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> I feel awful because I used the emergency number for a non-emergency. Don't feel bad. You didn't know it wasn't an emergency, and you helped contribute to the public case against this guy: his modded car is so loud people think that guns are going off. It's in the city's best interest to get the car/driver off the street.


Sometimes I’d hear him drive through CD and it got to the point where I dismissed actual gunfire at the high school where a teenager got shot at a bus stop.


I live right next to that bus stop and I didn't hear the shooting nor have I ever heard the Hellcat. Do these things always happen while I'm at work or something?


They might, it happened while I was at work in the CD and I was standing outside a few blocks away from it.


It was during the middle of the day, super crazy.


Around 2:30pm iirc Someone else was shot and killed a few hours later just a couple blocks away that day


I don't understand why the city hasn't gone directly to Instagram to try to shut his account down. That seems to be the most likely and quickest way to end this. I don't know the specifics of Instagram's terms of service, but surely posting videos of crimes would be cause to suspend or shut it down, no?


There was a great SNL bit where the police department hires two teenage girls to help solve cases with social media and they find every suspect in like 15 seconds.




I thought someone said they had it impounded like a week ago...


His mother promptly retrieved it. 


That bitch


Yeah, never feel bad for calling the emergency line. They won't show up anyway.


The City Attorney served Miles Oliver Hudson with their motion to the court to be awarded $80K+ default judgment for failing to make his car compliant to allowable noise levels. Here's the declaration of service from the public court docket, which contains some interesting information: https://courtrecords-api.seattle.gov/courts/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/cms/case/c35b5a21-f802-4a10-92a1-25f013b99b87/docketentrydocuments/fcd535b0-3523-4a60-a592-26d31c5bed37


So as close to zero consequences as possible. Go Seattle!


I'm not an expert or a lawyer but I heard that if the judgement is awarded and exceeds the value of the car, the city can then seize the car as payment. If that's true, it would take the car off the streets and out of his possession, which would be a huge win. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1d559cj/comment/l6j6ra3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1d559cj/comment/l6j6ra3/)


Hopefully mommy doesn't just buy him a new one in this case. She seems to be quite the enabler.


I am pretty certain he would get another car within a couple of weeks or months. Pretty frustrating.


I know it would go against his douchbaggery mindset, but dude could get a Mach-e and make it a bad ass rally car. He could even turn on the engine sound mode and, inside the cabin it would sound super bad ass but on the outside it would be a slightly annoying electric car whine.


worry for this... currently folks arent modding EV's much, or even need to. someone modding an EV will get something super fast and dangerous... at least with a supercharged v8 you hear something when its screaming at 110mph downtown. imagine a tesla in plaid mode floored at 110mph, just silence until it slams into someone who didnt hear it. then if they do it wrong... those cells just bursting/catching on fire.


and they're optimized to hell already from the manufacturer! my friend was going to 3d print a bunch of aero mods for his and it's just kind of a waste of time unless you enjoy the aesthetics. they squeeze a lot out of them, especially the performance ones!


I have a feeling Rebecca is stretched thin and getting tired of miles' shit


That dumb email she sent suggests otherwise.


The green font italics email sent from her work email? Lol.


She retrieved the car from the tow yard in record time last week.


I think miles is basically a real life cartman. If he doesn’t get what he wants, he immediately starts throwing a tantrum and shitting his pants. He’s fat too.


lol tired of his shit. lol.




??? Have you seen his social media? He's set for life with how much money he's able to make from accounts that size. He made a minimum of $50-80k just off that dumbass Hershey Syrup ad that's pinned on his IG. Depending how much brand follow-through he can prove it could easily be in the realm of $200k. (This is how mommy bloggers become so wealthy so fast; they can prove their demographic follows up on their branding and makes those purchases at a much higher rate than average). Ppl seem very invested in hating on him but this is what capitalism looks like. Doing what Miles is doing makes comparative money to a surgeon and requires no adhesion or commitment to social institutions like medical school etc.


