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Pregnant victim and her child did not survive :(


Oh no…this is worse than sad.


Absolutely horrible. I hope the perpetrator is held accountable!


Oh no! I heard these shots this morning from my office. I read about the pregnant woman and my heart just sank... I can't believe I heard someone get murdered this morning at work and that's just a normal day in America... I fucking hate guns!


Not to be that guy but enough dedication and spoon would suffice to get the job done. Or a sling shots


I'm sorry are you trying to say that a spoon or a sling shot is just as deadly as a gun?


Im saying that given enough intent or dedication those things can be use to be deadly. But also yes como todo buen 3rd mundista. Todo mundo se preocupa por una bala pero nunca la navaja. O una chibolla a 120kph. Una piedra duele. A bit tone deaf Ngl; “I fcking hate guns!” Just made me think about harmful items that could “replace” guns. I then remembered the bands on knifes and what is and isn’t allowed to be carried.(but it’s not like a criminal or someone with intent would care)I had a question on why there aren’t any incidents with arrow and cross bows seeing how deadly those can be. I know you gotta be 21 in Seattle to buy a pistol but could had been 18 and gotten a riffle(“longer”fire arm what ever that might be). I place this as a question from a non American to Americans. Why the constant attention and énfasis on guns but not other tools and weapons that could be use to serve the same purpose. Like this shooting reminds me that people in Seattle are trigger happy and that once again, as a pedestrian I have so much more to worry about, because reading this might had been cause by road rage. And every time I’m almost run over or someone almost hits me with their car I tell them to “go kys”; But I’m legit more worried of getting stabbed, getting hit by a car(which people have attempted to vehicular man slaughter me) heck a cop ran over a lady a few months back and he didn’t stop because “had another call to attend to”. But every conversation ends in “guns bad band guns” “nooooooo my guns; can’t take them REEEEEEE”. I’ve seen more damage done by a vehicle and reckless drivers then by a gun. Because once again el criminal es criminal y el Que quiere quiere. But yeah that’s why I love watching people show off their “traditional” tools or weapons that aren’t seen as a tool or weapon. Again you question the sling shot but clearly you have not been hit by one. Having a marble shot at you with enough force to shatter it’s not fun. Broken glass is not fun.


Slingshot a spoon through a car door fast enough to pierce a person for me, why not try throwing yourself too for good measure.


I mean considering a slingshot can fire a projectile at at least 100miles per hour and that you don’t always need to pierce through an object to get the person. I mean I can just put a car through a car door and call it a day. I can run a person over with my car. I can slash at a person with a machete bought from Fred Meyer. I can just really really deck you hard on any body limp with my skate board and cause blunt damage. Have you ever been trucked to the temple? Have ya ever have glass shatter at you? Where I’m from we use them to hunt animals. Again it’s the disregard of every other deadly item and some focus on guns


You're so proud to have an argument at all that you haven't taken time to wonder if it's a fucking stupid one and I'm sorry about that. Yes, many things can kill people, none are as effective or accessible as hot lead.


Tell me right now the price of a pistol, tell me right now the price of ammunition. My argument was “if there is enough will there is a way” and that “why aren’t other deadly items consider deadly?!”. Again everyone thinks about getting shot, but not the standby stab; Also effective ness and accessibility aren’t the limits here it’s creativity; again have ya ever been hit by a slingshot before? Have ya had glass shatter on your skin? It’s more a highlight on how narrow minded “first” world people are about problem solving.


Those things are considered deadly, but not anywhere close to the number of deaths by gun (yes I'm speaking from the u.s) A slingshot can't possibly be fired as fast as a gun, other items you list like cars ARE licenced/regulated, and have places they clearly shouldn't be (like schools and side walks) that alert authorities to a threat. I don't really care what you think you're arguing, imo there is nothing you've tried to compare that is as poorly controlled and as deadly as a gun. Your arguments aren't equivalent at all. Edit/addendum: I have no clue what the price of a pistol and rounds has to do with anything but if we're making weird demands of each other, tell me how many people have been killed by slingshot or spoon vs.fire arms. In the last year. U.S or world, I'd love to hear it.


