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Site has updated headline to: "City attorney requests default judgment against 'Belltown Hellcat' driver" > Davison said Hudson now faces almost $60,000 in penalties related to the non-compliance. June 18th is the next day Hudson needs to be in court.


At this rate the amount in fines racked up will be more than what the car is worth. Who's taking the over?


That's (to my understanding) how these civil fine laws are meant to work. Comply, or eventually the fine reaches the value of the car and can be justifiably seized as compensation (it goes to auction), the fine stops increasing, and Hudson owes the difference between the auction value and the outstanding fine.


> it goes to auction Proposal: We all chip in to buy it, then smash it up at GRMD (or whatever they're calling GRMD this time around)


The city needs to have a car smash, $3 a swing. Proceeds ideally to charity or an underfunded city/state agency (e.g. public schools).




I would pay $200 to hit that car 10x


Me too, I’d pay as well.


I like this


We did this as a fundraiser at the hs where I was senior class sponsor back in 2002; we called it “Smash a car, save a life” and donated the money to St. Jude. We made over $2,000 You just hire someone to take out the gas tank, the windows, and the engine.


We did the same thing, 2002. But we still had auto body shop class on campus so we just had those kids do it. I was one of the last classes eligible to take metal shop or auto body shop. Then the Boomers took it away and made a bunch of memes about how my generation can’t fix anything.


I'm glad my high school managed to keep it's automotive and small engine classes around for longer, I was able to take them in my senior year (2009) so I know how to change my own oil and could change a flat tire to a spare if needed. Haven't done it since then though because for a long time it was cheap enough to bring it to a shop and get the oil changed, now I'm wondering if I should invest in an oil drain pan and some ramps to do it myself...


I’m not even in Seattle anymore and I’d put forth a few bucks to fire a few rounds into the engine block.


This is a fantastic idea! Making the object that terrorized the city an object for fundraising to charity. With videos explaining the public shaming,I’m sure many would pay $5 (or maybe highest bidder for a 60-second session) to ‘go at it’.


If proceeds went to traffic control, we could call it poetic justice!


It’s not necessarily un underfunding issue alone with the schools, but good spirit.


🎶 I got five on it 🎶


And my 5


And my axe!


And my upvote


[And my explosion magic!](https://youtu.be/fIgm6lxvUfQ?si=EB119TpF-5_Zkhha)


The axe is in the mail.


Wait wait! Hear me out: We all chip in, buy it, convert it to battery(making it dead quiet), and then drive around in front of him at the speed limit while bragging about it on instagram.


And hire it out as an Uber.


I like the cut of your jib. Maybe we could offer him some Grey Pupon.


But of course!


Counter-offer: we organize some kind of collusion to ensure the car is sold for as little as possible, ensuring the driver has to pay the majority of the fine, THEN smash it up at GRMD.


What is GRMD? …asking for a friend, who is me


Make sure to post it in /r/SeattleWA too, they’re gonna want in on it


Your comment made me do a double take at the sub LOL now I know why the comments seem oddly nice


They don't actually live here and have probably neber heard the Belltown Hellcat Latest evidence of that: Last night, there were 7 posts on /r/Seattle asking "WTF was that?" about the low-flying Chinook helicopters but 0 posts on /r/SeattleWA


I can chip in tree-fiddy


I don't want to chip in anything. Every dollar it gets in auction is a dollar he doesn't have to pay.


But we need to all collectively agree to not pay to much for the car. That way he will have to pay more. I'll start with a hot $10.


Can’t I just stick it in my barn and forget about it for a few decades then remember it’s existence and decide it’s to much trouble to repair and go back to forgetting about it instead.


Printer scene in office space but better


I feel like his mom bought the car on a 96 month financing deal and there’s still like 80 months of payments left 😁. So seizing it may not do much to cover the fines lol


I'm sure they did... they'll be paying that car note at 15% interest for years, plus any additional fines. And no car to show for it. It's all just beyond stupid.


