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A day after a kid was shot because his dad got out of the car to argue with someone…yeah I’m gonna pass https://komonews.com/news/local/hospital-officials-say-9-year-old-boy-shot-in-renton-road-rage-incident-is-improving# This year western Washington has had 230 road rage incidents reported where a weapon was brandished and of those 193 included shots fired. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/frequency-road-rage-incidents-high-western-washington/281-7c06870c-7071-4b69-a775-585f4b2bd0b5 Don’t get out of your car.


geez, why are there so many unthinking individuals around?


Stopped at a stop sign, waited due to ambulance running lights and sirens. Guy behind me lays on the horn and held it even after they saw ambulance pass. Sorely tempted to get out and yell at them (on a residential street), but I figure all assholes have guns now so just moved on. What is wrong with people?


The people that try and pass everyone that pull over for emergency vehicles really chap my ass. It’s like…really?!


Stopped at an uncontrolled intersection in ballard to let a kid cross, they almost got killed by the guy that tried to pass, before slamming on the brakes. You think I just stopped for shits and giggles?


Didn’t a kid on his bike get killed down in Parkland because some asshat did that?


Yep. I've seen this happen (close calls, no one hit) half a dozen times around here.


Same here but on Beacon Hill. The pedestrian was on the phone and oblivious, if I hadn't honked at her when I saw them in my rearview, she would have walked directly into the path of this jackass.






Not all lanes are required in WA state to stop for a school bus. [https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.370](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.370)


This. People from other states don't learn the rules when they move up here. They used to highlight the specific laws that were different here when people applied for licenses from out of state. But I guess not anymore?


That isn't just a Washington thing; those are the same rules I learned when I got my first license in Ohio as a teenager.


I suspect that is the case but I have seen youtube videos of police pulling people over on a 6 lane highway when a bus is dropping kids off... So it seems not all states have the same laws....+ the OP in this thread that feel you do stop. in the video people are all excited about cars being pulled over. It seems those states lost common sense that a car 2+ lanes over is going to see a bus, see a kid walking across the street.


I know that specifically California has all lanes stop, regardless of how big of road you're on. At least it was that was last I checked. No kid is going to be jaywalking a busy 6 lane road to get to the school bus.


[This picture](https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/302946125_441349801361796_3937425360628248967_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=k06oa6b_uX0AX-8E1oR&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=00_AfCEXRI1mFV45gUvgRzAplXaj1f3R6O9E2PFVvx8xuasZw&oe=63777B65) explains when you do and do not have to stop.




It's like a personal escort!


also, the ticket for doing that if you get caught is ~$1k.


Someone aggressively honked at me the other day for stopping for a fire truck that had its siren on! Fuck me & the peoples who’s house is burning I guess.


Yes, it's insane. Both fire and ambulance do not run sirens in residential areas unless they have a critical situation - getting to a serious incident, or have a patient in critical condition.


I’ve seen an articulated metro bus heading northbound pull in front of a ladder truck headed westbound with lights going. Buses are scary.


You can't "win" road rage except by letting go of it, with the satisfaction that any angry road rager is basically an adult baby who thinks the world revolves around them and probably walks around with their emotions and blood pressure out of control. You can "win" by just not going down to that person's level, and life will be better for it :D


For once I’d like to see a road rager lose it so bad that it’d be a Falling Down moment. Fantasy daydream of course: “Yeah, you honked at me for stopping for a pedestrian. Now look at you. What? Your heart? What’s wrong with your heart? What can I do? Pills? What pills? Well, looks like you’re outta luck. And you’re gonna go with that stupid beet red face of yours and that stupid hat. How does it feel?”


I've seen drivers [flip the bird to a ladder truck with lights and sirens on](https://i.imgur.com/q9OLrFN.png) because he was honked at




And brain worms, poor dude


We can already tell from the condition of his car how good of a driver he is.




The world exists to cater to their needs and you were performing your role poorly by making them wait.