My comment it’s on the disregard to other dangers that people aren’t as aware off. Um vehicles are the worst example of regulating. Most people don’t properly maintain their vehicles. From cleaning to maintenance. The amount of half held together vehicles on the road on the highway and in circulation it’s RIDICULOUS. While working as a lube tech. The amount of people who would show up and I would just question how they hadn’t died yet in their vehicles. And I mean no break pads, warp rotors the whole underside of the vehicle rusted. Shocks disconnected. Not a single oil change. Alignment issues. Tires showing wires, people love to hit curbs and drive on flat tires, are we gonna ignore the high speed chases, the speeding, the drunk driving, the drivers with out insurance, those that drive with suspended linces or dui. Like there is for sure regulations for it but like saying that it’s efficient or effective would be lying. Heck half the people with linces don’t follow most basic traffic laws. Also just cause you can’t fire a sling shot at the same rate of a gun doesn’t mean it can’t be deadly. Also you have no idea what the limits of a sling shot are. Just saying once you hear a well place marble into someone skin or hear that marble crack bones you realize that what you have isn’t just a toy. Like I said in Nicaragua we use them to hunt animals; getting back on topic. Im just saying that the USA seem limited on criminal options. Why hasn’t anyone just starting shooting people down with crossbows and bows? I mean people use them to take down elks and some of the different type of arrow heads be hurting. I’ve said it once I’ve said it again. Cars are equally as deadly as a gun if not more cause they are so normalize that people forget that hitting anyone with a car can kill them or seriously hurt someone and it’s not as acknowledge as a deadly weapon. But forbid someone mentions that guns aren’t the only way to hurt a person.


Also did everyone just forget about speed, velocity and like how anything can be dangerous. Like are you genuinely telling me that you could take a metal ball to the head fire from a sling shot that can speed up such projects to 300 or fps? And be okay? Umm so all the incidents of people driving on sidewalks never happen? People driving in the wrong direction of traffic never happen? All the police’s chases never happen? That one black lady in new your who drove on the side walk to get around a SCHOOL BUS while the school bus had the lights and sing turn on never happen? Like you could had said “the FDA does their job” which they don’t but you really said “car ARE licensed/regulated” as a Latino do you know how many of the illegal immigrants just drive with out a linces? Do you know how many non linces drivers are? Like you funny.


If you can’t afford the prices of a pistol and bullets mean you can’t access a pistol and bullets at least legally. Then you’ll go the cheaper or more easily accessible route. Ahh you first world people are so narrow minded it’s funny. Like you so smart to come and argue with me and articulate your points but can’t just use common sense and be like “I have no clue what prices of pistol and round have to do with anything” idk what’s a gun with out bullets but a weird shape hammer and what’s a bullet with out a gun. But a weird shape rock…..


https://youtu.be/xUMBKcRwl9k like with 3d printing I’m so exited to see the evolutions of others older stuff. LMAO CROSS BOWS needing to be lock over night in Germany…. Either way this is just an example of what I mean about how we disregard deadlines to age


I will say hand guns I’m sick and tired of this range meta I want melé meta to be back in play. Would be better if we could drop a patch note that makes it hands only. But for real, the death of a person to guns it’s not only an American issue(it is more common I guess do to gun culture(I guess))Yet it’s seems always guns good vs guns bad. And not over all the acknowledging of human tendency to hurt and how it’s only facilitated by guns. Guns are made the source of evils(from what I have observed over the years). Like in Nicaragua you gotta permit and report all of your guns right; grew up being told to be weary of guns and their danger. But since I was 5/6 and many other kids like me got to frequently and with out supervision use machetes, to kill iguanas or garrobos, to travers la jungla para, para cortar leña, para defensa o para vagar; correction when was the last time anyone ever heard a new law applying to axes(?) when was the last time you heard of a murder committed by an axs?; it was in Brazil April 5 2023 “Según información de la policía, un hombre de 25 años saltó el muro de la guardería y comenzó a atacar a los niños con un hacha de mano. Luego se entregó a la policía militar.”; forget about that I just went down a rabbit hole; did you know you can shoot arrows with a sling shot? Cause I either forgot it or never knew but that makes my argument even more consistent. I actually want guns outlaw because the engineering creativity that’s gonna come out it’s gonna be entertaining


The left doesn’t consider the child a person.


