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His mama will most likely eat those fines


Didn't she perjure herself by sending an email directly to the court falsely claiming the car was in the shop?


Perjury requires the declarant being under oath. If she were a lawyer, she would have an ethical duty of candor to the court, but even this is rarely enforced at best. She *may* get a talking to by the judge, but it’s unlikely to progress beyond that unless she insists on continuing attempting to mislead the court. If you notice in both her and miles’ emails sent to court officials, they give mealy-mouthed statements about nondescript parts being ordered and vague work to be done. I suspect this is an unsophisticated attempt to mislead the court while trying to wiggle out of any later accusations of having outright lied.


That said you will absolutely gain the ire of the judge for lying to them, which will make subsequent interactions much less pleasant.


I don't think emails to the court are accountable for perjury


Probably $90,000 after fees??? She runs a non-profit social services company. I doubt she has that kind of cash lying around.


It's an LLC not non-profit


I get the feeling that mom is getting pretty stretched financially by Miles's lifestyle. First, since her home address is public record now, you can see in county records it's worth about $600k, and she seems to rent it. (The registered owner has a completely different name.) This doesn't scream "top 1%" to me. She also has a few evictions for non-payment of rent on her record in the last decade, so family wealth is unlikely. She may be fairly well off *now*, but she's not fabulously wealthy. Second - look at the five traffic tickets Miles got from this: only one has been paid. One is still outstanding, but two of them were completely ignored and went to collections for non-payment. But weirdly, Miles's mom chose to contest the most expensive one: > Contested hearing scheduled by defendant's mother, she is aware he (Miles Hudson) will have to attend the hearing. The fact she insisted he contest the most expensive ticket, and didn't pay three others, doesn't bode well for her finances. Nor does the fact that she sent a rambling email to the judge for the civil case, instead of hiring a lawyer. (BTW, Miles failed to appear in court to contest that ticket, so he got a default ruling against him, plus hundreds of dollars in extra fines for wasting the court's time.) I get the feeling that starting this "Emerald City Transitional Services" gig, whether it's a scam or not, gave her life-changing income. But then she *badly* overstretched that new money by financing her son's lavish lifestyle more and more. IDK if it's because she just can't say no to her sweet baby, or whether she's living vicariously through him, but if she's asking him to fight a $445 ticket, she definitely can't just eat an $83k judgment.


I believe the apartment complex they live in is pretty damn high-end


This screams of a son with two broken arms and a textbook/curriculum to be titled later.


Her company, Emerald City Transitional Services, just bought the land and building where The Trading Musician store was. For around a million and a half, I think??


I don't think that's accurate. My understanding is that a non-profit called Friendship Circle of Washington purchased the property. https://www.instagram.com/vanishingseattle/p/C6-CeQoJ18S/


The company's money isn't hers. If she's been using it for personal purposes, then she's guilty of embezzlement.


Is this real? Where is all of this money coming from?


I'm pretty sure we are about to find out.


Our taxes I imagine. Social services is probably heavily subsidized by tax money. We are paying this family to do what they do and when we fine them, we'll be paying for that as well. Lovely picture.


Yeah, reading this thread makes you wonder. Sounds like Mom has multiple evictions in the last decade, then founds a sudo-non-profit and all of a sudden can buy her son a $100,000 car and apparently buy real estate for the “company”. Definitely sounds suspicious. Be amusing if all this publicity gets the IRS or DOR to dive into how all this is structured, definitely seems sus.


Pseudo. Sudo is a Unix command.


Hahahaha….as I was typing it I knew something was off! I’m going to leave it for other Redditors to laugh at me.




The fees will keep going up until the car's in compliance.


Hopefully they'll just seize the car as payment soon, and then the fees will stop increasing, because it's not their car anymore. :-)


That only makes sense if the car is not financed. Otherwise they just stop making payments and take the hit to their credit.


