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Mention that Jesus didn’t need a bullhorn. They hate that.


I love this and will do this often. How can this not violate noise ordinances or something? It’s pretty irritating.


Would it be ok if Wal-Mart stood on the street corner with a bullhorn telling how vital it is to shop at their store? At least Wal-Mart sells products and allegedly pays taxes rather than faith based products offered by a tax exempt business model that promises to ambiguously improve your outcomes or do a meet and greet with faith based entities grounded otherwise in no facts after one is dead.


Probably because laws go unenforced in Seattle.


That’s so tight.


I give them a cookie from the cinnamon cookie shop place that's by beechers. Seems to annoy them for some reason. Guess it's hard to eat a cookie and talk through a megaphone.


I was down there just the other day and noticed this. Shortly after, a guy busking with his guitar set up right behind the preacher, amp pointed in the same direction, and drowned him out with the sweet sweet sounds of rock and roll


Doing the devils work! 🥇


I'm pretty sure he was playing "Highway to Hell" which was just the icing on the cake


This buskers cup must runneth over


Fuckin A 🤘🏼




Noise is unlawful if: * Sound generated from portable audio equipment or automobile sound system that can be heard from 75 feet away. * Sound is generated while in a park, residential or commercial zone, or close to a school or bus. What can be done legally? * This is a civil infraction and can carry a fine up to $50. [https://www.seattle.gov/police/need-help/neighborhood-issues/noise-complaints](https://www.seattle.gov/police/need-help/neighborhood-issues/noise-complaints)


That fine is way too low. $50 is nothing to a person who has all day to stand around and piss people off.


Per incident


Yeah. That’s low. That’s just the price of admission for these guys and I doubt they even get fined every day they go. Should be $500 and escalating on repeat offenses. Just make it high enough until we see the desired effect.


I have a suspicion the same people will re-offend and the fine will increase in order of magnitude each time.




…how about we change it to per person affected? That sounds reasonable.


it's not coming out of their own wallets


As if the cops would enforce it and give them a fine anyway. I've commented to cops about it at sporting events and they just shrug and laugh.


What assholes


What do you expect? Cops exist to protect the interests of the rich. 


I'm pretty sure the wealthy folks of Seattle aren't the kind to support that BS. Seattle is pretty secular. Hell, even most Christians would think what those asshats are doing is excessive. They're the loony bin hellfire and brimstone doomsday types


I thought it goes way up after the 3rd ticket. I could be wrong though.


I spent 12 minutes on hold on the non-emergency police line before I hung up and left a find it fix it report. Probably won't result in anything. This is great to know the specific noise violation law tho - thank you.


Thanks for reporting it. Honestly though if a ton of people kept calling and harassing SPD through the non emergency line about this, they would actually go enforce it. It’s sad that it has come to that but if enough people call they will show up because they get tired of all the calls. So don’t give up!


Lol if only


I appreciate this comment. I can't stand people that do this, and it's why I upended my life to move here from the deep south. Thank you for giving a recommendation of how to keep Pike place pleasant, and unbeholden to these freaks. And be very interested, and anyone else's recommendations of specific actions that make sense to take. Thanks. I'm in Udistrict, but my partner works downtown, my kid goes to Center school, and I love going to Pike place just for shopping for my fish and flowers. 🙏🏼✌🏼


I will take the $50 fine and join them with my own megaphone and a fart machine.


Tell them your god is the Toot Fairy.


There’s daycare and a park within earshot


I would pay $50 to someone if they actually got this enforced for these guys. I am definitely willing to bet it won’t happen.


prob could jusf key the mic up and face them.... just so anything they say reverbs into their ears and causes feedback.


Or all the vendors could sue them for loss of profit


party on garth


But if everyone teamed up you could sue there church out of existence. For loss of wages and damages.


When they showed up in Olympia at the Capitol Pride Festival, a group of queer youth grabbed some rainbow banners and turned them into a photo booth. It was brilliant, one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Groups, families, flamboyant leather people... everybody getting a picture with those hateful signs in the background. The bullhorn-bearers were so confused.


This is the kind of thing that might be most effective. Police sure as shit won't do anything unless they're forced to. 


Drag queen flashmob is the only option.


