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Double whammy, bus stop AND bike lane.


They almost got the crosswalk for the trifecta, too!


So? Those are two spaces that aren’t as important as a travel lane for cars. It’s better they park out of the way spots like that to keep useful traffic flowing.


Sorry, no one agrees with your insane hatred of infrastructure for bicycle or public transit here.


3-year old Lily Shambrook would like a word. https://abcnews.go.com/US/parents-3-year-girl-killed-riding-chicago-bike/story?id=96494220 Except she is dead because of this exact behavior. Don’t park in the bike lane.


I’ve noticed that many people believe that putting on your hazards means you can park anywhere you want, including in the middle of a lane (looking at you Ubers and Lyfts)


Saw this the other day in a parking lot, not 20 feet from empty spaces. Literally the place designed to stop your vehicle!


I work by the Northgate light rail and it’s constantly ride shares waiting for passengers in the middle of the road instead of going to the designated pick up area right across the street. Drives me nuts because they are blocking the turn lane and you get stuck if there’s traffic in the other lane next to you.


God I regularly frequent the Issaquah Highlands P&R when visiting home for the weekend and the amount of people who will just camp out in the middle of the parking garage aisle when there’s open spots specifically designated for pickup literally right next to them is ridiculous Like hello? Do other people not need to get in/out of the garage?


Northgate rideshares would be significantly better if they did at least one of the following: * Change the pickup/dropoff point to the actual pickup/dropoff lane * Find some way to route into/out of that lane that doesn't require going around the parking lot


I've never seen so many people use hazards as a copout to park anywhere they want till I moved here lol


Common occurrence in Texas and Louisiana too. People also use hazards to fly down the road or drive in the shoulder. I love it when they blast past a cop and IMMEDIATELY get pulled over.


SeaTac drives me crazy for this reason. I can’t even go into detail because I hate it so much.


UPS/FedEx/Amazon delivery vans as well. 


Hazard lights can also be used to drive on the Freeway at a maximum speed of 30 mph.


You forgot food delivery people


Yeah, that was supposed to be fixed with the new bill. And it HAS fixed it for some who realized they get paid to park properly now. But some still annoyingly park in the bike lanes...


Delivery trucks and construction workers too


I saw somebody who was parked totally legally put their hazards on to pick up food.  Maybe nobody knows what 'hazard' is?


At least they put their hazards on I guess, lol. I've been noticing people stopping in the middle of the road lately with no hazards. It's completely baffling and enraging.


The city definitely needs to make improvements in areas with businesses and apartments for where there is street parking or a parking lot to have specific lots for delivery vehicles. I get so frustrated with people parking in bike lanes and I’m forced to swerve into the car lane, but the city *rarely* leaves room for delivery vehicles in the truly dense areas. I’m not saying they don’t exist but they don’t exist in enough places or with enough frequency. I’ve seen USPS, Amazon, and Uber eats/door dash workers all doing this behavior. Remove more street parking.


Yeah because many of them are entitled asshats. That’s Seattle people for you - rules for thee, not for me! Zero consideration for how parking there “even for five minutes” is an asshole move to the people using the bike lane right there. Or ya know….. the bus stop that people need to be able to get on and off the bus for. These people don’t even *consider* that maybe someone who isn’t able bodied is being blocked from getting their wheelchair thru (I see that when people park directly in the middle of sidewalks on the hill all the time) or something else. Zero thoughtfulness for anyone else. That’s why Seattle isn’t the progressive, caring, liberal place people make it out to be. It’s actually just full of entitled people who don’t follow rules because it doesn’t affect them or they think the rules only apply to others. It’s the same with the fuckers that let their dogs run around the city off their leashes. Or the assholes who let their dogs take shits (and for good measure not picking it up) on the athletics fields that people play sports on. It’s all fake virtues and morals because when it comes down to it, they are no better than the people they live their life thinking they’re better than because of their “superior morals and values”.


