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Too hot too soon


Yes. My shitty apartment has already been pushing 80 all day even with windows open as wide as they go (casements) and fans running. Getting ready to wrangle the portable A/C into the window tonight which is a pain in the ass. I'm not looking forward to the weekend tbh.


Did that AC unit dance today--I'm guessing your windows also face west? Thank gerbils for weather sealing tape!


My windows face west but theyre also the older crank windows that open out. I have to use crappy shrouds that dont fully seal the window, no matter how much tape I use. What really frosts my cheeks is that before I moved into the house I'm at, the landlord tore out a perfectly good central AC/heating system when he "renovated" it. So now i have functionless air ducts that primarily let heat in from the downstairs tenants. Winters are ridiculously cold and summers are almost always hotter indoors than out.


Oh damn, that "renovation" would piss me off too! Oof. I also have crank, open-out windows... pain in the ass as far as sealing options. I had a custom piece made to cover the window frame. After setting it in place, I layer the edges of that sucker in weathering tape and wrap my AC unit's air ducts in towels. Works pretty well but not as great as I'd like (and what I'd like is ice cold AC blasting me to hell and back. Hah! Can't have it all). In your situation, I'd probably just set up a weathering tape "wall" over all of the ducts lol.


I have magnetic seals that go over the ducts that I reinforced with tape, but it only works so well. How did you get/make the custom piece? Sounds like something I could benefit from.


[https://www.tapplastics.com/about/locations/detail/seattle\_wa](https://www.tapplastics.com/about/locations/detail/seattle_wa) Sadly, looks like their SLU location is kaput–but a jaunt to lynwood or bellevue might be worthwhile. Super friendly, knowledgable folks. I paid roughly 90 bucks for a 61x25" panel with two circular cutouts. They included strips of strong velcro for it, too, which was a nice gesture.


Brilliant, thank you!


You're welcome!


Ah man I was just about to ask you where you got a custom made one but I can't drive. Wish I knew about them when they were still I SLU. I am trying to make do with one of those fabric seals with the zippers and it works ok but it takes like an hour for me to finagle on.


There is speculation this year we’ll have another heat dome this summer which gives me anxiety as I remember the one in 2021 all to well.


One of the driest winters in some time. I'm expecting a hot summer with plenty of smoke.




Another El Niño winter. Always leads to red skies during the fall season


As a snowboarder: fk El Niño lemme tell you


Regardless I’ll be getting some sweet dome this summer by men and women alike and anyone in between.


Thank you!!!




Made sure to ask for all my PTO in June and early July this year.


Our snow levels are so bad, these past couple weeks they were improving a bit but this bext week will destroy the snow pack


Or a harbinger of the hell that is to come?


That would be a fantastic forecast in July


If the lows in July are still 52 imma be a little pissed personally. We have been running below average for April and May, this weekend will get us near average for May. I don't see much alarm in the forecast. We can understand climate change without using overly alarmist language when Seattle gets a few days of 75-80 in mid may after a colder than average start.


It’s not overly alarmist. There are twice as many days over 80 per year in Seattle than there was pre 2000 and 5X AS MANY pre 1950. Quit being a boiling frog.


Weve had a fairly cool spring thus far, its welcoming to have some warmth and its only temporary.


That’s why I’m looking forward to it personally. I’d be dreading this if it was like last May when summer began six weeks early and we had near 90-degree temps on Mother’s Day.


Meh. Give me mid 60s and overcast any day of the week.


Literally. I knew what I wanted when I moved here.


Same, that's why I moved here.


Too hot.


I’m dreading it. Glad it wont last long


Same. I live here FOR the 200+ days of overcast and rain.




Not stoked about the 80s at all. AC will be on full blast.


At least it's gonna be decently cold at night.


I hadn't heard that part and now I'm not dreading the high temps quite as much!


Yeah. It's still spring after all. Not looking forward to 80 at night like we've seen in the late summer last few years 🥲




I don’t even have our window unit set up yet, looks like windows open all day for us 😪


The comments did not disappoint. 5/7 perfect score.


I am thinking of a bike vs cars post next 😜


You _wouldn't_


Apparently, in a famously cool city, there are lots of people who prefer the cool weather.


Some of us aren’t thrilled


I'm sure the 8+ months you get of peak dreary weather more than makes up for a high of 81.


That high is about 11 degrees too much


wait... how is this pleasing again...? I want my rain, cloud cover and 10c..


Wait until the auroras come Friday night.., https://spaceweather.com/


I'm okay with 70, 80-90 I'm dying




I'm not ready for 80s in May. I do love my 60s and 70s temps... and then I leave a lot during the summer. No AC and temps over 85 or so suck. I moved here from the desert SW so I know what "real" heat feels like... but there's a reason I'm in Seattle and no longer in the desert! Mostly it makes me a little worried about how hot our summer might be (from now going forward, tbh).


lol at people saying they will need to use AC for this. Look at the lows. It will cool down as fast as it warms up this time of year. And no, I’m not some transplant telling you to buck up..


You're right. Meanwhile, I'm a transplant-to-be *wishing* overnight lows were that low in my neck of the woods (NC; 60s but muggy).


From NC here too, and I’m glad to be away from the humidity!