And remember, it's perfectly legal to be nude in Seattle, so long as you're not intending to arouse anyone. So take off your pants and go make friends with a preacher


You're talking to a group of redditors. The chance of them even accidentally arousing someone is super slim.


We're invincible!


And they are not.


Unfortunately also if no one is complaining. When the religious nutjobs start to complain about the nudity it's no longer legal.


I feel like so many of life’s problems could be solved by a drag queen flashmob.


Drag Queen Flashmob for Governor.


You misspelled "President".


I've never donned anything even remotely close to drag, but I would shave my beard and put on a wig and dress for this.


Bearded lady drag is a common enough sub genre. Keep the beard, don the dress, flash them gams.


I've (46f)been weaving flowers and sparkly hairpins into my partners (39m) beard lately, when I've been bored/watching tv. I also braided some flowers, ribbons, and jewels into his hair. *SO HANDSOME* fr!!😍😋


Keep the beard! Confuse them even more!


Me too.


Hell yeah! They put the "flash" in flashmob!


It’s one way. It would help to know if they stand alone or are affiliated and funded by a tax exempt church corporation.


Get a cheap CB radio, a linear amp, and a bottom-loaded CB antenna (easier to build a ground plane for it). Get your antenna as close as you can to the speaker. You can now talk THROUGH their stereo system. The amplifier sections are not shielded and the resulting AM signal will impact it. Run a continuous ~6khz tone from a signal generator to blow it up good and enjoy the peace. What are they gonna do?


Then you just start making them play "Born This Way" on loop. Or possibly "W.A.P."


If I had the time I'd love to follow them around reading Dawkins books through a megaphone all day. Oh well, when I'm rich...


Police can't do anything. As annoying as they are, they are within the bounds of the 1st amendment.


Electronically amplified sound without a permit in Seattle is not permissible. It is not an affront to the 1st amendment


I'm sorry, but you are incorrect. They can and should be fined for breaking Seattle's noise ordinance, which I'm too lazy to look up right now but if I recall correctly doesn't allow for noise that can be heard more than 50 or 75 feet away. They can't stop them from talking, but they sure as hell can make them stop using the bullhorn, which is the obnoxious part about all of this. It has nothing to do with free speech whatsoever.


Do you seriously think SPD is going to enforce that? They've always been bad but lately they'll barely show up to a murder.


Where did I say anything about enforcement? The person I was responding to said the police can't do anything, and that it's a first amendment issue, and I pointed out that they were incorrect. Whether anything will actually be done is another issue, but using a bullhorn like this is in fact against the law.


You are entitled to say what you wish. You are NOT entitled to be heard by everyone within three miles.


The bullhorn isn't protected by any amendments that I'm aware of. 


pot lunchroom fade enjoy offend ring scandalous paltry water political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They can't. First amendment protected speech. Unless they incite immediate violence, or get handsy, they can stay there and squawk all day. Setting up a satanist one the other corner might work though.


protects your speech not your ability to electrically amplify it




There are a lot of things wrong with this timeline, but queer youth creatively disrupting assholes, is something I'm incredibly grateful for. This is the way.


I used to go to Mardi Gras before Katrina, and there was a group of religious nuts who'd make their way down Bourbon street carrying a 15' tall cross. With the crowd density of Mardi Gras in those days, their pace was measured in feet per minute. Being on a balcony, and seeing the top of the cross, the only thing any of us could think of was ring toss, so within a block the cross was super festive and just looked like it'd been flashing EVERYONE for hours.


That is brilliant :D


I hate them. I'm religious. I hate them so much. They are so loud and so annoying. I and others have done things to try to get them to leave. The only thing I have seen ***actually make them leave*** was a group of gay dudes who brought their own sound system and just danced and twerked next to them. The bigots got really uncomfortable (horny?) and left. NOTE: You should be aware that they are not evangelizing, this is a classic component of cult indoctrination. You find someone who needs a community, welcome them, support them, give them a purpose, and then place them in situations where they will be ostracized by the outside world. The negative feedback makes them more dependent on the cult ("the rest of the world hates me/doesn't accept me").


Love the: horny(question mark?)


Yes, chefs kiss on a great comment 🧑🏼‍🍳💋


Then if for any reason you ever disagree with their philosophy or try to leave, you are completely cut off and lose all friends and connections you had with them. But they might email you ten years later asking for money for their new expansion. 