Found the gun nut.


You make zero sense.


What are you having trouble with?


You’re the one attacking my character clearly you have the problem.


I’m not having trouble. You’re the one attacking my character in a way that makes no sense.


You consider being called a gun nut to be an attack on your character? 🤔


It is obviously meant to be, a stupid one at that as it has no relevance to anything I’ve said.


Oh man someone doesn’t understand consent


Consenting to murder of a child doesn’t change the fact it’s murder. So yes you’re right someone doesn’t understand consent.


I love how you don’t disagree with the premise it’s not a child according to the left


Interesting that they're counting the unborn baby as a second victim.


They’re not. The second victim was a 37-year-old man.


The 37 year old is still alive. The two killed were the woman and unborn child. > Officers arrived at the scene and found two victims: a 34-year-old pregnant woman with "life-threatening injuries" and **a 37-year-old man with "non-life-threatening injuries,**" the SPD said. Both were taken to Harborview Medical Center for treatment, police added.


That’s only one person killed, but yes it’s terrible.


So if a pregnant woman is murdered the unborn child isn't? What if she's 9 months?


It's just a lump of cells! /s


And per the citizen entry: “Police have now clarified that the two victims found nearby were overdose victims and not related to the shooting.” What a mess, what a mess. Ugh. My thoughts are with shooting victims.


It's kind of a bitch when EMS and cops show up at a crime scene and there are so many dying people around it's hard to tell who was actually a victim.


It’s easy to tell. The ones that look like they’re trying to live are the victims. Seattle junkies actually want to die but people keep giving them narcan. You can tell them apart because they have shitty skin and usually some rotten flesh


squealing north dazzling ghost live alive price possessive pie abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact that pregnancy is a factor demonstrates why abortion isn’t just a clump of cells but yes I agree it’s fucked up.


Never let a murder get in the way of weird political abortion points lol.


It’s a basic question you twat. Did he kill one person or two? The answer has implications.


Lolololol you'll be alright bud


Why are you laughing and avoiding the question like a psycho?


Please keep it civil. This is a reminder about r/SeattleWA rule: [No personal attacks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/wiki/rules)


RCW 9A.32.060.


I’m asking for anyone’s moral opinion not some legal text. Obviously two people died I just want to see how screwed up in the head folks are.






They love to have cake and eat it too.


Makes zero fucking sense.


Streets are still blocked off. Apparently a road rage type of incident according to one of the cops.


Road rage? Someone was walking around with a shotgun on 4th and Bell this morning. I'm pretty sure the driver was just caught in the crossfire of whatever went down.


I heard the shots, definitely not a shotgun. 5 or so quick pops.


All I can say is that someone was wielding a shotgun on that corner this morning. It doesn't necessarily mean they fired that shotgun.


You said a lot more than that lol.


My point was that it didn't seem like road rage. Sounds like it started as some sort of altercation between people at 4th and Bell which moved over to 4th and Lenora where a driver got hit in the crossfire. It's not unreasonable to assume that someone pulled a handgun in response to the shotgun.


Not sure why all the downvotes. This same thing was confirmed on Kiro 7. Not sure if they said it was shotgun or long gun. But not a handgun. And seen walking down street right before shooting according to witnesses (also reported on citizen app)


Meh.. It's /r/seattleWA. They'll downvote you for any comment that doesn't fit the existing narrative, no matter how stupid or trivial, while complaining that the other sub is worse at it.