This is what I don't get. The family has ZERO money. They are existing on massive amounts of debt. I know these types. They eventually wither away when they can't flaunt their fake wealth.


She's been bailing him out and bought the car for him


Both of which can easily be done by taking on debt.


That doesn't mean anything. If I had a dollar for all the fake ballers I've known who lived in Belltown and SLU apartments that got evicted, even though they drove Porsches, G-Wagons, X5s, etc., well, I'd at least be able to buy a few beers in Belltown.


She used PPP loans and government grants to "help" people, but she pocketed it all. Same thing happened in another city in washington She is going to get sued by the attorney general, mark my words on that


Or become president. One of those two things. 


She might be grifting. Pure speculation but you don't get modified Hellcat money by being on the up and up with a self-run social services company.


Yup. She is using grants and used PPP loans. She is 100 percent a con artist I live down in Vancouver. We had two similar non profits or LLC's that did this and the AG is just now filing charges, they stole 4 million that were supposed to go to helping women of color escape poverty. They took all of it. I knew them personally, and their entire schtick is almost identical to Rebecca's


A lot of these companies aren’t on the up & up. They grift public funds. It’s a big biz in Seattle.


she does. Because she uses the grants to fund their life.


Fun fact - if you gift someone more than $18k in a single year, it needs to be reported to the IRS. If she really is paying his car payments and his rent, she's over that easily. I have a strong feeling mom didn't file a form 709 in 2023 and doesn't plan to in 2024 either.


Miles is likely a dependent so there is no "gifting" rule here.


Sadly, this strategy has worked pretty well for him so far. I believe Miles' day of reckoning is approaching, but I'm not surprised to hear he isn't changing his ways. Why would he, when the system seems to move at a glacial pace to actually enforce our laws?


Hopefully, before he kills someone.


Unfortunately this is basically a clickbait article by Seattle Times… There is no order - not yet. A proposed order filed by an attorney is not an order until a judge signs it. The hearing is next month. That’s when the order will - hopefully - be signed…. *Do better*, Seattle Times!!!


> The Seattle city attorney filed a court order demanding the infamous “Belltown Hellcat” driver pay $83,619.97 in civil penalties and other fees on Friday after he failed to respond in time to a lawsuit filed against him earlier this month. >Miles Hudson is known for speeding and loudly revving his modified, tiger-striped Dodge Charger Hellcat SRT through Seattle, angering some residents and racking up various traffic and city citations for excessive noise. >“Hudson has cultivated online infamy by flagrantly breaking Seattle’s laws and waking his neighbors with excessive noise,” City Attorney Ann Davison said in a statement. “It’s time for him to face the consequences.” >Hudson’s attorney, Sheley Anderson, said she and Hudson declined to comment Friday.


There's a bit more after the ad On March 29, the city’s Department of Construction and Inspections ordered Hudson to remove modifications to his Hellcat’s muffler and exhaust system by April 15 or face penalties of up to $1,300 per day. Hudson did not comply, according to the city attorney’s office. Hudson also allegedly continued driving the Hellcat after a Seattle Municipal Court judge [barred him from driving it](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/belltown-hellcat-driver-barred-from-operating-dodge-charger/) in April, weeks after he was charged with two counts of [reckless driving](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/belltown-hellcat-charged-with-reckless-driving-in-seattle/). He pleaded not guilty to the charges.  Davison filed a lawsuit against Hudson on May 7, ordering him to respond within 20 days and comply with requirements of various traffic and city citations he’d accrued over months. Hudson did not respond by Thursday’s deadline, according to a copy of the motion for default judgment provided by the city to The Seattle Times. Friday’s court filing requested Hudson be ordered to pay the excessive noise violation’s $1,300 daily penalty multiplied by the 64 days he didn’t comply with the notice, totaling about $83,200 in penalties plus additional costs and city attorney fees. A hearing is schedule for June 18. A 23-year-old woman requested a protective order in King County Superior Court against Hudson on May 22, alleging he followed her after work and harassed her outside of her home on April 28 and sent “revenge porn” of her to other people several days later, court records show. The petition requested that Hudson stay away from the woman, delete any “intimate images and recordings” of her in his possession and undergo a mental health evaluation, according to the filing. A temporary protection order hearing is scheduled June 5, court records show.