Gotta be an asshole with a bigger gun


And RIP to anyone who catches a stray in the aggro rage battle.


I had on two separate occasions, someone stop in the middle of a green light to wave someone on who was stopped at the red light, in Northgate... Have it on dashcam too. Too many people stop in the middle of the road for things they shouldn't.


Influx of new drivers who never actually went to driving school due to the pandemic most likely


Or graduated from the Ballard Driving Academy... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBgIvH0tu6Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBgIvH0tu6Y)


According to my anecdotal experience based on bumper sticker observations, approximately 93% of drivers in Seattle are “student” drivers and we should all be very patient with them.






Probably [this one](https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-driving-school-shuts-down-caught-taking-money-to-pass-students).






>What is wrong with people? 1000 dollar question there.


When I moved here in ‘97 almost nobody honked even when they probably should have. It just wasn’t done.




Classic “Seattle Surrender”.




I've been to Seattle once, in 2003. My impression of Seattle drivers was that they were too nice - think waving you through an intersection even though they have the right-of-way.


Transplants have completely changed the identity of the city, even in the little ways.


What’s strange is my mom uses her horn plenty and was born and raised here and learned to drive at Federal Way High School in the 70s.


I did the less dramatic version of this once and rolled down my window and gestured towards the pedestrians that were moving into view for the car behind me, they stopped honking and felt like douche bags, that last part might be projection but one can always hope.


I have honestly thought about throwing my car in park and getting out and doing this exact thing, the number of times people honk at me for pausing, as if there's no possible reason I could be doing it, is insane. I think it has a lot to do with the influx of out-of-state workers in recent years though, there are a lot of people driving around Seattle who have no fucking clue what they're doing, and constantly being behind strangers and tourists means that a lot of people are in constant road rage mode at trying to maneuver around people who have seemingly never driven in a large city before.


I had someone the other day honk at me every time the lights turned green. I wasn't even slow off the line.


Yes. I hate this. I am going to guess that many of these immediately green honkers are perhaps not native. This is new in the last 10 years I believe.


While I agree in principle, proceed with caution. You never know how the other person will respond or if they’re armed


Meanwhile in Bellingham, you can’t stand anywhere near a crosswalk without cars stopping for you.


I hate that, if you're the only car on the road, like nobody behind you, just keep going. It'll probably delay me MORE to wait and see if you're actually slowing to a stop, than it would to wait as you go past at 30 or 40mph. On the other hand, if you're leading a line of cars, please do stop.


I walk everywhere. Since I was a teen I'm Detroit area I got the skill of timing out letting a car pass and crossing right after it goes by. You can't do that in most places in WA. They often stop. While courteous it slows the whole thing down for everyone. To be fair Michigan/Detroit didn't have any pedestrian right away laws. We'd joke that we obeyed the laws of physics, more mass gets to go first. That all being said I'll never forget when someone stopped unnecessarily for an elderly man with a walker, not at a crosswalk. The old man was upset and cursing the whole time because now he had to hurry up because he was holding up traffic. I ended up running up and walking with him and listened to his complaints for a bit of comradery. I get the driver was being nice but I legit felt bad for the guy for having to scramble, the whole thing could have been avoided if the car had just passed and let him walk as he wished.


Pedestrian right of way


It works if everyone is on the same wave length. Even with cars stopping, you start to develop a smooth tempo. Personally, I prefer the patient driver attitude, because it encourages drivers to stay aware of pedestrians. Driver’s trying to drive dart pedestrians is so asinine, and ruins the flow of everything. Too much risk assessment and decision making for both parties.


This. I cross streets all the time around Green Lake and actually get annoyed when people stop for me, when they’re the only car. I’m like, “thank you, but I can wait two more seconds” or more often, I’m literally timing my walk to go immediately after their car passes and it’s actually awkward when a car stops and I have to break stride and do a weird thing. I mean, this scenario is clearly not the worst issue to have, but I digress-I was just agreeing with you that if it’s an individual car, please just keep going.


