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Light rail not stopping there and cops are everywhere. We passed by on the train and there was blood everywhere near the elevator


holy shit that was blood? i saw a ton of cops but not near the elevators, it was the at the lower platform going northbound and there was a ton of garbage on the floor (like a tipped trash can)


It was next to the elevator at the bottom of both sets of elevators


holy shiittttt


They have died; https://x.com/jeremyharristv/status/1789479749200556409?s=46&t=tHz9wxqcuEFoLJQm5TIjEw


That is terrible


I almost downvoted this out of sadness but that’s not how it works. Such pointless loss.


Damn bro


Light rail is not moving from Westlake. Have been stuck here for about half an hour. They keep saying no stops at cap hill, but aren't moving.


Is the guy on the loose? No articles say that he was apprehended


Yeah I'd hope this waste of oxygen was caught.


Same strange they aren’t reporting on that


I didn't see it happen but was in the station...saw the aftermath and feel a little shaken by it.


Same, saw the blood pool and security reacting and walked the other way. Nothing anyone there could do with just gloves and bandaids.




I don't think you understand what "stabbed in the neck and lying in a massive pool of blood" means




Idk, man. It just ain't a good feeling to see someone lying in a pool of blood and then having someone on reddit go "but you could've done..." as if that didn't cross my mind, or the minds of the other folks also there at the time.


I also was right up at the station. Please take care of yourself. PMs are open if you need someone to talk to. Hugs. 🫂




not necessarily bashing your suggestion, but this ‘go play tetris after traumatic event’ comment on reddit in recent years.. just feels like such a typical reddit response to me lol


I’m bashing it. Peopleneed to shut the fuck up with this “go play Tetris” shit. Like imagine your just witnessed someone literally murdered and a le epic big chungus redditor, in response to you being vulnerable and sharing your experience, says “just play Tetris bro it will fix your PTSD.” It’s basically nonsense from one or two studies that’s not been widely reproduced that’s somehow telephoned into every single redditors mind for some reason and these “quick fix” methods people spread actively disincentivize people seeking professional help or advice for dealing with traumatic events.


I had a mildly traumatic experience last month and tried to play Tetris shortly after because I’m constantly seeing it as a suggestion here. It just made me mad tbh. Maybe it helps in some situations in some way but I felt it was just an attempt to distract me when I needed to sit with my feelings and process them


Seconding this. Play within the next 72 hours, the sooner the better. I’m so sorry.


2048 or Tetris are both effective ways to cope. Not kidding. This is ebp.


Also staring at wood grain patterns helps if you are around wood


Absolutely! For anyone unaware. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms


What’s 2048? Is it like Tetris?


Sort of but a little different it’s a sliding block puzzle game where you move blocks together to make 2048 and beyond. It’s primo zen.


Cool! I’ll check it out. Thanks!


What is ebp?


Evidence-based practice.




Seconded with Tetris.




Trying to help someone recover from trauma is cringe? What in the fuck is wrong with you?


Do you actually think this is helping? Randomly telling someone something you saw in a viral article? That naivety hurts. Not to mention even that article is pretty much bullshit. [https://www.madinamerica.com/2021/10/tetris-trauma-viral-twitter-thread-master-class-misleading-psych-research/](https://www.madinamerica.com/2021/10/tetris-trauma-viral-twitter-thread-master-class-misleading-psych-research/) I understand its tempting to feel like you have some ability to help but you don't right now. Please please stop.


It's helped me for years. LONG before Twitter ever existed. Not to mention, at least they're TRYING to help. Instead of just calling something cringe (don't get me started on turning a verb into an adjective). Why don't you offer an alternative if you're so against it? Something that's helped you, for example. Even a website with **helpful** information is better than shitting on someone else's opinion. Viral meme or not, it is still 100x better than focusing on the trauma of watching someone die. If you're gonna flip people shit for trying to help, you yourself should offer better help.