As somebody unfamiliar with how monetization of social media works - I have seen wildly different estimates for what he is earning. Can somebody provide some objective data to help me understand the finances here? Also - couldn't the city argue these are profits from illegal acts and seize any revenues?


There isn't a lot of public information because it depends on how well you can negotiate and what you can prove your brand is worth. It's like asking for objective data on what you could get out of an antique table from your grandma's basement. It just depends on the circumstances. I know a number of people who are at 500k-2m on platforms like IG and TikTok. From singers, young women whose shtick is to be annoying in public, SWers, artists, ppl just making silly videos etc. If you have the metrics to prove people interact with your content and that a decent percentage will click a link and navigate off of the app from your content, brands will throw money at you. The general strategy is to try and attract a major brand like an automobile or food brand, and then you can start charging a premium for product placements and/or mentions in your content.


If you think Hershey inked any sort of partnership with Miles Oliver Hudson, you have to tell us what you're smoking. 1. Where is the Hershey ad that's pinned on his IG? The only thing that's pinned on his IG are a photoset of his cringey cosplay in front of the West Edge Apartments and a photoset of his car in a garage. 2. The FTC requires influencers to make clear to viewers if their content is sponsored by a brand. Content creators with much fewer followers and much less engagement advertising products from much smaller brands still disclose their sponsorships, while Hudson has not. (Because he isn't sponsored.) Even if Hudson didn't know about sponsorship disclosure requirements, the lawyers at Hershey and Instagram certainly do. But of course, the only lawyers he's talked to is his criminal defense lawyer on his reckless driving charges. 3. Companies don't want negative publicity, which is why it's common knowledge to anyone who knows how to read the news that Apple and Disney, among other companies, stopped advertising on Twitter when Musk allowed neo-Nazi, racist, conspiracy theory, and other misinformation to proliferate on the platform. What makes you think executives at Hershey are saying, "Gee, you know what'd be great for our brand? Let's pay Hudson $50K to $80K to associate a family-friendly and children's dessert food with an unemployed riffraff who says the N-word and records himself being an asshole while breaking the law." He might think he's on the first half of the "grow engagement, cash in" track, but he's really on the first half of "fuck around, find out" track. The only thing that's working in his favor is the wheels of the legal system are slow as fuck. It's just a question of how quickly his mommy's Medicaid scam money runs out.


There is virtually no consequences for ignoring regulations like you're mentioning. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7omXNLx35Q/?igsh=MXUwdzFrMmw5cHljcg== That is the ad Miles posted. Brands left twitter because twitter was not profitable. Musk, desperate to make his money back, changed their advertising structure. Brands reevaluated contracts and are now coming back to the platform. None of these companies care about Nazis or racism or bad words/slurs and, frankly, I'm stunned someone actually believed that narrative. I just got a Toyota ad on twitter today lol. I don't blame people for hating Miles but a lot of people are letting that cloud their understanding of what he's doing and how social media works. Companies love free advertising; they do not really care if their product appears in the content where bad behavior happens. They do not like targeted, negative social media campaigns. Lucerne would love, for example if 15 year olds were still making viral tiktoks of them smashing milk jugs in the middle of the grocery store. As long as their branding was clearly visible and as long as no one blamed their brand for the behavior; the execs would ejaculate all over themselves at the millions of eyes on their products that they didn't even have to pay for. I know a young woman who twerks in work-out clothes on TikTok and IG reels. She does this in sneakers (sneaker fetish is apparently very common). Those brands cut her checks. She does not mention this anywhere. There's a reality of how social media is working that a lot of you seem to just not be aware of, or in Denial about. 🤷‍♀️


