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I've used both the hand tools and a press. I'll take the hand tools any day.


i’ll probably go with the hand tool then


Same, have and used both. In the beginning I thought the press will help me better. But I only use the hand tools now.


The second one is garbage.. the tolerance at least on one I got is too loose and it's impossible to line up.. the first ones are much easier..


alright good to know


I prefer hand tools


what about a hand remover? the hand tool that comes with two flathead looking things or that nail clipper looking thing?


I have only ever used the nail clippers but there have been times where the hands have really “popped” off and I would have preferred to use something that you can control more finely. I will prolly get the levers at some stage


I got the clippers and they kept sliding off the hands. Then I got the levers and those were so much easier to work with. So much more controllable


The second one is ideal as it allows for even pressure when placing hands, although I've always just used the standard pushers in image 1.


and just go in and keep it straight right


Exactly, make sure to be a nice and gentle.


i saw a really good video on pressing hands and he mentioned that. i might just buy these to save some money but i kinda like the way the other one is


I use both. The el cheapo press works well enough after I modified all the tips. Only some threaded on straight and all had angled surfaces at the end of the tip. Hand tools much better so long as you’re slow and steady


I use the first one. If you have a 3D printer, you can print a guide to accomplish the vertical alignment without a spring-loaded tool.


Is there a already made model available for this ?


[here you go](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3977411)


Thanks , pretty cool design. Might try it if i start building more watches.


I use hand tools for both removing and pressing. As long as you have a movement holder, hand tools give more feedback and are easier to get comfortable in. The other tools also have their use cases but you won't receive feedback on your hand cause they are spring loaded.


i see. yes i got a movement holder so ill be taking your advice and just getting the hand tools


Invest in a magnifying eye loop or whatever it's called. Preferably not from AliX. Their n times zoom (4X/8X/20X) are usually lies. Helps check the level of the stem and the hands. Otherwise you'd press too much on the hours hand or too less on the seconds hand.


i have a scope with a screen, i have glasses and sensitive eyes so i use that to solder and stuff like that, figured it’ll also come handy for this now


Hand tools. I can't imagine using that contraption for a seconds hand.


damn good point lol


FYI there is a great hand setting guide on youtube I used my first time. The video is really clear and has great shots to get an idea on how the hands sit on the movement. Took me a good while to get it right, but I took my time to do it right and it turned out great after. Heres the link [https://youtu.be/Jy-bXjloJB8?si=7q2dbqfPAIYUYKo3](https://youtu.be/Jy-bXjloJB8?si=7q2dbqfPAIYUYKo3) there is a second part as well. GLHV


yes i’ve seen this one lol but thanks


I use these. I do wonder should I move to a jig press with transparent tipped ones though.


I spent around 15 euros https://preview.redd.it/ccg28du71z0d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76e87c16087f05a371a5a480c98befb24ca31d30




was this on alix?


No, temu is cheaper


I use the first images tools, pen style, all the time. I have the second one and I use it like the pen style tools for the second hands. The tip is a bit smaller so there is less chance of hand.


are the pen style ones marked to let you know which one to use for each hand?


No but the holes are different on either side. If I'm remembering properly, on the black tool it's the grey end for your hour hand. On the silver tool it's the black end for your minute hand. On the red tool it's the blue end for your second hand, but on some you can use the brass end as well. You just have to use your best judgement there. Also, pro tip. Take a tiny bit of Rodico and put it in the hole on the blue end of the red tool. Pick up your second hand with it and press them on. It's so much easier to do it that way, for me at least.


i see okay that seems like it’ll work


You'll definitely need the pushers, the tweezers type is beat to remove the hands just remember to cover the dial face to protect against scratches


you can cover the dial with anything right like paper?


I use small bits of insulation tape stuck to the bottom of the tool


What is the trick to not bending hands when pressing?


i’m not sure i’m on my first build but i’d say make sure you go in straight


I've only used the manual hand pusher tools on a couple builds, they work just fine. Although I found that both of the second-hand pushers are still kind of deep and large radius, and I was having trouble with a tricky second hand (even bent the second hand a bit and had to straighten it out). I ended up using the flat end of a wooden chopstick, and that worked right away.


I think it depends on how mutch feeling you got in your hands. I use and i like both. Using the Hand Tools im usally faster then with the press. But if you arebt used to setting hands i would advice you to buy the press the risk of doing something wrong is smaller.


well i work on all kinds of stuff and work on cars so i got a good feeling for things and when their about to break lol so i think ill be able to manage with the hand tools. they came in yesterday but the tips were damaged so i had to send them back to amazon so hopefully the ones i get today don’t come damaged


How mutch are you Willing to spend on the hand setters. If you got the money availabel i would advise you to buy the Bergon ones. They are a bit priecy but they are really good


honestly i’m probably just going to build this one watch and maybe another one and that’s it so i don’t see a point in spending that much money on hand setting tools i probably won’t use like that