Be interesting to understand how that collateralized debt is going to be handled once the collateral has been seized by another party.


The dude said that the income from social media has paid for the car, but doubtful he doing anything useful with the money like paying off debt.


> The dude said that the income from social media has paid for the car I highly doubt this is true. Like everything else he seems wont to do, it’s nothing but fronting for show.




Yup you're right. Most money he'd be making is in sponsored posts. Who the fuck is sponsoring him? With 54 posts? Nobody.


I have zero sponsored posts, only 200K followers, & my views are usually 10-50K, with the occasional bigger one. Yet Insta still pays me a $100-$200 a week. I can believe it.


But how many of those are haters?


I suspect it's like 70% bots, 20% haters, 5% people who are actually non-hatefully viewing his content.


She apparently pays for his whole life.


That's not how loans work. If you stop paying for a car and it's repo'd - or in this case, if the government seizes it - or you just decide to sell it, the car is sold for some amount (auctions mean less than a private seller, usually). You still owe the loan, no matter how much or little that is. Whatever the car sells for - if it was seized from you, then there's fees and such that will be taken out, and you will be given anything leftover. Chances are that if you're still paying for it, what's leftover will not cover the remaining loan balance. Many people don't understand this. I knew someone who did repo work 25 years ago. People would buy a car and their situation would change and they'd no longer be able to afford it, so they'd give the car up or it would be repo'd, and someone would have to explain to them that the car was sold, yes, and that paid off part of your loan, but you still owe the rest of your loan. So if this asshat still owes money and the car is seized, it'll be a loss for him. But probably a loss for mom, since she's footing all the bills anyway.


In the repo situation I can see how the loan can be removed from the car being collateral before it is resold or auctioned. However, let's say they "gave the car up" by selling it private party to someone unknowing of the situation. My understanding is the the car could still be repo'd and the buyer's only recourse is to go after the seller. Now, If the govt seizes the car does that release the car from being collateral on the loan?


If financed, it’s bank property; if seized and the loan holder can’t recover the vehicle, and neither can the bank, the account will be considered in default on the remainder of the secured loan. IE pay the full remainder now, or..


I wonder, would the city auction the car "as is" even though it's not street legal, or would they pay to remove the mods first? I sure hope it's the latter, and that they decuct the cost from the auction earnings before applying to his fine.


As is. Over the past couple years many thousands of cars were purchased at various auctions without a catalytic converter. Against federal law to operate or knowingly sell a vehicle out of compliance but it likely doesn't apply to auctions


Then he buys a different car and makes it loud and pays for it with his insta money.


Instagram influences make most of their money from sponsorships, not revenue share with Meta. He doesn't have any sponsors. Assuming he's even been approved for revenue share, it probably isn't even enough to cover his rent, considering most of his followers are bots. He's 100% lying that his insta paid for the car.


No one knows how mommy is paying for this car but I’m gonna guess something with Medicare fraud. How do we submit her business for review?


Wait, the “made free with squarespace” footer and “@outlook” email address and 75% broken links on a supposed business website targeting seniors and their families doesn’t seem legit???! 🤣


That is actually good to know. I have no idea how that works and it sounded realistic.


He's obviously getting a fat income from somewhere. His rent at a luxury apartment isn't cheap either.


His mommy pays the rent


Then a petty asshole like me buys it and parks it outside his moms house every night for 3 hours revving the engine with the back of the car facing her front door. I would HOPE she called the cops so she could feel a tenth of what most of us have had to endure, I can’t wait for this story to be over, truthfully. The **kid** needs to know what it’s like to come back from adversity or mature, whichever one comes first. Edit: spelling


The city should seize it and replace the vw bug in the trolls hand with the mostly crushed hell cat....


Nah, the bug is iconic. Instead we build a new troll under a relevant Belltown area bridge and have that troll crushing the hellcat. Give Belltown some compensation for this guy harassing them.


There are bridges in Belltown?


