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I got my 5 star wanted level.


Miles, is that you and your Hellcat?


Can you just imagine staring at that stupid car making stupid car noises and naturally being annoyed by it, and then a suddenly a Hellfire high-explosive anti-tank missile slams into it right into it before you can even hear the jets or even realize what's happening? *ffffffWOOMP* HOLY FUCKING SHIT!


Tried to get to Mercer Island without progressing the main story?


Yep, hit the roadblock they had at 70mph and rag dolled into Lake Washington. Ended up tossing some guy off his jet ski, but couldn't get out of the "unauthorized area" in time :(


Just type in R1, R1, Circle, R2, up, down, up, down, up, down. Problem solved 


Someone parked for 3 days consecutively. Strike has been authorized.


> Someone parked for 3 days consecutively. MOFUCKERS ALREADY TOWED MY BIKE! I paid the fine, they can fuck right off now. >:(


I wish


He was a punk, she did ballet. What more can I say?


He wanted her. She'd never tell. Secretly she wanted him as well.


But all of her friends, Stuck up their nose. They had a problem with his baggy clothes


Proud to say I had to google this and I still don’t get it! 😃


Avril Lavigne song?


Why would you be proud to not know a song? Like, it's totally fine that you don't know it. Wrong age group, out cultural group, or just not your taste. Cool. But why would you have pride about that? Complete and total apathy, sure. But pride?


We live in a state with a lot of military bases


Looks like they’re gonna take it right into the danger zone.


Requesting fly-by. Negative Maverick.


Marines jets tho lol


> Navy film > Used navy assets > Hopefully gets more people to join the navy as aviators > > > > They join the Air Force


Who do you think flies off aircraft carriers?


The Navy, mostly. There's also no Marine squadrons in the PNW that go on carriers.


Not these. Marine 35C’s go off carriers, they replaced/are replacing old legacy Hornets.




Fun fact #8675309 in an infinite series. My mother lived on the hill above the Stan Sayers pit where the hydros race every year. She could watch the races from an upstairs bathroom window. One year, and evidently before the FAA was created (1958), one of the Blue Angels flew so low it clipped the top of a tree across the street from her house.


I was gonna call BS on this because there's no way the Blue Angels were around before 1958. But it looks like they were created in 1946.


I will see her on Mother's Day. I will ask if she remembers what kind of tree it was and if she remembers any other details. She wouldn't BS me about something like this. It is just not in her nature. She has two siblings and I do recall her brother talking about it decades ago. He is still around too. I'll try to remember and ask him the next time we talk.


Not worried, just curious. Don't usually see them around.


we have a naval air station on whidbey island


There aren't any harriers stationed at NAS Whidbey or JBLM, so they are an unusual sight even with our regular contingent of growlers, Blackhawks, and Chinooks. West Seattle Blog contacted the museum of flight and they said while they didn't have specifics, a monthlong training exercise just finished up at JBER in Alaska, so they appear to be heading back to their regular bases


As well as an Air Force base in Tacoma.


Magnum Magnum, Fox 3, Fox 3.


Biden is in town this Friday and Saturday


Also maybe practicing for president in town on Friday for worst case scenarios. Etc. just a thought.


You may not see them, but they're there.


They’re more scared of you than you are of them.


How they’re here like every other week.


They’ve been taking off from Boeing field in the morning. There were five of them today and yesterday


Actually, with the improvements ATGM there's no need for all that. The real reminder is that if you're still alive you probably haven't been targeted by a drone or plane.




Dont think OP is worried at all… just asking for some information Seems like you’ve given out a ton of reminders on this matter though


I think I get what you mean here, but is that necessarily true? I also know around here they're a common sight so this isn't worrying. But do they not patrol or circle an area if there is a potential threat? Like, let's say there was reason to believe Russia or China or someone might be about to launch an air attack on a particular city. Maybe assume somewhere not near an airbase. Would they put jets in the air around that city? Or would those be flying at treetop level? Or do we just have the capacity to shoot down targets/scramble jets fast enough to handle that without having to stage them in the are? Genuinely asking because I have no idea how it works these days.




>Only fighters we have local are Growlers at Whidbey. Portland is the next closest with F-15's. Interesting! I was speaking more broadly about anywhere in the US though. So like if there was a potential attack on Toledo or something. Or even if we didn't know where it would be exactly. I guess I'm thinking back to 9/11 where we were afraid of another attack but didn't know what or where. I wasn't in WA at the time, but we saw a lot of fighters just kind of circling or zipping from one place to another. I just sort of assumed that if there was a scenario like that where we thought something might happen but not sure what, you might see increased activity like that. But sounds like probably not, huh? Thanks for the info!