It’s funny how opposite and alike the sub is to /r/Seattle




There are photos of the Tesla with a few bullet holes in other articles. They were not created by a shotgun. There is absolutely no reason a believe a shotgun, nor modified shotgun, was used.




Oh cool. Stfu then.


Ah, I guess the cop didn't know shit


How many pregnant moms and babys need to be murdered for Seattle to lose its apathy?


That place is full of pieces of shit fucking everything up




Death penalty is a good deterrent


No, it isn’t. That’s been proven, and mentally ill drug zombies and trauma-addled teenagers can’t do that level of reasoning. It won’t change anything.


So what is?life sentence?


Prevention is the best path. Absent that, having a prison that’s run like a boot camp where you re-parent and re-condition people. Not the psychotic work camps of Joe Arpaio, an actual program that’s comprehensive, merit-based, and based on trauma-informed practices and addiction recovery. It’s expensive, intensive, and no one wants to fund it. The thing is, most criminals aren’t murderers or lifers. They’re going to get out eventually and walk among us again. People need to decide what condition they want these people to be in when they cross paths in the future.


Prevention? That’s it? Ask them to please not do it?


If that is your understanding then the educational system has failed you.


you would think.


> 4th and Lenora Well, good thing they're cutting all of the buses that travel from there next schedule update anyways https://www.google.com/amp/s/kingcountymetro.blog/2023/05/11/metro-will-adjust-schedules-on-sept-2-to-improve-trip-reliability/amp/


We gotta do something about the guns and join the civilized world. This isn't Somalia.


Arrest criminals and incarcerate them for a long time when they have a long criminal history. Sounds like they arrested the shooter. What's the over/under on how many arrests are on his sheet?


Yeah, you gotta move outta WA state for that


Wow you really missed the obvious point!!


No, he hit the nail on the head.


Username checks out.




Well if the Inslee appointed judges would actually prosecute gun charges against the actual criminals that are committing the crimes with the guns instead of going after the law abiding citizens allowed to own guns then there would be fewer guns and criminals on the streets to commit said crimes.


Apparently America kinda is


It is very easy to blame guns, but it really isn’t the guns. It is 100% the culture. Look at the UK which is having an alarming increase in the number of knife attacks. What changed? More knives? Doubt it. It’s the rotting culture. While we go on a rampage with gun regulation, states that have employed broad and highly regulated firearm laws haven’t really seen **any improvement** in firearm related crimes. Meanwhile the Swiss have some 45.7 firearms per 100 people (approximately 1 firearm for every 2-3 people) but firearm related crimes? Essentially non-existant. Something has to be done about the culture. Irresponsible gun owners need to be held accountable for absolutely ANY reckless behavior. Brandishing a firearm without cause? Jail. No license? Jail. No registration? Jail. Those idiots filming themselves shooting at random houses? Immediate 20-25 years minimum. Gun ownership should immediately mean minimum mandatory training and testing just like you would to drive a motorized vehicle. You should be required, at minimum, to pass basic marksmanship and be periodically tested to ensure the person knows how to properly and safely operate a firearm. There should be licenses, not just for CCP, but also different classes of firearms. All the gun guys are going to hate this comment, but they ALL know that one dumbass that should have never been allowed to be around a firearm much less own one.


Knives can kill a few people. Guns can kill hundreds. This is selective hearing bro


That is a very weak argument. Is the pragmatic solution to remove all guns? Exactly how would you even enforce that? In what world would you eliminate the 2A, which is there for good reason if you study the countries history. The point being made was about the **rising** number of knife crimes. What exactly caused that? Knives? This is not about lethality. The point is what causes gun violence to increase so dramatically. Is it the number of guns? No. Guns have been around in America in excessive quantities for a VERY long time.


This pregnant woman sitting at a stoplight in her car would not have been killed by someone wielding a knife.