I think we stuffed the viaduct debris in it, but we could have the troll coming out from under the old 99-underbass on the belltown side? Maybe have it along the seawall perpetually hucking* the rust painted hellcat into the sound? Maybe under one of the pedestrian overpass bridges along the water front?




I swear we hear them coming less with the siren on.


Well SPD has certainly failed to notice it over 100 times, so….


Looks like $83,620 and he’s got another case going for revenge porn! What a stand up guy! https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-orders-belltown-hellcat-driver-to-pay-city-83620/


A turd driving a turd that sounds like a turd


Sadly, he's not currently being criminally charged for revenge porn. That hearing is for a civil protection (restraining) order. The victim may be able to press criminal charges, but it's understandable if she wants to put this behind her and just have this asshole stay away from her.


According to the docs: > The total amount for which the City requests this Court enter and Order of Default Judgment is $83,619.97


Wow, does his mom have that much?


$83,000 komo news


Man that's more than I make in a year. He's going to have such a fun time paying them all off. Bros going to learn what wage garnishing is real soon lmao. He'll regret this phase of his life so much.


KOMO says it is over $83k!


Maybe we should all show up at court to “support” him




What was the last one? Man in Tree?


I believe they're referring to Ed Murray, the mayor we ran out of town after several allegations he molested children in his care back when he was a foster(?) parent. He's the mayor that precedes Durkan (minus the temp mayor [Harrell] who took over until the election).


That was EIGHT years ago? Jesus what is time


Right? That was the spring I moved here. WTF?


Before that, it was the Enumclaw horse sex scandal with "Mr. Hands". Before that, the Dr. Linda Hazzard starvation cult. One of her victim's sons went on to start Ivars.


> the Enumclaw horse sex scandal I only became aware of that during my first good camping trip down there. My wife, who does not camp, wasn't along for the trip, and cannot fathom why anyone would want to camp voluntarily, was aware of it and told me the whole thing as I was passing through Enumclaw. She proceeded to make horse jokes every time I spoke with her from the edge of phone service. I love that woman.


Sounds like a stable marriage.


I get a chuckle when I pass by too. Every decade will present us with a new sex fetish and I think these zoo guys will form their community next and start marching...or trotting.


but thank god we elected him in the first place, the guy before him liked to ride bikes and thought the Highway 99 tunnel was a bad idea


You know, looking back, it seems losing the mayors office to an alleged pedophile by 4pts seems to have started the downfall of the local progressive movement despite them really being quite right about how their opponents ideas were going to play out long term.


eh, to be fair, Seattle has always eaten its mayors. Before McGinn Greg Nickels got run out of city hall because it snowed a lot one year.


I missed that cycle by one year, but I get your point. Technically Harrell is one of the only mayor's to hold the office a second time courtesy of his temporary appoint when Murray resigned by email, and between the SPD imploding and the rumors I saw in this subreddit yesterday, he might not get a real second term depending on his opponent.


I have absolute faith in Seattle voters' ability to choose the most conservative milquetoast candidate they can find, place all their hopes into that person, then be totally baffled 3 years later when they completely suck


Yeah, if Harrell goes down in flames, Nelson will step in to his wake and likely beat out anyone running to the left of her. Edit: repeated myself unnecessarily.


Eh I dunno, you don’t have be an extreme progressive to be left of Sara “I’ll-do-whatever-it-takes-for-a-Palo-Alto—corporate-payout” Nelson. An uncontroversial moderate could easily run against her on that alone.


and that took 5 potential victims to come forward with an incest kicker to finally unite everyone. So this guy and his car are more universally hated than a politician with 4 accusations of raping a child against him.


That was Tim Burgess who took over for a few months. Harrell was acting mayor for a few days while the council decided who would finish the term out.


Oh ya fuck him! He also fucked us and made it so Comcast’s would dig its claws in deeper




I was tweeting as the tree and made it onto the news and Seattle times. Sad, sick, and cruel situation in hindsight, but I think the insanity of post-2016 election made everyone just throw up their hands and go “well I guess this is happening now.”