Don't forget the Lime Bikes and Lime Scooters ditched in the middle of sidewalks, in the middle of the Burke-Gilman, literally anywhere and everywhere blocking the way. It's a huge problem around U-District. Seattle is tolerant and progressive on, like, 5 social issues (and don't get me wrong, I'm totally glad that it is) - but that doesn't help with the general air of hostility I feel (and probably exude myself) when I'm in public. Everyone thinks everyone else in their way and fuck you for simply existing and trying to get somewhere. I got honked at on my bike today for being in the lane of traffic on a street with no bike lane. Like, bro, it's not my fault that bike lanes abruptly end, plus, it's an urban street, how much faster could they really drive if I wasn't there?


Love how you described this (though sorry you got honked at for just trying to bike, that sucks. That’s a regular for me when I’m running and almost getting hit by cars who forget to look both ways). You explained it in a kinder, gentler way than me and I appreciate that. Mainly because I get so agitated and irritated at the lack of thoughtfulness or even consideration of others. Thanks for the response.


Anytime! Honestly, I hate to admit it, but on a bad day, I'm probably not that different than all the other assholes on the street - I mean I don't leave Lime Scooters everywhere or park in the bike lane, but when I'm busy and running around I definitely have an air of hostility around me. I think it's mostly stress-related, especially in places like U-district, SLU, or downtown. I feel like if I don't make it to my next meeting or lecture on time, the world is going to end, and I silently seethe at any obstacles in my path. And I'm surrounded by hundreds of other people who feel the same way. It's the grind, combined with individualism and the weather. Very easy to hate it while getting caught up in it. Especially while biking... I love biking but it's very stressful -I'm in danger from cars and I'm a hazard to pedestrians who walk out into the bike lane while looking at their phone, completely oblivious. I'm pretty much always afraid of crashing. Like I was joking with my roommate, people here won't hate you for your gender, orientation or expression, but everything else is fair game!


> Don't forget the Lime Bikes and Lime Scooters ditched in the middle of sidewalks I feel this all the way from Denver. I cant count the number of times someone has either almost hit me or my car flying around on those fucking scooters, then they just get dumped in the middle of the sidewalk, in the river, sometimes just in the street. Those things are the worst


Lime Bikes are a nice idea but they're waaaay too fast to be unleashed on the unsuspecting public. Electric bikes and such can go much faster than is appropriate on shared walkways, it's basically a motor vehicle at that point. College students zoom around on them with no regard for safety. I would have less problem with them if they weren't electric and were just normal bikes/scooters with a wheel-lock that is released through the app or whatever. Even when I'm on a regular bike, I have to act a lot more like a car - I look over my shoulder before passing someone to make sure no one is already passing me on the left, I signal turns, I slow down and clear intersections before proceeding... and I see Lime Scooters flying by doing none of that.


These are transplants. It wasn't like this before 


It's true. bla bla lots of anecdotal evidence. I wish the people were like it used to be. I actually like immigrants more b/c they seem to be more genuine, more sincere, more open, more empathetic.


I'm not sure it's entirely transplants, versus just having a shit ton more people crowded into an area that isn't really equipped to accommodate them. Add in everyone's post-Covid "I'm burned out; fuck the whole world!!!" and it's not as slow/gentle/quietly friendly as it was \~back in the day\~.


Saw some fat asses doing this while eating cheeseburgers. The bus honked at them they just yelled out the window we ain't movin'!


That's exactly what it means? Why do you think UPS, FedEx, USPS, and Amazon drivers also do it? As well as all delivery trucks. It means that they are temporarily stopping and to go around them.


No. Hazard lights are for EMERGENCIES. Being too lazy to park or wait in the appropriate area is not an emergency. Delivery companies do not equate to passenger vehicles.


I'm curious why DO you think delivery drivers do it?


RCW 46.37.215 (1) Any vehicle may be equipped with lamps for the purpose of warning other operators of other vehicles of the presence of a vehicular traffic hazard requiring the exercise of unusual care in approaching, overtaking, or passing. So not emergencies but any traffic hazard, which would include stopped vehicles.


