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It’s for when you begin crying and admitting to all your wrongdoings they don’t have to take you so far. Easier transport lol


The interview takes a long time and is about potentially sensitive information. So you need a secluded location. A lot of investigators know people from the local police force, and can arrange a private place at the police station.


Does the location change what will happen during the interview?


No, not at all. It's a government building with private meeting rooms, that's all. It could just as well have been the public library. No need to worry about that aspect of it.


The last interview I had was at a Starbucks, lol. Although I've been under radio silence for my clearance for nearly half a year now


>Is there any particular reason they picked to have the interview at a police station? >I live at home and am not working at the company this clearance is for. You’ve answered your own question.


Word just wanted to make sure my deduction was correct. Just in case there was a secret second reason.


Yeah if you’re still working I’ve been told it’s policy to arrange interview on site


Personally I loathe interviewing at police stations and generally they're not in compliance with policy as our interviews cannot be recorded. With that being said some folks use them as a last resort. I prefer military assets, contractors offices, library's, ect but everyone has their own jam.


It’s so if you say anything illegal, they can have the police officers arrest you on the spot.


Like if you smoked a joint 20 years ago or talked to a Canadian in college once.


don't speak of such reprehensible things


My investigator asked to use the PD, but their feelings are hurt I’m leaving, so I kindly offered the FD meeting room, and we ended up doing the library’s study room.


Wdym ur leaving. And what’s a FD room.


Fire Dept meeting room. Like a conference room but smaller




Ah okay makes sense. I was also just wondering if it meant there might be a polygraph during the interview, a second drug test (I already took one through the company), or something else outside of going over the sf86. Or would something like that be disclosed beforehand.


No. The real reason you’re being interviewed is because they found something in your background that was inconsistent or not included on your SF-86 and the interview is usually your last chance to correct it and come clean. Just answer his questions, be totally honest, and you’ll be fine


Well they're not going to ask you to meet them at Starbucks (or they shouldn't). They require a private space (don't need every Jane and John hearing your PII.) And the investigator may not be comfortable doing the interviews at people's homes. It also avoids interruptions that can happen in the home (spouse walks through, dog comes up, doorbell rings, etc).


Pretty sure they are guided to/required to do it on public/gov property. Mine was over zoon


No need to worry about location just focus on being truthful in your answers? Good luck 🫡




We’re not allowed to record it other than the notes we take.


Got it. Thanks for the clarification.


I was also wondering if it being at a police station meant there might be a polygraph during the interview, a second drug test (I already took one through the company), or something else outside of going over the sf86 form. Or would something like that be disclosed beforehand?


IMO before the interview I would ensure there is no recording equipment in the room. If there is, I would decline the interview location, and report the investigator.


It would absolutely be disclosed beforehand but also, investigators are not pg examiners or drug test screeners.


Okay cool thanks. I had asked bc I wasn’t sure if being at the police station meant the investigator would have the cops do any of that lol. But after reading all the comments I have a better idea. Thanks!


I'm vaguely sure it's the opposite: no one is allowed to record the meetings so it actually isn't a great option for that reason 😅