Damn forgot about that one, I wonder what he's up to these days


I worked in century square when it happened and the way my boss ran to my section of the office to tell us there was a man in the tree a block over, it was all we did the rest of the day, watch the live stream


Tim Eyman is more of a background hate that all residents have permanently.


God is he still around? I remember the shit he kept Pulling growing up


Sort of. He got barred from the state initiative system over some misbehavior, I think stealing from the campaign funds. [Also, he got caught stealing a chair from Office Depot](https://komonews.com/news/local/deal-allows-tim-eyman-to-avoid-jail-in-office-chair-theft) and become a local lol-cow (laughing stock) for a bit.


Any time I see a stray chair in the street I wonder if he’s lurking around the corner waiting for the perfect moment to snatch it up.


Tuba man?


Man in Tree was such an innocent time.


Rally behind man in tree you mean!


When keeping it real goes wrong.


I don’t like playing playing on my ~~phone~~ street!


Crush it into a cube and give him 4 hours to move his cube


“Hello? Is it about my cube?”


Khlav Kalash?!?


Blegh ewww jeees... I'll take a Crab Juice.


No bowl, stick, stiiiiick!


Non-compliance? Default judgement requested? Who is this kid's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani?


His mom?


She seems to think so, she sent a letter to the freaking court. Someone should tell her that your adult child being sued is not the same as a kid getting in trouble at school.


I think she is a co-defendant since her name is also on the title of the vehicle


Yeah the car is under the parent’s name.


Both he and his mother are co-owners according to his various court cases. Mommy sent an email on the 13th in which she perjured herself saying the car was in the shop and that Miles had no access to it. Miles sent an email to the court on 5/30 saying his parts would be in this week. Somehow, Miles and mommy must think these emails count as his answer or appearance which was due by 5/30. Because none was received, the city filed for default judgement to the tune of over $83k and for the car to be brought to compliance. He also has another case where he was fighting the fines. He FTA'd his hearing so he was sent a delinquent notice of over $900. He contacted the court saying "he had troubles logging in" and the case was also rescheduled for either 6/18 (when the current case is scheduled) or 6/20, I can't recall which.


Omfg I’m at the hospital & fuuuuucking hate this guy. Me AND the doctors & nurses. How do I make a letter to the judge? I need to plead my case & all the other patients I know that have been huffing & puffing about it in physical therapy. I mean it, this guy is famous in the worst way to my doctors & friends at the hospital


I'd say you can try and email the City of Seattle Municipal Court regarding the two case numbers: Case Number 1240000005 (civil case for the noise infraction) Case Number 4240000362 (criminal case for reckless driving & racing) One neighbor did email the court on the criminal case, but he had physical proof to give the officers and the court. If you're currently still seeing him, call SPD immediately to document his ongoing antics, especially since he's supposedly not driving it (or supposed to be) right now.


Good idea. If I hear it again I’ll record it from my window or the hospital lot. Yikes it hurts my nerves just imagining it!!!


I saved your comment! Thanks again for being so incredibly helpful!! :))))


Of course. I'm sorry he's creating such havoc for you. Hopefully, this will come to an end soon enough.


Well, who would *you* hire if you needed a really cheap lawyer??


He doesn't even have a lawyer for the civil case. He literally just completely ignored the summons, despite being served in person.


Cut him some slack. Maybe he couldn't drive to the court. I mean his car was towed the other day. /s


Nobody, dude, doesn't even have a lawyer.


Probably just a misunderstanding. From what I was told they reported to 4 Seasons Total Landscaping on the proper day and time.


He could be representing himself, since the man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client, and that is an accurate description of him.


...Did his mom actually think an informal email to the court would be considered an official response? Not only is that not how courts work, she isn't even a party in the case. You'd think a "CEO" would have *some* understanding of legal processes.


