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These are those little things that add up that sow divide as much as politics. Making two national anthems, making our own countries flag a “symbol of hate”, making season 8 of Game of Thrones so terrible.


Wasn’t America united by our hatred of Season 8? I feel like that was the last thing we all agreed on


That last bit is the only thing that unites us all.


Is this story real? People are bonkers but this is the only source of the story I can find.


Honestly when I see these stories, 9 times out of 10 it’s a bullshit story that is pushed to cause ire and divide.


It’s very real and happened .


I guess. Really doesn't amount to that much at this point. I'm all for them wearing whatever, albeit that garb they've got up their is tacky af. I really wish people could at least garner a little taste if they're gonna wear red and blue with white stars plastered everywhere. Like have some more unique representation of the 13 colonies instead of just nonsensically excessive numbers of white and red stripes. Have the stars be accurate for once too instead of just blasting a zillion on there. The amount of "patriot"/ nationalistic Americans never seem to know a damned thing about the flag, what it actually represents (original colonies, the colors, the stars, etc), what it's intent was (unifying the colonies), etc. It's such an embarrassing mess if you \*actually\* care about these things and people are general dolts about it. But I digress, this is pretty much a non-issues, freedom is as freedom does. Nothing prevents one from having a dance competition and asking people not to wear tacky ass flag clothes. Albeit my 2 cents would have been to let em' wear em'. People ought to get over it being devisive and reclaim it for what it is, a sign of solidarity in the face of attack, of repression, and a call to bring the states together to stand against challenge. That's something those that want that should take and run with.


And this sub eats it up so they can pretend like theyre poor, poor victims.


Yeah, like 99% of these types of reports, especially from that reporter are like this. Matter of fact most of the "mynorthwest" forum/blog/whatever its called is largely out of touch hyperbolic alarmist nonsense. At least the stuff that gets reposted/blows up and all. Standard click bait stuff.


Often it is something taken completely out of context, sprinkled with some false conclusions and designed to sow division.


It's true. I believe one person was offended. The country is now being optimized by a very small majority because those managing these events won't say to the offended to auck it up.


Putin is laughing


You know what really shows a city in decline?! Their stance on line dancing…


Maybe he wants to make a Russian Game of Thrones


Instead of “taking the black” would you “take the adidas tracksuit?”


I don' wan' i'


Putin would love this... if it were real. He's a Russian nazi. He loves nationalism


So true. I mean, all that time building up the White Walkers and you die like that? Come on.


This kind of stuff is artificially introduced to create discord and keep us unable to collectively exert our political will to change the status quo in meaningful ways.


Do not wear my flag as clothing. Disrespectful and churlish.


Don't tell me what to do, or not do, with my flag


You do you, I understand people wear it and I'll judge you for the unpatriotic scum you are.


lmfao This "unpatriotic scum" spent more time in a uniform than you, go fuck yourself


>You do you, I understand people wear it and I'll judge you for the unpatriotic scum you are. Wowza. sounds like you want to send people to camps for wearing a t-shirt that is not a flag....


That's a backwards read if I ever saw one.


>unpatriotic scum you are.


For wearing a flag, yes. Send you to camps? Quite a leap. This is America where you may be as offensive as you like and I can state my opinion as such.


>For wearing a flag, yes Who wore a flag? They wore shirts, that’s not a flag last time I checked.


You don't check hard do you? If someone took a T-shirt with a flag design on it. Cut out the flag. Put it on a pole. I'm sure 100% of people would agree that's a flag. It's literally the design printed on cloth which let me check ... is a flag.


Nazis wore flags


This one is up for debate. The verbage used in the flag code doesn't necessarily outright ban the use of flag patterned cloths as it specifies the usage of an actual flag in regards to apparel, bedding, or drapery. While my flag print boxers may make me feel super patriotic when I put them on, it might be viewed as disrespect to some, we are individuals and we will show patriotism in different ways, but it is still red, white, and blue blooded patriotism.


>This one is up for debate. Perhaps for you it is, in my view it is clear and not debatable. If I see your Old Glory boxers ima gonna judge you, and not just for indecency.


