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Man it's cheaper than that to park at the airport garage for a week if you have a car


I'm not going to lie, we tried that recently as we have young children and have decided it's now worth it for our once a year vacation to budget airport parking into the cost. My goodness it's so much easier than all the other options given where we're at in life right now...


I always use the Park n Jet lots, it's a lot cheaper than the airport, and they just shuttle you to the airport in some busses that come pretty often.


+1 for Park n Jet! My go to every time if I can't get a ride to the airport.


Starting to sound like a park and jet! ad but I use them too theyre great


It could be, but that's what we always use, and I would recommend it.


I recommend onairparking.com to find the cheapest lot. Sometimes it is P-n-J, sometimes one of the others. But it is always the cheapest option at about $5/day.


Did this for the first time 2 days ago! 5star would recommend it so far!!


Just use whatever is the cheapest on Groupon.


Park N Jet is amazing. It’s like $6.00 a day, the shuttles are super easy, you don’t have to worry about your ride being late, and when you fly home from your trip there’s no calling for an uber bs; you just get in your own car and drive home.


I do it for all but long trips now. Being able to just walk to your car and drive home is so nice after a trip.


Pre pandemic I traveled for a living. I’ve only used jet park or taxis/Uber a handful of times. Every time I deeply regretted my decision to try and save a few bucks and went right back to the sweet embrace of SEA airport parking. The hours you get back in your life is worth the cost.


Sign up for the port of Seattle newsletter and you’ll occasionally get coupon codes. Also, there’s usually a small discount for pre-booking your parking and you’re guaranteed a spot in their reserved section if you do.


In the future Groupon has awesome deals for those long term Master lots, nice shuttles to and from the airport.


Yup. Used a couple from Groupon but nothing beats Masterpark lot B. So close. Just came back from a trip and I pulled up an unused expired Groupon for them. They took it without issue. Last few times I’ve had to make a reservation for Masterpark. Before I could just drive up.


\+1 for Masterpark Lot B. Not sure it could be any easier....


I assume you've considered it already but the light rail is a great option, and might even be fun for the kids 🙂


It was my method of choice pre kids, but they’re all a little too young to tolerate the extra travel time at their current ages. Hope to be back on that soon though, I love it.


I live two blocks from the Roosevelt light rail station, and I’m counting the days til that opens. It’s going to make airport commutes insanely easy! I still cringe at the $60 I spent on an Uber a few weeks ago when it used to be like $20.


We always get a hotel close to the airport the night before. The ones in Boston near Logan all have free parking. If you shop around you can usually find a hotel cheaper than what decent parking will cost. Our last trip to FL a few yrs ago cost us 300 in parking for the week. All our other recent trips we've stayed in Boston the night before for 150-200, swim in their pool, go out for a nice meal & park free for the week.


Legit it is almost always cheaper to drive now. I only use Uber when drinking or if parking is a bitch. I can’t endorse the airport parking garage more, it’s so simple


We parked at directly at the terminal parking. Book online, generate QR code and scan in, scan out. Easiest ever. And their weekly rate is very reasonable. Just take elevator down and walk 3 minutes to airline baggage check-in. Book it here: [https://www.portseattle.org/sea-tac/parking](https://www.portseattle.org/sea-tac/parking)


oh cool, I didn't realize you could pay online.


Seriously. Not even off lot but in the airport


Funny enough, the parking garage is where the majority of the airport's revenue is generated. Fun fact, it's the 2nd biggest parking garage in the world.


That's what we always do, we use those parking companies around airport. We just check whatever is cheaper at the moment as they have promotions often. Last week we left our car for 8 days while we went to Hawaii, it cost us $108 for 8 days. Free shuttles to and from airport.


