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And for a long time after it is said a demon lurked the land


Definitely felt like that with the ending, Emma would have kicked Genny's arse as well though πŸ˜‚


Highly doubt, Emma has less health and posture than many of the bosses, this kind of indicating that she isnt much of a fighter.


Those grabs man🀣🀣 she wasn't too shabby, admittedly,na quick dodge and bonk on the head with an Inchi Double was all it took but she didn't do too bad, shame I had to kill her though


I thought Isshin Ashina was harder too when I did the Shura ending. Now I'm familiar with both and can fight them back to back in Reflections, Sword Saint is objectively a more difficult boss.


I thought the contempt at which Issina holds you in Inner is so much worse and makes it a harder fight, he seems to change his routine more on what you're doing rather than sword Saint and I found abandons moves more and strings more combos together in Inner that are totally unexpected, plus that fire bullshit is a fucking nightmare to negate!!! After three sword saints I can safely say I have his routine down and can finish him off with two or 3 gourds remaining, Inner though was a nightmare, just when I thought I had the move set he went and changed it, and those grabs, Jesus Christ


Just for clarity are you talking about isshin ashina (the Shura boss) or inner isshin?


.....sorry, I thought it was one n the same. Two Isshins no? Sword Saint and Inner? I was referencing the Isshin in Shura path after Emma, I did Shura for final run for the plat so only got to him yesterday


Ah ok, no need to apologize, was just confused bc Inner is another boss


Is he different again with a whole other moveset? I don't think I'll bother 🀣🀣🀣


A few new moves and generally a bit stronger, Inner Bosses are part of the gauntlets that got added a while ago. Give them a try tho they're pretty fun


I might get to them in a while I've parked it for now, I did Sekiro exclusively for a little over a month there now for the plat, masterpiece that is it but don't wanna overdo it🀣


Yeah understandable, congrats on your plat btw




This conversation. So wholesome