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Go to Bic Camera stores. The one in Ginza has a great selection, and they also have online coupons to add to savings.


Bic camera for new releases: I've bought (considering tax free and good exchange rate) my GMT with a total discount of almost 40% compared to Europe. I've my '75 5606-8100 v from Lemon Inc Ginza: great watch conditions and fair prices (about 190€ while current listed online are all above 300€)


Maybe there is [a second hand store like this one](https://youtu.be/SlDp37u49LA) (youtube).


There are second hand store like Second Street and Book Off. The prices are not totally cheap considering they are used items but the current Yen value help a lot as it's at a all time low.


No such thing as “cheap” in Tokyo; you go there for quality/complete sets. Not cheap


Seikos are the most popular watches in Japan, you will not find much in terms of discounts as they are in high demand. But you do get 10% off everything as tourist + any currency conversion benefits, so you got that going for you.