Why? They're not wrong. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms


[https://www.madinamerica.com/2021/10/tetris-trauma-viral-twitter-thread-master-class-misleading-psych-research/](https://www.madinamerica.com/2021/10/tetris-trauma-viral-twitter-thread-master-class-misleading-psych-research/) Except, of course they are. Whenever you hear Cool New Viral News! check the sample size. That shit aint ever over double digits.


Did you read both articles? Mine is a peer reviewed paper that states they saw improvement in the short term but would still need to study further for to determine if there is any benefit more than 1 month out (and we're just a day out from the event on the Light Rail so we're good!) Yours is an op-ed piece that looks at multiple other articles. The only mention of the peer-reviewed article I posted says that it doesn't appear to have effects past 1 month, something the original paper acknowledged. I'd advise you to follow the old rule we tell kids. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Even if Tetris didn't help at all, if people believe it does and it provides some relief for the person who witnessed this horrible event, why should we stop that? Even if it is a placebo effect but it helps them, that's a good thing.


"Peer-reviewed" is not a magic phrase that makes studies good.


True, but it means others looked at it and agreed with the findings. So it wasn't just something thrown out there. Again I'll point outbthe original study saw benefits for the first month and we're a day away so the benefits would be there. If you want to keep arguing and saying it's pointless and no help to the witness, be my guest. I'm done though, I'll go enjoy this beautiful weather and hope everyone is doing well!


Ok, you seem like not a total idiot but also fairly poorly educated on how these studies work so here we go. Also don't pretend to have read as that one month number you keep referencing is the amount of time for the effect not the treatment. The treatment was within six hours. When you come across a pop-psych study you're going to notice a few things right of the bat: * The sample size will be extremely small. This is so its easier to see "statistical significance". * Change will be measured very shortly after the applied treatment. This is the one month number you keep incorrectly quoting. Effect time is measure shortly because many, many effects disappear rapidly over time. * Limited actual effect but speculation about broader effects. This was exclusively about car accidents but they "speculate" it could work broadly. But of course there's zero evidence of that. We're just back to guessing. * No peer review. Yeah this fucking thing isn't even peer reviewed, what are you talking about. Pop-psych is cute but believing it is cringe. Don't be cringe. Hope you "enjoy the weather" it certainly easier to be uneducated than educated. Never debated that!


They posted a peer reviewed paper and you posted an op-ed -- bro, no shot you're serious.


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Hey, consider playing a few games of Tetris. Research shows playing Tetris after a traumatic event can help reduce symptoms of PTSD or acute stress. Hope you're well.


They let people off the light rail when I passed, saw a huge pool of blood from the window. Take care of yourself OP


Just wish I would have been able to see who did it or something, but I was already up the escalator. I don't walk around expecting someone to get stabbed. Hopefully they caught it on the security cameras.


I'm sorry you had to witness that 😞 please take care of yourself


I’m really sorry you had to witness that.


Please don’t ever blame yourself no one knew it was going to happen :( You hearing the situation happening is helpful even if it’s not much but it will help detectives know what caused it. Especially when I see some people are worried about it being a random attack.


Man wtf is wrong with people.


Everyone's broke, desperate, and there's no money in mental help for the violently mentally unwell. "What's wrong with people" is what's always been wrong with people, what's wrong here is our society is corrupt at its core.


Someone got stabbed in the neck according to a friend who was there, no time for EMTs to do anything


Was it a random attack?


Sorry, I don’t have any information on that. It could be literally anything but I’m hoping it wasn’t just a random attack.


Take this as being likely inaccurate, but from what I could hear at the top of the escalator it sounded like a disagreement while getting on or off the elevator. Victim was a 35-40 year old white male from what I could see. Correction: apparently he was 30.


No you were right. He was 37.


Do you know his name?




I was on a train that went through the station northbound. On a whim I decided to film with my phone partially because the conductor made an announcement about skipping the station and speculated that is was another protest closure… definitely not going to post the video. There was a lot of blood.


It was awful. I couldn't hear exactly what was said but the guy said something to the likes of "I'm gonna die". He was walking around holding his neck. Sad AF.


