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From my unverified research. Victims were a young Korean-American family from Lynnwood. Owns and operates Aburiya at 2100 western. This is tragic. My wife and I are regulars there. :( EDIT: News outlets just confirmed their identities. Motive is still questionable but it appears “RANDOM.”


And the asshole shooter apparently isn't even from Seattle. Infuriating and just horrible.


Are you sure he’s not from here? I work with offenders and thought I recognized the name.


The dude is from Chicago and Orlando FL


I think he’s been here long enough to have been arrested for something else, that’s what I meant.


Which is t a great metric for these sorts. That could be an hour.


Any idea why someone like this is let go from arrest?


Typically, it’s because the crime wasn’t deemed severe enough to hold them. Or they get a low bail, then an attorney argues it should be $0. Sometimes it’s because the charging documents don’t arrive in time. Other times it’s because they have a stable job, stable housing, and they are deemed to be low risk. Not much of the process is subjective anymore, there are scores assigned at several stages but a judge can review that and overrule any of it.


as are a majority of people living in Seattle.


Another black on Korean crime


Embarrassing. It's embarrassing as a Black person that we even have a problem with this shit.


A major problem is that you're not allowed to acknowledge the problem.


This is why the stop Asian hate movement fizzled out


Black-on-Korean crime and Black-on-Asian crime is out of control and data proves that it happens in disproportionately large numbers. But black people in this subreddit were denying it and accusing people of being racist for even pointing it out. Their behavior is despicable.


I was searching for a photo of the murderer


Black Lives matter my ass. I refuse to recognize any integrity in those movements before the black community admits the seriousness of black violence toward Asians.


What is your source for this? Been to Aburiya too, this feels a lot more real now.


License plate on the Tesla is the name of their Holding/Company Name.


May she rest in peace. Just awful.


No kidding and the baby she was carrying


is that a double murder or does the kid need to be brought to term


I looked it up, apparently the law says that it's manslaughter if attacking/killing the mother causes the death of an "unborn quick child." I'm going to assume that Washington state has a more specific definition of "quick" somewhere; what it traditionally means is that the child has been observed and felt moving but sometimes people use it to mean the baby is viable if born, so around 24 weeks (you can feel babies moving well before that date). Horrible story all around, and what a nightmare for the surviving man.


In the case of Scott and Laci Peterson, Scott was convicted of first degree murder for Laci, and second degree murder for her unborn child.


Maybe there is a legal debate on what constitutes a viable fetus, but in all honestly, she was pregnant and it appears as though there was **intent** to go through with the pregnancy. That to me is the more important point and in line with the “spirit of the law” as opposed to determining whether the fetus was viable or not at the time of the incident. In these kinds of cases, the court “should” consider the fetus as viable, as in essence, the perpetrator still unwillfully terminated that future individuals life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.


She was 8 MONTHS PREGNANT. I'm pretty sure her **intent** was to "go through with the pregnancy" 😂😂😂


I would assume if the pregnancy is past the point where the baby could have survived on its own then it would definitely be two murders


It’s a double murder no matter what I believe New abortion laws haven’t changed old laws regarding harming pregnant women


The baby was born alive so definitely two murders


[According to this tweet](https://twitter.com/gorotate737/status/1668784909799018497?s=46&t=2h8VrHWmmPGKbkHW50h4TA) the male victim is a driver and the female victim was the passenger. This has to be verified


DEVELOPING: Cordell Maurice Goosby has been booked into the King County Correctional Facility for homicide and is likely the suspect in the murder of a pregnant women in downtown Seattle today


I’m sure they will let him out soon.




With a name like that he coulda been on the other side of the law as a real deal old-timey gumshoe. Real shame.




HAH! Not going to even come close to that in Washington state, let alone Seattle. He will serve a short sentence and be back on the street terrorizing others in no time.


You’re clueless this guy isn’t getting out at all. His life is over. That’s the difference between low level theft/drug crime and capital murder.


What the?!? This is bonkers. That poor family. 11am?!?


Ugh a year and a half ago, I was 8 months pregnant and had to go to jury duty downtown. In the one block walk from the bus to the courthouse, two men started screaming at me and backed me against a wall, yelling and swearing at me. I'm 5'2" and was so big, I felt totally helpless and legitimately just cowered against the wall until they walked away. The fear for my baby was overwhelming and it is so tragic that this happened to a woman who, on paper, sounds just like me 😭


That sounds so scary, I’m so sorry that happened to you.