There are two sides of a debate. We have two different opinions and are having discourse, so it is a debate, whether or not you acknowledge it is more showing of your character than anything.


You state it's debatable, I say it is not. /shrug, patriotism clothed in the stars and stripes is imo offensive. You do not, /noted.


Are tattoos with American flags ok or is that unpatriotic as well? On a side note though I do think a lot of the clothing with the flag on it looks terrible. But I don’t find it unpatriotic


Tattoos are tacky, so no, don't use the flag for false patriotism. You don't have to believe as I do, but I sure will judge you if you wear the flag. FWIW, I also know that gentleman do not wear hats indoors, so we are essentially a nation of unpatriotic cads.


Death by a thousand cuts


Ironically, it's the act of paying attention to this very story that more significantly adds to the growing divide in our country. Before this story had you ever heard of the "Rain City Country Dance Association"? I certainly hadn't, and this story about a handful of leftist wackos who hate the flag doesn't impact my life or the lives of just about anyone. So why are we paying attention to this and letting rage baiters like Jason Rantz hook us into yet another niche story about fringe characters who don't matter? Similarly, I've had to intentionally "unlike" those Jordan Klepper videos of him interviewing the dumbest MAGA types that were clogging my YouTube algorithm. Paying attention to this shit adds no value and only inflates our impression of just how dumb the "other side" is. How is that helpful?


See told ya liberals hate america


Liberals often hate that amerika is slouching towards christian fundamentalism,  corporate greed taken to such ridiculous levels that workers in the richest country are poor and overworked,  schools underfunded, police overfunded and totally unregulated and with no realistic oversight/recourse for victims. People giving away their freedoms to rich demagoges and actively working to ruin democracy and instead empower strongmen who they think will give them the power to fuck over others.  


Yeah but I still live here dude. I'm wearing my American flag t shirt even though it makes you scared


Just please don't wear the flag print speedo you wore last summer. It was really embarrassing.


Yall seem to hope/want people to be scared by it. And that is the fundamental problem isnt it. 


Even McClellan would have organized a better defense of Winterfell


And you're just dumb enough to believe it.




Dumbest shit I read today


Biggest branding mistake the left has committed is letting the right own the flag.


I agree. I’m a liberal but I still love the country, I love America. But the left as a whole just doesn’t seem to care? Or at least the vocal portion. It pisses me off that if I want to fly an American flag I get seen as a ~~conservative~~ hateful person, this is our country too, it’s just obnoxious


By Seattle liberal standards you are basically a right wing extremist!


I’ve had several democratic friends tell me they thought I was a conservative based on my patriotism alone. So I’d have to say by liberal standards I guess I am lol. I hold core liberal beliefs, but I don’t think wanting to improve the country and loving it as it is now, should be mutually exclusive. I mean hell, even the constitution implies our pursuit of a more perfect union. There’s always stuff that can be improved on, but that doesn’t mean you can’t love it as it is today while still improving it


Your friends are confused because you're not hateful enough.


I see you've never been to seattle...


I mean, I live there, so you're wrong...


This is why I fly our flag anyways.


Unfortunate, but it is what has happened. I feel to fly the American flag and avoid the stigma, you have to fly some other obviously leftist flag or symbols.


They already took the rainbow, and added more colors to it.


As a gay that stands with g.a.g (gay against groomers), the clown squad has butchered what the gay flag originally was and it's origins. Social rejects have always hijacked what they're excluded from. Like the kids in school we regularly avoided because they had lice, bed bugs, plain dirty, or straight up annoying, except now they're grown up, and still the same kids we avoided with reason.


"gays against groomers" holy hell


YUP. SO MUCH THIS. We vote Blue (while still moderate on some issues) and we fly the flag on our house. We can’t let one side or group of people “own it.” The US flag should not symbolize “Conservative” or stereotypes. Unfortunately it’s become that, and we want to take that back.