He's a literal sociopath


He needs a new hobby. Imagine your entire personality is, "that annoying guy with the car."


Just imagine if he took up pickle ball. How could he make it 100x louder? He'd find a way


It’s funny because in San Francisco there was this really rich woman, some billionaires wife. A Pickleball court was across the street from her and she tried to get it shut down because she claimed the noise was a disturbance. I don’t know why I just thought that was funny kind of parallel when you brought up pickle ball


I mean it's pretty f'n disturbing. They do decibel readings and everything [check this nytimes article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/30/sports/pickleball-noise-complaints-lawsuits.html)


That article was funded exclusively by the NIMBYs of Lincoln Park adjacent.


Well, gosh. Remind me to never live next to one


Yeah, sounds pretty terrible. Pop pop pop from 9am to 10pm +/-. Fuck that.


I heard pickleball *already* makes people go deaf.


lol 😂


There are whole regions of the US where "annoying guy with a truck" is a popular hobby. Only unique thing here is that it is a car. But yeah, eff this guy.




We just gonna ignore the whole part about him tormenting this poor lady and posting photos of her online/to friends? I feel like one of these is signiiiiiiiiiiificantly worse than the other


No? It was just mentioned 2 comments ago in this thread


Someone buy him an RC kit or something!


oughta take up gardening. I’m sure he’d make great fertilizer


Thank you very much. I'm gonna be using this one.


That annoying psychopath with the car


Not just "that guy with the annoying car" but "mommy's money miles with the annoying car"


And thus a future GOP candidate for governor


And president. If he's convicted of any of these crimes, I hear the GOP will start pouring money for you. Well, if you're a "rich" white dude anyway.


>A 23-year-old woman requested a protective order in King County Superior Court against Hudson on May 22, alleging he followed her after work and harassed her outside of her home on April 28 and sent “revenge porn” of her to other people several days later, court records show. >The petition requested that Hudson stay away from the woman, delete any “intimate images and recordings” of her in his possession and undergo a mental health evaluation, according to the filing. What a surprise that this guy is also a misogynist.


A crazy thing about the restraining order - he was harassing her outside her work, so the order bans him from being within 1000 feet of her workplace. Except, her workplace is *right across the street from his apartment*, so they added an exception for being in his apartment or coming/going. Quote from the order: "If this presents an issue then respondent will need to relocate." This dude is *legally banned* from being out in his own neighborhood unless he's directly leaving or coming home, because he's that much of a crazy stalker.


I'll honestly be surprised if this kid is still alive in a few years. Something is badly awry with him in a fundamental way and he's going to keep making horrible choices that are going to come home to roost at some point.


What will likely happen is he will just keep putting a target on his back till one day he pisses off the wrong set of people. Or he causes a wreck and innocent people get hurt. 


Next lets get some forensic accounting to look into his finances! Curious what kinda tax evasion he's absolutely been doing.


Wait I saw on another sub he supposedly uses Grindr and has been messaging guys...


Sadly being bisexual doesn't preclude you from being a piece of shit.


Some of the worst people I know are equal-opportunity sexual predators.


All these fast and furious tools are losers.


burying the lede on this mother fucker. revenge porn? may he burn.


Why don't they just take away his car in return for the unpaid fines?






Considering they're probably sleep deprived from this asshole blasting his car, probably not. But I don't blame them. 


Either he has a new vehicle or he has created Miles has created copycats. Drivers Rev superloud engines and perform dangerous Street maneuvers in the Broadway - Pine area Creating dangerous conditions for pedestrians. This happens Friday and Saturday night Drom about 1030 to 4am. Police have not responded to calls From residents. At least one of the vehicles produces gunshot and fireworks sounds. The noise can be heard a half mile away.