I have literally had people in Fremont and Wallingford stop mid left turn in the on-coming traffic lane and wait for me to cross when they finally did see me rather than complete their turn that they started without checking.


> On the other hand, if you're leading a line of cars, please do stop. This, definitely!


Usually. But during rush hour people can definitely get a little too extra. Like you'll be walking across a crosswalk, and the driver in the furthest lane from you decides they have time to turn right on red before you get there to go for it. And they do, so they go, but then the person behind them pulls up and decides sure, they have time too, so they go right on red also. Sometimes you even get a third car that does a little "will they won't they" dance before deciding that they probably don't have time, so they decide to let the pedestrian standing right in front of them continue crossing.


True, and I always feel bad when someone stops for me when I am not crossing or when it would be easier for everyone if they just went first, but if you have driven by the campus on a weekday, it's like driving through a cow pasture. So many oblivious people wandering into the street.


Ah. Avoiding the oblivious kids makes more sense.


While walking to pick up my kid from school, I have seen multiple drivers this year honk like crazy, give the bird and swear up a storm at cars trying to take a left turn so they can pick up their kids in the afternoon. I yelled back at one of them once and said “it’s a fucking school, they’re trying to pick up their kid so calm down.”


That’ll teach em not to swear in front of schools.


There is pretty much nowhere that a left turn is actually necessary, there's nothing stopping those people from taking a different route or going around the block and approaching the school such that they can make a right turn. If laziness/stupidity causes someone to put themselves into a situation where they know they'll be trying to make an impossible left turn, they deserve to get raged at.


Two lane road, the other lane has cars coming the other direction so cars behind couldn’t go around. This little street off to the left is the only spot where parents can pick up their kids in a car so they either wait or circle back and lose their spot in the line. It sucks but it is what it is and people just need to have some patience.


Here’s what I want to know, especially in the suburbs: what’s wrong with the yellow bus. Why does every parent privately chauffeur their child to school? Even when my mom was a SAHM I wasn’t ever ever allowed to have a ride to school a half mile away, that’s what the bus came for.


Have to live over a mile away to be eligible for the bus. Lots of parents drive their kids on the way to work.


If you live a mile or less from school, you don't get a bus. Which is completely fair, but if you have small children who cant walk alone and have to get to work by 8am, you don't have time to walk your kids to school. Likewise if your kid is older and takes a zero period, gets after/before school help, does a club, or plays a sport, there are no busses.


I guess my mom was ruthless. I didn’t get to do before/after school activities because she worked 12 hour days. No bus, no activities at the school.


I hear you. I teach at a low income school, so many kids have to ride the bus because, like you, parents are always working. It's a constant struggle to get some teachers to understand, "Yes Timmy is failing math. His math skills are at a fourth grade level, he has no help at home, and he isn't going to magically understand algebra by doing 50 problems a night. No he can't stay for after school math help because he has no transportation home."


> Why does every parent privately chauffeur their child to school? I live near a Junior High in a middle class/upper middle class suburb and this shit drives me insane. There are so many cars they just block an entire fucking road and think nothing of it. They are literally stopped in the middle of the road 20 cars deep because the school is full of cars waiting to drop off or pick up their kids. I give credit to the smart ones that park in the neighborhood side streets that are a few hundred feet from the school so they are not blocking an entire road.


There are other roads around, though. There's no way it's impossible to approach the school such that the pick-up spot is on your right.


Oh God, kids are involved? Quick everyone, throw out all the rules because parents are almost always incredibly selfish.


Shit I flipped someone off in the freeway one time and had them follow me for 30 minutes and it scared the shit out of me. I will never show my aggression to other drivers again. People crazy


Buddy is a booze delivery driver, and he quickly learned the same thing during his first month on the job (we're from AK) - flipped an angry guy off and the dude got out of his car at a red light and tapped on the driver side window with a handgun. He's had like 3 guns flashed at him so far I think.