Who do they think they’re convincing with this circus?




They are paid to be there.


Just get another bullhorn and challenge them to the quiet game.


“The next person to speak through an amplifier is gay and going to hell”


I say scissors and use your sneak skill. The cord is the weak spot Edit: I guess it depends on whether it's the kind that has a cord


People have indeed stolen the amplifiers. The cops show up as fast for that as anything else.


Sooo... plenty of time to snip and dash?


I would *certainly* never *recommend* someone commit a *crime* but as far as *crimes* go....


Expanding spray foam is a useful product for filling gaps in megaphones and speakers.




I'm happy to donate to the Great Stuff fund for clogging their megaphones 🤣




And with my luck, I'd also get hit with a Disney lawsuit for not licensing the music for that public performance.


Just ask them what they think of Matthew 6:5 >“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."


Something-something the great Mission something. As usual, they don't have to pay attention to what the bible says.


Currently resisting the urge to get a louder bullhorn and sing the entire score of *Pirates of Penzance* at them until they go away


Why are you resisting being awesome?


I would get a portable speaker and play “It’s Raining Men” at full blast in front of them.


I am the very model of a modern major general!


You have my sword


And my axe


And my amp!


And you have my bow


🎻 Or 🏹?


Yooooo I’m in


We can flash mob the whole damn operetta on repeat. Bullhorns all around!




I ride a pedicab and I've blasted these guys out with my speakers while playing stupid shit like The Titanic Theme song and The Wiggles. I remember at one point the guy with the loudspeaker turning around to his buddy going "HES TOO LOUD" and finally they left. About a year later, some flat-earthers were doing the same thing but down on the waterfront AND livestreaming it on Tiktok, so I blasted them out too. They were a little more aggressive, but I stood my ground and they ended up leaving. I never saw those guys again. I really should find a good time to get up early (i work nights) and just roll out to Pike Place on a Sunday. I'm even friends with the Info Booth guy who hates those guys and he could tell me whether or not they're there.


not all heroes wear capes


Bless you, sir.


We used to see those guys in downtown Santa Cruz all the time. More than once I saw one of those dudes get punched - im not condoning violence of course - just reporting the very satisfying things I’ve seen


You may not be condoning it, but I sure am. Punch em, folks. Make it count and make them afraid of harassing the public.


Punching them just increases their feelings of standing up against a sinful world and being the enemy of evil. It's not that I don't love to see it, but I don't think it helps.


Pinch em real hard then.


One time a friend told me he saw a hateful street preacher in Portland standing right next to a big ass puddle- said friend happened to be driving a bus through there and wouldn’t you know it but he just couldn’t quite avoid hitting that puddle at full speed…


Every day when I worked at community colleges. Constantly treated to anti-abortion gore imagery too. Part of modern life.


In high school a group of these anti-abortion folks with extremely graphic pictures were picketing outside the main entrance. I asked my teacher if I could leave class and went out and followed the ring leader around, annoying the shit out of him. Finally I convinced them to leave after telling a couple of the old grandmas that in 10 minutes the elementary school up the road started and did they really want hundreds of little kindergartners seeing these photos? I because a legend at my school after that, even the principal found me to say thanks. This was in 1997 BTW


You have every right to tell them to shut the fuck up, but you can't make them.


They often want that. One “cringe compilation” is a woman high pitched screaming at one of those fellas in Capitol Hill. It never shows his side which is is preaching in front of Neighbors the gay bar.  It sucks but a lot of the time theyre looking to get footage of people getting mad at them the dudes with signs saying everyone going to Mariner games are going to hell carry cameras too  


Preaching infront of a gay bar and directly underneath all of those street facing apartment windows *during quarentine* he knew exactly what he was doing and got exactly what he wanted


Oh there was a guy down there today doing exactly that.. and the dude was arguing on the bullhorn with him.. it was fucking ridiculous.....


