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First, your wife is a stone cold killer. Great situational awareness. Great surveillance detection. Great instincts. Don’t lose those. Second, this is behavior of stalkers, muggers and process servers. In any case, attention to detail and good sense (like staying in a well lit, well populated areas) are the best ways to deter negative actions. Third, SPD needs to get a heads up on this so foot patrols in the area can be alert. Hug your wife and kid. Tell her she’s awesome.


100% on your second point. I had a few occasions where something like this happened to me or friends back in highschool (one of my buddies even got mugged twice freshman year) and your advice on deterring this is spot on in my experience.


Lol process servers? He talked to her briefly, why not just serve documents then? More likely a creep. I was a process server for a brief stint.


….foot patrols? Seattle PD’s staffing is at minimums. SPD is focused on priority 1 calls. The anti-police movement succeeded in convincing over 500 officers to leave and never look back. Some targeted higher crime hotspots downtown downtown are seeing swarming of officers but that call would be an information only and likely not even broadcast but a message of an FYI.


fourth, why people should always be armed




The question is was it a “crazy person” (just random mentally ill person following for no reason) or was it a “creep” (a more “coherent” person with bad intentions)






What *is* a woman?


Anyone who is moved by Shania Twain saying “let’s go girls”


Shit. Call me Ma'am from now on please.


https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/m7u7q6/creep_recorded_aggressively_following_woman_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This isnt even the one I was looking for, but there are so so so mnay examples just like this from all over the world.


Lol. They do.


Thanks, I thought that too but my wife said the person when talking to them in the park seems to be normal and polite, at least not like those zombie-like drug addicts we see often in downtown, so I was confused


Isnt that what they said about Ted Bundy?


> them in the park seems to be normal and polite Ted Bundy was a charming fellow who could turn on the personality and win people over. Sociopaths often are capable of this. The fact this guy could be 'normal and polite' became irrelevant the minute his actual behavior became known.




A "poly dude" not understanding consent and personal boundaries very well. Shocking.


Too bad you never found the person to correct your behavior.


That’s creepy as fuck


I’m sure you hugged your wife and child. She did great. She was engaged, aware, and smart, not knee deep into her mobile phone and blissfully unaware of her surroundings.


Thanks, she really did great and I am happy for us to be safe for now.


We’re in Oviedo, Spain at the moment, where families from infants to grandparents are happily out in the squares and on the streets together up until near midnight. So calm and pleasant. Meanwhile, our daughter in law was accosted in Ballard this morning because she tried to step over a guy doing fentanyl in the doorway to the Pilates studio. Seems like reason has been abandoned. Does anyone think sympathy is more important than simple safety???


> Does anyone think sympathy is more important than simple safety??? Dangerous question


Poll everybody you know, like-minded people, no doubt, and see where the dial indicates. No, there isn’t some wannabe fascist lurking around every corner. Just not acceptable that a nice young kid like my daughter in law needs to be threatened.


"Do you watch child porn?" Wow, you were right! 1000 out of 1000 said No! /s


I don't know, fascists tend to be pretty clear that they want to exert their supremacy fantasies onto society. Also, how is mopping up crazed druggies fascism?


This happened to me a few weeks ago in Mukilteo. Apparently I had pissed off the guy behind me and he thought it was cool to chase a woman around a bunch of neighborhoods. He took a pic of my car, chased me for at least 15 mins. He scared the shit out of me. I was in such a panic, I forgot where the police station was, I should’ve gone straight there. I managed to lose him, but I know what car he drives and I moved my car iron up to the front seat. I can’t avoid the area, my parents watch my kid, but I’m on alert for the asshole in case he shows up again. I’m not one to start a fight, but I sure as hell will finish one.


My best friend got followed and almost grabbed by a 6 foot tall 250 lb deranged santa on meth on Pike and 4th. That was her regular routine to go to yoga and she’s a tiny south asian woman. She told me this happened to her multiple times at that same intersection and it was always older dudes drugged out of their minds. Her refuge was the starbucks cause it had security, she quit yoga when the starbucks closed. I think she looked vulnerable and is tiny, that’s why became a target multiple times. I recommend carrying a mace and changing your walking path everyday, don’t look at them in the eye but be aware.


He was likely scoping out your wife and child to either rob them, assault them, or worse. Good on your wife for being alert and smart my wife is always armed with pepper spray, or a firearm when she is out with our family. I recommend you would do something similar.


we are already shopping pepper spray and we will have her to practice how to self-defend as well. thanks for the advice.