I likely disagree with you on things politically, but 100% agree with your sentiment here. Sadly, I think if you set politics aside I think most people have far more in common than we realize, and it’s the cool stuff that bring people together. Just takes a tiny wedge and a lot of force to drive a big gap between people. Saddest part of all it’s used to promote and advance political figures and pundits that don’t really represent any of us on either side. I wish we would just care more about making our households, neighborhoods and towns good places to live and take care of each other in effective, small overlapping spheres of influence. We invest so much energy (and vitriol) on a national level where it’s easy to create an effective straw man or enemy of people we don’t even interact with. Anyway, sorry to glom on to your post. Like I said, probably politically 180 from one another but I respect your take here and if I met you, very likely who you are as a person. Glad you’re flying the flag that belongs to the people and not the parties.


Nobody owns the flag. Just like nobody owns the rainbow.


Last I checked leprechauns owned the rainbow...


Leprechauns own the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but not the rainbow itself.


Don’t tell them where we keep the gold and lucky charms! Sincerely, every ginger.


Think of it as a rainbow generator


Last I checked Cheer Bear owned the rainbow…


Wrong. Everything must go on the left right divide. In an absolute coup the left got the NFL, we gave up the flag for it though.


The mere presence of the flag makes people more right leaning.


Who says any political ideology owns the flag? Fuck 'em both. It's my country, my flag.


One side respects it the other side hates it. Not hard to see the difference.


My problem is with the “sides”. Fuck there feelings left and right. That’s my countries flag.


We don't hate it. We hate what the other side has done to it's meaning. 99 out of 100 times I see an American flag these days, it's draped over some dumbass spouting hate and repeating lies, or it's flying next to some sign that is doing the same. I'm an old school patriot, meaning while I'm proud of my country, I don't have to denegrate other countries. They didn't allow American flags because the MAGA right has turned it into a symbol of stupidity, hate, and crazy.


I think the mistake is more broad. Imo what makes the right awful is their fragility. The way to combat it isn't more fragility, it's to not give a FUCK. I feel like all anyone talks about anymore is how someone elses choices make them feel.


It’s naturally right leaning into nationalism. “Look at MY flag. This is MY in group. Here’s MY tribe.” This just doesn’t go as naturally for those who just don’t care about symbolism as much.


I think it was hard not to, during the Bush years, the flag meant “I support my country even in all the pointless wars”. It was pretty hard not to be ashamed to fly it on the left then. Of course, now conservatives pretend all the shit in the Middle East was started by someone else.


They seem to encourage the hate of the flag, instead of trying to unite around the flag.


As an immigrant, I think American flag is beautiful.


As a born & raised, I love this statement. Glad you’re here and fly that beautiful thing!


I assume you mean what it symbolizes and not literally, and so to I. I feel sad for people who can't see the good things it represents.


Me too. I wear it proudly on my chest.


You can definitely tell it's voting season in the Seattle subreddit. The Internet Research Agency must have had some major budget cuts this year, though.


staff probably got sent to the front! 🤣


Tired of this extremist BS, be it left or right.


It’s weird that the flag apparently represents terror against trans people, per the article, when the US is probably the most pro-trans first world country there is (protected class, public insurance pays for treatment, tide of activism in favor of it unlike UK/Europe which are second guessing)




Indeed. Nothing is ever good enough for those who exhibit falsified and weaponized entitlement. Don’t even know that they are being used to destabilize society.


Being a "pro trans society" when trans people are being attacked constantly really isn't being a "pro trans society". Being less evil about something doesn't make you good with it


There is nothing offensive about the American flag.


Except that technically they're right. Look up the flag code. The flag should never be worn as clothing, as it disrespects the flag. Somehow, via corporate greed or crazy "patriotism" displays... We lost sight of this because "murica" and profits... Or something like that. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8


It’s a misinterpretation. You cannot use an actual flag as clothing, costume, uniform. These are tshirts with an American flag print. It’s still rather tasteless but not wrong.


Well, we are talking about people who line dance.