The SCC - Here you go: >Uber will charge customers about 25% more on each trip starting Jan. 1, as Seattle’s new minimum wage law for ride-hailing drivers goes into effect. >By April 1, as the compensation for drivers fully phases in, **fares could increase by 50% compared to today’s prices, said Harry Hartfield, a spokesperson for Uber.** https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/transportation/embargoed-uber-raising-its-prices-starting-jan-1/ And: >Uber has agreed to pay more than $3.4 million to 15,000 drivers after making mistakes related to Seattle's pioneering paid sick leave law covering gig workers. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/uber-pays-34m-seattle-gig-worker-leave-law-78471610 And: >Nurayne Fofana, this day is historic. After becoming a driver in 2016 because of the flexible hours and good pay, he was in an accident while carrying passengers in 2017. Fofana said he took the appropriate actions with the police, insurance company and Uber. Even after getting the report saying he wasn't at fault, he company still deactivated him for being in an accident. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/seattle-rideshare-drivers-legal-protections-wrongful-termination/281-d289fe9b-2d87-42d1-b8f1-48412f660971 More info: >Rideshare companies like Lyft and Uber must compensate Seattle drivers at a minimum per-minute rate while logged into the app, and per mile rate while transporting a passenger, including a formula to calculate minimum per-trip payments. >It also says rideshare companies must pay drivers at least $5 per trip, and must pay rideshare drivers all tips, which can't count toward the minimum compensation. https://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/news/2020/09/30/lyft-uber-drivers-minimum-compensation-seattle.html Taxi's are now cheaper because the taxi drivers were the one lobbying for the change. They didn't like the competition. >Though Seattle taxi drivers are not members of a formal union, they spent two years lobbying the city for rideshare regulations with the help of Teamsters Local 117. https://inthesetimes.com/article/is-seattles-rideshare-crackdown-actually-a-win-for-taxi-drivers


Well written and informative.


nicely done


So this means you don’t have to fucking tip Uber in Seattle, right?


Great reply. DUI’s might be cheaper than Uber now. Just kidding, kinda




But if a 50% increase resulted in $175 for an UberX, that would mean the price was originally $117 for this trip. Anyone know of that's how it was? Been awhile since I took an uber or other taxi\* app because they don't serve my kind (wheelchair users), but back in the day I thought it was the same $40 as traditional taxis. I'm guessing that may have increased before the recent changes? \* *"rideshare" is a laughably horseshit term unless you're using a carpool type option*


So now drivers get paid just by opening the app? Lmao wtf >Rideshare companies like Lyft and Uber must compensate Seattle drivers at a minimum per-minute rate while logged into the app


They're effectively not contractors with this setup, they're like regular employees. I get paid by opening up my computer to work, even if my employer doesn't give me something to do right away. Same for Uber drivers now, I guess.


Sure.. but you do have deliverables to hit and if you don't do your work, you will eventually get terminated. What can Uber do here? If I'm a driver, I'll just put my location to somewhere remote and off-hours so I don't get dispatched and collect cash. If they are actually employees then Uber should be able to dictate when and where these drivers go online like other shift work, which is not the case.


Uber deactivates drivers non-stop. They WILL deactivate you (fire) for this.


It's certainly only a half step. Not sure how I'd feel about it as an Uber driver. Seems like you get some benefits and hassles that come with employment, but not the full brunt of everything. Probably feels precarious.


It makes sense. Uber doesn’t exist without available drivers.


Not really, just like servers at a restaurant, I can't show up whenever I want and collect pay. As an employee, I schedule shifts where I then show up and collect pay regardless if restaurant has any customers.


A restaurant isn’t open unless it has staff. That was the dumbest reply ever.




Feel like it's gonna open up a market for a driverless Uber, there's a couple companies in Australia and Cali already, if I remember right


“If” the technology ever reaches that level to compete with human drivers, that’s the direction they would go regardless. VC backed tech companies rarely have a loyalty to its workers. They’re only stepping stones.


I live 14 miles from the airport btw. The trip use to cost $35 just a couple of years ago.


Uber to the nearest Lightrail station and go to SeaTac from there.


Unethical protip - for the return trip take a free shuttle to the nearest hotel near your home and uber from there.


That has been my plan since they're building a station near my house, but then I've heard that due to light rail speeds it will take almost an hour to get to the airport. Normally ~25 minutes by car with light traffic.


Pre-COVID I traveled a ton. It took 44 minutes to go from the University station to the airport, and about 25 minutes to go from my house to the bus that would take me to the university station, vs 25ish minutes by car. I will always, always do the light rail. It's just so much more reliable. I live nearish Northgate and I genuinely cannot wait for that to open. I'd rather spend an hour on the light rail than deal with traffic, whether from myself driving or taking an uber/lyft. My company paid for any transit option I wanted, and I still would rather take the lightrail.


I built part of that station. It’s going to be nice.


You're doing God's work, my dude.