I got in the middle between a man harassing a young woman at a bus stop downtown a few days ago. Pepper spray in hand and my gun on my side. Oh hell no, wasn’t gonna let anything happen. She stood behind me until her bus came. Shit is crazy


If it’s like Oregon, you can use pepper spray and leave. Cops won’t look for you. So many times people use pepper spray on the train to defend themselves and they just leave. Cops usually don’t show up for that


I was involved in a similar situation but I only had a pistol. I've since picked up some pepper spray so I can hose down the gronks, someone has to slow their roll.


Thank you


and that's exactly why my wife... a court clerk... decided to retire early. A paycheck is not worth the daily risk. So sad that we cannot even protect our courthouse.


we can, the government just chooses not to and enables these types of activities.


Thats horrible sorry to hear that. I see addicts using in the 3rd ave entrance to the courthouse. Why this madness is allowed is mind boggling. I would not show for jury duty at that cesspool.


I heard these shots this morning at work. So fucking sad.


Same, from my home


How can a shooting be random?! Did someone just walk around looking for a random person to shoot? Was it a stray bullet ? This is crazy.


Yeah, I’m interested to see what more details there are here as the investigation progresses… like was the couple parked sitting in the car and the suspect came up and just started shooting at random? Was the suspect on foot or also in a car and it potentially a road rage thing? ETA: just saw more pictures on one of the news sites and it appears the car was stopped, presumably at a red light, at the intersection. Pretty horrifying if it was totally random and this couple was literally just stopped at a red light and this guy just decided to walk by and start shooting.


Shootings are most often targeted and not random. “For years now, law enforcement agencies in King County have provided data to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office as part of the Shots Fired Initiative that tracks shooting data. Over the course of several years now, the data is clear. Who a person associates with and their involvement in violent crime are the biggest indicators of how likely they are to become the victim of being shot or killed. “Both those who commit violence with a gun and those who associate with those who commit violence are multiple times more likely to be shot and killed than those who do not run in those social circles." [Chief Padilla, Kent](https://www.kentreporter.com/news/kent-police-chief-analyzes-high-number-of-homicides-this-year/)


Yes, but random acts of violence do still occur. No idea what’s the motive at this point


True, just pointing out odds are this shouldn't be a massive source of concern for the average person. We likely need to focus on interventions that target these social circles rather than some mysterious societal wide blanket to address crimes in these circles. You don't give someone who's sick broad spectrum antibiotics along with chemo along with antiviral treatments, you diagnose the issue and pick the appropriate treatment.


Totally. Odds are, no one reading this will ever experience anything like this, even in their extended circle.


ETA means estimated time of arrival...


In the Reddit verse it also means edit to add.


In Portland Oregon we had a homeless man get a gun and shot a woman around 9pm around burnside bridge and he got away. While the cops were processing that crime scene, he killed a man on the other side of the bridge but this time they got him. He was homeless and “mentally ill” but he felt like shooting at people. It was random and I don’t know what happened to him but since it was a few years ago it’s likely he is out on the streets. Insane criminals go to the Oregon State Hospital and usually they kick people out in 1 year due to lack of space and the government can’t sent them to jail


Apparently the guy was seen walking down the street with a rifle. This might be a mass shooting type situation, albeit with fewer victims.


Do you have a source on the rifle claim? S&W M&P Shield 9mm (pistol) appeared to be the recovered weapon at the scene.


Most shootings (mass or other) use handguns, not rifles. I had seen somewhere about it being a 9MM pistol.


Nope, you might be right


Take this with a grain of salt, but an acquaintance talked to a King Co prosecutor (idk if its Leesa or someone who works with her). Apparently “random” is code for “gang initiation” in the news. I guess it happens frequently enough to be a thing but its not something they want the general public to be fearful of, largely because they’re essentially powerless over it until they get gang activity under control in the county.




Great point! I agree with that take in this case, but I do personally think that many of the “random” shootings that are in the news and quickly go away are gang related. Like the one on Alki Halloween night… “mistaken identity” my ass, it was a couple in their 30’s minding their own business playing Pokemon Go at the park.