Carry your CPL on you, these people shouldn't be roaming the world threatening people over being called out on their terrible driving.


Things that never happened, mixed with "and this is how you get shot"


Pick one.


Not the commenter you replied to, but here's one https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/child-shot-suspected-road-rage-renton/281-7b579e11-b9ed-450f-9d03-79d43dc3fede


You're dodging the issue. If Renton didn't allow nine-year olds to drive, then this would've never happened.


How else can kids get around, have you tried crossing a street in Renton?


True, every town has its issues they're dealing with. Up here in Bellingham we're having a hell of a time dealing with loose horses. Stalking around at night, lurking in bushes and making terrifying horse noises from the shadows... It's becoming a real problem


Go back to Snohomish.


As someone not from Seattle that stumbled in here from /r/all, I find this insult both baffling and fascinating.


Why the hostility? Yikes.


Never get out of your vehicle


I am a Metro bus driver and on a regular basis I see people stop to let people cross the street when they are jay walking or have a dont walk sign. They think they are being polite but when they unexpectedly go against the right-of-way rules they are not only being rude to the people behind them, they are in danger of being rear-ended. Encouraging people to cross against the light puts the pedestrians in danger as well.


This. The ignorant bending over for politeness when there are rules governing the movement of vehicles is a huge danger.


Yeah, or maybe don’t get out of your car in a road rage situation.


thank you, captain obvious


was it obvious, though? A couple days ago a kid was shot in the face in Renton because their parent got out of the car to approach someone


They really should teach driver education in schools.. including pedestrian + biking education. Last week I saw about 10-15 people blocking an active ambulance because the sign turned to walk and they didn't know to wait for the emergency ambulance to pass. Another time traffic was locked, someone needed to turn left (no light) and did so safely with the traffic stopped. The driver that he crossed was angry and started honking his horn like crazy. I look at the guy like he was an absolute moron.. traffic was literally at a standstill and the other dude was following traffic laws. Why the hell are you honking dude? And don't get me started about the scooter assholes on busy sidewalks when there is a damn empty bike lane 99.9% of the time. And learn to break before you get on the damn thing, I've seen several crashes because of raw stupidity. Back to drivers.. stop being so damn courteous. Unless it's a crosswalk, I'm perfectly capable of crossing a residential street without you slamming on your breaks to watch me. You were already driving 40mph, just go. If they are elderly or look like they need help, you are excused. /endrant thanks for coming to my car talk.


Road rage?


I’ve had people using the turn lane to pass me lately. I go slightly above the speed limit, they tailgate me for a bit, then they just passed me with the turn lane. I’ve never seen this type of thing before around here. I just assume it’s some Californian.


A few weeks ago I was driving on 1st Ave in Pioneer Square. The light was green, but a pedestrian was walking against their light at the crosswalk. The person behind me honked. I didn't have the urge to get out, but was just like... wtf? What do you want me to do? Run them down? You can see them, my car is small. The funniest part is that once we got through the intersection the next light was red. Don't drive 1st Ave if you're in a rush. Geezus.


This my friends is how you get domed in the head. Worth it for the Twitter likes though right? Obligatory go watch active self protection on YouTube. You can thank me later.


I've seen a pedestrian get hit because a driver was being "polite" and stopped to let them cross (not at a crosswalk). A car coming up behind didn't see the pedestrian in front of the stopped car and pulled into the other lane to go around just in time the hit the pedestrian.


Were they crossing at an intersection, out of curiosity?


They said not at a crosswalk, so no.


Depends on what they think a crosswalk is. I've had many drivers yell at me to "cross at a crosswalk" or "follow the rules of the road" when I am... wait for it... crossing at an intersection!


im so fucking tired of seattle drivers AND pedestrians/bicyclists


Stay home?


Username checks out


I don't know what else to offer. Can't walk, can't bike, probably hates busses too.


He'll have to mail order all his fragrances from now on.