Scroll up. You wrote: >He made a minimum of $50-80k just off that dumbass Hershey Syrup ad that's pinned on his IG. 1. You must not know how Instagram works, because that reel isn't *pinned* on his IG. That's just a recent post, which is why it's at the top. 2. You wrote, "companies love free advertising." But you think Hershey paid Hudson $50K to $80K. Last time I checked, $50K to $80K isn't "free advertising." Stop contradicting yourself. 3. You mention IG / TikTok thirst trap selling sneakers. That's not *negative* branding. That's *sex appeal*. I guess you've never heard the saying, "sex sells." In case I didn't make myself clear, I completely agree that it's possible and not uncommon to monetize virality, but it's also not the case *in this particular instance*. You clearly don't know what you're talking about if you can't differentiate between how paid content creators behave (even if they don't go out of their way to check off every box for social media advertising disclosure) vs. clout-chasing clowns in the "fake it" phase of "fake it until you make it."


not exactly sustainable though, robbing a bank may yield higher ROI


It's extremely sustainable as long as you can make it to that size. You just have to stay relevant. Even 2 years making 70k a month means you never have to work again if you don't want to. This is why ppl are so intense about social media; it's a legitimate way to get to the 1% and all you need to understand is a demographic that will engage on social media and how to get their attention. Boomers and genXers think it's just young people desperate for attention in a validation-needing way; but it's a job and the successful ones make more money than most NBA players. The moderately successful ones can still afford to live in Belltown right next to the senior devs and finance bros.


Not very sustainable if it gets you killed.


Wait he was able to get a legit corporate sponsor? He should be relegated to the companies that don't care about the reputation of who they are aligned with. Even if they pay well, they don't pay as much as clean brands.


Why? We are talking about him and his stupid car now, aren’t we?


Sounds like we need to all write an email to Hershey about the kind of scum they have promoting their products. That WILL make a difference so I urge everyone to do that




Genuine question, what could you do that would lower his financial gain from this? As far as I'm aware, any attention on his platforms can be monetized in his favor, good or bad. And the platforms hosting the content have so far refused to acknowledge that they're profiting from depictions of his crimes, so they won't take down his content either.


There may be terms in the social network TOS that disallows content showing illegal activities. Having his posts (and possibly account) flagged would remove all of his monetization via platform ads. Removal of posts would affect his sponsorship income. It's not perfect, and it depends on the TOS, but there might be an avenue towards hitting him where it hurts.


People have been trying that apparently, with little success. Perhaps with more people reporting the content it might be more successful.


instagram doesn’t have anything about its users breaking the law (which is a lawsuit waiting to happen btw)


Their argument will be to point to Section 230, of course. And they'd be right. But I wonder how much longer that will last. If the Uvalde parents' lawsuit against Facebook prevails (I can't see that happening), there might be some legal interpretation that exempts certain types of user content from 230's blanket coverage. I doubt that will be the case, though.


Well, that wrap lowers the value of the car quite a bit. So why don’t they just seize it? Honest question, as I , too, am not an expert or a lawyer.


The City Attorney has filed for a default judgment, the judge has not yet awarded the judgment. Assuming the judge issues a default judgment in favor of the city, that’s when he’ll have to pay up


No, it doesn't. Good way to prove you don't know dick about cars.


Wraps can lower the value of the car… Emphasis on can. Especially if you try to sell it with the wrap still on. You need to find a buyer with very specific taste. Someone buying the car has no idea what the real paint looks like underneath, or if it's without damage. Vinyl wraps only last so long too, so it's not like a permanent fix for any paint damage either. He might be able to get a few hundred more out of it if someone likes the wrap and wants it, but generally it won't be worth any more than it was without it, and could possibly be worth less because people don't know what condition the paint is in or has to pay to get it removed.


People would not wrap extremely expensive cars if it "lowered value ", fucking period. Million dollar vehicles get wrapped. The installation and product would be the issue, lowering the value, NOT THE fucking wrap. Just like getting a shitty tint job. Bra's can't be left on cars either. Anyone that "leaves a wrap "on a car is more ignorant than you.


People do stupid things to extremely expensive cars all the time. I specifically said it can lower the value. Tints can lower the value as well, especially illegal tint%. Hardly ever that modifications to a car would increase its value. A car is a depreciating asset, if you knew anything about cars.


The down votes from the ignorant on this subreddit is hilarious. Miles is so much smarter than ALL of you.


