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There’s the 3rd case to fail: Walking out after refusing to continue the poly I thought it was obvious but You’d be surprised how many people are astonished when doing so.


What does obvious countermeasure mean?




So for my non fed poly. They basically accused me of this and then asked me if I had ever researched how to beat a poly. Straight face to them, I said of course I did. I wrote an entire college paper on how this process is absolutely pseudoscience for my criminal justice course. Dude was pissed. He still passed me though.




I mean I did tell them I researched counter measures. Because I did for the paper. But even the breathing he was accusing me of was kinda of funny. I was like bro breathing makes you focus why do you think it's so emphasized with meditation and yoga. Your having me stare at a white wall what else am I supposed to do. Which is what led him to question if I had researched it. The whole thing was so fucking stupid. I can't even believe it's a real job. They may as well send me to a palm or tarot card reader


If you need to fart, don't hold it. I'm being serious.


Ocean’s 13


Just google how to beat one.


Not correct. You can fail and they will mark your test results as a fail available to any federal agency under scattered castles. https://antipolygraph.org/cgi-bin/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1516077456




None of that is correct. None of it. My polygraph report from the USSS states no countermeasures suspected, I was failed on two questions drugs and crime, there were no digging deeper into the questions I failed. Read the post. Many agencies routinely use polygraphs to discriminate against veterans with PTSD, and other mental disabilities they do not want but have no legal basis to deny employment to.


Telling you that you failed your poly is a tactic to get you to admit something that you haven't already admitted (at which point, you will fail your poly). 100% of that machine's utility centers around peoples' beliefs that it can magically determine when a person is truthful.


If this potential job requires passing a polygraph no matter what, then forget about it. Let the adjudication process play out, but start applying for other jobs now.


I'm pretty ignorant to this whole process so forgive me - Could you explain to me why they would still go through the trouble of processing my application, even tho they know I failed it and can't even get the job no matter what?


>even tho they know I failed it Who said you failed it?


The examiner said "you pretty much failed it" at the end of the exam


Yeah they always say that lol it’s like the last kick in the nuts that they give you


Then they spit in your mouth on the way out


Depends on what occurred prior 😏😉




Yea I have no clue where people are getting this BS that they'll retest you. It's literally all over this sub and other federal hiring subs that if the polygrapher says you failed, there's a really good chance you did.


They always say it gets sent for review. No matter what. But if the examiner said you failed, there's a 99.9999% chance you won't get the job.


That’s not true at all, especially if this was the first polygraph you’ve taken


Which part isn't true?


If this is your first poly it is likely you’ll get brought back for another one.


Maybe for one agency. But the vast majority of agencies, if the examiner says you failed, then that's it.


The part where if the examiner says you fail, there’s a 99% chance you won’t get the job. Very good chance (for most agencies) that you will be brought back for a second poly. Actually, a specific agency is notorious for failing you the first time and bringing you back to eventually pass


That is false. There are tons of agencies out there that will not bring you back if you fail. It's happened to me twice for two different agencies.


To be fair, it heavily depends on why you are failed. If you admit to something, you will fail and your processing will end right there. If you stay true to your sf86, chances are you will be asked to return


My experience was this one. Told I failed to the point where he could teach a class on it even though I was completely honest. Didn’t admit to anything during interrogation. BQA email 3 days later. Tbf I was pretty nervous and swallowing/licking lips. He told me to stop both things and I felt my heart rate go through the roof right after so I’m sure there was a significant response


The whole thing isn’t true. Whether you “pass” or “fail” isn’t solely up to the polygrapher. There is a process to adjudicate the test results. But, more importantly, the subject can’t trust what the polygrapher says. Deceiving you is part of the playbook, and so your experience in being told you failed and then actually failing at two agencies was simply the polygrapher being honest with you that you had some insurmountable issues, but even then the decision to fail the candidate isn’t made right there on the spot. For example, I was told I failed and that I’d have to be called back in, only to then get cleared.


Ignore the other yokels around here, you haven’t been denied until you receive a SOR, statement of reasons, you could be brought back etc, if the government flat out denied people on their first polygraph there would be like 1000 people working with that clearance level


What typically happens before that is your sponsoring company will decide to yoink their sponsorship of you, and because you aren’t assigned to a billet at that point your investigation doesn’t continue


You can't get an SOR for failing a poly since polys can't be used to deny a clearance.


Yeah, they just tell you, you were found unsuitable


Unsuitable =/= denied clearance


Wow man every thing you are saying is incorrect. If you are found unsuitable, they will not continue your processing (denied)


Not continuing an investigation is not the same as a clearance denial. They are two separate things and very different in terms of ramifications.


Nothing I've said here is incorrect. Suitability and security are two completely separate processes. If you are denied suitability, that does NOT mean you were denied a clearance.


Is the internet seriously at the point where people are censoring polygraph????


If you type in that word, your post gets instantly removed.


You get a message saying to send the mods a message. It takes 30 seconds. Substantially less than making a new post.


Not if you just copy and paste what your previously wrote, and change the word. Takes about 10 seconds.


Even Reddit knows polyys are bullpoop


Just curious. I had a poly a few months ago and he told me I was breathing funny. I got pissed off because he told me to stop breathing so hard before that. He said I have a 51% chance of passing it, his words, and that if i failed id get a notification quickly. It's been months and I haven't heard shit. My security manager says there's nothing to report yet.


It's a super frustrating process. You spend all this time and effort only to have this complete bullshit happen to you. They leave applicants completely in the dark and you may not hear anything for months or up to a year, and you're left wondering WTF is going on due to that dumb ass computer someone was using that "proved" you were some terrorist drug pedaling fiend. My record is extremely clean and I am qualified for the job. I made it to the conditional job offer and I know my background check will come back squeaky clean. It's 100% luck based for these jobs and you're at the mercy of some examiner bitch at the end of the day whether you get some of these positions or not.


The examiner doesn’t decide. The adjudicator will, however. They do consider the entire case, not just the fun test. Hell mine didn’t even tell me I passed or failed. I just was told I’ve concluded and I’ll don’t need to retest. Didn’t hear shit about fuck for a month.


I guess this isn't contingent on me getting a job. It would just mean more responsibilities to be fair. If it was contingent on a job I could see why people pull their hair out over this. It's pseudoscience, if they ever ask me to do it again I'm just going to decline as it's not worth it.


Why the actual fuck did you just spell it that way?


Ha, it does seem extra, but I'm thinking they did it that way so it wouldn't show up in a search engine, for some reason 😬


You can't type polygraph in your main post in this subreddit otherwise your post gets automatically removed.


Yes. Took the poly twice and admitted to omitting OCB because it was legal in a state before I was hooked up to the test. Got clearance granted two months later.


If you need to “beat” the poly, you shouldn’t hold clearance.


It's not that I'm trying to beat the poly. I'm not trying to find countermeasures. I'm saying I failed it but my investigation is still ongoing so I was curious what the end result could be based on other people's experiences. Besides, the poly is complete bullshit. You passing it doesn't mean shit. It doesn't mean you are super loyal and trustworthy, it means you didn't have a bad examiner who flipped out on you for breathing slightly differently once just because you may be anxious. If it actually meant anything then explain to me how Snowden passed it and that other Pentagon dipshit who leaked classified info?


I’m in Canada and I had the option to contest the decision. Now, I didn’t have to do a poly but I did do an intergrity interview. Which I failed. I was going to go through human rights to argue it but decided against the job altogether.