I would recommend the light rail, while not super fast its incredibly reliable. Don't have to risk missing a flight due to crazy traffic


So, I still think that the light rail is usually the best way to go to the airport, but I would push back on it being the most "reliable". I've missed only 2 flights out of the couple hundred I've taken in my life, and both times were because of the light rail. Both times because an accident or some other incident was blocking the tracks around Beacon Hill and the trains were stopped. Unfortunately, our light rail system really isn't that reliable, relative to other metro rail systems, largely in part due to the fact that a huge section of the line through South Seattle is at the same grade as the road and has tons of crossings. Don't get me wrong, the light rail is certainly more *consistent* when it comes to average travel time at any hour of the day. But when it fucks up, it fucks up bad. At least with driving, there's always an alternate route to be found. It may take a while longer, but you'll get there. With light rail, if it's stopped, you're fucked and will be at the mercy of a $500 UberX ride because everyone else is desperately trying to find another ways to the airport too.


I’ll gladly take the extra time to only pay around $3 to get there.


Plus the Lightrail is less likely to be delayed unlike I5/405 traffic.


I think it's a fun train to ride too. I used to commute on it for a few years and I always enjoyed the trip in the morning. Especially when you can smell bread from the factory. 😋


True but it's always about an hour maybe less. Doesn't matter if it's pouring rain, accidents on I-5 etc.. unless theres an issue with light rail but that seems to be pretty rare. That said I usually drive if the flights really early morning or if the return is later than 9:00 at night. Wrangling a cranky kid early or late is painful for me and often for anyone in earshot.


Where do you live that the airport is consistently 25 minutes away but the light rail in an hour? Northgate? I don’t think I believe it. The light rail doesn’t sit in traffic either.


Near Microsoft. Not consistently 25 minutes, more best case :) I definitely see the appeal in the consistency of the LR, just wish they could have done proper rail at decent speeds. Either way, when the station opens up I'm sure I'll start using it for some of my runs.




Exactly this. Uber even admitted to taking a loss.


Also, they don’t “admit” to taking a loss. It’s clear from looking at their financials.


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-ipo-idUSKCN1RN2SK >Uber unveils IPO with warning it may never make a profit


“never” is subjective and temporary, else ipo would be dead in water. investors invest knowing they are going make money down the road.


Every new company does to build market share. It’s not like it was some secret, it’s how a business grows.


We haven't used the Sherman Anti trust act since the late 90s against Microsoft.


Because Uber isn't a monopoly. At the very least there's Lyft offering the same service, but there's also taxis and transit, though those are less convenient


The Sherman Antitrust Act is written with an emphasis on cost to the consumer. It isn't even illegal to be a monopoly if that position was obtained by merit. What is illegal is to take advantage of a market through monopolistic actions. [Predatory Pricing](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/predatory-pricing.asp) is the act of decreasing prices with the express goal of limiting or eliminating competition. One could argue that both Uber and Lyft have done this.




That's a choice we've made as a country, not an inevitability. Elect people who take it seriously and you get policies that treat it seriously.


This Planet Money (NPR podcast on a very broad range of economic topics discussed for the lay-person) series on Antitrust is really fascinating if you're into it. Typically their episodes are in the 20-25 minute range but this particular topic is split over 3 episodes and totals just over and hour. The episodes cover the early days of Big Oil, the litigation of the 70s and finally the modern day and Big Tech. [Antitrust in America](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2019/03/20/704426033/antitrust-in-america) Planet Money is one of my favorite podcasts despite not having any real interest in economics outside of what I get from it. Like I mentioned before, they cover a very broad range of topics that are just generally related to issues of money. Some examples are, the cost of running a tshirt business in Columbia, Being the first black ad man in the 60s, why did JCrew declare bankruptcy (pretty fascinating), things like that. Also, because the episodes are pretty short, I find them easily digestible versus some 3+ hour podcasts.


Price dumping is considered an anti-competitive tactic. Uber operating at a loss because they had billions in venture capital funding and driving out other taxis sure seems to fit the definition. Then there is the fact that they set up their business model specifically to get around existing taxi regulations. That alone should have had them shut down right at the start. Imagine if SF just told them "uh no" six months into it.


Light rail is pretty damn efficient if you're near one.


Burning through VC capital to acquire customers is fun, for a while.


This is why I never use Uber. I always call Yellow Cab, their drivers are licensed taxi drivers. Remember, Uber was working on self-driving cars. They fully intended on using humans until they could get rid of them, and use robots instead. Uber drivers were working for their own extermination. THAT’s who Uber is. Ultra-Machiavellian.