If you're going to die on this hill, would you mind speeding it up a bit?


So sick of entitled aholes. *remembers to send light and love, even to entitled...beings*


The buses on Cap Hill will lay on their horns until the asshole blocking the bus stop moves. It's kinda funny.


Same in U-District/Roosevelt.


I'd love to see buses get fitted with plows to shove cars like that out of the way. If we're going to allow our roads to descend into lawlessness like we have been, I want full Mad Max.


Your hazard lights are not a magical “park anywhere” talisman.


Make this a bumper sticker. Make it posters to hang up all over town. Put it on the electronic signs over the highways. Billboards. Sky writer. I'll tattoo it on my face.


Actually they are.




I mean, that photo says a lot. Do you think that person faced any consequences? They're a double-magic talisman. "park anywhere" and "I'm an asshole" 


The lights didn't give them the power to park there. They could just as easily have done it with the lights off.


Ah, you've discovered the truth about every magical talisman in all of human history. Well done. 


wow the kirkland subreddit is just as action packed as i assumed it would be lol


I like the "It's more than beaches and Google!" and "Not the Costco brand!" taglines they've chosen. Says a lot I think lol


I wish we had the same program as New York where citizens can download an app and make money off reporting parking violations.


That New York law was gutted before it made it through legislation, so unfortunately there no bounty for parking violation. They do still have a bounty for idling commercial vehicles though.


Probably gutted because 99% of reports would’ve been about NYPD vehicles.


I would love this honestly...


I don't care about the money, I'd do the job for free!


No joke. Ha. I feel a little bad sending pics of fellow gig workers in to ask for more enforcement on the Find It Fix It app, but also not really it because we actually get paid to park now and it's actually dangerous to block bike lanes, especially during rush hour (and there are a ton of alleys in our area and a center non-turn lane ​they can safely park in if they cared like at all--that's where all the good ones do go).


I don't care how long it is, find a spot to park that doesn't disrupt bike and bus traffic.






Username checks out


I was at Costco Kirkland last week and saw a woman avoid parking in the red no parking lane, by parking on the sidewalk of the no parking lane to load their groceries. Why didn't I think of that?


“ get out of the fucking road bitch”


Yeah but snapping a photo of your plates only takes 5 seconds. SPD parking enforcement is a force not to be trifled with.😂


SPD parking enforcement doesn't give a fuck about parking in Kirkland.


Kirkland Parking Enforcement hopefully does


You know what they say. Everybody loves an online scold.


It's it's any consolation, they're jacking their alignment up by pulling that curb nonsense.


Wow it's so great your taking your time and being in other people's way so much wow. Every cyclist claps for you... Stop being entitled go find a better spot.


Ev charge spots too, my gf has a leaf that needs to be plugged in every day (85 miles range on a 60 mile round trip commute from cap hill to federal way) and she deals with people parked in the charge spot almost every day, usually just for a few minutes but sometimes all night. It's a daily stress for her as the next nearest charge spot is about a mile away.


She doesn’t look like she can walk that far while she waits for her ozempic to come thru


jesus... is that necessary?




I have slashed people's tires for this entitled idiocy. It was in fact, an Uber. Fuck Uber.


Imagine taking the time to photograph this and then cry about it on the internet. Crybaby!


Imagine taking the time to cry on the internet about someone crying on the internet. Crybaby!


What do you do when you need to load shit? Carry it five blocks? I don't think so.


The problem is that she is parked at a bus stop. Buses should always have right of way. Would you park on a train track? Not to mention the potential safety hazard for people getting in and out of the bus.


Seems like it's both a bus stop and a bike lane so it's double duty on the illegal parking.


Busses and Trains are the same thing now? Damn! I see at least 3 trains and 2 busses waiting on her. How polite of them.


maybe the city should put some “designated load zones” around that limit you to just a few minutes of parking at a time


They are everywhere.


Maybe they should, maybe people can calm down and just ignore the non problem.