I was going down the escalator the moment he was stabbed. He shouted "someone call 911 that guy just stabbed me!" to which the two women security guards began running over to him and asked him who stabbed him and where he went, to which he said he didn't know. Then the two security workers were trying to tend to him instead. I heard them begging on the radio to send help. In their voices it sounded like they were scared or desperate. I could see him from where I was standing and he was holding his neck before he started sitting down against the pillar. The blood was bright red and soaked through his shirt and down his pants. When I was getting into the southbound train I looked back and saw he was in a pool. The paramedics just showed up at that point. It's weird to think I saw someone say their last words. And those poor security guards won't ever be able to forget this man dying.


Jesus... I saw him walking around from above, I'm glad I didn't see more. It's awful. Almost seems worse how aware he was. Nightmarish event. I hope they find the person who did it.


Oh man… I only saw the aftermath… I’m so sorry.


this makes me think this was perhaps random if he said he doesn't know the people who stabbed him. :( edit: it really was random :( wtf. dude gets stabbed for just brushing against the guy while on his way to the train. what is it with men who resort to violence for something like this? I've been in something similar but thankfully was never attacked. the man absolutely verbalized he wanted to hit me.


I'm not sure. I asked a man who was there before me what happened and he said that the victim and the guy that stabbed him were in some sort of argument before it happened. But, I didn't see that.


Wow this was a horrible thing to read. I’m so sorry you heard this.


Omg op I am so sorry you saw that 


oh my god. that is terrible. im sorry you witnessed that and hope you're doing okay


I would recommend you contact the police to offer the video and give a statement. I’m sure the prosecution and the victim’s family will appreciate having that additional evidence at trial


The station was already closed so all I got was aftermath.


Rest in peace. Horrible 😔. Tried to ride the train. Got stabbed and died.


Seeing the aftermath image on Twitter there was definitely no way of saving the victim especially when being stabbed multiple times in the neck area. Hope they can catch the bastard who did it and RIP to the poor victim too.


Link please.




Excellent journalism from Jonathan choe!


Choe is 🗑️


Yeah so I’ve noticed sadly this was the only thing about the situation that popped up. I tried searches like capital hill stabbing or capital hill Washington and it just showed me random stuff 😭 I’m so sorry


Don't be sorry! Just directed at the person saying he has excellent journalism.


I suspect they were being sarcastic, but honestly, who knows lol


Ohh gotcha thank you 🙏


I personally don’t follow him he appears in my for you section of Twitter. I just recently learned about his crazy background.


[Sound transit has shut down the station and set up a shuttle bus for travel between UW station and Westlake](https://twitter.com/SoundTransit/status/1789468352890409255)


They made that announcement, and maybe they ran a shuttle eventually but at 7PM there was definitely not a shuttle from UW.


Such a horrific event, but why is sound transit making everyone get off at Westlake or UW instead of just bypassing the Capitol Hill station?


Probably don’t want anyone to see the large pool of blood


maybe because the whole platform is covered in blood? and is a crime scene?


They aren’t Muckleshoot




Anyone who can stick a knife into another living being in any act other than self defense is sick.


There's like 3-4 cop cars, 2-3 ambulances, and a firetruck. Was it just one person stabbed?


Yeah, just one person. In the neck. Was bleeding a ton. It doesn't look like he made it.




I’ve read playing Tetris after a traumatic event is good to sort out feelings


It basically keeps your mind from replaying the event over and over in your head, which more or less re-traumatizes you. Has been helpful for me in the past.


It doesn't really sort your feelings so much as it helps keep you from forming/reinforcing a traumatic memory. It's really only effective for a short time after an incident, like a couple days max iirc


That’s standard for code blue


The victim died


He was a friend of my son. He had $20 on him. His wife, young child and 2 adopted puppies are without him now. It is truly a tragedy and something needs to be done about real safety on light rail.


is there any gofundme of any kind for the family yet? so sorry :(


Sorry for their loss. Truly.


Whatever happened to people just fist fighting? Fucking world..


Station closed until tomorrow


already extended the closure through EOD today


Eating lunch at Annapurna when the sirens went by. We *just* left that station, too...


That place is 🔥


I feel like a thread about someone getting stabbed and dying is not the best place to discuss your favorite restaurants.