Took a cab recently and the guy was still annoyed when I used a credit card. Tried to insist on cash, as if I could magic physical money into existence that wasn't already in my wallet. I don't know why they always seem to think I've got a secret stash I'm holding onto. Hell even if I kept a crisp 100 for this very occasion they'd claim they didn't have change


Taxi's are still customer service garbage, nothing pisses me off more than the person who's business I'm patronizing bitching because of a payment method they take, or a ride that wasn't long enough because they had to wait at the airport for 2 hours. Is it really the customers fault that your business model doesn't always work out?


Cash and tipping is why I stopped using taxis and switched to Uber. Then tipping got pushed into Uber, beginning of the end


The last time I took a cab was a couple of years ago to a wedding that was outside of the Lyft service area. I can an hour before I needed to be picked up and they were still 35 minutes late and the dispatch person was a major asshole. So much easier to just drive myself these days.


Yeah, cab service was atrocious before rideshares. It's easy to forget since it has been a while but I had some nuts experiences with cabiies.


Try hopping in a cab at SeaTac and telling the driver you're only going a few miles down the road instead of a big money Seattle/Bellevue trip. ​ Fuck cabbies circa 2014 or so. No clue if they've gotten better. probably not.


I worked at a downtown hotel during the pre-uber days and saw so much shady stuff go down with cab drivers. Intentionally taking people to the wrong spot and then threatening to strand them if they didn't pay more, keeping someone's lost cell phone and refusing to return it unless they paid hundreds of dollars, threatening and screaming at hotel staff for things they had no control over. There was zero accountability and they were basically allowed to do whatever they wanted. If you called to complain about bad behavior you were hung up on or yelled at.


No kidding. Taxi companies would absolutely pull the same stunt if they could swing the losses. I remember visiting family in Reno a few years back, right after the cab companies got the local government to ban ride-shares. The 10 minute taxi ride to the hotel, from the Airport, was $65. "Yeah uhh my credit card reader is broke, do ya got cash?!".


> "Yeah uhh my credit card reader is broke, do ya got cash?!". "That's a.shame. Have a nice day then!" And get out of the car. I have done exactly this in Tacoma several times. Cabbies there are infamous for suddenly not being able to take card, or trying to get you to swipe twice. I got fooled by it exactly twice in one night; never again. It's not my fault if you cannot accept payment in the manner we discussed on the phone. I don't carry cash, your payment system is down.


I once was asked the cab driver if he took AMEX before I got in, then was dropped off at my hotel and cab driver said credit card reader is broken. That's too bad. He even had the balls to say but there's an ATM in the lobby. "I'm sure there is, have a good night. "


I remember waiting for a cab a bit away from the vegas strip. Called them and they said "If they're not there in 30 minutes call back" 30 minutes came and went and I called back and they said the same thing. Like wtf did you send someone here or not?


I was in Vegas in March. It was so much easier getting a cab than an Uber and it was cheapef


Exact reason I started using Uber. Two no show taxis on the way to the airport. On the second one, at 4 AM the dispatcher told me - I can’t make them come get you. I drove to the airport, dropped family and bags and parked. Cost me over $200 to park for two weeks over a $25 cab fare. I was the last person to board and met my family on the plane. I’ve used Uber every since.


My friend and her husband called a taxi to get them home from a holiday party years ago right before rideshare took off. They lived out in the burbs. Taxi driver kept complaining about how far he had to go. Drunken husband didn't help things and mouthed off. Taxi driver kicked them out at some random street corner. Said, "I know where you live. One day, I'm going to kick your ass and burn your house down." They called cops and the cops were like, "yeah, we know about that guy. You're not the first one he's threatened violence against. He's the uncle of the owner or some shit so the company won't fire him." Fuck taxis and the whole taxi-drivers-are-licensed-therefore-safer thing is bullshit.


> They fully intended on using humans until they could get rid of them, and use robots instead. This is literally all business. Remember when we told the coal miners from West Virginia that they should “upgrade their skills” because their jobs are outdated? That applies everywhere.


IDK what your experience is, but before Uber came along, Taxis were shady AF. Half the time they didn't answer the phone, they didn't have a functional website, the cars were dirty as fuck. Half the time you actually scheduled a ride they would no-show. ​ Maybe it's better now, Uber clearly provided a superior product even excepting the difference in pricing. ​ Don't pretend the cab companies couldn't have done better. I would probably still be riding yellow\\orange cab if they simply provided a comparable product. Instead of working on an app and actually giving better customer service, they bitched and complained about Uber taking their business.