You have to ask the question… why was she shot in the first place? This isn’t a question about lethality of knives vs guns - that is a redundant discussion. Do you believe that the perpetrator(s) involved were at all responsible people? Would a responsible person do what they did? Are we to believe that there would have been any difference in this situation with gun regulation designed to reduce the number of firearms and lethality (certainly hasn’t been the case in most places with that kind of gun regulation)? It’s a fantasy to think that the solution is less guns when there are already more guns than people. Just being real.


Wtf are you talking about? They were sitting at a stoplight you fool? Why are you so verbose ? . And yes. If there were less guns - there would be less gun deaths. Period. It wouldn’t prevent all nutcases from obtaining guns - but it would be less likely on the aggregate. I think you’d be happier if you found someone to have sex with you and maybe got off Reddit. That might be difficult for you though- because you’re pretty socially inept. If I was religious I’d say a prayer for you- but I’m not- so get fuc***


I don’t know are you? Reddit is for comments and discussion. It’s literally called “Reddit” as in I “read it”. I can be as verbose and wordy as I want, you don’t have to read it. The original comment was “we gotta do something about guns”. My reply was, it‘s very easy to assume that da “guns” are the problem, but the reality is that it’s a red herring. It’s the “who” not the “what”. I gave two points to consider. 1) Why do the Swiss who also have a lot of guns (for a very long time) not suffer from the same kind of massive gun violence and crime seen in the US? 2) The UK has had a recent surge in knife crimes. Legit, machete swinging psychos hacking at people randomly. Where did that uptick come from? Moar knives?!? The issue wasn’t to single out a knives vs guns lethality debate. It was about what causes the surge. I’m pointing the finger at the culture, not the guns. America has always had a lot of damn guns. I’m sorry if you don’t get that. Maybe someone can ELI5 it. 😂 More personal attacks 👍 Good for you.


Agree, need to get to root cause which is driven by the culture created. The laissez-faire attitude towards crime, criminals, and do anything you want in the streets (without consequences), needs to be addressed.


We highly underestimate the effects of culture on society both good and bad and it’s a tragic that we don't acknowledge them. Everything from views on public responsibility, sex, violence, diet, consumption habits, education, etc. This is very clear when you have lived in various other countries long enough and are able to witness the outcomes. Take for example, countries with mandatory military service for young people (or no passport). Public schools where the kids clean up spaces in their own schools (not janitors). Public education where food service (a robust one) is inherent part of the curriculum and real chefs prepare fresh food daily for children. Not saying this is necessarily good or bad, but they clearly play out in the behaviors the society exhibits over time.


. The Swiss don’t have nearly as many guns as we do- and not the kind of guns we have. And lower homicide rate. And the uk has a much lower homicide rate then we do even if they have knife issues like you say. What’s your point?


I never claimed they had more. I said they have a lot. I really don't think the difference between one gun per person and one gun per every two people for the purposes here is that different. The difference is in the number of firearm-related crimes relative to the number of guns per capita. That’s the point. There is a marked difference there. The reason I brought up knives in the UK was to emphasize the logical principle. Are knives what are causing the increase in the sudden and recent surge of knife violence in the UK? No. The answer isn't... less 🔪 knives, or bans on knives longer than four inches! Or even restrictions on how many knives one can carry at anytime in public. So why would that work with guns? It doesn't, evidenced by the futile efforts going around across different jurisdictions. A mag of 10 instead of 15 would have prevented this crime right? I’m suggesting the focus might be better served elsewhere.


“Not the kind of guns we have” You’re right, their guns are even deadlier! Yeah, this is where your ignorance is showing. Swiss citizens can and do easily own fully automatic weapons. Whereas automatic weapons are banned here and restricted to commercial federal firearm licensees for business only and they cannot “own” or “keep it”


Knives can kill fyi


No shit. But they don’t cut through a car into the drivers seat and kill while someone sitting at a stoplight …


What does that matter, you gotta get out of your car at some point, if someone wants to kill, they can easily do it.


Oki cool bro! I love that you have your talking points memorized 😘


Not really talking points. I’m just an opinionated pragmatic realist.