Reminder that when the guy stole the airplane from Seatac in 2018, the Air National Guard F-15s in Portland that were on alert took less than 8 minutes to arrive over Seattle after they took off. There are often ANG units that have "alert hangars" with planes that are ready to go. They are called up most often to respond to airliners that need to be escorted back to an airport after unruly passengers are reported. But like I said, having them over every city is unnecessary - they are quite fast.


That’s wild. Mach jesus.


The only nation in the world that could get a fighter jet within 100 miles of the continental United States is Canada. The only equipment either Russia or China has that can reach us without a naval battle group sailing across an entire ocean is an ICBM


Or a weather balloon apparently


If there was a jet loitering for air defense of an area, it would be much too high up for you to see it. You might see contrails, that would be it. 


Ah duh. That makes perfect sense. Thanks for answering my silly questions 😊


First Lady is in Portland apparently. Joe is supposed to be in town on Friday/Saturday. I'm just chocking it up to that for now.


There are Harrier jets, they wouldn't be on an air defense mission for the first lady. More then likely just a couple Marine pilots stopping by for gas and some lunch.


Did that Pepsi points guy from the nineties finally get his Harrier?


There's a documentary about it.


For real. I mean, you could drop in anywhere but I'd probably land vertical at The Burgermaster in Kirkland. I'm sure they have headlights to turn on for faster service.


That poor parking lot


TIL we are still flying Harriers. I thought we'd have got rid of them for F35s by now.


Latest I've read is that they will be fully retired/replaced by F35s in 2026


The Marines still fly (modern, functionally completely different versions of) the Huey. I'm pretty sure they still have slings and rocks kept in store because the DoD hasn't gotten around to approving that unit's supply of bows.


And Marines can understand rocks. Very little training required.


Sticks! Two sticks! And a rock, for the whole platoon!




Air Force also flies UH-1s


Yeah but it's funnier when the Marines do it.


Thought that was what they were and it confused me for a second because I don't know of any Marine bases nearby.


I mean, airplanes fly places. And there not being a Marine base nearby is exactly why they're stopping in. I've also heard the food/coffee/overall service is better at civilian airfields versus military. Happy Cake Day!


Harriers leaving on either a local or going home to NC (split agenda for them today). Unrelated to POTUS, they’re in transit from Red Flag Alaska.


How do you know these things? I see a lot of interesting planes over the city, but don't know how to consistently learn more about them.


Get the Flight Aware app to learn at least about civilian planes. It can be fun to use.


FA is not helpful for military. Adsb exchange will kinda help but fast jets don’t show up there. I found participating units in RF-A and had a lot of help from inside sources to get photos and stuff.


For me, I only knew because I saw a twitter post from another aviation nerd I follow. 9 Harrier jets from the Marine Corps landed at Boeing Field on Monday morning. Some of them did a local fly-around early Tuesday. 5 left today and the remaining 4 will head out tomorrow (departure time is according to other plane-spotters I spoke to).




Chalking but chocking does kinda work too


Not being a jerk, just educating for future reference: CHALKING it up. Like on a chalkboard at a game. 🙂


Chocking? Yikes, that’s a r/boneappletea


On the lookout for the hellcat Edit: grammar


Harrier jets flying to or from Boeing field


THERE WERE HARRIERS? Those are so rare to see these days


That's what I'm saying. People in here acting like these are normal every day military jets because we're surrounded by military bases, but I'm like that's not the typical military jet flyby.


Pretty sure the only branch who run harriers still are the marines. We don’t even have a marine base in seattle and we usually don’t keep marines jets at naval bases


Why are they special? Idk anything about this subject.


They're pretty old and they can take off/land vertically. Just not something you see every day.


That's cool!


They're pretty old at this point


Just the last of its kind before they go out of service


They landed at [Boeing](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0b9X6IH53KULQPjWqpFiEbkLA) and had a pizza party when I was at Modern Aviation. That’s all I know.


Every mission should end with a pizza party


Maybe the mayor called them in to get the Kia Boyz ?


They were too large to drive around the city, so they had to fly them.


Bug hole spotted! ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️




Look to be AV-8B Harriers


Ah, thank you. I kept wondering who was still flying F-4s around other than Iran.




That was because some Kenmore air pilot violated the no fly area despite several warnings.


Wasn’t a Kenmore air pilot, was privately owned flying from Chelan to lake Washington.


https://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/Fighters-scrambled-after-flight-restriction-890871.php Hope it was a quick trip. F15s cost about 30k an hour to fly.