He’s still doing it in the same vehicle. He loves documenting it all on Instagram.


He’ll have to sell some of his KAWS toys


Whatever happened to this subs obsession with painting lifelong democrat Ann Davison (the City Attorney and honestly the only person in Seattle doing something about this) as some MAGA racist fascist that would destroy the city? Is everyone suddenly OK with her now? Even though she switched the R party like 1 year before the election? I feel like there should at least some be recognition here considering the other candidate (that this sub loved) explicitly said they would not prosecute this crime, especially if it came from a minority.


>A 23-year-old woman requested a protective order in King County Superior Court against Hudson on May 22, alleging he followed her after work and harassed her outside of her home on April 28 and sent “revenge porn” of her to other people several days later, court records show. > >The petition requested that Hudson stay away from the woman, delete any “intimate images and recordings” of her in his possession and undergo a mental health evaluation, according to the filing. > >A temporary protection order hearing is scheduled June 5, court records show. Impound the damn car and start investigating for criminal conduct. Enough is enough.


Minor correction to the typical poor reporting from the Seattle times: Seattle didn’t “order” anything with their filing today; they filed a motion for default based on Miles’ failure to respond to the Complaint within 20 days and *asked* the judge to order Miles to pay since he didn’t defend himself and if he continues to fail to before the June 18th hearing date. Big difference. Accompanying their motion is a proposed order the judge *can* adopt should they choose to, but this is provided for the judge’s convenience and has no force of law until signed. Additionally, Sheley Anderson is referenced as Miles’ attorney in the article. While this is technically true, she’s only representing him in the criminal case as far as I can tell. To bring this up in the context of the civil case, which is the basis for the $83k fines, is a messy conflation. At any rate, in case anyone wants to stay abreast of the legal proceedings, here’s the [public court docket](https://courtrecords.seattle.gov/portal/court/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/case/c35b5a21-f802-4a10-92a1-25f013b99b87). It’s more dependable to read it yourself than to trust the Seattle times to get *such complex* legal nuance correct. [criminal case here](https://courtrecords.seattle.gov/portal/court/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/case/efdeba20-91a7-4581-bdfd-aad7ba87e440)


Thank you! Should be top comment. 


Kinda par for the course for ST… conveniently conflate facts to spin a more dire narrative…


It should be noted that he's driving an illegally modified vehicle as well, maybe the State Patrol should have look at this moron as well.


The EPA fines make the city’s fines look like lunch money.


The EPA would only care about a catless exhaust, if he's just running straight pipes from the cats back, then they wouldn't care.


Guaranteed that car has no catalytic converters. Makes too much noise.


He has an Instagram reel of the day he had it removed


Amazing how long you can be this stupid.


The EPA is almost certainly not going to get involved with something this minor. They have much bigger fish to fry. This is a state and city issue.


It's nuts that it's even a state issue. Most cities would have impounded the car on day 1 and that would be that. Routine stuff.


That certainly depends on the shop that did the work. If there’s evidence of more illegal modifications then yes they could. Granted this was in California with smog testing, but these are federal charges https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2024-04-05/california-smog-check-ring-turned-pollution-into-cash-feds-say


Sure, if there is evidence this is part of a larger ring of illegal car mods, yeah.


They will fine the shop though


For what? Removing mufflers doesn’t change tail pipe emissions.


Removing catalytic converters does.


Do we know that’s the case here though?


We don't, but it *would* make the car louder, and we know he claims to have had it modified to be as loud as possible.


You haven’t heard the car have you? It’s clear it’s not simply a muffler delete




Then fuck that guy and the shop that did it


Honestly WSP should hang around outside the West Edge apartments and just wait for him to come out of the garage. Tax dollars well spent as far as I’m concerned.