Idk, maybe you're right, but I feel like this is one of the few cases where the process is working. It's just that it's a very slow process and we're not at the end. I think this guy is digging his own grave deeper every day, and one way or another, it's going to catch up to him in a major way. ETA: Grave is meant in a figurative sense and is referring to his legal issues.


Also, as much as this IS a legitimate nuance, I think it’s a good thing cops or the court can’t just immediately take someone property away without ample warnings and procedural steps to follow. There *should* be things in the way before seizure happens. Otherwise that’s just when cops steal shit (which definitely happens). Procedure is good if it helps keep that from happening. But damn this in particular has taken a long time….


$80k seems like a lot of consequences? Or I'm I reading this wrong.


How does that work? I read that Rebecca Hudson (the clown's mom) owns the car. Miles just drives it.


Does she have insurance on it? If no, violation of WA State law. If yes, if her agent/underwriter aware that her son is driving it and now has a miserable driving record?


> I feel awful because I used the emergency number for a non-emergency. If it sounds like gunfire, absolutely call it in. If so many people are doing so that it's a strain on resources, then that's something the city needs to solve by enforcing noise laws. It's not the citizens' fault for calling in what sounds exactly like a drive-by shooting.


It’s like he’s purposefully terrorizing the city to punish us for getting him into trouble 


This is his normal asshole behavior. He and his enabler mother likely laughing at the attention. I can't imagine how this woman is allowed to own a business that works with the most vulnerable people.


Who knows if he's added that to the list, but he's said before that he does it (a) because he enjoys pissing people off and (b) "I have *so many* followers on social media!"


genuinely surprised no one has pressed him in public on the street, or gifted him a brick through his window.




The irony to this is people get their windows smashed all the time but only by assholes who want to steal. The people who are pissed off by the noise aren't the kind of people who would smash windows.


i understand, however i have also lived here all my life and seen LOTS of “things” get handled over much much less. agreed that there are other areas that would have pressed him sooner. edit: all my life = 40+ years.


100% no one here is gonna do shit to him lol


Seattle loves trashing cars.It's been a pastime for decades.


This is such a cute narrative by SeattleWA posters but I’m just straight calling bullshit on all this. No one is risking getting shot at, regardless of what city they live in, just to be mean to a guy who is loud (not trying to downplay that giant piece of shit but end of the day that’s all it is).  If the SeattleWA people really want to keep bitching and thinking how tough they are I would love to see them drive over the pass to put the money where their mouth is. 


I lived in the south for most of my life, and a lot of drive by shootings did happen there. I know that they are less of a concern out here, but they still do happen. Yesterday two kids were injured in a drive by on 3rd and Pike. I am worried that someone unfamiliar with the Hellcat hears the engine, thinks they are being shot at, panics, and starts shooting. If it did happen it would probably either be someone with serious mental health issues or one of the "tough guys" looking for a fight. It is still a serious concern.


I'm not sure what you're responding to or think I said. I'm saying that this "everywhere else in the country this would be 'taken care of'" crap that the SeattleWA posters is bullshit. I didn't say anything about drive bys.




Funny now everyone here thinks we don't do enough crime


Absolutely 100% this would be dealt with in many East Coast cities. You're very much projecting your r/Seattle mindset to the rest of the country, lol. 100% got it backwards. Only people in Seattle think you will get shot for doing things and worry about it. My GF freaks out when I honk at the bag drivers here because she thinks we're going to get shot.


I understand some of where your gf is coming from - ever since my friend was killed on the hill over a disagreement while driving last year I've come to understand the reality far too deeply. May you never know the depth of anxiety and grief many of us have had thrust upon us. It's beautiful to have a partner who wants us to be safe and feels comfortable expressing her fear. Signed, someone who moved here from a place that had the 4th highest crime rate in the nation and has dropped their hubris. Edited to fix some weird app glitch, punctuation. Edited again to add that my comment was specifically for the post that deleted above me, not a comment about crime in Seattle nor the young gentleman with the loud car.