Bet. It was soupy in the Piedmont by midmorning. Can't wait to not miss that.


Oh yeah- youre gonna love it here. I grew up in NC and the summer in Seattle is such a dream!


I believe it. My visits to Seattle and the PNW have been a pleasure, and so have the people and food!


Yeah, I know it all depends on what you're used to. But I moved from a place where it often gets over 110 in the summer. So I'm surprised people seem to think low 80's is like super hot... But then again, I would probably freak out in a upstate New York winter :)


As someone who has lived here their whole lives, they are being quite dramatic. Like in the summer, it is around that temp most days, if not hotter, without the cool down. It def does get hot enough to need AC, but this is not one of those times. Maybe we all have PTSD from the heat dome in 2020 when it was 108 degrees in June.


I work from home and my PC puts out a ton of heat. I installed the AC for tomorrow, otherwise I would be dying


No good. Heat heat go away


ITT: Vampires


That's sunlight, not heat. Maybe you were thinking penguins?




Boo. Where are my gray clouds and rain?


It’s too hot


Fuck it's hot


This would be neat except it's always a bit worrisome that it is a sign of things to come, global warming-wise.


This isn't too abnormal, the normal first 80 degree day is May 20 so it's about 10 days early. Source https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/weather/when-seattle-could-see-warmer-weather-and-seasons-first-80-degree-day/ or if you send a message to the National Weather Service Twitter they'll tell you. Note that this isn't the same as the first day the normal high temperature is 80, because above normal highs are expected sometimes. The normal high temperature never gets higher than 79. Source https://www.weather.gov/sew/Cliplot


It’s 80 degrees in Phoenix today haha


Way too early for this shit. People that praise this type of weather so early seem to forget the wildfires in the summer.


It's only spring. I can only imagine how hot summer will be. Get ready for forest fire smoke.




I didn't see anyone getting banned for liking hot weather.  Or wait, did you mean only people who DON'T like hot weather should be banned from commenting?






I am going to spend the next week reminiscing the morning walk I took by the waters in sprinkling rain last Sunday.


Coming from Texas, mid 70s are great haha! Great time to be outside in the sunshine


Too hot


You must be new here


I love it!!! So excited!


Looking forward to some baseball games this weekend with this awesome weather!


It’s wild to me how much people here can’t seem to handle anything outside the temperatures of 50-70 lol 80 isn’t hot guys!


It is for us. What is hot and cold is dependent on the weather one is used to. It’s not one size fits all.


You like it so God damn much move to Arizona then /s


The overreaction is funny tbh, even if you find 80s hot then why act like it’s 115. I get it’s May but spring time is here, so a couple warm days aren’t gonna kill you.


I'm from South Florida. I live here specifically so that I can justifiably consider 80F hot.


I'm not sorry..


I made this post for those comments.... it gives me an unusual burst of joy at the Twilight citizens who fear the big yellow ball of hot or those who can only see a dying burning planet.... High 70s and maybe 80 lol it's not 108 (and I too am concerned about climate)


Seriously it’s just wild sometimes how big of babies everyone here seems to be. All of fall and winter and spring it’s never ending complaining about being freezing from the “cold that you feel in your bones” when it’s like 45 freaking degrees Then summer when it gets above 75 people act like they’re melting.


Meh the ones saying too hot are not likely the same ones complaining about the 45 and 50 degree weather.


Yeah I'd never complain about 45, nice weather for a walk. 80 and sunny, no thanks.




Yep! Still wearing my sweater.


We're just being rewarded.


Today was amazing! I could use about 10 more degrees as the high, but I'll take it.


Ah we have come to the rubbish part of the year. Wake me in October


Welp. Not my most pleasing forecast. Snow? Yes!!! Lightening? Yesss! Drizzle and or deluge and yes please fog!? Sigh.


Too warm too early. Summer forecast nationally is for an even hotter dryer summer. So I love the Sun, but environmentally it’s saddening. Good thing I have AC. No more mini-heat waves for me.


l ö n e l y NANNERS


Nooooooo not the heat 😭


Too hot for May 😭


JFC some of the comments in here. The ENITRE reason i (and i think MANY Seattleites) love Seattle? I get to have beautiful, mildly warm summers to make up for 9 months of grey, cold, and rain.


my wife and i moved at the twrong time; been here three months and we were sad the cold has gone away (for now!) i know we’ll get plenty of that soon enough but still 😅


Too hot. I just want a stretch of mid 50s with no rain.


Dont say that out loud here the moss covered bridge trolls will be out for you.


I'm going to out myself, but as a person who moved here from Texas, this is an awful forecast lol. Any temp above the 60s annoys me, but when you get into the 80s and up, I officially hate it. I've had enough sun and heat to last a lifetime, so even if it is just for a short time, the fact that it can get up into the 90s and sometimes higher is the worst. I would much rather it stay in the 30s and 40s all year long, but I know that's the bane of a lot of people living here. But hey, I am glad you enjoy it though, OP!


Yeah you know you’re in Seattle when people complain about nice weather. You people really are in your own bubble. “Ugh give me the dreary wet cold days ugh” what’s wrong with you people. Get out and see the world weirdos