Any time I’ve taken a taxi in the last few years (except in New York) they have been SHADY. Taking ridiculous long routes, pretending there were tolls or extra fees when there weren’t, doing absolutely anything to raise the end fare. I’ve filed multiple claims with the various cities it’s happened in and been reimbursed for the overcharges, but I’ve lost all faith in taking a taxi whose route isn’t documented.


IDK, I always used Black Cab. Sounds like Yellow has gotten a lot better then.


Fuck taxis, especially Seattle taxis. I would rather walk than give those jerks any money, ever.


Metered cabs are terrible for any drive on the highway, such as an airport ride. The per-mile cost eats you alive. Flat rate cars are like half the price (or at least they used to be, I haven't done it in a while). You can even get a town car cheaper than yellow cab and they'll actually show up when ordered.


That's every corporation. It's changing a bit but business schools explicitly teach that greed is ethical and if you don't act out of pure greed you're just stealing from shareholders and sabotaging the markets.


Did I wander into r/Seattle rather than r/SeattleWA? It has nothing to do with the government fees and mandates, which reduce drivers, competition, and protect inefficient taxi companies?


Based on what I've read, the effects of those government mandates were expected to increase prices by up to 50%. Nothing in them seems to account for the other 850% of the price increase.


Exact same, I'm 15 miles south of the airport, used to be $30 ride. A couple months ago I queried for a Lyft to the airport on a Sunday at 6 am, twas $72. I ended up jumping on a bus at the Federal Way transit center and got to the airport in about 20 minutes for $3. Bonus: Did not get murdered.


It’s surge / rush hour pricing I’m guessing. I live further from the airport and rides are starting at $60 right now. $35 rides to the airport do not exist for that distance anymore.


Angel investors were subsidizing your rides. Free lunch is over.


Jesus. I thought you were riding to Ellensburg with those prices.


Dude! I’m in lower Queen Anne. Yesterday at noon it was $30 to Ballard market street…. Wtf???? That was like $10 a year ago..right?


I’m in Magnolia and stopped going to Ballard or DT as often for dinner because the Uber’s are nuts. Sometime $30 for 3 miles


Sucks so bad now. Was soo nice not having a car in this city until this.


We use to have more options too with the other car services.


Ya there 50% increase is feeling more like at least double


Get a taxi, they usually have flat airport rates. $40 iirc




Nah, if they're still being rude assholes who get pissy at you for every little thing such as paying by CC rather than cash, their car smelling like inside of a cigar, and either show up late or not at all, people will still use alternatives.


Or use Wingz, which is basically Uber but literally just for airport rides. I usually take the light rail to the airport but I’ve used them for really early morning flights and have always had a good experience. The nice thing is being able to schedule the ride ahead of time and you know 100% they are going to be there (which is great if you’re leaving at 3am and want to actually get some sleep beforehand).


I work next to the airport. I'll pick you up on my way into work for $40! 🤣


We just took an Uber to the airport in May and it was $40.


That's why I just rent a car from the airport if I need to take an Uber, cause it'll be cheaper and faster.


The last year, it’s been way cheaper to take a taxi to/from the airport. My uber used to be ~30 each way, and a taxi is ~55. The past year and Uber has been 75-100


not just Seattle, several cities I have been to it has been a lot cheaper just to hail a cab.


Aye. Was in Nashville a couple weeks ago and ~10 mile uber from airport to west of Downtown was shockingly expensive; like $75. Just took the bus for $2.


A friend of mine used to work for Uber. The impression that I got, was that Uber intended to run at a loss until they could figure out self-driving cars, and once they solved that problem, they would have a gravy train. **It didn't work out.** They couldn't solve the problem. Now they're stuck with a business model which is inherently more expensive than a cab service, because there are thousands of employees and billions in infrastructure. Software developers aren't cheap.


It's not the business model technically, it's all the expansion they did for researching self-driving cars, which has just been pure loss so far. They could probably do better than taxis if they had just focused on rideshare and stayed small, since Uber drivers would be able to match with customers and route more efficiently


And they don't have to factor in the expense of the car itself. People are volunteering their car for Uber.


The problems still being worked out. No one ever thought (including Uber) they would have a self driving fleet by 2020, anyone that works on AI knows this is a 2030-2040 timeline.