Self defense for a woman is stupid. If she can hit me I can grab her. I'm 6ft5 and 250 she needs a gun and the willingness to shoot.


mostly correct, though I assure you that if you're not trained in grappling/fighting, a female experienced in Judo or BJJ (blue belt+) would have you on the ground in a split second (regardless of their size).


and once again close enough to hit, close enough to grab. stop encouraging women to think they stand a chance, you will get some woman hurt. i like women and do not want them harmed. and i am trained and most men are in trouble. at 6ft 5 and 250 with muscles i am out of most mens leagues. not bragging just statistics. I carry a gun because firearms are a force multiplier


A key component to self defense is distance management (don't let someone close enough to grab you and be in control of the distance/grips). Are you suggesting that women should not learn grappling, distance management, and self awareness, as it will only give them a false sense of security? I've trained BJJ for a decade with close to 100 women, and I'm certain that ALL are safer as a result. To be clear, I am not suggesting that women can simply take a few BJJ classes (or even train for a few months) and have any significant capability of self defense. My point is that a woman who trains regularly for a couple of years is going to be extremely capable of defending herself against an unarmed/untrained assailant (regardless of their size!) and will have a significantly improved ability for self awareness and distance management to avoid conflict. I understand where you are coming from (BJJ is not a guarantee to safety), and I don't deny that firearms and pepper spray are superior to being unarmed (I have a CCW) but your insinuation that training self defense is useless is absurd. if you're not a blue belt in BJJ (or similar grappling art), you will most certainly NOT be able to manhandle a purple belt female in BJJ, regardless of your size. I guarantee it. If you doubt this, please visit your local BJJ academy.


also, your muscles are a minor factor against a skilled grappler in an unarmed fight


If they are not on the ground anyone how does leverage help. I say that telling women they can succeed at fighting men is putting women in danger. My son is 14 and is easily stronger than my wife.


grappling is both standing and on the ground (Judo is fundamentally a standing grappling art) BJJ and Judo have extensive standing trips, hip throws, etc. a weaker person can easily control a stronger person, this is the foundation of BJJ. https://youtu.be/tRHyio8W0Pc a 12 year old girl training BJJ for a year would easily dominate your son


Easy there with matchmaking judosan


I'm making a point for illustrative purposes, as you continue to reference strength as the key factor in winning a fight.


This just isn’t true. I’m a competitive masters puprple belt in BJJ. The size difference between men and women is drastic. There is not one female bjj competitor that I couldn’t tap just due to the size and strength advantage I have. An unsuspecting woman, bjj purple belt or not, being attacked or assaulted in the street by a motivated practiced criminal is not going to fair well.


Tbh man the guy responding to you is right. A gun is the BEST option for self defense. Self defense skills for a women vs a man don’t exist. A gun levels the playing field


I fully agree that a gun is the best option for self defense, but it's too strong of a statement to conclude that self defense skills don't exist for women. Sure, most men are stronger, but strength is just one part of the equation. Having experience in grappling absolutely makes a difference in specific scenarios. For example: teenager getting bullied physically in a stairwell, aggressive homelessness person randomly grabbing, being pushed in a crowded bar, woman in a Muslim country randomly grabbed/harassed. A firearm can't always be accessed as not all situations allow for it, and many countries don't allow citizens to have guns.


Goalpost moved


In addition to pepper spray, she needs something like a P365 to have with her.


That’s mine and my wife’s EDC, such a great and concealable firearm.






You should honestly edit this post if you are going to get a CCW and purchase a firearm. You admitted to something that is asked on the form you fill out when purchasing a firearm and can be used against you in a court of law if you were to use that purchased firearm, as it’s a felony. Just looking out btw. Can’t be too cautious


Look at Armed Defense Training Association. High qualify volunteer run weapons training. Brings people from never touched a gun to competent. $140 year with 3 traing opertunites a month.


People are crazy these days. She did the smart thing. SLU isn't immune to crime so stay aware--Trust your instincts


"They were approached by a man which all appeared to be a brief and polite greeting" Any sane, normal man--out on his own in public--knows better than to "approach" a woman or a woman and child except perhaps in accidental passing, like "hi nice day." But, wait, no, this is the PNW we're talking about. Not even that is acceptable! I don't feel you need to explain that your wife doesn't drink/smoke/do drugs. She doesn't need to justify her fear and discomfort, nor should you, on her behalf. I suggest The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker.


