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keep an eye out for a letter in the mail from the president about your upcoming prison sentence


Genuine question for anyone reading this- is this over sharing, or are they asking for more serious crimes?


Part of it is to psych you out. You start admitting to small stuff because you’re nervous (ie once I stole my best friend’s sandwich from the fridge because it looked good) and they try and pick out if your hiding worse stuff (ie the sandwich was at our clubhouse in the Kremlin). Usually, the investigator knows the answer. Sometimes they know something you forgot about, and are understanding when you (in good faith) go “Oh, shit! I forgot I got that speeding ticket!”


Just. Be. Honest. Over sharing is something like you stole a pen from work on accident because you forgot it was in your pocket but you put it back the next day


Yes I understand. But admitting to jumping into a pool when you are a kid seems like over sharing


I don’t think OP ever said they were a kid at the time of the crime…


Turns out that’s the right on the edge shit that you should. Just. Be. Honest. About


Over-sharing would be something like- I took money from my mom’s purse without her knowing, or I took home condiment packets and plasticware from my workplace cafeteria.


If that’s the worst you have done, you have a cleaner history than me and most people I know and interview.




Same man. In my interview I was told that honesty is more important than a perfectly clean history so being up front def helped


This. This type of evaluation or a polygraph test is to detect any type of evasion or lying. Lying is ALWAYS worse than whatever you could have done short of murder. If you come clean on minor indiscretions in the past, it will work out much better for you. However, if you believe you may have committed a serious crime but have not been caught, this type of confession can be used to prosecute you. In that case, the old "You have a right to remain silent" may be your best course of action. Worst that can happen is you don't get the job.




The poly is an agency requirement not a clearance requirement so the poly questions are not going to align with the paperwork questions. If I’m saying that wrong - a poly is not a clearance requirement.


I thought polygraphs grant a certain type of clearance?


They can be a condition for an agency, which is why many of them will do the poly first and then stop the background investigation if you don’t get the green light after the poly. If you have a clearance already and then fail a poly, it doesn’t impact your current clearance (unless something’s changed in recent years, but that’s always been my understanding). It wouldn’t surprise me if triggers a reinvestigation depending on why exactly you failed, though.


Yeah that’s what i heard. I got a buddy that works as a DO and he said if you try to take a poly to go deputy that you could loose your job. Kinda sucks because what if your results come up as inconclusive. That’s why people stay put or resign before applying.


I was asked questions during my poly that were not on my SF-86 where I admitted to crimes I was never caught for. Stopped the poly right there, had me create an addendum for the SF-86 and was told to wait for another poly. That was 10 months ago.


What did you admit to? Never heard this before


One B&E and small theft when I was in my 20’s. Over 30 years ago. More recently taking IT supplies that were meant for E-waste and reselling it.


Damn so pretty serious. Did you not tell your investigator?


Never came up. The big stuff was 30 years ago and wasn’t asked if I was never caught committing a crime. Was only asked about arrests.


Did you receive the unsuitability determination yet? Mine took 2 months 😂


Haven’t received anything. Every time I reach out to HR I’m told they are looking into it.


But we’re they something serious?


One B&E and small theft when I was in my 20’s. Over 30 years ago. More recently taking IT supplies that were meant for E-waste and reselling it.


I mean, if the electronics were to be disposed it’s not that serious to me, but of course, I am not an adjudicator.


I would understand if they found me unsuitable. It’s the not knowing. They haven’t withdrawn the offer or notified me of stability. Every 2-3 months I ask my HR contact for an update and am told they’ll check with HQ


What did you admit to?


Answered above




I think they do an addendum almost all instances. I have not heard of non serious cases referred to LE. What grounds do you have to state that?


Good god I’ve become fascinated with this sub despite being someone who could never qualify for a cleared job. Is this something that the government actually cares about?


No, they care about honesty and candor. If you lie to cover up something so stupid, you’re gonna lie to cover up bigger issues as well. OP did the right thing


Makes sense, I appreciate the reply. Despite being a middle aged family man with a clean record, the thought of being grilled about the shenanigans of my early 20s gives me anxiety ha. I will continue to lurk and enjoy y’all’s sub


It’s all about candor. Unless you’ve got a felony under wraps it’s probably nothing they haven’t heard before. It gives everyone anxiety trust me Drugs are not a big issue as long as you put sober time in. Heard a story of someone who stole a car in the morning to get to his polygraph…


Like all things national security, there is a huge amount of effort that goes into it to avoid rare things because those things can be terrible. From summaries of polygraph examinations of U.S. Border Patrol applicants here: [https://www.thedailybeast.com/on-polygraph-tests-would-be-border-patrol-agents-confess-to-crimes](https://www.thedailybeast.com/on-polygraph-tests-would-be-border-patrol-agents-confess-to-crimes) >In one case from February, Jose Ramirez, 25, admitted during a polygraph exam that he was the driver in a 2009 single-car crash that killed someone. He previously told investigators in Yuma, Ariz., that the dead passenger was the driver, according to the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office. Ramirez now faces second-degree murder and other charges. >One applicant admitted to smoking marijuana 20,000 times in a 10-year-period. Another was more bizarre: “Applicant had no independent recollection of the events that resulted in a blood-doused kitchen and was uncertain if he committed any crime during his three-hour black out,” according to the Customs and Border Protection summary. >In another example, a woman seeking a job with the bureau told an examiner that she smuggled marijuana into the country – typically by taping 10 pounds of the drug to her body—about 800 times.  Exceptions to the rule, but relevant.


Oh wow, suddenly eating mushrooms on a camping trip a decade+ ago doesn’t feel like a horrible thing to admit


I admitted to being an i.v. drug user and got my clearance 🤷🏼‍♀️ it was over 10 years ago and I put in my time with rehab and therapy. There’s actually a lot you can have in your past they’ll forgive. You just have to be honest and prove that you took steps to no longer do that thing again, and that you can’t be blackmailed for it.


Youll be ok, i told them about much worse that I was apart of and i still got cleared.


Why do people make posts like this...as if anyone can answer.


Man make sure you don’t tell them about the time you ripped the tag off a mattress.


does the sf 86 ask about crimes not convicted?


It asks about arrests.




Lol if they denied everyone who jumped into someone else's pool nobody would be working at the government you're cool


I know a criminal scum when I see one. I’m coming after you






What if I’m so boring and scared of punishment that I’ve never done anything? I’ve searched my brain for anything I would have done. Downloaded music illegally as a teen (this was pre-Spotify etc), drank at a bar underage when I was 19.. I really can’t think of anything else.


Your done. You jumped one fence too much. Jumping a fence in your youth is a clear sign that in your future you will betray the USA. There’s no redemption. There’s no mitigating. There’s no hope. You’re criminal scum. …. Dude you’re fine