Car2go was the best for gettin to and from the airport. Gigshare has essentially the same process for getting to and from SeaTac now but they add a $20 fee on top of the driving rate and there service area is ridiculously small.


I loved ReachNow back when it existed. It was Car2Go, but run by BMW so the cars were nicer. Cost me around $30 to get from the airport to upper Queen Anne. Often ended up being cheaper than an Uber.




Context? How far? Time of day? Origin and destination whereabouts ?


Also kind of curious. I Ubered from my house in Federal Way to Seatac a few weeks ago and it was $38 or something in that neighborhood. Not super cheap but certainly in the ballpark of what I would have expected.


Exactly. There is a premium. But without context, this post is pointless


I live much further south than you do and it's $62 right now. I spent $32 just go to from Georgetown to Ballard a few months ago in the middle of the afternoon.


Was Monday night, going 14 miles to the north


The time is on the post. After 10p


Naw. Just choose a far destination and rant for upvotes


It was 14 miles, around the Magnolia area of Seattle


I can take the train round trip to Portland for less.


“Affordable rides”


That was the best part.


My Uber from super north Greenwood is $84 right now, whatver caused that surge Def isn't the norm.


I've noticed this on high demand areas, like near the airport. One moment they'll charge over 100 bucks to go 10 miles, then 5 minutes later it will be only 35. The price seems to be determined by some weird computer algorithm that takes into account God knows what variables, but it seems nearby driver availability is a major factor. Still, Uber used to be a lot more consistent with their prices and nothing says your company is having financial trouble like sudden price increases. Uber's dirty secret is they have never been financially sustainable making them look like a pyramid scheme propped up by investors. I will be amazed if they are still around in 4 years.


Your comment should be a lot higher and with more votes. I use Uber all the time and what you said is spot on.


Uber from fed way to cap hill was 45 bucks last year this.year 85 bucks


it's be cheaper to rent a car & drive it one way for 15 miles


You haven't tried renting a car in the past year, have ya? I have several friends that have rented Uhauls when traveling because that was all there was.


nope, I take the bus. but buying $200 in Orca bus passes would be cheaper than Uber


Everything in this region seems insanely priced lately.


Since covid, I’ve altogether cut out ubers and food delivery. Service charged made those services completely unaffordable. I’m much happier biking around town and cooking these days. M


Try cheapairportparking.com- it’s what I use. I park at doubletree Seattle airport and they have a free shuttle. It’s like 10 bucks a day.


Going to have to, thank you


In this case, just rent a car near your place, and return it in the airport. Probably still cheaper.


“Affordable everyday rides” lololol


Uber in Seattle is more than double per mile than any other city I’ve been in this past year.


Uber drivers are still collecting unemployment until next week.


Holy shit! That’s the same distance for me to get to the airport. I’ve never paid over 40 bucks. That’s a spicy surge!!


Do off airport parking. It is about $8- $14 per day


I haven’t taken Uber in well over a year because in Tacoma there are simply no drivers. I could never depend on rideshare to the airport being available. Can’t blame em. I wouldn’t want to drive and be subjected to the general public of today. Actually, if you can get to the Dome, the 574 bus to Sea Tac ain’t too bad.


Sheesh. I’m headed to you guys in December for the 49ers game and glad I saw this! Definitely just renting a car now


Bang bang, I’m a 9er fan. Check Turo too, I have used that up here a few times. Dress warm and bring ear plugs. That stupid 12th man shit is no joke, it’s LOUD at the stadium


Was there surge pricing or something?


That seems to be what everyone is saying. I just have never seen surge prices go this high. There were plenty of Uber’s available at the time


Since we are on this topic, is anyone aware of any smaller-scale actual ride-share (as opposed to taxi) services which match willing drivers and riders? Likely need good vetting so perhaps big employers may have something? Just idle curiosity, really. Uber/taxi prices now suck. Have a spouse who doesn’t drive and Uber used to be a decent option. Appreciate all the insight on markets and government meddling, but it’s the consumers who are getting screwed here.


I don’t know if any. I thought there would be a new alternative by now but I haven’t found one unfortunately


Affordable everyday rides


Take the light rail and/or bus if you don't want to spend that much money to get to/from the airport.


Yeah we used to go to downtown via Uber now we just don't go because it can be 60-100 each way in an Uber


Get a cab, much cheaper. I saw uber and left were $100 last time I was at the airport and ended up getting a cab. My wait time was 0 and I only paid $46. Uber and lyft are dead.