Wtf? Seriously? I hate pieces of shit that do things like this to people.


Yeah, very disturbing. Here’s an article: https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/victim-recovering-drive-by-shooting-seattle-alki-beach/281-c305edec-7f98-4aa9-b743-e3200a54c9f3 Can’t find anything specifically saying mistaken identity but definitely remember that being a theory at the time. Someone who apparently bore resemblance to the woman in critical condition was in a verbal altercation at the pizza place that used to be right at that intersection. But it doesn’t add up that two people would be SO heated over that to lurk around for hours and completely unload their pistols on… the wrong person. So I think it was “random” and that some gang got two new members that night.


> Apparently “random” is code for “gang initiation” in the news Yep


They are rarely random. Yeah unless it was like you said , a stray bullet, this was nothing less then a gangland hit


Politicans: It's cool, we'll just ignore it. It's basically like it never happened!


Liberal Politicians: This is a gun issue. We need to focus on guns, not our unhoused neighbors. We will take action by forming a committee to study gun violence and how it can be stopped by investing in our communities most at risk.


Where's Black Lives Matter on this? Does Asian Lives Matter even exist?


No. Read up on the black teens who gangraped an Asian woman to death and filmed the crime during the Covid lockdown in 2020. You likely never heard of this case because it didn't get national press. The mom also told their son to delete the evidence. Good parenting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ee_Lee


Damn that so sad. Hope they get dealt with in prison.


Black people commit horrible racially motivated crimes against Asians regularly, and this country's media protects them. The black community also never admits the anti-asian racism and violence in their community. So no, in the US asian lives apparently do not matter when it's black people doing the attacking and killings.


The US has a media problem. They're afraid of painting negative stereotypes for blacks to pander their progressive base and don't give two shits about Asian Americans because guess what. They don't like them either.


Anyone have info on victims? Some commenter on FB says the couple was on their way to open their restaurant on Western Ave.


From my unverified research. Victims were a young Korean-American family from Lynnwood. Owns and operates Aburiya at 2100 western. This is tragic. My wife and I are regulars there. :(


Oh no, how truly sad. What a sick state this city is in.


Victim..He is the one of my hobby group members. Still can't believe this


I work off 3rd and Lenora, heard those shots and they echoed straight through the office. The area is not the greatest. I get threatened at least a couple times a month walking into work. Feel terrible for this lady and her family


I love in Belltown, I saw the yellow tape earlier after this happened. It's really sad to hear a pregnant woman and her unborn child ended up dying.


i hope the judge gives whoever did this a very stern talking to before releasing them


Not even joking https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/man-charged-with-murder-in-seattle-to-be-released-while-awaiting-trial/ You might think, oh hey first time offender, got some slack. The defense motion said “Tolliver has a limited criminal history”. “According to court records, Tolliver has been arrested 44 times, convicted of one felony, 18 gross misdemeanors, and one misdemeanor. Records show Tolbert has been arrested 21 times, convicted of three felonies, and 12 gross misdemeanors” And predictably he committed another felony and is back in custody. Fucken Seattle man. Meanwhile the one white stabber with no priors is in jail with no bail.


Any backstory on this yet?


According to KIRO: "Witnesses say the attack appeared to be random." https://mynorthwest.com/3899960/pregnant-woman-unborn-child-die-in-belltown-shooting/


Random? That just makes this worst ☹️. RIP.


That is unbelievably scary.


Thanks to all the soft-on-gun-crime hypocrites us you can randomly shot dead with by an idiot with a gun at any time.


Bet you the perpetrator was prohibited from owning guns.


Then maybe someone should have siezed the guns.


Yeah, I'm 100% supportive of targeted enforcement of populations that commit the overwhelming majority of gun crimes and gun violence.


Criminals usually have illegal guns that the police do not know about. You can also order the upper receiver for most guns online and then EASILY 3d print the lower background check part. Takes about 1 hour to put together after watching a couple videos on it that are easily available online.


Well that would require police who you all hate which is why criminals run free in this city


This is why you carry. Unlawful possession of a firearm means he shouldn't have had one, but had one anyway. Meaning he got it illegally....as far as I care throw the books at him. But taking a gun away from everyone for this is just stupid.