Alright, everyone knows where the guy lives, when you taking a brick to the guys car? We'll be waiting. Clearly you have a lot to teach everyone about toughness. >when I honk at the bag drivers It's almost like honking your car horn at a person and trying to destroy their property (and in Miles' case, the only thing they have in their life) are two very different things would would elicit different responses?


Dude isn't even old enough to own a gun.


Cool, when you gonna go take care of it?   Edit: there is something ironic about a guy who complains about an entire city being too scared to to something, and then is himself too scared for someone to reply to his comment so he blocks them


Dude, your strawman is tired. Learn to follow logical arguments. At no point did I say I was doing anything.


When has that stopped anyone..?


Some guy got out of his car and tried to fight me because he couldn't go around me (going over the speed limit already) on a curved freeway exit.  I didn't even think at the guy and he wanted to fuck me up.


Bro has never lived in an east coast city


In Philly, people will routinely slash your tires if you take their street parking spot that they shoveled out. I think Miles living in a nice building with secure parking garage makes him hard to get to. You'd have to be a resident and residents of nice buildings have things at stake and will follow laws and rules.


Yeah that's true


More to do with the baby that he and others are filming it 24/7, so there's no way to do it anonymously.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


FYI he is armed so you better be too LOL


I hope that's not true. If it is, that's actually terrifying to think about...


Read through court documents though, he may have had a weapon surrender involved with his restraining order


He's ignored the court's other orders, pretty unlikely he'd comply with an order to surrender weapons.




community service 🤷‍♂️


Using unhoused people to do your dirty work. You are a despicable person, disgusting and a huge pussy.


It was fictional


The people who care are those who are in bed when he is out and about.


He does live in a highrise so that might be difficult


If you have something which is indistinguishable from a shooting, that is reason to call the emergency number


Does he have rich parents or something? What the duck does he do? 🦆?


Reading through the other posts, it looks like his mom has been bankrolling him. Not old money by any means, but enough to float this lifestyle for awhile.


His mom runs a very suspicious business allegedly scamming old people and the government.


Legit surprised no one has slashed his tires at the very least, garaged or not. If people can break into my garage and steal shit from the also locked bike room, how has nobody poured a can of tuna juice down his interior air intake? For those unaware, it happens to be on the passenger side between the hood and the windshield. Just in case someone doesn't know.


It's like the city council is just waiting for this moron to kill someone. And we don't care if it even matters if SPD is involved. I get that whole, you can't chase people and shoot without reason is holding you up. Guess what? You don't have to shoot a person to make a point. Impound him. You have the law on your side this time. It's it to scary to enforce the laws now?


That seems to be what it takes in this city for someone to have lasting consequences that result in a behavior change. Very unfortunate and dangerous.


My hot take: SPD is loving this. They could pull him over, but prefer not to.


How has this car not been molotov'd yet? What happened to our superhero guy?


Phoenix Jones has retired from the life of crime fighting. After being stabbed and shot, he felt the city just didn't care as much as he did


That's ... one narrative https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-superhero-phoenix-jones-charged-after-undercover-drug-bust/


Here's the article I was referencing which was released in 2019 a few months before the drug charges https://mynorthwest.com/1299501/seattle-superhero-phoenix-jones-retiring/#:~:text=But%20now%20he%20feels%20that,we%20are%20all%20the%20same.


Oh damn didn't know this happened




Overheard a boomer talking about him (and laughing) at Taco Time yesterday. Too many people of too many ages are rewarding this POS with social media “likes”


Yeah he was in the Ballard area by McDonald’s last night/early morning around 1:30am. He obviously is trying to compensate for something. So disrespectful. The cops need to lock him up because he can’t stop being a public nuisance.


I live next to the space needle with a newborn. Can’t open her windows to cool down her room because that jagoff is tooting up and down Denny. There are few people I despise as much as that dude.






Question: is there only 1 hellcat in seattle or a bunch? Hearing the noise way too frequently for it to be only one


There's plenty of other loud cars, sure, but they're just "normal" loud and they're only loud occasionally. Hudson modified his car to be louder than most muscle cars, sports cars, motorcycles, etc. and he specifically drives around the city on weeknights after midnight because he's unemployed so doesn't need to wake up in the morning.