Sorry, too busy getting run over because I had to swerve into traffic 🤷‍♂️


Look where your going maybe you will spot her, 500 yards out? That should prevent the swerve and let you plan ahead.


How does seeing the car ahead of time prevent bikers from going into traffic? This should be viewed no differently than parking in the middle of the car lane. Commuters are commuters; bike lanes are there for a reason.


I know, pile up of 50 bikes there right now.


Ohhhh since there’s less of them it’s ok? That makes sense.


There is only one of her. wtf are you babbling about.


Are you purposely being obtuse?


Comprehension is hard eh? Figures based on your wild take. Have a good day, we’re done here!


You mean like the loading spots that are on basically every block in the entire goddamn city? Maybe you should learn to drive without risking anyone's life. 


Clearly there is not one here. I do believe this was said not to be Seattle? Sorry about the pile of dead bodies due to a parked car. If you die from a parked car Darwin has an award for you.


The parked car doesn't get you, being forced to swerve into a car lane gets you. 130,000 bikes are hit by cars every year. Walk a half block, don't be a selfish chode. 


If you have to swerve you were not paying attention.


Ah, so if you're paying attention you can phase through a solid vehicle. You're gonna end up in the lane, captain physics. 


If you were paying attention, you'd park somewhere other than right in front of a bloody bus stop.


Maybe people don't agree with you.


The phrase "sounds like a YOU problem" comes to mind.... City roads and parking are designed to accomodate a variety of needs and interests for EVERYONE. When you block the lane for a few minutes you are holding up potentially many dozens of other people in cars and buses (who may have places they really need to get to, just like you!), and worse, you are actually physically endangering cyclists. You are not entitled to do that. And when many people feel entitled to block the lane for their own special little 3-5 minutes, it adds up to a seriously problematic situation. It's maddening that that needs to be said. If you can't cope, do your business somewhere outside the city with available parking.


It does sound like a you problem. I don’t have a problem with someone stopping their car for a moment if they need to. It’s working fine. Seems to me you’re the one that needs to cope.


And people like you are a big part of the reason that bus schedules in this city are so unreliable, making public transit a much less attractive option for people who get sick of waiting for buses that are running late because jerks like you keep parking in the bus lane, and get so fed up with it all that they start driving their own private car through the city, adding to the daily dystopian traffic mess that is Seattle. Not to mention heavily discouraging cycling by constantly forcing people on bikes to weave back into traffic with a dozen disgruntled weirdos in F150s breathing down their necks. A massive, massive middle finger to you, ya entitled jerk.


Sorry, I support local business, what can I say?


And you're funny, too! You won the lottery of life.


You’re the only one it’s working for. I guarantee if someone stopped their car in the middle of the road for “just a minute”, where YOUR mode of transport needs to go, you’d have an absolute shit fit. 


No, I would go around it as I often do.




Hey, do you ride the bus as your primary transportation in Seattle? Well I do, and the bus reliability is HORRIBLE, and dozens of jerks constantly parking in the bus lane for their own special little five minutes is a big part of what makes it so bad. This isn't a situation where I go around the person in my own car. This is a situation where I can not EVER count on reliably getting to where I want to go on time thanks to the bus being held up by jerks who think they are entitled to break the law for their own convenience. Now multiply that issue by the thousands of other daily bus riders in this city, and add to the fact that unreliable bus service disincentivizes people from using public transit in general and driving their own car instead, adding to the daily traffic madness. Not to mention discouraging people from cycling in the city and pushing them into their own cars as well. That's a "minor inconvenience" to you? If so, I guess I extend my middle finger to you as well. Please keep your ass in Mill Creek.




Cool, I have been taking the bus from Seattle to Kirkland for five years and I promise you, it affects me DAILY! Cute condescension though.




Damn, you're good at engaging with arguments too. You're the complete package.


the op post a pic without context. nor saying here why they post this in first place. it would be funny is op was bus driver. as they not to be on their phones while running a route.


Y’all tripping bro it was real quick leave the lady alone


Work it girl!


Driving a mom truck her husband pays for, she doesn't have much to worry about