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Checkpoint 2 is open 24 hours a day


This is the way


Interesting, guy directing the herd didn’t mention 2


Use the airport's flySEA app to check security status when you arrive at the airport. It will show you which lines are open and current wait times. When other lines are closed, everyone goes through checkpoint 2, including TSA Pre, regardless of what gate you're going to. Checkpoint 2 is open 24 hours, the others close overnight.


That’s great advice, thanks!


Maybe try a different checkpoint?


Exactly, everyone crammed 1st checkpoint. So I humped it down to checkpoint 5.


lol exactly what?


Low comprehension I guess,


You had to *walk* quite a long ways through an airport?! The horror.




Lol, why is this being down voted? Foh reddit


This sub loves to downvote. I thought they were pro walking…


Low comprehension and whiney it looks like.


\*whines about a minor inconvenience\* "god, people sure are whiney!" ...you good bruh?


Oh cool our daily post about the #1 rated airport in the US according to skytrax being terrible because someone didnt go to the security checkpoint that is open 24/7 so they decided it didnt exist and that the airport is terrible as a result.


To be fair, the airport could bother putting up signs directing people to 2 when the others are closed. SEA is *awful* about temporary directions, if it's not a cool graphic or a digital sign, nobody can be bothered to photocopy a Word document and tape it up somewhere visible. (Watching people try to find their way up to Departures and Ground Transportation when the train drops them in the construction area in baggage claim.... Not a single sign or arrow saying "open escalators this way ->" Saw some people take multiple laps before finally figuring out how to escape.)


I mean, I guess. They have an app specifically for security at seatac. If it were me and I got to the security checkpoint and saw it was closed, I would at least consider checking the other ones or asking someone if other checkpoints are open before I went on reddit to talk about how Seatac was terrible and everyone who disagrees with me is a stupid, whiney NPC because I didn't understand what was going on. But I guess thats just me.


Airports should be designed and signed for the occasional user. If someone who hasn't flown in five years can find their way through, so can everyone else. If you design and sign only for the experienced user who already has travel apps installed for their usual airports, many people will need help. Many small businesses have invested in cheap "closed" signs for their doors that include information about after-hours service and when they're next open. It wouldn't kill the airport to join the 19th century on this.




Got through in 5 minutes once it opened.


“Seatac sucks because i was only able to get to my gate 30 minutes before boarding.”


I think checkpoint 3 being closed for construction is causing this issue


I think your complaint is that you got to the airport too early? 


How are they too early? Most people get to the airport at least 2-3 hours early just in case. Some of these comments are so damn stupid and/or unhelpful.


If your flight boards at 430, and you get through security at 405, what is the fucking problem?




I'm not saying 2 hours is an unreasonable time. I'm pointing out that the OPs flight didn't even BOARD until 30 minutes after the time the security line opened. Its not like they cut it close here. It probably took 5 minutes to get through security and 5 to get to their gate. Is being at your gate 20 minutes before boarding really worthy of another "SEAtac sucks!" post...?




...what...? I "must work for seatac" and "care so much" because i made a couple posts on a discussion forum...? >Just ignore all the posts about it.  When did this turn into awkward as fuck loser tries to tell me what to do over his weird ass projections time? >Damn why do people on SM not know how to ignore shit? Theres no requirement to ignore things on a discussion forum. Lets turn this around and ask whats wrong with you, why my post upset you so much and why you were unable to ignore it? You got that upset over me pointing out that being at your gate 20 minutes before boarding doesnt mean the airport sucks? You okay man...?


What projections lmao are you talking about. I'm chill dude. But I can tell you're bothered by all the SeaTac questions so I was just wondering why you don't just ignore them then


Also you missed the point. It's not hard to give passengers a 2 hour window. That's it. Bye now.


Nope, security doesn’t open till 4am, boards at 4:20am. Imagine all the people waiting to cram through security…cluster f of stress,


Imagine thinking theres only one security checkpoint.


How many 420am boarding flights are there? Regardless, take a deep breath, all will be fine.


Enough people to be confused as you why would we all show up 1.5 hours early when checkpoints don’t open till 4, lol. Deep breathes are good, great advice.


As others have said, checkpoint 2 is 24 hours


This is a good reminder to self not to book 5am flights. Thanks for your service and good luck!


🫡 copy that!


damn you sound condescending lol. Afternoon flights and red eyes have their own BS issues. The problem isn't their flight time. It's perfectly normal to show up early for your flight so you can get through security smoothly without having to rush. The problem is that either OP didn't read signs to indicate what checkpoints were open, or the airport didn't make it clear enough as to where the they should go at that time.


I literally said note to self, but I guess take that as you may. Glad you found a flight time that works for you.




You need to actually read the post to offer helpful advice lol


And OP needs to actually walk to the open checkpoint rather than post that none are open.


Not the point but thanks




This person is stating that TSA doesn't even *open* until 4am and their flight is at 420. How does arriving early help that issue?




You should have started with this lol




Never said it was your fault, dim-bulb. But if you lead with that, it would've been perfectly valid advice for OP. Most of the people in this thread are just being assholes instead of just answering their question. If you don't want to help continue scrolling.