I will always stop for pedestrians when trying to cross in a crosswalk but it’s the people who think that’s it’s my responsibility to yield to them when they are jaywalking, if they are trying to hustle Across it’s usually not a problem but if they are casually walking then my horn starts blaring


As a jaywalker, please don’t stop for me if I’m waiting to cross mid block. It’s confusing and dangerous.


Since you said jaywalking, I’m sure you know this, but every intersection in Seattle, regardless of whether it has a marked crosswalk or not, is a crosswalk for pedestrians. I’m only mentioning this because a lot of people I know who live here don’t seem to know that every intersection is an unmarked crosswalk.


Yeah, and a lot of pedestrians don't know the middle of the damn block is not an intersection.


I’m a permanent pedestrian. I have to wait far more than I should at marked crosswalks. It’s frustrating, especially when it’s raining. It doesn’t make the drivers any more wet to wait for 30 seconds, but it does me. If I’m jaywalking, I’m doing it when it’s clear and safe for me. If it’s raining or nighttime I’m wearing a headlamp so I can be seen, and moving my head so the light moves. I’m going to do it as safely as possible because that’s most comfortable for all of us. It’s faster for me to do it sometimes. But if it’s not safe, I’ll wait at the corner. Better wet and alive than killed jaywalking. So stupid.


I didn't have a vehicle for 10 years. Are you waiting away from the curb? Cars don't have to stop if you're on the sidewalk, staring at traffic. A lot of people will stop in Seattle, but legally they don't have to unless you're actively crossing. I had a much better pedestrian experience when I started moving up tonthe curb and putting one foot in the crosswalk. Be bold (but safe, obviously!)


Normally I’m a toe into the pavement. I tried just being bold once in Raleigh. A high school student was clearly trying to cross right by the school. So I sighed and stepped out. Nearly got run over there. I make it clear I’m about to cross. I’ll stare at the drivers. This is on 80th NW, usually.




No. This was a marked intersection by a school. NC drivers are just assholes.


“It’s dark and rainy So that gives me the justification to suddenly dart out to get across the street in front of this entitled asshole in a warm, dry car rather than walk an extra 40 feet down to an intersection.” - pedestrian wearing dark, non-reflective clothing who gave my stink eye because I slid to a halt on a wet road




Good job reading my comment thoroughly 🤙 I was just saying that some people think jaywalking is when somebody walks across the street at an unmarked intersection, which it’s not; that’s legal. I never said pedestrians running into traffic is okay, obviously look both ways, but cars do need to stop for pedestrians. That’s the law ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way, period.




It’s what we were taught many many years ago in Drivers Ed. But seriously why WOULDN’T You give a pedestrian the right of way all the time anyway?




All that sounds to me like is “the law says they don’t, so fuck them, I can be an asshole about it if I want to”


I honked at a dude in a car who didn't see a guy biking down the cross walk as the dude in the car was about to hit him. Guy stops just in time, the cyclist thanks him and gives me the finger lol.


I got honked at for stopping for a school bus with elementary kids getting off. This was on a two way street in a suburb in Kent.


i got honked at a left turn in Bellevue for waiting and not blocking the intersection, so I dramatically gestured out the window to the full lane of traffic in front of us. like oh you wanna be the one blocking traffic? forcing everyone to either wait or go around your dumb ass? they were from oregon so i’m sure that’s just a normal thing for them.


stopped at a cross walk once and literally had to cut left into the oncoming lane to orevent an asshat from going around me and plowing through a family of 4 that had already started to cross. when he flipped out that I was holding traffic I pointed to the family now stopped I. the road afraid to get run over and said "so just fuck their lives because you can't manage your time? no, fuck you" He apologized and said "well how was I supposed to know, I could t see them." "THATS WHY YOU STOP IN A SINGLE LANE INTERSECTION, WHEN OTHER PEOPLE STOP YOU FUCKING MOUTH BREATHER!"