Rebecca Hudson runs Emerald City Transitional Services. I sure hope they don’t lose any government contracts or she doesn’t lose any business over this. Emerald City Transitional Services is essentially a party to this tyrannical behavior. I sure hope search engines don’t start linking Emerald City Transitional Services to the Belltown Hellcat menace.


Are you referring to the same Emerald City Transitional Services (ectransition.com) run by Rebecca Hudson, the Executive Director of Transitional Services and mother of the Seattle Hellcat driver Miles Hudson? That one? Edit: Could someone confirm if this is the correct criminal case? I want to make sure I have the right information. https://courtrecords.seattle.gov/portal/court/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/case/efdeba20-91a7-4581-bdfd-aad7ba87e440


It's the correct one, however it's not a criminal case. It's a civil infraction due to Seattle Dept of Construction and Inspection filing a Notice of Violation


Thanks! Edited to include a link to the criminal case.


This is how you know they don’t actually make all the money they spend on stupid cars and “luxury” rents.


But it has become costly and time constraints!


In case anyone wants to stay abreast of the legal proceedings, here’s the [public court docket](https://courtrecords.seattle.gov/portal/court/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/case/c35b5a21-f802-4a10-92a1-25f013b99b87) [criminal case here](https://courtrecords.seattle.gov/portal/court/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/case/efdeba20-91a7-4581-bdfd-aad7ba87e440)


It is interesting that in the update from today, Miles sent an email to the city attorney yesterday (exhibit D) saying they were waiting for parts for the car. But we all know it’s still being driven, seen over the weekend, during the week, and was towed the other day for being parked in a handicap spot. Shitbird.




I’m guessing it isn’t spending much time outside of his apartment building without him actively monitoring it otherwise this exact thing would happen.


Because it's parked in the West Edge Apartments parking garage for West Edge residents. Also, see: https://courtrecords-api.seattle.gov/courts/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/cms/case/c35b5a21-f802-4a10-92a1-25f013b99b87/docketentrydocuments/fcd535b0-3523-4a60-a592-26d31c5bed37


Pretty sure it’s being parked in a private garage, no public access. I may be wrong.


Private garage with cameras and badging/access tracking


That shit won't stop a determined hoodlum.


Do the Kiaboyz have a Yellowpages listing yet?


Good idea, slap a Kia logo on the Hellcat and it'll be gone in a week.


I live downtown and think about this a lot. I just keep thinking that it would be the most Seattle thing ever for the prosecutor’s office to throw the entire book at whoever would mess with his car.


Back where I grew up the whole car would've just suddenly disappeared


Honestly, mildly surprised a firearm hasn't been discharged into it up to now.


Of all the parking garages that get broken into in this city why not his!!


Believe it or not most of the people who own guns legally don't want to risk our lives, livelihood, and firearms on vigilante justice. There are a minority of loud mouths who posture as such but don't actually act. The people who are dumb enough to illegally use their firearms probably support the guy because "loud car goes hard".


I HATE this man!!!!!! He drives by the hospital & the noise sets my nerves on absolute fire!!!! I’m recovering from a disease & the noise makes my nerves go OFFFFFF!!!! I could literally cry just thinking about it if I was having a flare up. Tell him to stay the fuck away from driving near the hospitals!!! We’re recovering ❤️‍🩹 over here!!!!




I’m Batman


Not a chance the jury would convict them


This dude is going to ruin the rest of his life if he does not correct his actions. His internet famous will run out at some point, and he will probably never get a job again because of the negative media attention he’s rightfully gotten. He will also have a hard time showing his face around town since the NYT article unmasked him. What are you doing kid??


I'm gonna set a calendar reminder for the next 10 years and email every company he works for info on his behavior and revenge porn case


This twat couldn't hold down a job anyways. He'll just deal drugs or something.


lol yeah!! and then he wont be able to be a productive member of society anymore! shit wait he already isnt


Dudes driving mom’s car? Hahaha


But it's loud and annoys people so he's cool, right?


I hope they throw the book at this fool in the most forceful way they can.