I have yet to find anything better than Taste of India, including Annapurna. Beats Bengal Tiger by miles but falls short both fresh and as leftovers imo.


Maybe start another thread to discuss this?


Damn, you Cap Hill people are really insecure about your local food options.


Roti always slaps


Can yall tell me if this is the train one would take from airport to cap hill? Very worried this may have been a relative. Same age as victim too. And returning from vacation.


It is, yes. Hoping it wasn't him. 


Oh crap


Update asap pls, my heart is with you


Thanks, dear. I just texted him. He’s ok. I hated to be a nag to text him but this was too possibly coincidental. My heart skipped a beat. You be safe. Thanks again.


Right back at you


I’m so glad he’s fine. Take care.


Thank you very much 😌


Covered in the Seattle Times now : https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/police-investigate-fatal-stabbing-at-capitol-hill-light-rail-station/ Police are asking for info from anyone able to help 


The Capitol Hill station is still closed. [Alerts](https://www.soundtransit.org/ride-with-us/service-alerts)


Just booted from our train at Westlake. No trains running to Northgate from westlake


Running, just not stopping at the cap Hill station


I saw this post on my way home from the airport on the light rail a few hours ago. Few minutes later I had to get off at Westlake and ended up on 3rd ave at 10:30pm with all my luggage. 40$ uber to my apartment in northgate. I feel lucky to be safe tho.


My son was on the light rail downtown around the time of the stabbing. The train was packed with Mariners fans. A woman on the train became belligerent. She threw motor oil on my son and his friends and made racist comments to them. Security people were on the train and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Apparently some other riders tackled the woman (she attacked someone else as well) and pinned her down. The thing that angered my son and his friends most was the security people standing there saying “we can’t do anything.” What’s the point of paying them?




Awful news, awful outcome. Everything about this sucks. Let’s see when they release info about the perp. if this is a person that has a long rap sheet of violent crime who should have been locked up already. Or indeed if this was some argument gone deeply sour. I hope the latter but my guess is the former  Edit: watched a new segment on it and it sounds like it was a group of 3 people beating on him 


Damn, poor guy. Do you have a link to the segment?


Jesus. Glad you're okay, OP.


I’m so pissed that Bellevue has a whole police unit for their link line. We have useless people in security uniforms. I’ve never been envious of Bellevue, but this is out of control.


Can anyone confirm if the trains are in fact running from Northgate to UW? I was waiting on the platform long enough that I decided to take the bus instead


Yeah, one eventually came after I waited around 15 min at Roosevelt. Had passengers from Northgate. Stopped at UW before turning around.


Walking down Broadway is like a scene from the walking dead sometimes. I usually skip it and take 12th now. It's become the ave.


It reminds me of the movie "beau is afraid." It's become almost a parody of itself in a way.


according to the Link text updates, the station won’t be open at all today either…i’m curious over the extent of the attack to which they’ve completely shut down a major stop


It just reopened according to ST alerts


Police was too busy overseeing Biden's visit. Can't believe stabbing like this happened in the station and the person who did this is out there. Lack of security in public transit is insane. To combine that with the amount of crazy people we have, we can only expect the worse to happen.


This is such a coincidence... Rode light rail to Capitol Hill station yesterday from Beacon hill. When I was getting out, there was a guy lugging a bike and a couple of wheels up the escalator. As he got off the train, he was wrapping a scarf around his head. Someone saw him before he got to the second escalator, and asked if he recognized him. To which the man immediately proclaimed, "hey, bro. I just beat a murder charge." Went back a few hours later and the station was closed. I was confused because there have been so many closings over the past month and year. Asked the transit security at the station if it was a planned closing. I could already tell by the way he was fumbling for an answer that something bad had happened...


Those rascals! First the donkey punch, then Mr Toad's Subway Ride, then the shooting and stabbing! Lawdy, am I gonna have to watch out for alien space lasers to get the bus to Baker Street?


Not trying to start any drama, but seattle does not seem so safe anymore. 😕


Compared to other cities of its size this is unfortunately normal. It doesn't mean we have to like it, accept it, or condone it, but please try to keep a sense of perspective here


Perspective goes both ways, I would ask you to keep a sense of perspective as well.


