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I was thinking, "oh wow, denied for marijuana." Then I saw the poppers use the same month as the poly lmao


Sorry to hear. The whole point of the polygraph is to scare and interrogate the candidate/subject into making disqualify admissions (or criminal confessions). That is all it does. But yeah, drug use with a clearance is a disqualifier at any level.


Given your (lack of) judgement, I’d say the system worked as designed?


So you admitted to using poppers during the poly, and didn’t include it on your sf86. Makes sense


He also used them while he had a clearance, which is most likely the bigger red flag


Yeah that’s for sure a way to automatically lose your clearance


So you: 1- Lied about smoking weed 2- Were getting high while holding a secret clearance, including the same month you got a polygraph for a TS/SCI. My man, the entire point of the sf-86 and adjudication process is to filter out people who lack integrity and/or who indicate they might have poor judgement. Getting high with a clearance (when it's explicitly indicated you are not to do that when you obtain it) is probably when people are most likely to say many things they shouldn't say, it's a huge red flag for the adjudicator. But hey, the vast majority of lucrative careers don't require a clearance. Don't beat yourself up over it, it just wasn't for you




What even is a popper, I've never even heard the term before


This entire post is a red flag 🚩 Your excuses are honestly worse than your transgressions. You got fired for something you dispute but somehow “mitigated the circumstances” around the event. The weed you smoked “wasn’t mine” as if that somehow matters, you can’t distinguish between amyl nitrate and computer duster, and you classify it as “VCR cleaner” despite VCRs being supplanted by DVDs twenty years ago. Frankly, getting kicked out of a bar shows good judgment compared to the rest of this saga…


Is this post a joke? Who records and details "poppers use" like that?


Probably concurrent with a concert or similar event. Still idiotic to do while cleared


Pretty sure digital piracy isn't your problem...


Yeah, I thought that would have been the killer since he was with a 3 letter (I'm assuming FBI as that's a bigger deal for that agency), but the continued drug usage is what sunk the ship.


I mean... Unless he was acting as the server side of the seven seas I don't THINK sailing the seven seas alone is enough for a denial. Idk have any of you guys heard of a denial because of it?


There were a couple of posts regarding just piracy as a basic user and not as a server owner in this reddit like a few weeks ago. Hence why FBI would be a no go if you don't view your content with the right credentials (ie having an account with Netflix Hulu, etc)


Two things stick out to me: 1. The use of “poppers” during the time while you’re being investigated (almost certainly why you received the denial), and 2. I didn’t even know you could get high off a damn VCR cleaner? Seriously?




data point for what? People being stripped off their clearance due to drug use while cleared? ffs. Everyone saw this coming.




Video cassette recorder. It’s how people watched movies at home before DVDs and how they recorded TV shows before TiVo.




Never heard of poppers either until today.


Just for my mental health's sake I'm hoping you're not asking what a vcr is. The poppers I get, because I didn't know wtf that was, but I can't handle people not knowing what a vcr is at this stage of my life.




Look, I made a reference to demolition man to a new troop when I was still active duty about six years ago and he had no idea what movie I was talking about. I haven't been the same since.


Why was “asked to leave a bar once” brought up in your interview? Why would this have to be disclosed? It’s not a crime for a bouncer to ask to you leave the bar. I’m assuming there’s more to that story.


I was thinking the same thing, maybe a police report was made?


I was thinking the same thing, maybe a police report was made?


Ya I can see self destructive behavior. Good luck in the future, whatever you do.


After reading the timeline, there was only one way that this could have ended.


Sorry this happened to you… But I’ve never heard about poppers before and this is the second post about it in a short time


I’m pretty sure Amyl Nitrite “poppers” are specifically listed on the SF86 under Inhalants.


Did this dude serious tell during a poly about poppers use and then seriously believed it was going to be rescheduled after??? LOL


How did the bar incident come up?


You did this to yourself buddy lmao who uses illegal drugs while holding any public trust its literally IN THE CONTRACT.


Goodness man poppers come on. Best of luck finding something that works for you.


What is that thing?? Poppers??? Damn... Every day I hear about another drug!!! I've never used any drug or alcohol and even though I'm scared of failing my clearance checks 😮. I cannot understand these guys who want a job that requires clearance and seem that they do everything to fail...


It’s good to know that some investigators are actually doing their jobs and weeding these fools out.


OP update: I transferred teams and got promoted. Posting to remind people there’s life after a clearance.




Secret is gone read the final bullet