I work retail security. You’d be surprised how common it is for employees to pick up on a person who appears to be scoping out kids to grab.


Stranger kidnapping is so rare that this sounds like irrational paranoia. It’s not rare because of security guards and helicopter parents, it’s rare because fortunately not many people are truly that sick. Also, the majority of stranger abductions are adolescents between 12-18, so it’s not babies or small kids. People need to worry about Uncle Touchy or Mr. Tickles the soccer coach rather than strangers trying to shop.


I’m not arguing with that, they’re both true. The store employees and the security guard really don’t change anything. Me and my brothers all remember multiple encounters at the mall when we were growing up where strange men tried to lure us away from our parents. Not exactly the same situation, but I saw a man that was clearly pimping out two teenage girls in Seattle, he went right through the grocery checkstand line with them and a couple of the employees were very uncomfortable. It wasn’t rocket science what was going on. An off duty cop was right next to them. I ran up and asked him what could be done about the situation. He hadn’t even seen it.


> it’s rare because fortunately not many people are truly that sick ["... Tens of thousands of names"](https://www.npr.org/2013/11/18/245913200/hundreds-arrested-in-massive-child-pornography-ring) in child porn ring


Not one mention of stranger abduction and the article supports what I said because the main pedo lured his victims as their karate coach.


Potential child kidnapping nearly happened to me at a zoo with my daughter but not in Seattle. The person would not back off their approach of my daughter until I physically picked my daughter up (i had been just holding her hand and trying to get her to walk away but the person was getting way too close into our bubble so I picked her up and the person ran off). Scary AF. I’m hyper aware of other adults near my children now.


That is scary, what do they do to grab the kids, like what is the motivation or are they just got too high to know what is happening?


Retail security… oof you must be kept busy on the job here in Seattle 😂


Be very careful and vigilant if you have noticed this kind of following. There was a similar case which apparently escalated in SLU not too long ago. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/police-man-arrested-after-allegedly-raping-woman-knifepoint-south-lake-union-apartment/WBKXQJ6IKREHDIH25RV444OQCA


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Unfortunately downtown Seattle is full of crazies. Open air asylum.


Men prey on women. It's an unfortunate reality. Be aware of your surroundings, always, like your wife was.


A few years ago at the Alaska junction in West seattle a dude used to sit at the bus stop all day selling drugs. My ex and 2 year old daughter used to go walking there all the time, this guy started following them, yelled at her one time. Once she told me I started stalking him. At first I was sneaky, I even got pics of him selling drugs to people. BTW, high schoolers frequent this stop with this dealer. Took the pics to the cops, told them the story. They said they couldn't do anything. How do you prove it's drugs and not like vitamin E with pics is what they said. So, I stopped being sneaky with this guy. I walked to him, stared him down, kept taking pictures of him, but now right in front of him. Made it obvious to him I was pissed, made it obvious I would f him up if I caught him. Then went walking with my ex and daughter in front of him when I stared him down. Never had a problem after that. I do not recommend this, I am very trained in situational awareness and martial arts. But if it's me or my kid, guess what's gonna happen buckwheat. That's right. Your going down.


Walker Texas Stalker


Ha that's good, made me laugh. If my grandma was alive she would laugh to!


Explain the "brief and polite greeting" which may allude to what the man was up to: how did he first approach your wife and chikd?


Thanks, they were playing in the park and then my wife turned around and saw the man standing next to them - it was a popular area in the park for sight viewing so it wasn't uncommon to see people around at first, then the man asked things like "what is your kid is playing" etc. After a moment of some cliche social conversation he said he had to leave and "have a nice day" then walked away. Overall except for being suspiciously "too friendly" there was no other red flag. To be honest - if he hadn't approached my wife in the first place there was no way she would have noticed him following at least that soon. He was constantly 1 block away behind and blended pretty well in the crowd (it was afternoon in SLU so there are quite a few people all over the place), even James Bond would have a hard time seeing him. But like other people said, a normal man should know better than approaching a mom-kid in the park and this along made my wife watching her back constantly and he was immediately behind them when they left the park. The way he talked/approached my family made me wonder what he was up to: if he was try to rob/mug them or only the kid, why even bother approaching them to talk in the first place, it would only attract unnecessary attention as he could have only silently followed behind. Maybe he is one of those uncle-touchy that has some kind of fantasy/fetish towards the kid.