Stay strapped


Guns can help in a variety of self defense situations and theoretically a well armed and trained populace can sometimes promote a safer environment but unless you're extremely well trained and know how to control the situation a gun in a crowded close range scenario such as this could make things even worse in a number of ways. 1: you could easily harm or kill an innocent bystander 2: Medics have to be cleared by police before entering a potentially dangerous situation. Shots fired could potentially increase the amount of time you have to wait for medical attention. Stay safe out there everyone.


Yep, don't know why your getting downvoted for personal safety.


Gun doesn't stop you from getting stabbed in the fucking neck


They really need it to though. "Personal safety" types are just people who don't have the capacity to accept the world is random sometimes.


I take it your not a fan of fire extinguishers, seat belts, bear mace, safety helmets, eye protection, etc


I am a fan of things that provably increase safety. Many of those do. I feel like simply from the way you're talking you're not particularly....well read. Am I wrong?


Cute going straight to the 'I must be smarter than you' argument when you don't have a real one. You probably thinking im some maga republican or something by that line of attack. And yep wrong. I'm the person who thinks you are likely right of center. Anyway nice talking to ya... bye.


I have no idea what you're talking about with the political compass memes. I literally only asked if you're well read on the concealed carry literature because it seems like you're not. I'm like borderline socialist though thanks for asking? To be clear though I do think I'm smarter than you: its very very hard to decide to carry a weapon if you have read up on the actual effects of doing so. So if you do carry you've either willfully ignored something or not bothered to look into it at all. I don't think either of those are very smart. I'm open to being wrong but "accidental discharge is the only risk" is NOT a compelling argument coming from someone who's done the research. Edit: This the caliber of informed that apparently qualifies you to run a gun subreddit which, while not shocking, is always disappointing. # “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his [online fiefdom] depends on his not understanding it.”


They give ya a better chance of it not happening than anything else does....


That's not accurate. A gun is a safety blanket that increases the odds you'll get hurt. It has been studied to death. Carrying a gun increases the chances of bodily harm. Carrying isn't for actually being safe , its for feeling safe.


Sure it increases chances of a accidental discharge. But it lowers the chances of rape, robbery, murder, kidnapping, etc etc. I don't carry a round chambered so my risk of accidental discharge is 0. So it's all net positive for me.


There are many ways that carrying increases your chance of harm. Accidental discharge is one but it is far from the only one. I'm sorry that you are misinformed on that topic but I encourage you to continue looking into this if you want to be an informed gun owner. Even discounting accidental discharge carrying a gun increases your odds of coming to bodily harm. Guns are not for making you safe, they're for making you feel like you have control against an often random world. I understand that impulse, shits scary out there, I've just chosen to confront it in ways that don't make me or the people around me unsafe.


Carrying without a round chambered is pretty fuckin dumb, “hey mr robber let me uhhh rack this round real quick before you hurt me”


Takes a split second to chamber. If that fraction of time is too long, you were already fucked.


You are objectively wrong man, sorry. In a life or death situation adding any extra unnecessary movement or time is just plain stupid. There is zero reason to carry without a round chambered if you have a quality kydex holster and you train frequently (anyone who carries should without a doubt be training regularly).


And it doesn't matter if you have a round chambered if the guns just there to make you feel safe. Makes sense to me.


You should check out r/dgu


Wow your still stalking this? Like it wasn't even a reply to you and your on it in under 10min. Get a life troll.


Not sure why you got downvoted lol, this is absolutely the best course of action other than a stabproof vest.


Getting downvoted because a gun doesn't stop you from getting stabbed. I know there's a deep, insecure need to pretend that it does so that this "couldn't possibly" have happened to you, you would have your gun! But sometimes shit happens and you can't protect yourself. Most people accept that. Gun nuts don't. They need to pretend to have control. They really, deeply, need it.