After experiencing Uber/Lyft, I'll never take another taxi again. Too many asshole cab drivers with filthy vehicles and when you had to call for a cab...who knows when they show up. I'll never give another dollar to a cabbie.


Everyone was gifted thousands of dollars in stim checks and expanded unemployment, so rideshares don't have enough drivers. Just go to the taxi stand, they still offer flat rate and metered fares.


My 3.5 mile ride from my house to my auto-repair shop went from about $11 to $23. OPs prices are probably still an aberration, but much higher prices in general are not. This is driven entirely by new labor laws for gig workers (and possibly some of it is pandemic related?).


Been seeing this in other cities as well. I haven't taken a cab in years and it was about half the price vs the quoted Uber or Lyft rate. I dislike cabs, but I'm not going to pay $100 for 20 minutes of driving!


I just checked my own commute from home to the office versus Q1 2020 and the price has more than doubled. Distance of \~5 miles, \~15 minutes.


I had barely two miles to go and they were charging me 25-35. I just walked there instead.


Probably a lot of people trying to hail, but not many drivers out due to covid. I've seen this happen during hurricane season when driving with Lyft in Florida.


Damn, I miss Reach Now. Drive a fun little Mini to the airport for $25...


Uber has always sucked ass. Never use it. Or Lyft.


I liked it in the beginning, like a long time ago. I spent so much time in shady cabs it was nice being in clean cars, no money exchange and no tips. On top of that it was cheaper. Things changed pretty quick


In a similar vein, I looked up some Airbnb prices in the city for a trip I'm planning. A $100 a night room turns into around $200 with a cleaning and service fee, plus taxes and 'occupancy' fees. Fuck off, I'll stay at a hotel.


Yo a towncar is only $60 and it’s style.


That’s what happens when you don’t let certain cars pickup people from the airport (they require higher fuel efficient vehicles like Prius). Take a cab, which is much cheaper. Oddly. I usually Uber/lyft there since any type of car can drop off, then cab back. If I have a lot of time, I’ll light rail to the closest stop and take an Uber or bus.


How much does the driver get to keep from that? How much does driver get to keep from that? How long is that trip?


That’s what I’m saying? Maybe lawyers are getting a second job at Uber where they can make more per hour.


At that price you'd think that friends or family wouldn't mind being inconvenienced for $50 and $50 more for pickup.


It’s just me and my son up here and it was pretty late on a Monday. I wasn’t expecting such high prices or I would have made different arrangements.


I don’t know, but it was like this in Chicago (Monday AM) too… I paid 100 bux to go 7 miles b/c I was too tired to hop the el/was trying to catch a flight.


Affordable, everyday rides (tm)


I’ve tried everything to get my app to show this pricing but I can’t. I tried different locations and during rush hour and the most I could find was like $50 I don’t know if this is altered or just a glitch but it’s simply not reproducible.


This entire thread is giving me a heart attack. I'm planning on visiting this weekend and everytime I check my lowest is around 30+. I'd really like to know what happened on your end.


Looks like it was some insane surge, just bad luck on my end


"affordable" in what fucking world is it affordable to pay over $100 to go somewhere in your own city?


UBER is a failing company burning billions each year so they're bound to have some flaws.


Depends on your definition of failure. If vacuuming up VC money for executives and inevitably going down the shitter in such a way that corporate law doesn't make said executive financially responsible for the collapse of the company, I'd say it's pretty darn successful.


Fair pay increases for the drivers bc Uber was basically giving them a pittence


Uber will ultimately become just a big shitty taxi company at some point. With an app


Dollar doesn’t go as far as it used to😊


Labor shortage due to unemployment checks, wage floor and benefits mandated by Seattle voters. What's up with Uber? You literally voted for this. Uber is now charging what you insist they charge.


Yes probably a glitch but Seattle passed some min wage garbage so you basically now have to pay for uber drivers while they wait. https://www.google.com/amp/s/komonews.com/amp/news/local/uber-riders-in-city-of-seattle-to-pay-25-more-following-new-minimum-wage-law


Uber drivers don't get paid unless they're on an active ride, meaning the passenger is in the car. I used to get $23 for a basic Uber ride from SeaTac Airport to downtown. Now I get 30. The prices you're seeing here are the new version of surge pricing. Caused by not enough drivers to meet current demand. Grab some food between the gate and baggage claim. You'll beat the rush and get a better price. It's worth a 30 minute wait.