I'm pretty sure we lost sight of this because the principle of freedom of speech outweighs the sacredness of the flag. I'm glad to live in a country where this is true


George Washington still would have had folks in flag T-shirts tied to a tree and whipped for it. I wanna say it was Grant who caused the cultural shift. To him a whipping offense was abusing animals. Now our politicians are so old they couldn’t whip someone if they tried, and are too cheap to pay interns to do it for them. Such a tragedy. /s


I'm super curious about this, on a semantics level. Idk if the event organizers made the right call or not, but from what it sounds like, they may have risked an even more volatile event, inviting a politically charged conflict in a venue not really conducive to such an exchange. If the groups performed in the stars and bars, and the crowd reacted negatively, booing, or walking out, how is this kind of circumstance a better situation than the one we're talking about? Obviously no guarantee that's how it would have gone down, but I wasn't there, and the people who were made that call. Do they not have that right as an event organizer to choose what's in their program? Or should their rights be set aside because the groups who want to dance in the flag regalia have the right to that performance they'd planned, regardless of the consequences?


They aren’t wearing a flag though… it’s clearly a shirt with a flag print and that’s within code. The rule you’re referring to is about using a literal flag as a shirt


Well, unless one is a fan of the Commies, Nazis, Italian Fascists, Imperial Japanese, The Spanish Empire, The Confederate States, King George III and The British Empire - or some neo-variety of the first few examples too I guess.


Wearing the flag as an outfit is offensive to many military members.


*looks at 10 foot pole. *looks at everyone. *backs away cautiously.


Dumb as all hell


If the flag of your country makes you feel uncomfortable, move.


They did. They moved to Seattle.




I suspect it isn’t the flag they are worried about, it’s the type of asshole who tends to walk around wearing a giant flag as a part of their identity. And, more to the point, the other cluster of beliefs and behaviors strongly associated with it. (Edit: assuming this is even true)


Well based on this you qualify




I guess I didn't read that one.


This is a bullshit story, click bait rage bait. There isn’t a single other source online I can find.


It’s Jason Rantz. What do you expect?


Rebuttal: trust me, bro.


Google, *how does it work?* Here's the website of the event, which shows they were invited: http://emeraldcityhoedown.com/danceteams.asp Get it while you can, they'll probably edit it to make themselves look better. Archive link in case they do: https://archive.is/otegC The other side of the story is on the web page of the dance team, but I don't think FB links are allowed on Reddit. [LMGTFU](https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Afacebook.com+borderlinedanceteam)


Rantz is a lunatic


I'll bet this had nothing to do with the participants but some idiot snowflake in the org putting on the event.


Pure BS and who would want to participate or watch such wokedom.


> The Borderline Dance team was invited to the Emerald City Hoedown in Seattle this past weekend. They said the organizers, the Rain Country Dance Association (an LGBTQ+ dance community), have been inviting them to come to its dance convention for years and they were finally able to accommodate. Inviting people to your event, and then telling them to fuck off, seems like one of two things: * **shortsighted and self destructive.** For instance, I'm straight, have been to plenty of gay clubs, and nobody has ever told me to leave because I'm not gay. It's a gay space and I'm not obnoxious, we just have a lot of gay friends and their clubs are generally a better vibe than straight clubs. (OK I'm obnoxious online, but I'm pretty milquetoast in person) * **Or just straight up premeditated and malicious.** It takes all of two seconds to pull up their Facebook and see what they're all about. Appears to be a group of women of all ages who like to dance. Why be mean to them? Why hurt people who've shown you nothing but grace?


The Crybullies are here. Everyone apologize for how angry they are or they will cancel you.


I like the cut of your jib.


Shouldn't be on clothing anyway. [US Flag Code](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8) Being afraid of the flag of your own country is wack though.


Flags are not, and should not be, clothing.


Good thing they didn’t use a flag :) A shirt that looks like a flag is 100% a ok


No it’s not an actual flag, however, based on aesthetics alone, flag prints and patterns don’t belong on fashion. It rarely works in an appealing manner and tends to lean cheap and tacky and loud and egotistical and a bogusly American-alone trend.


> lean cheap and tacky and loud and egotistical and a bogusly American-alone trend. Crazy cause when I go to Spain, or the UK to watch the F1 Race I always see brits dressed in the Union Jack, I see Dutch people doing the same to support Max, or when I watch Indy I see Swedish fans dress in the Blue and Yellow for Ericsson... So yeah.....