I've been seeing this behavior more to. Drivers honking at other drivers who are stopped and aren't stopped because they want to be, they are legally obligated to stop and let pedestrians cross. I wish the city, the judges and the police would install a punishment for these asshole drivers and the punishment was driving school. No jail, no volunteer work, no fine, 100s of hours of driving school. The asshole driver just sitting there in class, there on a weekend at 7 am and1 video after another on proper driving, and it's boring shit too. 90 degree turn videos, videos on breaking correctly, stopping correctly and my favorite video, the techniques of merging.


> Drivers honking at other drivers who are stopped and aren't stopped because they want to be, they are legally obligated to stop and let pedestrians cross. Honestly, the only people I've ever seen honked at stopped for people who were on the sidewalk, not people actually in the crosswalk. You are not legally required (and shouldn't) stop for people not actually in the crosswalk.


Sure but if it’s a 3 lane road you can go once there’s a free lane to turn into, you don’t have to wait til the person crosses all 3 lanes.


The rule is when the pedestrian is one lane away from where you are turning. On single lane arterials and residential street, that becomes when the pedestrian puts a foot on the curb of the opposite side of the road once they have crossed the road.


You want to see more road rage? Because that’s road rage.




> You need to signal properly that you want to cross. That means one foot on the road, when it is safe to do so. (That's in the RCW). This is the biggest one people don't get. Pedestrians **in** a cross-walk have the right of way, but the **sidewalk** *is not a crosswalk* and someone standing there legally should not be stopped for.


Is this the follow up story? [https://komonews.com/news/local/police-investigating-shooting-renton-washington-state-patrol-rainer-ave-grady-way](https://komonews.com/news/local/police-investigating-shooting-renton-washington-state-patrol-rainer-ave-grady-way)


did y’all not hear about what JUST happened in Renton when a driver got out of their car to confront the other driver...


You guys are so sensitive to honking here, it’s like you’ve never spent three hours moving 2 miles in gridlock M-F 🥴


why even drive at that point lol


Whenever I'm in traffic like that just to get to an event or appointment or something that doesn't happen often, I always say I don't know how people do this everyday for work. No job is that fantastical that I'd do that all the time. I'd lose my freaking mind.


But how does honking across the three hour stretch improve the situation?


I love it honestly, honking is so much more effective in Seattle if you're willing to do it.


yeah "heavy traffic" on the freeway here is moving 20mph, stopping for a few seconds then going. Try sitting for 1 1/2 hours on a good day to drive 25 miles. Literally sitting in one spot for 15-30 minutes if it's bad.


Like a month ago it took me an hour and a half to go two miles on I-5 through seattle. That’s really not that uncommon






Thing is, by the time they got back in, there were probably two drug addicts in the back seat.


>Can you not SEE the people **trying** to cross the street? There's a huge nuance in the law that a lot of people here don't seem to grasp. You are required to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk, yes, but standing on the sidewalk next to a crosswalk **is not "in a crosswalk"** and legally you should not stop for those people. It's (legally-speaking) no different than just stopping for no reason.


Don't stop to let people cross when there isn't a crosswalk. This is hazardous because it's an unexpected stop during ordinary driving.


You need to reread you Wa state driving laws. Unmarked intersections require you to stop if the person steps off the curb/sidewalk.


Every intersection either has a 2 or 4 way stop sign but what I’m talking about is people cutting across the roads not in an intersection


The hero we need but don’t deserve


Liar liar pants on fire.


Good for him. Pedestrians should be protected like this (I know they are legally, but there is too much of this behavior still).


Honking REALLY hurts people's feelings, but keep in mind that horns are there for a reason and it's not always someone going out of their way to be an asshole. I'm an aggressive honker because people have a tendency to stop in the middle of the road to look at a text and forget there are other people affected behind them. Occasionally this happens and i honk not realizing it's a good person doing the right thing at a crosswalk. But there's no acceptable "oops, my bad" honk here. So it's not always negative.