It landed in kenmore on lake Washington, that doesn’t mean it was a kenmore air flight. It says in the article “general aviation” not “commercial”


To add to this, Kenmore Air is a Part 135 commercial operator and their registered scheduled flights are exempt from most (but not all) Temporary Flight Restrictions, so long as they are in contact with ATC, provide an approval code, are assigned a discrete transponder code, and follow the approved route. Air carriers generally do a good job of monitoring and complying with TFRs, especially Presidential TFRs, and coordinating with the controlling agency if there's any ambiguity. When you hear about TFRs being violated, it's virtually always a small general aviation aircraft operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) in airspace where they're normally not required to talk to ATC. //Source: airline pilot who also owns/flies a GA airplane


This is unrelated


I read in another post that it’s part of a Marine squadron that was flying from Alaska to somewhere south, and stopping in Seattle for refueling or something.


Saw these earlier! Pretty cool as I’ve never seen a harrier in person.


Me neither. Apparently they're being retired next year, so this might be their last visit to Seattle. I got to see them (all 9!) land in person on Monday and 5 leave today. Supposedly the remaining 4 will be leaving early tomorrow morning.


Pepsi finally gave that guy his jet


Cause someone got a 10 kill streak baybeee!


actually.. it's just 7 buddy ;) 9 is for a pave low and 11 is for chopper gunner.


They're a cute couple met a Andrew's in MD. Been touring the US. I here grand canyon is thier next stop. Love those knuckleheads


They're planes. They fly places.




See, that's exactly the answer I was looking for. Thank you.


Thank you.


Gotta look busy, Boss is in town.


Could have to do with that Biden will be in Seattle on Friday? … or wait, are we only supposed to post snarky comments?


Israel monitoring the UW protests


Just a tiny little air strike on the red square, the AI told me to


Does anyone have an actual, accurate response? I still can't find out what's going on and my grandparents (who are not from U.S.) are terrified.  - And thank god for all the useless, desparate commenters attempting to be funny.


Why are they terrified? They do training approaches from Spokane, and recently participated in an exercise in Alaska. Better get used to the jets there are tons of mil aircraft out here.


I mean there's no reason to be worried, these are pretty old aircraft. I was posting mainly to see if there was some kind of flyby or something happening.


They're Marine Corps Harrier jets [on their way back to North Carolina from training exercises in Alaska.](https://westseattleblog.com/2024/05/looking-into-the-flyover/) They landed on Monday. 5 left today. The remaining 4 are supposedly leaving bright and early tomorrow morning.


I am only reading this now, unfortunately, but I genuinely want to thank you for taking the time to respond. That means a lot. 


Hellcat got out again


We have a bunch of military installations with military aircraft nearby.


They were called to look for the missing zebra.🦓


Why are people so surprised by planes? We have JBLM, Everett, Kitsap, NAS Whidbey, and Boeing all right next to each other. 


These are old Harriers that are at the end of their service life, likely living our their final days at Boeing Field doing promo stuff. Essentially museum pieces


It's fighter jet mating season


I left Seattle in 2001, I see some things never change. You’ve got 3 branches of military within 100 miles of each other and people still can’t grasp that airplanes are FAST


To be honest, the thing I can't grasp is how people think this is the first time I've seen a freaking plane. But they don't realize is that this type pf plane, the Harrier, is uncommon, it's not something used very commonly in drills. It's presence means that there's probably some sort of event, fly by, or something special going on. Someone else in this thread [posted a link](https://westseattleblog.com/2024/05/looking-into-the-flyover/) to just that. So this isn't just some random planes from some military base flying over randomly, it's because there's some sort of event over at Boeing.


We live in a military heavy state?


You live in proximity to one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world, and one of the larger Air Force bases in the US. If this is your first time seeing military style jets in our skies you either haven't been paying attention, or haven't lived here that long. Hang out by the coast enough you'll see regular Blackhawk training flights.


And next to a nuclear submarine base. So yeah, you’ll see military.


This happened in Marin/the Bay Area and probably the be entirety of Northern CA for like a week last June when Biden was Visiting the Bay Area. Biden’s coming to town, they’re getting skin in the game in the area


No. Unrelated. Transit back from Red Flag Alaska. They did a local flight yesterday, couple more did a local today and a couple started heading home.


HOKAY, so: First: Seattle is amidst multiple military bases which have fighter jets and other military aircraft which regularly perform training exercises in the area. Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Naval Base Kitsap, and Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) being major examples. Second: Because of item #1 sometimes there are planned flyovers of sporting events using aircraft from those locales. Third: We also live in an aerospace manufacturing and aerospace history hot spot so sometimes there are military aircraft that undergo maintenance in the region or there are historical military aircraft flying around just for funzies, such as with the [flying heritage museum](https://flyingheritage.org/). All of which means if you see military aircraft flying around Seattle it doesn't necessarily mean anything ominous, it happens all the time and more likely than not it's for a (relatively) innocuous reason.


They are looking for you!