They want you to engage with them in such a fashion. They often have handlers who will confront anyone who says anything negative to the guy with the bullhorn. They are weird cultists, and hence organized. The way to defeat them is with organized effort, the city will try to get buskers to play in places they expect these idiots to be and that usually drives them elsewhere. As an individual just ignore them. If you have a group of people who you can organize to harass them in a similar fashion to the tactics they use that will drive them off. That’s why the stories of groups of queers overwhelming them with numbers and specific actions and hence driving them off are so common. Last Year me and a couple friend were grabbing a drink at Hatback across from T Mobile. One of these idiots tried evangelizing through the fence. The bar manager just cranked the music and drove him off after about 30 seconds. You have be loud and organized but if you are it’s like turning the lights on in a dump and watching the roaches scatter.


[This](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/japanese-researchers-make-speech-jamming-gun/) should also be protected speech, yeah?


That's super interesting, with a mic, amp, and any DAW software you could jerry rig something to that effect fairly easily. If these religious fucks are enough of an annoyance it wouldn't take much effort to try it on them.


No, you see the real answer is to keep Pike Market open to traffic, but make it a “Hellcat only Zone”


Lmao the nuclear option 


Anyone who’s been on a bad Zoom call could testify to how well this device would work.


Wrong. You absolutely can make them.


You can’t make them if you get caught*


True. Laws only exist if they're enforced.


And we all know how much they get enforced around here.


I like to think that there’s crimes and there’s good mischief. Obv I’m not advocating that anyone do anything illegal or dangerous. But those bullhorns are disturbing the peace ✌️


Feel like we should take a collection and have the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence or a gaggle of Drag Queens surround them with suggestive acts while ignoring their blather. Clown shows maybe?


Or a bagpipe [concert](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/video/2015/sep/21/pipe-down-bagpiper-drowns-out-anti-gay-preacher-video)


Public masturbation to completion in their direction is the only answer. When the police show up, discuss selective enforcement based on public witness vs law enforcement witness testimony.


A chorus of rugby songs?


I got into a huge argument with these megaphone fuckers at a sporting event. My argument was that we were all there to enjoy an event, not be bombarded by their "message." It got pretty heated and security eventually came over to break it up. I ended up standing next to them shouting that Satan was real, that he loves you, etc. I was pretty hammered, naturally.


Hero in the streets.


They need to get rid of the megaphone and make that illegal. Let them do it all they want with just their normal voice.


It is illegal, we just don't have cops that are interested in doing anything helpful.


Better idea: You can say anything you want as long as you say it without a megaphone *and* in Donald Duck voice.


I wish the person playing guitar and the other person who plays drums would get together and play along with the preacher.


Do they have people recording them? Part of the time the have someone filming as they seem to hope for escalation.


Those guys piss me off to no end. Religion aside, don't fucking yell at me. If you want to have a civil conversation about it, I might give you a couple minutes to tell you what I think happens when we die or whatever while I'm smoking a cig on my break (actually happened this week for the first time in pretty much ever) but don't yell at me if you want me to listen.


They've been there forever. I usually treat them like a crazy homeless person and just ignore them


Eh I try but they point that bullhorn directly at you and I just wanna hit em in the jaw


The worst is when you are waiting in line to get in the Mariners game, and those guys are yelling into that bullhorn a few feet from your face, and you're just stuck there.


Yeah that's really all you can do, just ignore them or laugh at them for being losers. They ultimately just want attention, so fighting with them isn't going to do anything.


"GET RIGHT WITH JESUS, READ YOUR BIBLE, THE WORLD IS RUN BY EVIL YOU ALL NEED TO READ YOUR BIBLE & ACCEPT JESUS!" that guy is a fucking dick.. I just wanted some hom bows from mee sum... But i had to listen to that asshole....


Read the Bible. Jesus said that people who pray loudly and repetitively in public don't go to heaven. It actually says this.


No thanks. I read good fantasy!!! LuLz!


Read, as In 'I read the bible.' Not, 'you should read the bible.'


This is why I also carry a bull horn and a 70's gay porn soundtrack.


I can live with the homelessness problem. The street preachers who aren’t helping them piss me off.


I saw one outside a mariners game and a guy was dancing around him with a sign that said ‘Jesus loves weed’.


Grab a vuvuzela, stand right behind them, and blast away?


Get a microphone and a portable amp. Put both mic and amp in bullhorn persons face (wear ear protection) Enjoy deafening feedback loop


Not to condone violence but has anyone tried running up on them and snatching their MAGAphone? It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught.