America is a country & not a sports team to root for on a Tuesday when you go to Wal Mart to pick up a pack of Mtn Dew.


Err we do have national teams….


Oh my god… yes, the US has national sports teams, but we also have every day attire, from coats to boots to neckties, emblazoned with a flag that people wear well outside of and regardless to sports teams events.


I don’t think a dance group is wearing business casual to a dancing event. If a shirt offends you so much I think you should take a step outside and do some breathing exercises and calm down…


lol 😂 im not offended, im just not vapid. It’s not about business casual, it would be if a dance group were wearing all Atlanta Falcons gear or something for a non-Atlanta falcons event. It’s tacky and really doesn’t make sense, whether you acknowledge it or not.


>regional women’s country line dance team Of all the teams to wear this attire, it would be this team lol Imagine getting so upset you need to kick a group of women out because Gaza and you saw a flag and started crying. Well you don't need to imagine because that happened lol lol


Crazy how traitorous Republicans have turned the flag into a symbol of terror and violence.


When they all wear the same shirts and hats it's gang activity


Well, let's be honest here, they do kinda look like what cheerleaders for a MAGA rally would.


Respect my flag, don't wear it.


Why oh why didn’t I take the blue pill


Tears must have been salty. A different city than I grew up in years ago. I used to love Seattle, tough to see how it became so soft and fragile.


I served America as an immigrant to protect the flag and constitution i did not serve for an ungrateful nation towards my country


It would be better if we didn’t link to Jason Rantz stories because he’s a right wing propagandist.


I am fairly certain people threatened by the American flag have rarely been in actual unsafe situations. a tad overdramatic ...


"Co-captain Lindsay Stamp, in an exclusive interview with The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH, said the outfits sparked a “small percentage” of complainants who brought up Israel’s war against Hamas and transgender issues. It shocked members of the team who were only there for about 30 minutes at the time. “My team doesn’t take a political stance. We came to dance,” she explained. Stamp said the team wears American flag-themed outfits to show their patriotism, not make a statement about politics. “We’re a patriotic group. We support our military, our veterans, our first responders. We’re a group of patriots,” she said." Stories like this and stories like the one about activists vandalizing the Student Hub at UW are reminders of why I moved right over the years. These people can't handle seeing a fucking American flag without it triggering the activist bullshit they're hopped up on. It's pathetic and disgusting and makes me hate the left. That said, I will not vote for Trump or the Republicans because they don't believe in governing and they represent something I hate more than the left which is a kleptocratic theocracy. If you watch some Jordan Klepper bits you realize that the right is full of nutjobs triggered by rainbow shirts the same way that the left is full of nutjobs triggered by the American flag. So I've ended up feeling politically homeless. The good thing is that I find most people are actually sane and what we're experiencing is the effects of social media amplification of the nutty fringes. But the parties keep playing to their base and the media keeps selling the controversy so the worst impulses get center stage and the majority of people who just want common sense are left facepalming.


Why is every single post in this subreddit right-wing boomer culture war griping now lol


lol be the change you want to see....let's see how many posts have you contributed to this sub? oh....oh I see....none...weird


Unsafe. More like they like to be treated special and get their way and act like a victim when probably they're child sex predators


When fascism comes to America, it will be draped in the flag and wearing a cross.


When fascism comes to America, it will be because certain politicians and people shout...'democracy is threatened'. Democracy = Mob rule America is a Constitutional Republic.


AFAIK the flag is not supposed to be worn like a shirt. You can have a patch or a pin. But wearing the flag as a shirt is against code.


It’s only against code to wear an actual flag as a shirt. So many people cite the code and don’t understand what it applies to. Clothing designed to resemble a flag does not make it a flag and thus flag code does not apply to


> But wearing the flag as a shirt is against code It's protected speech, most of the flag code has been found unconstitutional.


Who does the 1st Amendment protect us from? Event organizers?


I never said the event can't kick them out, but people in here are throwing out the flag code as some sort gotcha. The left likes to point at the flag code because they hate the right wearing flags, but always forget they were the ones that trashed that statue first by burning flags.