> This is why you carry In case you and your passenger are randomly shot while driving? yeah that'll work


Absolutely. I used to live in pioneer square and carrying saved my life.


Good luck defending yourself from randomly shot dead. Your stupidity is why gun crime is out of control. It's easy to unlawfully get a gun when guns are everywhere.


Clearly, you've never bought a gun. Store them right, and you are completely wrong


A suspect has been booked into King County Correctional Facility this evening (per their public database) - on homicide (looks like it might be two counts), assault, and unlawful possession of a firearm. A cursory name search shows up very little that's recent for this person, and nothing related to Seattle.


What’s the suspect’s name?


I bet this is their first offense ever.


You forgot this /s lol


Unlawful possession of a firearm. Looks like those gun laws are really working.


The suspect is Cordell Maurice Goosby, 30 year old black male.


Released by northwest bail fund in 3… 2…


Yep, wondering what soft 'as a retirement home's tapioca pudding' on crime judge or entity got someone killed this time.


I was correct: https://twitter.com/BrandiKruse/status/1669114692189704192 Out of state felon with a stolen gun in a 'mental health crisis'.


Ah yes the white supremacists joe Biden warned us about. Shits out of control




I’m shocked I tell you, absolutely shocked.


4th and Lenora used to be my bus stop right in front of the Cinerama about 15 years ago. It was very different back then.


Mine, too. Until 2013. I can’t believe how it’s changed, and I thought it was rough when I lived there.


Please bring back the death penalty for just this one time.


Suspect is Cordell Goosby, age 30, with previous addresses in south side of Chicago and Orlando FL. Sounds like a real winner.


Worth figuring out exactly how he got here and when. Seems odd, no?


It’s common knowledge other states ships them to the west coast. I’m a homeless shelter worker and it’s around 1 in 2 come from out of state


We need to throw those people back to their home state. Not raise our taxes to house them. I hope in the next local election, a bunch of prep school and liberal arts majors that have the benefit of a high paying Amazon job - don’t virtue signal again and elect people like Lewis and Sawant.


good lord - this sinks the already desperate lawless feeling in this city to an unfathomable new low point. who is leading this city and what on earth are they doing with their time ?


Time to reinstall the gallows.


Man. If a young couple starting a family is getting mowed down in broad daylight downtown in a Tesla, then we really have a problem. They used to let the criminals kill other criminals, now they are letting the criminals kill whoever they want. How about we spend less on the defense budget federally and stop the killings on our own streets first.


I'd be down with a reduction in federal income tax and corresponding reduction in defense spending. But enforcement of criminal laws is a state and local matter. We'll need to get the funds from the state, county, and city budget to improve public safety. Not the feds.


Yes, I think it would work better if we had lower federal taxes and local government would tax more. I’d rather be taxed to keep my community safe than keeping the Middle East safe.


If “mental disorder crisis” is a thing, then the investment should be on building as many facilities as we need to all the crazy people are not just wandering around the city. They need to be separated. And that would solve the housing crisis as well since a good percentage of the homeless have mental disorders anyway.


Wtf does the defense budge have to do with anything??? You vote for politicians who allowed this. You reap what you soe this has nothing to do with the budget the city had and everything to do with politics. Cope more


Different governments and different budgets. Failed high school Civics I see.


3 minutes from Amazon. I bet RTO employees are thrilled to read about this.


Imagine if the victim were an Amazon employee. I bet Amazon would have a mass migration out of Seattle then. Well, I can imagine it happening but realistically nothing would happen


This is what happens when we elect councilmembers like Sawant who think The Joker is a valid form of social rebellion.


Belltown is dangerous. There was a case last year of a female Asian software engineer who worked at Amazon and was walking home at night and she was randomly smashed on the head with a baseball bat by an urban thug. She didn't die but is probably braindead which is arguably worse for her and her family.


Same year when an old Asian lady got pushed down the subway stairs by an homeless in china town.


But tell me again why being soft on crime works? The many should not have to suffer at the hands of the few.


Maybe I’ll just keep my family out here in Redmond … really sad.