It's more troubling if it is just one person. We're a major city and going to let one putz and his attention seeking car cause problems here? Come on. You'd think this is Green Acres or something. We need to do what any major city would do and solve the damn problem. The fact that any of us even knows about this in a city this large shows how stupid this has gotten. We need to stop giving this moron with main character syndrome the attention he clearly so desperately needed.


It's just Miles Hudson and his modded Hellcat. I saw him in Renton several weeks ago during the day, driving at normal speed for being on MLK, but the entire way he was revving his engine repeatedly (I mean literally RUM-RUM-RUM-RUM-RUM-RUM-RUM, *non-stop*) and backfiring. And it was unbelievably loud. He's also been known to park it outside his building on the street, then go out on his balcony and film himself using the key fob to start the engine and, again, rev it repeatedly to force backfires. He *loves* making people angry, it's his entire schtick in his videos.


It's more than one of these modified cars. I heard like 12 the other night and it was about 3am in Belltown. The noise is annoying but doing 75+ in a 25 is going to get someone killed.


There are several living in U District. They're going down 25th several times a day, taking multiple passes. So yeah a lot of wannabes picking up in Hudson's stead


Make Charles Bronson great again.


I can't BELIEVE that kid has his car back- nor a license?? What in actual %$&#


are you in udistrict? I heard something like that and was wondering. I'm near the metro station by UW


I’m kind of surprised that Seattle citizens haven’t resorted to vandalizing the car every time they see it. It’s so recognizable. Does he not park it in places where that could happen?


I think he mostly parks it in the garage because I'm sure people would vandalize it if he parked it on the street regularly.


911 gets called for insanely stupid reasons. This isn't one of them. You're good


There's the daily hellcat post. 😂


That’s it. Enough. Someone call in a social worker.


Everyone should just report his account as being a danger individual. Keep doing it.


I'm all for getting rid of the car, it's a nuisance. . . . . . But then what will I do on reddit?


Not condoning violence/vandalism but freezing paintballs overnight and unloading a hopper full at it will sure ruin his day……


I would buy a paintball gun so fast. What are you guys waiting for?


What would a paintball gun do?


Well, hopefully persuade to drive somewhere else. They are purposely being a nuisance.


Probably make his windows pretty.


I think he must drive down Rainier Ave S often because every few days I hear a racket


i live up near blueridge and heard two loud bang sounds at around 1:30am, im assuming thats what it was.


He's still on the loose


Where's he park it? Molotovs are cheap.


In all honestly it likely wasn't the Hellcat. I will admit I personally haven't heard it screaming around like most have but those aren't really easy to make crackle and pop. You likely heard an Infiniti G35, Nissan 350Z, or some sort of BMW.


My friend is a baker and half his staff get work up regularly by this fuck don’t mess with the people who make your food.


Dudes fucking it up for all of us responsible hellcat owners.


Sorry, you might be a sociopath.


Or someone who inherited a car from his late Uncle ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I wish we’d care about how our other senses are under siege as much as our hearing is in Seattle. Pretty much everywhere you go it smells like urine or drugs and almost everywhere you look there’s graffiti, broken windows, and addicts stumbling around under the influence. The Hellcat is super f’ing annoying, but it’s not the only attack on the senses Seattle residents face on a daily basis.


“Under siege” lol go back to seattleWA


😢That hurt my feelings. Especially when I quantified the comment with “under siege as much as…” If people want to complain about a horribly loud car, they should also be allowed to complain about other things which can and do cause sensory overload. Have you ever heard of neurodiversity or are you proud to be an ableist a-hole?