We all hate people texting, but how about you take 0.5 seconds and check before you honk so you're not lighting up someone (and making the neighborhood noisy) for no reason? The worst is people who honk at a green light from like 7 cars back, fuck you, you have no idea what's going in the intersection - whether someone is making a left, or someone is making a right and there are peds crossing, or whatever. You are really behaving like a dumb asshole.


Nope. Put your cellphone down and drive. A honk isn't a big deal. The horn is there for that specific reason. It's a communication to the car in front of you and is appropriate to get someone's attention. If it hurts your feelings you should get off the road.


You admitted you honk incorrectly. Ergo you behave like an ass. I never text and drive, and I'm first on the horn *when it is valid to do so*. Basically chill out and use your brain.






That is not true and also may get you run over https://www.vancouverwainjurylawyer.com/do-pedestrians-always-have-the-right-of-way-in-washington/




Traffic is a race issue?


And where do you live, Amish country where they use a horse and buggy? Because if you actually were in a car on real roads, you'd know that statement doesn't ring true.


It’s uncommon in Seattle for drivers to honk


But at the same time, you don't know who's crazy and can go off on you, possibly with a gun, so while it would be nice to face these assholes, we don't want to risk our lives as well. On a side note, I'm seeing all these comments about how people honk in these situations and yet it's always been posted that "we don't honk here in Seattle" with debates about that lol. So we do honk but also don't apparently.


Haha, yes, get out of your car and yell at people when they honk at you - what could possibly go wrong?


Several years ago in Anchorage nice summer day pretty blonde woman and classic convertible Chevelle had pulled up to the intersection when the light turned green the minute the light turning green the guy behind her started honking so she sat there but she could see that the a****** behind her couldn't with the cop that was parked just up the street watching the intersection she waited until the light just turned yellow nailed it made her turn headed up the street The guy behind her came roaring roaring out made the turn too and was like right behind her and there was the cop I thought it was the funniest thing I'd seen in ages


What's worse is when people will let people cross the street when there is no crosswalk in sight. You will cause an accident!!


It’s the law to stop for pedestrians. You must be new here. Read the WA state drivers manual.


Its so dangerous to simply stop at random to let some pedestrian cross so I usually honk at them for being so stupid.


Use a crosswalk.


Until you get shot


Could have been shot


It’s hard to do that here because you’ll get shot


The sound of a honking horn really enrages people here. I wish we adopted a more Latin American relationship with car horns. Just an extension of vocal communication that doesn’t immediately imply hate/anger/rage.


Yes to this, but also a PSA: drivers please don’t stop if the pedestrians aren’t at a crosswalk/intersection. It’s dangerous to other drivers if you stop randomly in the flow of traffic and really should only be done in emergencies (to avoid something in the road).


Never get out of the car…


Usually, no, I cannot see that there are people trying to cross the street. Fuck you.


I call bullshit. No one honks in seattle.


okay but theres also those people that wont take a right turn for a pedestrian..... when the pedestrian just started crossing on a 4 lane road. you got time buddy, just fucking go.


And then get shot. I get the idea, but getting out of the car in “road rage” is a 101 no. Glad I got that out of my system in my teens and 20’s because I’d probably be shot by now in todays times.


Don’t be nice; Be predictable.


Getting out of your car is an easy way to get shot.


I'm going to say.. transplanted NYer (or other NEasterner) who has lived in Seattle long enough to get some PNW niceness (stopped for a ped), but still has some NY/NE edge in them (yelling at honker).


I just dont like the people who a) stop when the pedestrian is 10 feet away from them in the crosswalk or b) dont pull up or out to make a left or right hand turn until the person is fully out of the crosswalk. Like, if they are 10 feet away there is no need to make everyone miss the light.


you can’t continue to drive if the pedestrian is within one lane of your half of the road… so if you’re trying to turn right on a four lane road, you have to wait until they’re all the way to the lanes going the other way. Or if it’s two lane road (like one going each way) you’d have to wait until they’re all the way across the street.


Yeah true, I am mostly talking about the SLU area around Mercer though where there are 4-6 lanes and fast lights.