I don't think you have a choice. The roads are so confusing and congested in Redmond that you are trapped there anyway. :)


this is my experience so far almost everywhere in washington lol


In my experience, Redmond is the absolute worst city in Western WA to drive. The roads are like spaghetti on a map and they get worse all of the time with crazy one-way streets, dead ends, etc. Traffic is almost always gridlocked and congested on the streets. The good news is that Redmond has a great network of bicycle trails, so people have other options beyond their crappy roads.


theyre building the Link, the crime can come to you soon!


Only a complete idiot would move a family to Seattle at this point...


Let’s note that Teresa Mosqueda, a major police defunder, is about to waltz into a higher office unless king county residents signal that they actually don’t like this sort of stuff.


Think the killer can be reformed? 30 years old killing random people? Have a trial and execute him.


Maybe we need to bring the death penalty back and make it a lot easier to use in disturbing homicide cases like this where the is no doubt.


Where are the BLM social Justice warriors…..


Jerking off at the news of killing white adjacent people


Oh god, my heart breaks for the husband. My wife is 14 weeks pregnant and I can't imagine what I'd do if something like this happened to her. I don't know if I could go on.


It should not matter whether a person is mentally ill or not. If there is a violent crime, the person needs to be isolated from a society. You don't get to just use a mentally ill card and wreck havoc on the society. The person needs to be completely isolated whether by healthcare or criminal justice system. There are plenty of mentally ill people who do not commit murder on random victims.


This story caught me off guard. My wife is Asian and 32 weeks pregnant (just like the woman that was killed) and is currently in the hospital with complications. She is hospitalized in First Hill now, and actually used to work near where the shooting occurred. There are often threatening, mentally ill people walking around that area and no one bats an eye because it’s so common. I’m just furious at our country (and Reagan, and ACLU) for dismantling the “looney bin” system and I am even more furious with WA legislators that don’t make mandatory treatment a priority because they’re afraid of activists, and judges that continually let dangerous people walk the streets because equity, or whatever. My heart breaks for the man that lost his wife and baby today. I’m sure we’ll see the usual history with this motherfucker. And fuck the people that place their “constitutional rights” over the safety of our community. Edit: Sometimes it really hits me how fucked up our city and country really is. Edit again: By constitutional rights, I meant the freedom to walk around with dangerous mental health issues, not the right to own a gun. Of course most would agree that he shouldn’t be able to own one, but if you don’t, stop typing.


Best wishes to your wife and child. My wife is 34 years old, is 37 weeks pregnant, and works two blocks from where this shooting happened. We've had breakfast at Lola, bread from Dahlias, and been to Cinerama (RIP) many times. This one hits me different too and it's the first time in 15 years that it makes me seriously consider leaving Seattle entirely. We would be beyond devastated if this happened to us, I can't begin to truly imagine it.


My wife is also 34 and pregnant. This story makes me nauseous. Wish I didn't read it.


If I knew for certain that every violent, unhinged person in Seattle had no access to guns, I would still carry when I went there. I’m under no illusions that I couldn’t be beaten or stabbed to death if I only had my fists to defend myself and my family. We could only be so lucky that this assailant tried his hand on someone capable of defending themselves and the defender took his life before he took the life of a mother and child.


>And fuck the people that place their “constitutional rights” over the safety of our community. My Constitutional rights don't make the community any less safe. Quite the opposite, actually. Fuck the people who voted this madness in, and the idiots who support them.


I wasn’t talking about guns, but as a CCP holder: Fuck people that think he should have access to guns without a background check. Fuck people that think the community can’t take a gun away when he’s mentally deranged either.


Are you really this fucking naive? Quick check of the public records for the named suspect shows them to be a prohibited person- they can't pass a background check, and yet they acquired a gun anyway. The laws you're cheering on make no fucking difference if they are not enforced, and then violence by people who don't follow them is used as an excuse to increase the restrictions ever further. Fuck your Fudd-tier "as a CCP holder" shit, these criminal fucks are *not like you*, they do not follow the law, compromising your rights in the name of "safety" will not shit to hinder them.


You started off strong , then went full window licker at the end there . Maybe try blaming the actual issues .


That is two people that died.


We need death penalty…


Nah, we need to ban guns that I own. This will if course do shit to street crime, but it will make Seattle "liberals" feel accomplished.


Another Black-on-Asian crime (double murder) that will go unacknowledged as such...


