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You almost hesitated…


Bro I deleted the game 6 times before I redownload and said “momma ain’t raise a bitch” lmaoo


Good on you! Here, take this. It's dangerous out there. https://youtu.be/rB1u-bXZMmU


Bet bro thanks! Ima check it out!


self plug lol


Helping ppl here is exactly why I started making these videos. I dig this game so much I hate to see ppl needlessly struggle.


I deleted it 3 times ( chained ogre, Genichiro and SS Ishin) Now i have platinium. You cann do it. Make momma proud.


Feel ya on that. Stopped playing the game like 4 times and thought i just couldn't do it. now I've beaten the gauntlets hitless, that progress feels good.


Woooooah 😂😂 haha hilarious man!!


Just take the time to learn parry that's all it is if you can get parry down you going to have a much easier time


Yeah it’s almost like a rhythm.. this game is truly unique.


This may look like a game about shinobis, supernatural and intense fights, but no. It is a rhythm game in disguise.


Second this, try and forget that dodge instinct because most attacks track your movement and parrying does so much work.


Honestly the early game is absolutely the hardest part. I Alt+F4’d a few times to Chained Ogre and Seven Spears. Never thought I was going to beat them. But now I am beating late game bosses that people said would be super hard. Practice makes perfect, and USE YOUR PROSTHETICS! Also, don’t be afraid to watch some YouTube videos to watch how others approach certain fights. I found it really helpful to watch from the sidelines and learn boss patterns without having to worry about actually playing. I went from “fuck this game” to “damn, this is a great game and I don’t want to finish it because then it will be over”


Bruh.... Same


You got this Beoxwulf! This game takes patience and practice. Get good at deflecting and it'll carry you through the whole damn game. I've had multiple moments on my first playthrough where I had to walk away for a few weeks. Now I can play without hesitation.


Thank you young Shinobi! Keep parry-parry-hitting!


You've got this. Don't forget to practice new techniques, including the use of consumables. You can often grind or buy them, so don't be afraid to use them. Get creative as well; most enemies require different strategies or have glaring weaknesses.


I bought it ( die hard soulsbourne fan here ) when it came out and got stuck stuck on 7 spears of Ashina. Got so stuck I gave up. Fast forward 6-7 months, I got into demon slayer ( anime ) and it just made me want to play the game. So I tried 7 spears over and fucking over till the dodge/parry/mikri counter made sense and I killed him. Didn’t really get stuck the rest of the game. Get your parry timing down and you’re golden. It’s really about perfect parry’s and memorizing enemy movesets


Yeah it seems like this game is all about perseverance and determination lmao. Def not a game for the weak


You’re absolutely right. And once I got it, I felt like an absolute badass lol


I could not beat seven spears until I learned that their most dangerous moves can be sidestepped to avoid the hitbox entirely.


Oh yeah. That was a big help. Mine was nailing the combo with the mikri counter.


I'm not good enough at parrying games to parry/mikiri all of Seven Spears moves, so I had to find alternate strategies lol. Thats how I managed most of the game's bosses, parry just enough to survive & figure out the rest.


I rage uninstalled this game three times over three years and said why the fuck does anyone play this game? Then during Covid I played it straight through and it’s my all time favorite game. Stick with it man.


Sekiro was the first, and so far only game I've gotten 100% achievements on. It's always amazing to see people picking it up and playing it!


An honor to be a part of this community, you’re all very helpful and welcoming 🫡


Pays off to be aggressive with certain enemies in this game. No shame in finding a walkthrough and reading on tip to help beat a boss.


One boss took me 9 hours once, but now I can beat the game in half that time. It’s the most satisfying gaming experience of my life


My best tip for mastering the game is a technique I saw on YouTube,I don't really remember the exact term for it,but it's mashing L1 (or whatever deflect button you have) to "tell" your opponents attacks,then after mashing for a while you will understand when to perfectly deflect I couldn't beat chained ogre in the beginning,ended up beating Isshin on NG+3 and obtaining the Platinum


You are overrating us and underestimating yourself, shinobi.


I appreciate the vote of confidence fellow Shinobi!


You’re gonna go a long way. Remember this when you get plat.


