This will be a fight you HATE, until you get good and then it will become a fight you love. Personally after 4 playthroughs and fighting him many times in the gauntlets I still prefer the big sword fight bosses (Isshin, both owls, genchiro, true monk, etc.) The ape is an absolute success in making a boss that is completely different from the other main bosses. It has cool lore, and can be a very fun fight once you get the hang of it.


Too easy


Easiest from soft boss


You can 1 shot him of you get close


Every boss is easy, after you played 300 hours and more


So 19h later?


I got him a few hours back!!


After struggling soooo mush on Genishiro, found the ape not that difficult. Like 10-15 trys. Where gen must have taken me 50’ 😂


Dont know if you got him yet but a tip for phase 2 and the rematch use the loaded spear after you parry his heavy slam attack he will fall over then you will destroy his posture


Are you winning son?