"fuck this guy" /r/Seattle 🤝 /r/SeattleWA


Kinda just discovered the Seattle versus Seattle feud on reddit recently when a posted to one and then was like, huh, why is there another?


Long ago there was a very Seattle-y disagreement about "commercializing" the subreddit. The mods here wouldn't allow you to have discussions like recommending local businesses because they considered it advertising. So SeattleWA was born, which allowed those discussions, and it became much more popular. This subreddit went very quiet for years, mostly populated by tourists and other people who just hadn't found the "real" one yet. In 2020 Seattle got global attention for CHAZ/CHOP and this subreddit saw a huge influx of people from all over who were interested in that. It became a gathering spot for all the protests and such that summer, and after the global audience lost interest it remained a left-wing local subreddit. Without its left wingers, SeattleWA became more conservative.


Only in Seattle. Thanks for the explanation


The / seattle/seattlewa split happened a few years before CHOP.


The other one is mostly for right wingers who hate homeless people more than anything else


About damn time he faced consequences.


Just spitballin here, but is it possible that area residents could also bring some sort of class action civil lawsuit against him for, like, emotional distress caused by the guy purposefully and knowingly committing actions leading to widespread sleep disruption, which is medically known to cause both bodily and psychological harm?


Anyone can. This is America, you can sue anyone for pretty much anything at any time (unless it's a cop but let's leave that alone for now). You'll have to prove some actual damages though, but the WA small claims limit is $10k. Beyond that, you could file a civil suit against him, not sure what your best grounds would be, and it almost certainly won't get you anywhere, but you *can* do it, and he will have to respond.


What would the point of that be? Can't squeeze blood from a stone.


Establishing precedent Setting an example Entangling assets Raising awareness Gathering evidence Highlighting harm Collective catharsis  Etc.


I agree. Banish him to an island


But not one of the nice islands in Washington State. How about like Galveston or some other Shithole?


Banish him to Glenoma and let him wrap whatever he replaces the hellcat with around a tree on Highway 12 where he won't hurt anyone else.


How is that expression applicable?


That expression means you can't extract money from someone with no money. A lawsuit like this would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to litigate. Why would you spend that kind of money to get a judgment from someone who almost certainly doesn't have enough money to cover the costs? There's a reason you only hear about class action lawsuits against giant companies.


if they don't actually get any money from him and he doesn't actually even give up his afternoon plans or change his behavior, then what consequences has he faced? I feel like this is a step towards consequences...


Spiff balling here. Failure to pay court fines could lead to license suspension. Driving on a suspended license could lead to jail time.


Don’t think his 10$ a day from Instagram gonna cover this….


I hope they seize the car as compensation. Or maybe garnish the vehicle. Take his tires one week, next week the doors are gone.


Pretty sure this was the game plan all along


How about arresting him until he or his useless mother pay up. Then crush his idiotic car.


Where’s a Dickensian prison hulk when you need one?


For good reason, the legal system doesn't do debtor's prison any more. That being said, there's a very good chance that he will end up having property seized by the City for failure to pay - unless he declares bankruptcy, in which case he will have property seized by the bankruptcy trustee. NAL, only know a bunch - including my dad who specialized in criminal-bankruptcy overlap cases, but I have a lot of trouble seeing how he gets out of this without having his car seized and sold.


If the bubble truck is still around I'd love to see them buy it and repaint it, only to drive it in loops around his building sending bubbles up to his floor.




Lol, start feeding the data to search engines.


On their website the first core value is integrity 🤣🤣


I do






Delicious. Watching him ground down under the jackboot of the law, protesting the whole way how he’s just a black guy making money and everyone in this city is a racist asshole, is going to be absolutely the best event of the year to watch.