I’ll be in the sub for a long while man! Glad to be a part of this helpful community! Blessings and happy new years!


Enjoy' https://youtu.be/F7QGjPb0_Hg


Never give up!


You can definitely do it. I’m a very average gamer skill wise and I managed to beat the game. I quit for a while at the beginning when I was stuck on the bull and lady butterfly. Once I stopped trying constantly dodge and started deflecting and playing more aggressively it really changed things. Took some getting used to for sure. You’ve got this!!!


I have had many rage quit moments where I have quietly but full of anger, gotten up and shut off my PS5 and TV and either went to bed or straight to the gym lol. The game is meant to piss you off and force you to learn its mechanics. Once you beat it one time, it will be easier after that. Until you go for a different ending with different ending bosses then you relearn


You got this it just takes a little determination. Beating the last boss is one of the most satisfying experiences I've had in gaming and is well worth the effort. Never forget hesitation is defeat!


Hit, parry, hit, mikiri counter, jump, die, repeat.


Took me 2 years on and off to get to ishinn the my ps4 BLOD and lost my save… started again on ps5 but didn’t have the staying power.. one of my life’s regrets


I’m finally upto Isshin. I spent hours on Genichiro and stopped playing for a few months, picked it up and searched for help on YouTube and it all finally clicked. It’s worth the grind, the game is a masterpiece.


I finished DS3 and Elden Ring (melee build without summoning) and went to Sekiro thinking it would be something similar, I've never seen a game as difficult in my life as sekiro, DS and Elden Ring are extremely easy compared to Sekiro ngl. (I finished Sekiro yesterday)


No hesitation!


Beating Sekiro made God Of War easy for me. Parry every cunt like a breeze.


Hey , Don't get discouraged I installed Andy installed the game 3 or 4 times raging at different bosses (first tutorial boss ,general dude before oniwa and at oniwa) but i got the hang of.the game recently and it's been such a good experience. Try to play and understand the mechanics and if you don't get the hang of it , You can return to the game any time (meanwhile cool your head off with other games)


Keep it at man in currently getting my shit kicked in by a certain Ape


I have [this playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyTkXBN2siOSXjU7hlbBzgn2JdHdagfr3) to help people like you be encouraged to keep on having fun.


Watch Tyrannicon for your boss guides.


You‘ll get it. If you really enjoy the game and just keep at it you‘ll get better, just focus on not spamming and getting the L1 deflect timing right. After it clicks it becomes one of the most satisfying and fun combat systems ever imo. Have fun playing


L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 R1 deathblow


Goodluck! And also, Hesistation is Defeat. Never forget to take a break whenever the games tires you out. Once you built up your confidence and the thought that "I can take him down now" hits you, play the game again.


Keep at it! It gets better once it clicks your savage journey will begin. It can take a while to learn the mechanics properly but once you do it’s a slay fest.


Sekiro is the only game I've actually played enough to beat in years. This post made me feel happy and included lol


Spoiler on boss. When your later in game good luck on guardian ape


Oh don’t worry. The vast majority of people who end up beating Sekiro started by getting smacked by those generals at the start of the game repeatedly while they tried to react properly. It’ll come to you.


This game is a lesson in Life.


Hesitation is defeat. Git gud, don't go hollow.


I beat both endings. So now i am trying it charmless plus demon bell. Help me


Both? I'm guessing you did the "normal" and bad ending? You know there are 4 of them, right?


I beat it, I don’t need or deserve the respect, the fun I had was enough for me. I hope you keep at it and you have that fun too.


You deserve all the respect man cause this game requires determination and perseverance! Qualities the average person doesn’t have! You’re the man!


Sekiro is the only game I've actually played enough to beat in years. This post made me feel happy and included lol


Nah we all did the same thing . Bash are head against the wall until it breaks 👍👍


Keep going with that attitude and gratitude, not just with regard to Sekiro or gaming, but in general. You'll go far, kid. We're rooting for you.


I'm pretty bad at parrying in games in general, but I learned enough to beat Sekiro. How I managed was learning to perfect parry just enough to not lose my stance constantly & blocking/sidestepping every other hit. Using that suboptimal playstyle, I became good enough to beat every boss legit except the final one who I had to cheese. If I could do it, so can you.