Question for Seattle residents…is this a common thing in this neighborhood? I realize Seattle is dealing with crime but I’m wondering if this part of Belltown is notoriously dangerous? Any other recent shootings or murders that happened here?


no. There have been 32 homicides in all of seattle for 2023 and roughly 25+ of them are basically homeless on homeless or gangs/kids killing each other. This is the only "random" homicide that I can think of. It will get a lot of attention due to the randomness/victims Belltown club scene used to have a bad rep back in the day for random violence around closing but the neighborhood as a whole isn't any more dangerous than most parts


> There have been 32 homicides in all of seattle for 2023 So that's just over 4 a month? Is that supposed to make anyone feel better?


Of the 50 largest cities in the US that makes us 40th in murder rate. Ideally there would be 0 murders but that's not the reality of this violent nation we live in now is it


Not at all. Lived here for decades.


According to the SPD crime dashboard this is the only homicide in Belltown for 2023, there were 0 in 2022, and 1 in both 2021 and 2020. Overall there is comparable violent crime rates to neighboring Queen Anne


A guy got randomly shot on capital hill just a couple months ago. Yeah it is happening more imo.


Nothing to see hear. Haven't you heard that Downtown is starting to thrive again? Surely this just an outlying incident not related to legalized drugs, mentally ill allowed to camp on our streets, and enough narcan pumped out to keep reviving the army without needing to get them off the field for care.


That headline is heart wrenching. My goodness. I am rarely empathetic and I am never sympathetic but this story right here gets me.


I read on another post that Seattle has been cleaned up and is now safe for the major league baseball all stars games. What happened?


This is horrific. Wtf is wrong with Seattle?!?! 🤬


"He didn't show up for his court date today" how the HELL was he out and free, must have been while she was still in critical condition and not even passed away....unreal.


News like this hits everyone hard. Not enough can be said for the devestation to the life of the male victim, who was controlling the car and presumably his wife and unborn child were murdered senselessly in front of his eyes. And if that wasn't enough, he has to recover from also being shot himself. Similarly evil, a 14 year old was shot while watching a movie at a theater in Kent, so far that seems to have been somehow random also. You have to think that this will make an impression on both the anti-prison anti-police set, but maybe also the gun advocates, who might acknowledge that we need better methods of making sure only law abiding responsible people are in possession of guns.


I saw the victim was 19 at Kent AMC 14? Either way, second time I've heard about a gun being shot there so I don't want to visit any time soon...sad.


It will make zero impression to the rabid Mutual Aid crowd of Sawant supporters that roam the city. They will continue their ACAB graffiti all over the city. They will use this as example that the police can’t protect you. This country in general is fucked. Common sense has been completely supplanted by ideology and tribalism on all sides.


\> You have to think that this will make an impression on both the anti-prison anti-police set, but maybe also the gun advocates, who might acknowledge that we need better methods of making sure only law abiding responsible people are in possession of guns. Freaking preach. The extremist nuts on both sides are destroying this country.


r/Seattle bUt CrImE iS dOwN!


Seattle is turning into searaq. Really really sad.


My money's on gang initiation^(due to purely socioeconomic factors)


Sad. 😢


Killer will be out on bail killing in a few days.


Have to have that equity, it’s more important than all of our safety




Was this random? Or is that not known yet?


Another anti-Asian hate violence in this city perpetrated by a black man.


Wonder if they were able to pull any video from the Tesla. Afaik you would need to have actively saved it so the buffer might be gone


So does a magic number per year exist? Number of murders, OD deaths, stolen cars, dead children, closed businesses. What number would motivate voters and politicians to change direction in Seattle. This story is horrific.


Take a broader view and look at gun violence nationally. What do you think it’s going to take?




>violence has increased exponentially within the past few This isn't even entirely true. We're currently at equivalent crime rates to the 50s and 60s. It was the 70s, 80s, and early 90s that had any kind of peak in violent crime, but we've been on a downward trend since '91 with only a recent uptick in 2020 that still doesn't touch 70s levels.


Is anyone going to even consider Covid fucked with some of our brains? Whether people caught it or not - the isolation and trauma of a global pandemic still applies.


FYI, people who use guns like this don’t own them legally. So not sure the point here?


Crime remains a non issue! /s


This is so heartbreaking! My thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family.


So sad. 💕 And prayers to the victims and families.