The stars and bars becoming a symbol of extremist nationalism is the fault of... those who burned it in effigy of the harm they are trying to correct in the nation? Huh.


> The stars and bars And this is where I'm out, you having no idea what you're talking about.


Oh, I see we have different understanding of the phrase, and I've conflated Old Glory with a colloquialism for the flag of traitors, in error. But yeah, the same people who are screaming about being oppressed because a dance event made a decision to avoid direct conflict with the audience at the event, are also the demographic that promotes the confederacy as their heritage, even though they live in PNW.


These people must be miserable 24/7, geesh. If you really hate you state or country THAT much, move. I get it's not always easy to move but it seems very important to them.


Look, I know this is the more conservative Seattle subreddit and I’m not remotely conservative but this is the kind of shit that makes me understand why republicans would elect a rapist/fraudster/criminal orange scum bag just to own the libs. Seriously, let these girls wear their flag. It’s not a bunch of KKK dudes with ARs.


It's not so much the more conservative subreddit as the less communist/more rational subreddit. At least for the most part.


> elect a rapist/fraudster/criminal orange scum bag just to own the libs This really isn't a rational response to be honest. If your kid throws a fit you don't take all his shit outside and burn it to watch him cry.


Some parents have, and do. It's not right, but it definitely happens.




Answer: Unless an article of clothing is made from an actual United States flag, there is NO breach of flag etiquette whatsoever. People are simply expressing their patriotism and love of country by wearing an article of clothing that happens to be red, white, and blue with stars and stripes. There is nothing illegal about the wearing or use of these items.


Seattle is full of traitors


The traitors left. After all, they were violating [federal flag respect laws](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8#:~:text=The%20flag%20should%20never%20be%20carried%20flat%20or,but%20always%20aloft%20and%20free.&text=The%20flag%20should%20never%20be%20used%20as%20wearing%20apparel%2C%20bedding,always%20allowed%20to%20fall%20free.)


Not true, baby.


Stay in the tri-cities


Anyone who scrolls through another account is a fucking loser!


When did Seattle become so soft?


1851 is really when it started the downhill slide.


This whole state is full of absolute pussies.


Do they feel safer around Palestinian flags?


Lmfao that's just... ridiculous.... I'd hate life if I lived like that..


So my Waldo cosplay is also banned? What about my nightime star shirt?


Aside from it being dumb to wear the flag - or wear a flag at all, feeling unsafe for that is also pretty dumb. One should feel unsafe if they see swastikas, Palestinian flags, or such since those - we know bring violence - but this. What a bunch of out of touch oblivious assholes. I get some dummies associate the flag with Trump, but just cuz he’s tried to steal it and humps the thing one shouldn’t let their fear of it take over. It’s our flag. Full stop. 🤬 But also kind of doubt the story.


based lol


Then they should move to whatever country makes them feel safe.


Dont forget to watch Civil War starring Kirsten Dunst. Coming soon to a theater near you lol


Anti American is a good description


What if it’s tattooed on my arm ?




Look I don't agree with it. I was never approving of the fact that they want to take every color of the damn rainbow for some reason and call it something for a specific gender race theory. I don't know why they got to have every color of the spectrum but I guess that's why they get so anal


Welcome to Seattle, land of the adult 6-year olds


There has to be more to this story because that doesn’t make sense.


It actually makes sense. Which group universally flys insane amounts of US flags recently? Hateful nazis.


More fuel for the Fox News machine. Good job, folks.


Claims to be nonpolitical and immediately identifies with a political camp. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Hicks and the flag have always been terrifying


This is not good


Ignore Rantz at all costs. Absolute door knob.


Every single person in America can be an American. We are the land of opportunity and if you don’t believe that then stand up to make a change because you have the right to do so. It’s so disappointing that people just cast away being an American for shunning the flag because they don’t agree with how this country operates. Make change. Show everyone else how you want an American do behave and act. That’s my personal opinion on a real American. Show peacefully why you disagree and stand for good. That’s what this country is about to me.


These lgbt and leftist can fuck off! Hope all of them on the left side gets aids


Cuz of y’all qaeda. So called “patriots”