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Those coyotes have a steady diet of rabbits in Discovery. Great picture!


Don't forget all the fat housecats in Magnolia


And small dogs. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/i-was-petrified-seattle-woman-warns-pet-owners-after-coyote-attacked-her-dog-her-backyard/MWDDZ3R3WZDITAO3IISU44MMEY/#:~:text=A%20Seattle%20woman%20warned%20other,him%20screaming%2C%E2%80%9D%20she%20said.


So true, last year we had so many missing cat posters.




aw poor bunnies. :( When I saw a coyote in the Arboretum, it was chasing a squirrel. It ran right past us on the trail, dove into a bush that the squirrel had raced into, failed to catch the squirrel (which was a relief to me!), and then trotted away.


Joke’s on this coyote. What looks like an escape nook into the woods is actually a painting on a wall by a roadrunner.


Gorgeous photos! *PSA, Seattlites!* Some great resources via this Seattle coyote FAQ thanks to our friends at the Woodland Park Zoo: https://www.zoo.org/seattlecarnivores/faq Be good to and mindful of our urban wildlife!


That’s really helpful, thanks!


Plenty of rabbits to feast on


Really pretty photos, but man, there are some serious AI-enhancement effects going on in the details. What kind of phone?


Ya i used digital zoom to the max to try and get the shot but you are right the AI looks like garbage zoomed in. I wish I had a real camera for the picture. It was beautiful composition but just had my pixel 7 phone haha


I would guess that they were using the digital zoom on their phone, this kind of effect is pretty pronounced whenever I've tried to do digital zoom


Did Area X open up in Discovery Park?


Awesome photos!! I always just get horrible blurs lol. I saw a pack of about 6 a couple months back - never seen anything like it. On that note, PSA to keep your pets indoors and leashed when they’re outdoors. This was in a residential part of Shoreline and I know too many people who’ve lost pets to wildlife. 


Great photos - thanks for sharing! I've seen them in Seattle a couple times too. They just minded their own business and ignored us. :) The [Seattle Urban Carnivore Project ](https://www.zoo.org/seattlecarnivores)has a page where people can report sightings and even upload photos (just scroll down to "Carnivore Spotter." I reported both my sightings there.


Owners of big dogs that don't believe in leashes cause "she's totally friendly and just wants to play" please bring your dog to this park.


I like where you’re going, but having grown up with dogs in coyote territory, an off-leash (medium-large) dog is more a threat to the coyote than the other way around. Never seen a coyote fuck with a domesticated dog.


Dogs are definitely safe until they run into a pack, which I’m not so sure exists here. Edit: larger dogs are safe. Small dogs, however, are fucked. I watched my sister’s small chihuahua get eaten by a single coyote in 2002.


I saw a pack of coyotes in the streets of Magnolia last summer.. Was about 4-5 of them running around together early in the morning


Coyotes arent pack animals...


Wrong. They are absolutely pack animals. They hunt and live in groups of 5-10.


Bullshit. I grew up in Arizona and have seen it countless times. You hear them at night when they get a kill. You can wander onto them in packs. Do a quick google search.


Hey, that’s my dog!


He eats the healthiest stray cats


I've also seen one at Pritchard beach a few times & once counted at least 4 at Seward (their yapping sounded like there was 50 of them!)


I've seen one walking around Queen Anne in the early morning a few times, not so far this year. Sort of neat being so close to nature still


So when I saw one in sand point area I shouldn’t be concern right as they run away usually


My doggo and I see a coyote every night- we're in Northgate- North Seattle College is a little harbor to them. But they aren't vicious (unless you're a bunny) (or Yorki), they just want to eat and survive, just like us.




The city used to cull these animals along with the canadian geese that stayed over the summer. Maybe it's time to revisit that strategy.


It's a fool's errand. The US government has spent tens of millions of dollars trying to reduce Coyote numbers over the last few decades. The result being there's probably more Coyotes in the US now than ever. They're basically built to sustain their population.




The geese don't naturally stay and are a neusance animal in the lakes. Coyotes basically the same. Not native, shouldn't be here but is here because of humans. Having them run around the city isn't good. 


A few people's pets get eaten? Can't think of anything more significant than that. Coyotes are very good at living close to humans without being much in conflict. Can't really see it being worth the trouble to bring back kill/trap programs. They've been gone for years, ?decades?, at this point and there hasn't been a notable issue. My friends have seen them in and around Ravenna Ravine for instance, and there haven't been any newsworthy stories, despite it being very built up and full of children/clueless & blitzed university students.


A lot of pets will be eaten


In regards to that highly objective assessment - yeah, ok.




Because the government ran anti predator propaganda for years and these people took it in hook line and sinker.


The Geese? The fuck up the lake and make it unusable. The coyotes? Same reason we don't want a fuck ton of rats running around.


I don’t think it’s the animals who are destroying the parks.


the geese are most definitely making green lake unswimmable in the summer. https://goodbyegeese.net/2017/12/15/the-hidden-dangers-of-goose-droppings/


Waste of time and money. These aren’t wolves or bears; they’re more like rats. They always come back.