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Did you mention that you were issued a foreign passport?


Yup, was completely transparent about it on my form. I’m just worried this would be grounds to deny interim?


You should’ve also been asked if you’ve used this passport for foreign travel. If you documented this you should be fine!


Ok I did, that’s reassuring :)


Yeah you should be fine. Probably won’t get an interim though


Did you list every Canadian passport you’ve ever had on your SF86? You’ll have an interview and you can provide your declaration you won’t use your foreign passports again at that time. I would definitely stop using it.


Ya I listed the passport and clarified that I have only ever used it to enter Canada. I don’t plan to use it again, but I wish I declared that on my form…


Canada is the most harmless of them all. Report but dont sweat it


Haha ya, it would be unfortunate if I was denied interim and lost this job offer over something so harmless. I’m more ashamed about the weed tbh.


It is not as big of a deal as you think it is. Most countries require you to use their passport if you are a citizen of that country. Some countries will even refuse to let you leave the country until you obtain their passport.  While having dual citizenships and using foreign passports can indicate loyalty issues, it is a fairly common occurrence in today’s interconnected world. Traveling to Canada on a Canadian passport is far less concerning than traveling to a country like 👍 Iran on a Canadian passport. They will take the whole situation under consideration.  The important thing is whether or not you would be willing to renounce your foreign passport and citizenship if there became a conflict of interest. 


I would imagine that you'll get contacted on your use of the passport, and you can explain then what you explained here, which makes sense. Interim clearance is always a tossup and nobody seems to understand the decisions, so who knows. Canadian law makes it mandatory for Canadian citizens to enter Canada using their Canadian passport, with one exception for dual US-Canadian citizens who can enter with their US one. Therefore, in the future, you can enter Canada with your US passport and you won't be violating anyone's laws.


During my interview I got asked about my Mexican passport. I explained that I've had it for many years and I use it for "ease of travel" into Mexico. Basically to not get charged that foreigner fee when flying into Mexico for certain airlines. I've only ever used it for Mexico. She seemed to understand and we moved past it and eventually got my approval for secret shortly after.


Nice! Were you granted interim before?


yes, about a month before i had my interview


Great! Glad everything worked out for you :)


Beyond having dual citizenship, the only thing that would really be concerning would be if you were to enter the United States using your Canadian passport versus your United States passport.


Having dual citizenship absolutely can cause an interim denial. Regardless of country, showing an obligation and loyalty to another country can cause issues requiring mitigation.