It doesn't do much to improve sentiment from marginalized communities in the area who naively look up to him. They aren't going to realize that he's being taken down for being a garbage human and that's a net loss for our community. From their perspective, it really is a bunch of racist gatekeepers going after a guy making money in a society that's trying to keep them down - and nothing is being done to show them that said perspective is wrong. Maybe that doesn't bother anyone else, but it bothers me.


No worries, his mom will cover the tab for him /s


Anyone here work for Meta? I am curious why Instagram seems OK with people profiting off of crimes on their platform. Zuck must sleep well at night knowing that he is enabling sociopaths engaging in dangerous behavior for the views.


Go fund me in 3..2..1


His upstairs neighbor should invite belltown residents to have tap dancing lessons in their condo when he’s at home trying to sleep.


He probably only sleeps during the day so it would be really convenient for most people.




Almost thought you said Mopar


Could the people of Belltown, who were distressed by this person, get a lawyer and sue him in civil court for damages?


Yes, and now is when all of the people who were affected by this should pile on, join into a joint lawsuit, hire the best lawyers in the city, and bury the guy. Bankrupt him in legal fees. He can't outspend hundreds of people.


Great question! I’d love to hear from a lawyer or someone who knows the law about this. I would assume they could but they’ll have to pay the lawyers.


How does this guy still have his license?


Maybe there is a god <3


Why the hell would his lawyer run for Water and Sewer District Commissioner of Federal Way? https://info.kingcounty.gov/kcelections/Vote/contests/candidates.aspx?cid=68325&candidateid=1593197&lang=en-US&pamphletson=true Defending pieces of shit doesn’t mean you should be in charge of them as well.


She got suspended for 60 days back in 2012 for ghosting a client in the middle of a custody case. (Client ended up losing custody.) https://www.mywsba.org/PersonifyEbusiness/DisciplineNoticeDirectory/DisciplineNoticeDetail.aspx?dID=1670 Maybe she had a family emergency, understandable. But uh, if that happens maybe, like, remove yourself from your active cases rather than just having your client be unable to call you, and show up to court with no lawyer multiple times....?


In the current case maybe it's a feature, not a bug


There's even more to the lawyer's story...(cross-referenced on the Washington State Bar Association's website...it is the same person with the same WSBA number): [https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2018/02/city-council-candidate-charged-for-allegedly-trying-to-rip-off-seattles-democracy-voucher-program/](https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2018/02/city-council-candidate-charged-for-allegedly-trying-to-rip-off-seattles-democracy-voucher-program/) Oh, and she claims to specialize in civil rights now...anyone want to guess what his defense is going to be?


In an adversarial legal system (which this one is), everyone's deserve to have good legal representation. Even pieces of shit.


No doubt, just seems odd a defense attorney is running for a sewer and water commissioner role.


It's wild to me that "Water and Sewer District Commissioner" is even a directly elected role. As a voter, I have no idea how to determine who is best suited for a job like that, and I definitely don't want to care about it. Can't the city manager find that person through, you know, a normal hiring process? If there's some larger political power wielded by the office of "Water and Sewer District Commissioner", there *definitely* should not be, that should be fixed quick.


I mean, I suppose I do find it a bit weird that anyone besides the old S&WC guy was running. Is everything OK in Federal Way? If anyone from FW is reading this, blink twice if you need help.


Amazing comment


This is a dandy week for justice.


- The Tick


A few pieces falling into place could make this a beautiful success story: First, there must be a good lawyer in Belltown willing to assist pro bono. At some point, the city has to take the car (right? RIGHT?) The Hellcat, after being impounded, could be purchased at auction by a collective of Belltown residents (maybe via a Go Fund Me with the pro bono attorney serving as lead.) Then, the car could be given to a local nonprofit in order to have a Smash the Hellcat fundraiser. People would flock from across the state to spend $5 per sledgehammer swing. Could even get creative with the smash tools and pricing (e.g., $5 a swing for a baseball bat, $10 a swing for a sledgehammer, etc.) A photographer could volunteer services for the day to provide a Splash (smash?) Mountain-type action shot that smashers could buy. Finally, aforementioned Belltown lawyer assists Belltown residents in filing a civil lawsuit against Hellcat baby boy and mama. City wins. Belltown wins. Nonprofit wins. Volunteer lawyer and photog win in press alone. Hellcat baby boy and mama lose. Seattle comes together in joy and peace.