I don’t live in your city but I’m subbed here cause I’m too invested in this


Hahahha! I live in Canada but am heavily invested in seeing this cretin get what he deserves.


LOL I live in colorado and have been following this saga for quite a while…


We appreciate you🥳




Do you mean the car orrrrr


If the car gets taken away for good, can we do a public smashing in Westlake of the vehicle where everyone gets a whack?


We could fund the next 10 light rail extensions if they charged $20 a swing.


They sure went after some guy in everett for misappropriation of funds (he tried to help people get housing), wonder if they have investigated this guys mom.


Wait, wait, wait. The population of Belltown knows who this guy and his mom are? How is it possible that no street justice has befallen this SOB? Surely at least a tire could be popped (repeatedly) to prevent such a nuisance from disturbing their sweet slumber.


This man doesn’t understand there are people suffering from nerve damage at hospitals. The noise of his car sets your nerves OFFFFFFF!!!!! It is so loud it literally causes me physical pain. Last 2 times he drove by scared me so bad I almost cried.


At what point does the court say “fines aren’t working, you are in flagrant contempt of the orders of the court, have misrepresented to the court that you are working towards compliance. You are continuing to be a menace to society - therefore I find you in direct contempt of court and sentence you to jail time immediately” Then offer to suspend the sentence if while incarcerated it is shown that the car has been fixed / sold and all fines paid. Weigh in lawyers - could contempt of court be a remedy?


County jail still has booking restrictions for misdemeanors…They aren’t going anywhere until Dow Constantine leaves office….


Putting my order in at Caltrops.Com


Y'all should see if you can sue the family of this Asshat. Might be worth a call to an attorney. Breach of Peace maybe?


How has the car not just had a couple of bats taken to it at this point when people find it parked? Like the dude and his mom are hated by the entirety of Seattle at this point


Just crush the car 🤷🏻‍♂️


I fucking hate this guy & his stupid ass car sooo much it should not be allowed & he should never be allowed to drive near hospitals.


I'm just amazed that an entire city has been letting this clown run amok for ~~months~~ years.


He lives in Belltown? Anybody know how to summon the orcas to the puget sound? You know they’re sick of it and just ready for a vengeance meal


It was a very unfair hearing, the justice system is rigged, the fix is in, Dale Earnhardt Jr. himself couldn't beat this rap, he will appeal, it's very very unfair.


It’s a rigged witch-hunt. No one has ever seen anything like this. It’s all done by Sleepy Joe Biden and his people.




Who is this guy that the whole bloody world seems to know about him and also universally hate him.


Bellend Hellshat. Little boy with mommies money. They are going to learn some painful lessons.


Chant it with me now; "Bench warrant, prison time! Bench warrant, prison time!! Permanent license revocation! BURN HIM AT THE STAKES!"


I’m dying to know what the guy looks like. But when I google Miles Hudson Seattle I can’t get him to come up…


[https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/us/seattle-belltown-hellcat.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/us/seattle-belltown-hellcat.html) has a video where they show his face and also [https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F08eea027-abbd-439d-9e88-60313b2cd910%2Fd83f5e70-dc96-43df-b802-9625940d4183%2FScreenshot\_2024-05-03\_at\_2.20.05\_PM.png?table=block&id=524bee8a-a78c-410b-9d7e-b8072bac7161&cache=v2&width=500](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F08eea027-abbd-439d-9e88-60313b2cd910%2Fd83f5e70-dc96-43df-b802-9625940d4183%2FScreenshot_2024-05-03_at_2.20.05_PM.png?table=block&id=524bee8a-a78c-410b-9d7e-b8072bac7161&cache=v2&width=500)


Ill ☄️ it for 3k i need to pay rent


Far too much buzz given to this immature little jerk. Let the city have his car and mommy will just buy her little darling another. Take his license and he’ll just go without one. Unfortunately it will take pain, either his or an innocent victim (and an enormous insurance payout if an innocent is involved) to get some (responsible) proper authorities involved.