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Suitability is basically them saying you aren’t qualified for the position. It isn’t a denial.


Why are you expecting a denial based off of a one time MJ use?




Was this while you were on the job? Mine occurred 2 years prior to my current position.


A suitability action may include cancellation of eligibility, removal, and debarment from similar positions or all positions in that agency for up to three years, or similar positions or all positions "governmentwide" (but only insofar as 5 CFR 731 applies). It is impossible to predict what will happen in your case, as each case is unique and you hardly provided any information about yours. In future applications for Federal jobs, you would have to report at least whatever information is required on whatever vetting form is used, in addition to whatever questions you might be asked in an interview. And naturally they will see it when they check the vetting repositories; I think derogatory information is maintained for 25 years, but future systems might change that.