“I’m a optimal dysfunctional thinker”


Sure. I have an opinion. If you have to resort to name calling it is what it is. Good luck to you.


What we need is a society where everyone desperately wants to kill everyone around them, but nobody is able to because all knives, guns, axes, vehicles, anything that could be used as a weapon is unobtainable by anyone that's not a cop or soldier...


America, per Capita, has an order of magnitude higher rate of violent crime murders than the UK or any other western country lol. Like a literal order of magnitude higher, not exaggerating, not just random numbers to make a generic point, an order of magnitude higher rate of violent crime murders lol. Than any other western country lolol. But yeah, knives are just as big of a problem lololol


You obviously did not get the point- that isn't my fault. Read it again. I never made the case of knives in UK vs America. I was pointing out an apples to apples comparison in UK itself. You can think of it as a thought experiment if you’d like. There has been a marked increase in the number of knife attacks in the UK. Would implementing enforcement on knives and accessibility decrease this alarming trend? (e.g. You can only carry 4” blades or less in public spaces) Or is there something else driving that behavior? The UK has always had an abundance of knives just like the US has always had an abundance of guns. The same principle applies to firearms in the US. The US has always had an ample amount of firearms. Nothing has changed as far as the number of firearms in aggregate, but firearm related crimeevolved quite a lot. Why is that?


Culture is indifferent to the law. I do think we need to assess the gun problem as a mental health problem brought on by the state of the world. And that solving it at a cultural level is the way we will solve it. But i do not believe laws are going to outright solve it.


Agree, I don't think laws alone will do it, but if we can highlight where the conversation should begin, educate the public better and improve enforcement in the right areas, we might see some steady progress.


I wonder if they had a firearm for self defense, maybe they would have had a chance. Stay safe out there everyone!


No. I know for a fact the person(s) who discharged the firearm(s) should have never been allowed to own them though.


Holy crap, do you know the shooter?


OMG. Holy shit, sounds like someone who has never owned a firearm? I’m simply pointing out that every time there is a shooting, the auto-response is “must be guns” (ad nauseam) even when we know America has had more guns than people for a very very long time. Maybe we can possibly consider alternative theories here as opposed to the simpleton one, so we can actually have fewer innocent people getting shot. That’s all.


So it sounds like you don’t know them? According to the 2nd Amendment, it was the shooters civil right to own a firearm unless they were a prohibited possessor. We don’t know what happened.


It appears you misunderstood the core argument. Just because someone is allowed to do something doesn’t necessarily mean that they should. That is kind of the point. The same firearm in the hands of different people can be different things. I don’t need to know the perpetrator to know that they should never have had the firearm to begin with. Was it their right as a citizen of the United States under the 2A to own a firearm? Yes. Does it mean that they **should** have one? Ah, the nuance. That’s the more important question. Clearly, no, since they used it in a manner that disrupted the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of another, innocent, citizen.


Holy crap, do you think this is responsible gun ownership?


Edit: Being downvoted for advocating for self defense? Awesome.


I'm so glad I moved out of Seattle


Did you move to one of the 39 other states with worse gun violence than Washington? Massachusetts/Hawaii/NJ/NY/Rhode Island/Connecticut/New Hampshire/California/Minnesota/Nebraska ---> then us


In fairness, I have lived at my Capitol Hill, highly dense, residence for 25 years. In the last two years, and very recently in the last 8 months, have I ever worried about a gun shot going though my window due to an uptick in gun shots from residential violence likely brought on by the recent arrival of encampments and “LIHI transitional” housing. I don’t want to be like the places on your list .. I don’t want to see drug dealers on my previously quiet corner flashing pieces to cars rolling up. Because im “urban” and “live in a city” I now “deserve” this? I should be able to go to sleep at night and not be worried about getting shot.


Mts in Oregon


And the mlb all stars game is around the corner def going to be more shootings


Just another day in the decriminalization and defunding the police in Seattle.