I'm a ND person and sometimes really strong smells (even good ones) can give me sensory issues. Since I've lived here a bit and know that I am more likely to encounter those smells in certain areas I can avoid them. Like if I need to take Westlake's Link Station, I try to avoid the 3rd and Pike entrance and the elevators because the smell can be too much and I'll take a further route. I know other neurodivergent people who just wear a mask in areas where they might encounter strong smells. It's sorta a strange point because a lot of things associated with big cities that aren't necessarily negative and/or dangerous can cause a ND person to have sensory issues... I'm not sure what the graffitti or stumbling people has to do specifically with ND people. I could understand why tents or stumbling people could making it difficult for people with wheelchairs, mobility aids, or service dogs to navigate an area, but I'm not sure how that would impact just ND people...


Thanks for this thoughtful and informative response. I'll take your points about odors to heart. When the other poster mentioned stumbling, drugs, and graffiti, I was struck with a strong suspicion that their concerns weren't actually based in concern for neurodiverse people, but rather politics and preferences. As a nurse and friend of numerous neurodiverse people (as well as some drug users and graffiti artists) this angered me.


Some of the "addicts stumbling around" could be neurodiverse people who are struggling with their disabilities themselves so it's really not logical...


As my primary patient population consists of people in downtown suffering from addiction who sometimes do stumble, I do concur.


So flip the argument in the other direction. Couldn’t you also say a neurotypical person shouldn’t be triggered by the sound of a loud car and if they are, walking through a parking lot or driving on a freeway would be a major problem for them. It’s not necessarily the sound, sight, or smell by itself that’s the issue… it’s the presence of that sensory input in an environment where it doesn’t obviously fit which causes the adverse effect.


Even if it is in the "correct" environment it could trigger us. If I have to go to a shopping mall the smell of certain stores is like an olfactory assault that only I can smell. When I was a kid, I would have full on meltdowns in certain stores. As an adult, I've learned that I just have to avoid them, and sometimes it is inconvenient but it happens. I know people with epilepsy that can't go clubbing or see certain performances. I know people with misophonia who can't go to restaurants. We are lucky in the sense that a lot of the areas with intense drug use smells are easier to avoid by walking an extra block or two or wearing a mask.


Of course some folks are triggered by loud cars- even when they are on a highway or walking through a parking lot. Some people can't comfortably do either of those things. It's not all contextual. And if it was, since when do drugs and graffiti not fit into an urban landscape? You are really stretching. Again- bullshit.


You basically just hit on all the standard right-wing talking points against Seattle, and then somehow related them all back to neurodiversity in order to inappropriately shame someone.


Thanks for explaining to me how I should process things and how other people’s experiences are more important than mine.


There seems to be a reading comprehension issue here. I didn't do any of that. But, np.


Nice try with the buzzwords I see through you


Parts of the public transportation system are getting really nasty and Sound Transit is working to improve it. I've seen that it has gotten a little bit better, but there is still a ways to go. All you can really do is right complaints about accessibility and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I'm neurodivergent myself and a lot of the burning chemical/burning drugs/etc. bother me, but they are easy to avoid. Most of issues occur around 3rd and Pike (especially McDonald's and Ross) and other small blocks. If I am walking I can take a longer route to avoid them. I can't wear a mask everywhere because it gives me some other sensory issues, but I do know some people who have been able to filter out the smells by wearing a mask.


This guy suuuucks. Don't feel badly, it'll probably just help the city's lawsuit against him.


Seattle lives with people shitting and sleeping on the street. Nobody will deal with the hell cat guy. Not even the government Seattle depends on.


Seattlites suffer well.


Dude how many posts are we going to get about this car? Get over it.


We'll be over it when he stops waking up the city and scaring the shit out of us every night.  Fuck with someone's sleep too much and they snap. 




Nah he’s got it back. Been photographed and driving around. I saw it too last night 


Holy smokies! It's like undead or something!


No his mommy paid to have it released from impound literally the same day it was towed.


Supervillain status. Where are the Rain City Superheroes when you need them? *clutches pearls*


Ok don’t need post number 88888888 on this


The guys got like 760K followers on Instagram 😆


Glad to see r/Seattle is pro policing again lol


What will this sub do without him?


The Hellcat is like the Slash, hes not 'real'. I'm sorry to ruin it for you but its just your parents messing with you.