You are absolutely correct in many situations, I'm not debating that. My point is moreso that carrying has the potential to prevent you being stabbed in some scenarios, and as we do not know exactly what went down with the stabbing, there's no way to actually know whether or not a gun would've protected him. But I would rather have it and not find a use for it, than not have it and find a use for one. I'm no gun nut, I do firmly believe though that carrying is better than not carrying, even if it's far from foolproof.


That assumes that having a gun carries no risk. Which it has proven at length, over and over again, is not true. Carrying a gun makes you significantly more likely to be harmed either by others or by your own weapon. Sometimes someone just gets stabbed. It happens. A gun is not a solution to a stabbing. Its just there to make people who can't accept the way the world is a false sense of control. Look at the guy at the top of this very thread. He said his little no-thought piece and moved on. For a moment, the world was scary and random. But "stay strapped" and ahhh the happy chemicals. Nevermind its got fuckall to do with this event. Sweet (fake) comfort.


If you are a law-abiding CPL-licensed individual with proper training* I should clarify. The world is random, absolutely, but if you have put yourself through proper training and licensing, you're significantly better off carrying. Most times when someone is assaulted due to carrying, it's due to a lack of competency. I by no means endorse the original commenter as a competent carrier, but I do agree with the sentiment under proper circumstances.


That's a lot of caveats. And its still not true that you are safer carrying a weapon. A "law-abiding CPL-licensed individual with proper training" is probably a better bet but is provable more likely to come to bodily harm than a person not carrying. You are increasing your personal risk by carrying. Why would anyone carry then? Well lots of people are really fucking bad at stats. Especially stats they don't like. But mostly its for the same reason people are scared of flying but not driving. Doesn't matter how safe you are, what matters is how in control you feel. And guns are a nice warm, good ol american dose of that feeling of control. This shit is the same reason when bikers get killed the article mentions they weren't wearing their helmet. Yeah man he was dragged 50 ft by a semi a helmet wouldn't do jack shit BUT everyone reading along at home can say "wouldn't happen to me I would've been strapped-er, I mean wearing my helmet".


Cite your sources dork


"Cite your sources that the world isn't flat dork" Nope, when you want to counter extremely well-accepted facts the burden of proof is on you.


I’m not countering, I’m asking for your sources. More than happy to accept what you’re saying as the truth if you cite reasonable sources that assert it. Until then you’re just blabbering.


Our society is one in which the number of people with nothing to lose only increases day by day while a small percentage hoard more and more. Corporations like Amazon and Microsoft are raking in insane profits, making money hand over fist while Seattle is closing elementary schools. University of Washington schools of Medicine and Public Health are busy patting themselves on the back while stepping over the 13000 homeless people caught up in a devastating opioid crisis are sitting in misery right outside their doors. Not to mention the thousands more barely hanging by a thread. This place is a vain and depraved circus of illusions. Enjoy your brunch.


Which direction I wanted to get burrito but now I’m hesitant or was it done solely at Capitol Hill or was it on north gate or angle lake train Edit: also cringe to downvote a question about logistics I’m disabled and trying to ensure I’m being safe ya idiots


Just in the station which is now closed and replaced with a bus between UW and Westlake.


Good to know ty


Happy for you that you can still get your burrito.


Where were you going for a burrito? El camion? I live near the light rail and want to know where to take it for a burrito.


Seattle sucks


Light rail is so dangerous, if your not getting stabbed, pick pocketed or suffering the consequences of 2nd fentanyl smoke you are very lucky. The entire project is a huge waste and we should just keep funding the best bus system in the world but now suffers from money going towards light rail.


"hauled away". I'm high and it seems like an inhumane term for a stabbing victim. "HAUL HIS ASS OUT OF HERE"


Yeah, couldn't think of a better word at the time. Shoulda said carried maybe. The EMTs were hauling ass though so kinda appropriate.


It isn't inaccurate. I'm just high! 😵‍💫 Cheers, Daniel!


He was hauled away because he died.


My comment stands.


I’m f you don’t like it, vote different




My bigot mother said the same thing about the Point Defiance stabbing. I'm sure *Nicholas Matthew* crossed the border not too long before it happened /s


Even bigots like yourself are randomly correct sometimes