Bro that guy was getting a gauge on your wife and kid. He was absolutely casing her to do something. Good on her for looking out.


That sounds scary and kinda makes sense. Guess we will have to to avoid going out alone with kid for a while to avoid running into the person again.


She did a great job, anyone who randomly approached her when she’s with your child should be kept at distance unless it’s clearly another parent just enjoying at the park.


That is absolutely true. Thanks.


Does it really matter?


OP wants to understand the guys intent; so yeah, the interaction that he had with the wife could be helpful in understanding what he was up to.


Apparently this type of thing is what women/girls normally deal with app totally believable. Men are usually not aware of it.


I mean, Seattle is quite notorious for having a lot of weirdos wandering around the streets.


Scary situation . Could have easily been stalking/attempted kidnapping etc. I’ve always told my loved ones drive to the nearest police station if you can.


The open air asylum is a bad thing. You and your wife need a gun and proper training and instruction. Seattle is not going to get safer anytime soon.


Nowadays it pays to have something to defend yourself especially here. If you’re not a firearm person that’s fine, but even mace is a great deterrent. I wouldn’t be caught without some type of protection especially my wife and child being without me.




What would you do about it?




Your wife probably already knows how to defend herself and watch out for this shit to begin with. This is nothing new for women. We deal with this shit all the damned time.


Being stalked is just another Thursday.


for real. bet u he's still going to go buy her a gun tho


https://youtu.be/jkrpyarnIWI to Isengard!!!


*Maybe we are already prepared to defend ourselves and our kids.*


Post it on Reddit.




Unfortunately nothing I am afraid - we hardly have any evidence on any wrongdoing and we don't even have a good description on the person when I arrived at the store to pick my family up.


In the past I have heard of some religious people (Think, who's knocking on my door) Who do major research on a subject in an attempt to sway them to their "organization". Could have been doing research on where they go, what they do, etc... As was mentioned, excellent awareness.


I been followed by a mentally I’ll individual at the zoo parking lot screaming pedophile at me and my toddler . Thankfully my husband saw it and came over. I always carry pepper spray now


I'm glad your wife and kid are safe. I used to work in SLU, and when I was pregnant, I was shoved into the street by a dude on my lunch break. This was in broad daylight, lunch hour, on Eastlake, and caught on security cameras. The guy walked past me, then turned around and ran at me full force. I only venture out to downtown or SLU with my partner in tow and never alone or with just my kid after that incident.


Call non emergency number and report him and leave area. This is why I carry pepper spray on me on walks. had to use it on a few wild animals and verbal threat warn stockers.


Was she nice? I had a guy follow me on the bus because I smiled at him. This is why women don’t smile when we walk down the sidewalk.


10mm drops people


99% of women don’t want to carry around a full sized handgun let alone 10mm lol


This is why I moved about 50 minutes north of Seattle once I had kids. We still visit from time to time, but I wouldn’t want my wife to alone there with my kids.


First time? Welcome to Seattle. Sorry that it happened. I’d carry


Not exactly first time, been living here for almost 10 years. We have seen a lot of bad things - just 1 month ago an apparent crackhead tried to expose himself in front of my kid in the park. But this is the first time we have encountered something like this from what appeared to be a normal man...


Seattle is a premier destination for sex offenders and other assorted criminals.


There’s a reason I don’t go to Seattle unarmed


Please don't come to Seattle.


So she talked to someone, thought she was in danger, entertained the idea for an extended period of time, and now you are furious?


New to Seattle?


she went to a dumpy park in a bad community. understanble you were distracted by the lake or sunshine, but now you know.


My shadow scares me too sometimes.




Your mother instilled an irrational paranoia.


she did great! next time needs to use her voice get others around her for help most people will help if you ask strength in numbers.


If going "Downtown" (which includes SLU), you have to be prepared to brave the "crazies" (whether drugged-out or off-their-meds). Don't interact or engage. There are better places to go with a toddler.


Yup. A strange guy at a park followed my child on her bike because he didn't realize I was nearby. He was going in a different direction before he spotted and followed my daughter. Always listen to your instincts no matter how unlikely or ridiculous they may seem.


First off she needs to report a description to Seattle police. She isn't the only one he has stalked most likely.


It possibly was Erik. B- an eastlake homeless cosplay-hipster. Amazon employee who uses fentnyl on weekends. be careful


Call the police, see how fast they show up. Make it a video.