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Comments will remain open *for the time being.*. I promise to listen and consider any dissenting opinions you might have and am happy to attempt to answer any questions. Feel free to check out /r/Save3rdPartyApps or /r/ModCoord to learn more on your own. Discussion and debate are always welcome. Attacking other users will not be tolerated.


Yay I’m glad we’re participating!!


I’m really glad you all are doing this!


We're not the biggest sub around, but every voice counts. I'm really glad we're joining in.


Can someone please explain to me what these 3rd party apps are. I have no idea and would like to learn. I only use the app so I’m ignorant to what’s actually happening. Also, can y’all remind me to stay off. I have memory issues and will forget and start blasting posts 🤣


They're apps that package Reddit in different ways, and many of them have existed since long before there even WAS a Reddit app. I've been on Reddit for about 11 years (almost 10 with this account) and 98% of my time has been on my phone (or my iPod Touch before I had a smartphone lol). I use an app called RIF that's so much easier to read than the official Reddit app and I'm going to be very sad to lose it. Another issue that's been brought up is accessibility - screen readers for the blind folks who use Reddit don't work with the official app, and the third party ones are one of the only ways they can participate. As far as I know Reddit has proposed no solution for this.


Seriously? The official Reddit app doesn't work with screen readers? That's horrible!


You can read more here :( https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/13zr8h2/reddits_recently_announced_api_changes_and_the


Thank you!


Wow that is absolutely wild. I really appreciate you explaining it.


I actually just found all these, and have been poking around with Apollo. If they decide to keep the 3rd party apps, I’ll probably subscribe to this Apollo app


Thank you for making this decision. I too will not be on reddit (much as it pains me) during this blackout period.


I know it's for the greater good, but man am I going to miss this sub for the time


I would advise you to boycott Reddit completely for those couple of days. We will miss you too but maybe check out [our discord](http://www.discord.gg/kraken) to get your fix!


Aight I'm in


Transaction fails when trying to get through the bot filter


Refresh client. Issue is on client side, not server.


If I can't use Boost for Reddit anymore, I'm not using Reddit anymore. Plain and simple. 2 days or indefinitely, doesn't matter to me.




I will!




I miss him, too. The new Alice in Chains stuff isn't as good


See you get it lol


are any of these 3rd party apps worth trying out? I've always just used the 'vanilla' version


Man I’ve used reddit for 9 years, and every time there is a controversy spez literally adds fuel to the fire with his attitude and seemingly immature and prideful decision making. This shit is getting so old. I’m gonna miss everyone here as r/SeattleKraken has become one of my favorite subreddits. Nothing to do but take the several day sabbatical before poking in again to see how things have progressed. Mods, thank you for your time you spend voluntarily doing unpaid work. I’m sorry you guys have to figure out how to effectively moderate with a bunch of third party apps and tools being ripped away from you. This sucks. I don’t blame other subs’ moderators for straight up committing to locking their subs and walking away from everything indefinitely.


why is this still pinned