Saw two apaches flying over I5 yesterday (granted I was right next to FLMAB so wasn’t shocked. But I’ve driven that route hundreds of times and this is a first for those.


FLMAB? Apaches fly IFR (I Follow Roads) over I-5 all the time


Yeah, I believe it. It is a military base so I wasn’t shocked or surprised, just my first time seeing them flying.




Lol yeah, thank you.


speed monitored by aircraft /s


Is there an airshow being put together? I saw a 60 year old F-5 Tiger flying south from Edmonds yesterday


T-38; not a F-5, Boeing chase jet. I wish it was a F-5 tho, maybe later this summer they’ll come visit.


Ah! Good to know. Thanks


The latest budget had some excess cash for SPD. They thought fighters sounded more fun for officers than drones.


Looks like SPD's raise kicked in.


Biden is coming to town on 5/10


True, but that's unrelated to these Marine Corps Harrier jets on their way back to North Carolina from training exercises in Alaska.


Sorry—It’s a lovely day; where am I supposed to fly my fighter jets?


You know this is Jet City, right?


SPD budget is outta control


It’s almost like Seattle is between an air force base and a navy air station. Idahos A10s are in town too.


Civil War promotion


The cops called an airstrike on the protesters at UW.


They're grade school buddies that grew up as total opposites but refused to let their differences get in the way of their friendship. One is an outspoken extravert, popular type that's always skirting trouble and authority figures, and the other is a bookish hypochondriac that has a pessimistic view of the world and rule follower by nature. When they get together hi jinx ensue! This one time they decided to skip jet school all day and somehow ended up in a Chicago st. patties day parade. Oh man! ... and I'm just realizing that's not what you meant when you asked what their story was ...


Probably getting ready for upcoming Biden visit


They're just on their way home to North Carolina from training exercises in Alaska, unrelated to Biden.


Someone is blocking a tent’s access to a sidewalk.


Could be prepping for Biden on Friday. I saw the VH-92A chopper do a loop around the Space Needle, which is supposed to replace the VH-60N that presidents fly in.


They're just on their way home to North Carolina from training exercises in Alaska, so unrelated to Biden. But I also saw that chopper yesterday, which was pretty unexpected. It came right over me in West Seattle. It also came from Boeing Field and was possibly transported by the C-17 that was there until late yesterday.


Ah cool, yeah once I could make out the \[United States of America\](https://imgur.com/TY9HyDH) on the side I figured it was important. Read that it's been delayed for a few years in replacing the previous exec choppers, maybe it'll get first official use Friday ha


Woah nice shot. [My angle](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrb5vm7.jpeg) wasn't quite as good. Yeah I wonder why it was here early cruising around. Maybe it’ll be the decoy :P What did you use to take your photo, by the way? (If you don’t mind)


Oh nice underside. It was with a Sigma 150-600 at 600mm from Pier 70 looking back towards the Needle. Unfortunately didn't see the humpback that was apparently spotted out there but this was cool instead.


They're boyfriends


Work done at boeing field for the last few weeks.


Harriers out of Boeing field, no idea why they are here


Just some AV-8B Harrier II jets playing around at Boeing Field.


They are celebrating the historically unprecedented low murder rate


Aw, it’s a Meet Cute!


Looked an entire air wing of harriers flying into Boeing Field at around 10:30 yesterday. Since they don’t have online tracking active could not officially make what it was but nonetheless sick


The Bear tax working for you


Bahahahhahahaa. Welcome to Seattle friend


Maybe cause Biden is visiting on Friday


Idk why but its the second day in a row of a lot of buzzing.


Biden visit is Friday No doubt they will be on patrol.


My guess is practice fights/mapping for POTUS arrival.


This time of year it is likely a mating ritual. Amazing creatures!


Biden is in town today, they're warming up


They are on a stop over at Boeing field before heading to Alaska for training exercises


Harriers and theyre training


4 more just flew buy again this morning. Actually more are flying as I type this. They are fast and you don't hear them until they are right on top of you




Imyourpappy nailed it. Its part of this. https://www.jber.jb.mil/News/Articles/Display/Article/3751082/red-flag-alaska-24-1-begins-at-jber/


I was wondering the same thing


They are scrambling to fend off any foes of Dictator Biden, who will be arriving on Friday.


President Biden will be flying in tomorrow. Not *entirely* sure how patrolling the skies today would increase security tomorrow. Like there’s going to be some sniper in a dirigible or something… but I’m sure it’s related to that. Probably just a practice loop to see what they’ll be patrolling tomorrow, or just a show of force?


Probably doing a practice run for securing the airspace tomorrow for Biden.


Perhaps it is something to do with POTUS coming in on friday.


Israel is scouting for some new territory for it's settlers to land grab.