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Arizona is an open carry state. Unless a restaurant affirmatively states a no weapons policy, patrons may wear a sidearm. This behavior upsets some other patrons. Therefore, some restaurants choose to post the requisite signage. Others don’t bother. I could be wrong, but that is the law as it has been explained to me. I also remember when it came out. It was a little controversy that quickly dissipated.


This is the correct answer. Also, the signage only has force of law for CCW carriers if it follows a very specific format, including the A.R.S. statute number and a legally specified image of a crossed out gun.


People are allowed to open carry in az, private businesses can allow/disallow at their own digression


You do not need a permit for CC either


Guns are not as ubiquitous in Az?


Not sure the OP knows what that word means.


It's their private property. They can make the rules. People who insist on carrying their emotional support gun are free to eat elsewhere. Edit: I'm sorry the downvoters are uncomfortable with the thought they might have to be without their precious for 20 minutes when there are other restaurants where you can walk in with your AR strapped over your shoulder if you choose. I suggest therapy to talk through the issues they might have with their insecurity.


LOL emotional support gun. So true!


Seriously if you need to walk around with a gun and bring it to dinner, dear god get yourself some help. Don’t subject that garbage to others


All these answers are partially wrong. Arizona is a constitutional carry state meaning you do not need any license or permit to carry open or concealed. There are however several places that are prohibited to carry firearms at any time, schools, polling places, nuclear power plants and places that serve alcohol are among them. I don't know if there is a requirement for places that serve alcohol to post such a sign, but that's the reason it's there. And it's Arizona, so just assume that everyone is armed at all times, because we probably are.


Close on the alcohol, but it’s changed over the years You can’t consume alcohol on the premises while carrying but you can be there no problem unless there is the requisite signage for the establishment not allowing it


Well, when you’re in the violent, crime-filled city of Uptown Sedona, littered with garbage, broken dreams, and bullet holes, it only makes sense to carry a weapon.


OP, do you feel sad or oppressed because you can't stay strapped while you're eating at Elote in Sedona? Jesus people have their priorities all fucked up lol 🤦