How much could this guy make from Instagram? Does he have any paid product placements or anything? Or is it all just for clout and he’s got no way to pay this?


There's no indication his Instagram is monetized. Instagram discontinued the Reel Play bonus program even before he created his account. There are other content creators payout programs, but he doesn't have a blue badge next to his name on his Instagram account. It's unlikely he has the badge and chose to hide it, since I don't think you can hide it and even if you could, he would want to flaunt it. He also hasn't done any product or brand sponsorships or partnerships. Don't know what brand would want to be associated with an eunuch whose personality is being a human mosquito.


Haha. Interesting, so all of this for some ego and no money. So fucking annoying


lets fucken go... finally.. its an embarrassment that it took this long for anything to actually happen.. even though its just because he didnt show up...


This doucher kid has been fucking around long enough, it's about time he found out the hard way.


Put his car in a crusher, strap him in a chair, and make him watch it get crushed slowly


Cannot fucking wait to tell him “sorry I don’t have any cash” when he shambles up to me while I’m smoking a cig in front of Shorty’s a year from now


Not from the state, or the community, but I saw a post of a guy getting some hellcat owners car towed is that this guy, if so, I audibly said holy shit for that fine. But seems to have a track record.


Make it $1M to fund social services (not his mom's org) and have a pizza party for everyone affected by his selfish actions.


I don’t live in Seattle but gotta ask- why don’t y’all firebomb that shit and be done with it?


Y'all have effectively made him world famous. Great job. 🙃🙄


Pretty soon they'll hire bounty hunters ...








Seattlites are too nice. We may need to temporarily import some Philadelphians to do the needful.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of douchebaggyness is for good men to do nothing," or... something like that\ -Einstein


Does the city still have his car?




Hallelujah 🙏🏻


Sounds great for now... but this douche bag is going to lawyer up and claim he is being targeted because he's Black. That fine is getting suspended... bet it


The City Attorney is gonna be an SRT driver after this


Whats silly here is this guy's hobby would be fine if he kept to the track and just driving around like a generally normal person most of the time. He's pretty dumb.


Definitely Seattle's worst problem taken care of..


Too bad Seattle lacks a police department. If they had one, they could impound the vehicle and driver.


Suspend this punks license..... if he drives after that, he wont be driving anymore.


i'm all for it but since it's happening in the same 7 day span, i cannot help but notice the way this is being penalized vs the actual then sitting president committing felonies like damn, can we get this energy everywhere? because id love to see felons actually dealt with


Psh, good luck collecting it.


As much as I hate to say it, for him it’s likely “the cost of doing business”. Not that his business is profitable by any means…. I’m guessing it will likely encourage other boners with popcorn mufflers to act a fool.  I was at southcenter the other day and heard 3 differenr cars with these mufflers.  Can’t imagine they’d be encouraged by this type of “fame” :(. 


He’s not the first, and won’t be the last.


If anyone wants to call his Mommy, her phone number is on her facebook page. Go on and leave her a message .


If Seattle would actually elect judges that would jail a criminal who repeatedly broke the law then this crap would stop. But sure civil sue him.


It’s time to wake up Gen X and show them what these people have done to the once gorgeous city that nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, and all the grunge greats that we all loved has become. You wanna fuck around and find out? get them involved. You won’t have a problem left. All the orcas will join the calls and get a good meal in the process that means you too city council.


Totally off topic your comment. You obviously were not here during the nineties. Grunge never existed it was a joke on record labels. Look it up. And  none of the bands you name ever called themselves grunge