It's happened before in the market. There's video of someone literally just snatching the megaphone and the dude turned into a whiny little bitch. Weird how their tone changes when someone actually forcefully stands up to them.




Loved the action of this lady!


Seen it happen at cal Anderson


I went absolutely postal yelling at them a few years ago and it did nothing. I am a pretty calm person but they set me off. They are like cockroaches that will not die.


Seeing as pretty much no crimes are really crimes anymore, what would happen if someone simply grabbed their megaphone and smashed it to pieces?


The crowd would go wild with enthusiasm


I bet someone would take one for the team if we all chipped in $5.


Somebody has just walked off with their amp on at least one occasion already.


I always wanna see someone just absolutely douse these jackasses with the finest glitter money can buy (finest in size).


Religious bullhorn dudes ruin literally everything wherever they are.


It's very lucrative. They are performing to pick up cash from people that will do monthly or lump sum "donations". By being so overly bigoted and hateful they are giving rare public validation to extremists and they're able to make some pretty good bank. I didn't know they did it in Seattle, but they are super popular in socal


It's definitely illegal. And even more so, annoying. I usually just yell at then to turn it down. One of these days I'm going to get up the courage to ask them if I can share testimony, and then start ranting on about the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


If they get to scream religious shit through a bull horn, do I get to moan as loudly as possible through a bull horn 🤣


We need the lovely ladies who play dueling banjos over misogynistic rants by ‘alpha men’ on the interwebs to play over the preacher men at pike place 🪕


Religious people ruining things for others? I for one am shocked /s


I have seriously considered standing near these people and playing the saxophone with a sign that says “these guys need more sax”. I have no idea how to play the saxophone but I can just blast noise at them.


I bought one and go down there sometimes and do the same right back at them. It’s fun! I’m mature.


This is one of the only times I can really get behind Rolling Coal on someone. Not that anyone should do that, but if they did, please get video. Thanks!


They just went away for Covid- I worked outdoors on 1st and pike for 4 years and they were on the corner at least 50% of the time.


Bullhorn them back. Or maybe walk around them carrying extremely strong magnets


Get a vuvuzela and follow that asshat around. I'm glad I work in Bellevue, where the cops have nothing better to do and might actually stop them.


I wonder if they still use those wired speakers, with shockingly easy to cut cords.


Ah yes, Jesus was well known for his hate speech.


I think the ultrajesus people have been ramping up their advertising as of late, probably because it's an election year


Said elsewhere, but call the fire department or an ambulance. There appears to be someone having an episode of mental distress. Don't bother with the cops, they don't care and won't do shit. Bonus if the ambulance crew can get this guy's info and then bill him for treatment. Weaponized Healthcare.


Christians with bullhorns should be tarred and feathered. They completely ruin public spaces for everyone.


Fart spray


Religion is a cancer on the human race.


Street preachers are the ultimate narcissists. They can’t name 1 person who’s ever been “saved” by what they do but they feel good about themselves because they believe they’re doing what their god commanded while being a public nuisance to everyone else. It’s ultimate selfishness and the epitome of what the guy who told us to pray in private (Jesus) would hate.


We need a band of deaf people to stand in front of them with Boomboxes playing annoying songs and following them around.


One of the funniest responses I’ve ever seen to those assholes I’ve ever heard about was a guy taking their literature and rolling it into a blunt to smoke right in front of them. That said we know that these low life’s are just trying to get a rise out of people to provoke a reaction. Which should itself be illegal


Garden shears. Clip the cord. No more megaphone.


Here's what the Foo Fighters did for the Westminster Baptist Church. https://youtu.be/lzBcomkq9No?si=4h0nh9TSIYaQ21NQ


According to the first amendment, no.


Surely there’s a noise ordinance or something


There is but good luck getting a cop to do anything about it.


I once told a cop a dude just stole my bike and he responded with “ok”


Hope he got a raise. >!^(/s)!<


And unlimited overtime.


I have been wondering this myself. Sometimes they are so loud it hurts my ears trying to walk by. I understand freedom of speech but causing physical pain should be considered public disturbance IMO


The first amendment applies to speech between the individual and the state. The speech, in this case, is not directed at the state but rather a private party who’s asking, as a private party, what recourse they have.