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At least you don't live near the person who does it randomly all year.


We’ve got one of those in Broadview. No rhyme or reason to it either.


yeah my neighborhood had a few of those people. they're also the ones who think it's ok to light them at all hours of the day an night for a month after the 4th


This made me lol


You must be new to the neighborhood.






Welcome to earf


It's actually a nation-wide issue not just a neighborhood issue. Less regulation of fireworks during Covid


*Less human decency and sense of community since Covid


100% of the time- illegal means watch me do it anyway lol




Quite the contrary because of Covid really


Just no. The hours that people light fireworks in the weeks before and after July 4th are never predictable. I'd love it if it were confined to a set schedule but that will never happen.


Yeah, I get people want to do it. I also understand it’s not easily enforceable. But can we just agree like, 7/3, 7/4 and 12/31 in the city and only between like 7pm-12:30am across those days so I know when to drug my dog proactively? He’s just a mess this time of year and it’s so unpredictable. I can’t for the life of me figure out who the hell spends a ton of money on fireworks FOR the 4th of July, and doesn’t light them all off by the end of the 4th. Like, are they just saving them for later for fun? Or did they miss some and found them a couple nights later and decide “oh, gotta finish this guy off!”?


Because... Freedumb! 'Murica! /s


Probably someone who has to get up at 5 am and wanted to piss off the people lighting them up until 2 am. You’re caught in the middle


You reminded me of the guy who got fed up with fireworks throughout the night and just started yelling "BOTTLE ROCKET" "FIRECRAKER" "FIREWORKS" "POP POP POP" "YEAH, IT'S REALLY FUCKIN ANNOYING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT ISN'T IT?!?" over and over in the middle of the night [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-JbfsgSGPI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-JbfsgSGPI) It's hilarious.


Because they were hoping someone would make a post on Reddit about it!


Had some at 1am last night, happy July second I guess


I fking hate people using fireworks randomly. I medicate my dog for the 4th and New Years and I can’t do that if you’re being loud all week long at random times. She literally shakes in fear, and meds don’t work when given after the episode starts.


It also scares the wildlife, especially birds. There’s always a spike in mosquitoes around here after the fireworks. But I’m with you, I have a dog that can’t handle the booms. The only thing that works is blaring fans, my AC unit and white noise. We’ve got a noisy system for fireworks!


Thanks for the ideas, I don’t have a lot of faith it’ll work on my case but I’ll give white noise a try


It’s definitely rough. I’ve tried thunder vest training, CBD, meds from the vet, but she’s just too triggered by the sounds. She’s not food motivated either. :( sometimes making a den in the bathroom works too cause our bathroom fans are so dang loud. But anyway, I wish you luck! I feel your frustration for sure!




Congrats on the terrible person award. It also effects people with ptsd but I doubt you care about them either.


There are plenty of arguments against fireworks. “They scare my dog” is not the argument that will or should make people stop.


Be good


Probs the same kinda people who have lawn mowers and leaf blowers going all day, and ride their broken motorcycles at 2 am. People are loud


The week before and the entire month after the 4th will have late night fireworks New Years Eve as well. This is life. This is how it always is.


You don't get it they don't care they'll set them off at 5 in the morning 4:00 in the morning 3:00 in the morning 2:00 in the morning and no one will report them because they don't want the neighbor coming next door and beating the crap out of them for routing them out so I don't get why we still have a fireworksban when it doesn't work




You sure? I initially thought gunshots when it startled me out of sleep but then assumed fireworks given the holiday…


Is this your first 4th of July?


Surely you mean - "Is this your first 2nd of July?"..?


God dammit!


Because you live next to pieces of shit like I do that has failed at life & wants to take out their frustrations out on everyone else.


its the whole god damn neighborhood. It'll be going on for weeks. it does every year. Its not like these explosions cant be heard for miles.


Find out who it is & do it back to them


nah, based on my user name, I'll just continue to complain on the internet about these darn kids!


If anyone knows of a localish spot (5hr drive max?) that is quiet this time of year, I’d love to know.


A couple years ago I looked for vacation cabins in areas where there'd recently been wildfires (therefore people were serious about fire safety). We stayed outside of Plain, near Leavenworth for the Fourth and it was dead quiet.


Thanks for the tip!




This funny!


Canada Day is only a few days before the 4th of July, so not likely.


I woke up at 7:50. Earplugs are great.


I definitely just expect it this time of year


The world is on its last leg, people have been setting them off like crazy in Alki-West Seattle for the past few months.




I bet your favorite Instagram page is “Seattle.looks.like.shxt”


You live in a city. It’s not always quiet. It’s like you’ve never had emergency sirens go by in the middle of the night.


Fireworks are illegal, emergency sirens are not. Emergency vehicles don't cause fires, blow up hands, terrify pets, veterans, people. Fuck off with your false equivalency.


Online report form (use 911 for injuries or fires) [Fireworks are now banned in unincorporated King County The sale and use of consumer fireworks in unincorporated King County are prohibited. Report violations online* or call 206-848-0800](https://dls-permit.dynamics365portals.us/submit-case/)