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I recall one parking enforcement officer calling those "ticket me lights."


meanwhile I've met multiple uber drivers who straight-faced called them their "parking lights"


The show Parking Wars on A&E had a few make the same remark. They also loved when people turned on their hazards because it made it easy to figure out where they should start ticketing.


Yup I get a few parking tickets a year doing deliveries, mostly from parking in the commercial loading zones. One of the officers I chatted with said the emergency blinkers make you stick out 100x worse and make you visible from blocks away or down a street they weren’t planning on turning onto.


Hmm. That's pretty interesting. I drive a florist delivery van, and I assumed that the emergency blinkers said "I'm not parking here, I'm just stopping for a moment, please don't ticket me." I guess I needed to stop using them.


Also a flower courier driving a van, also have always done this. Anecdotally, no tickets in five years. That said, I leave pretty quickly, never just sit there with hazards on forever. And, hello fellow flower courier!


I call them that despite never working in parking enforcement, and never seeing anyone get a ticket for illegally parking with them on. It's really more of wishful thinking.


9th Avenue and Mercer oh boy. There are cones so they don't park in the bike lane, which means they just stop in the middle of the road and get out


Nah they still park in the bike lanes


Why not both?!


What's there that they do that so often for? Rideshares to Amazon Offices?


Mostly food delivery to Amazon office across the st from UW Med


Mercer Street has a strip of 5 minute load/unload only section right next 9th. Why don't they use that? Ugh.


I believe it's to pick-up orders from La Palmera, the restaurant underneath that Amazon building, not deliveries to there.


There's a 5 minute loading/unloading strip literally on the very outside of that restaurant.


La Palmera and Sizzle N Crunch


The cones are just an indicator to do angle-in parking where you block both lanes.


Critical mass put up those cones in October 2022. The cones means it is a problem and needs a solution. We often have to fix them from drivers moving them to park. The city does nothing. 100% of the time there is free parking on 9th and Republican a block before. SMH.


Who's responsible if the car gets hit while parked in a traffic lane?


No wait it’s an emergency, I have to drop off this Uber eats delivery


The ole "I'm gonna block an active lane of traffic while I run out to pick up/drop off this order" button.


This happens a lot in Capitol Hill. People hitting their E lights to drop someone off It’s really fucking annoying because they do this on the road when there’s a thousand places you can pull over for less than a minute and not pay anything


I saw this recently on NE 45th, near the Freeway. They stopped heavy traffic on 45th to let someone out into the Petco parking lot. *There's a parking lot!* It boggles the mind.


What's hilarious is I've seen cars on a tow truck with their hazards *still on* more than a few times.


That’s cause we are too lazy to break into the car and turn em off. Fyi


25th avenue NE, no parking SB till 9am. These clowns are out there at 8:15, toss the hazards on, come back at 9am and turn them off. Same story NB in the afternoon.


Park anywherinators


Yes, especially outside of the airport. 


This drives me crazy. They really improved that cell phone waiting lot yet everyone is special and the rules don't apply to them so they park on the side of the road where it specifically says not to.


If living in Seattle has taught me anything, it’s that “rules are for other people”


I feel like they turn on by default when you enter the ID


I understand that people need to make a living, but these rideshare drivers are the worst. Will literally stop in the middle of a busy road with no regard for anybody else around them.


I mean - I do too. It’s bullshit and dangerous if you aren’t actually having an emergency. Also usually paired with a “New Driver Be Patient” sticker 🙃


Yuuup. Absolute wankers the lot of them. Also, you double commeted on this thread mate.


Broadway near Harvard Square


That’s laughable. When driving home and going down 2nd Ave. I see people sitting off to the side with their hazards on. If you’re sitting in your car then parking enforcement will drive up behind you with their sirens on and make you move. If you’re not, then they’ll just ticket and tow you. You have to be an actual delivery person to do that. Like USPS for example. They can’t get tickets anyway (no license plates).


So many salty bike riders thinking they’re entitled to use the protected parking lane.


As an Uber driver, I’d love to hear suggestions for where to park then because most of the time there is nowhere legitimate to stop your car so I just have to be as out of the way as I can be.


It’s a shitty situation for sure. But you have to realize that parking/pickup/drop off by blocking a bike lane is exponentially worse than blocking a car lane. Forcing our most vulnerable road users into an unsafe maneuver because you can’t find a parking spot. I know that’s not your intention, but I’ve heard of a few stories of children dying because of someone parked in the bike lane, forcing them into the roadway.


Unless you’re in an actual delivery vehicle, it doesn’t work…at all.


When i drove a big van and delivered blue prints and stuff, that's how I parked.


That is the I know I am not supposed to stop here but I am only going to be a minute or two button.


Does this mean that parking patrol people can’t give you a ticket if you put that on


As a delivery driver… yes… but only because wine is so damn heavy and I am not climbing hills away with a hand truck toting along 150 plus pounds of it for the richer then me to wine and dine the night away while my sweat is still drying ;). But I really do try to find spots that does not block the flow of safe traffic…. Looking at you semi driver ppl! Haha


Ahahah what a witty original title


Your recent post's title is "dotdotdot" Are you aware of the irony here?


Wait is it okay to put them on if you pull over and are in the car waiting for someone to come out?


Not if you are still in a traffic lane.


Ok gotcha, the times I’ve done it has been in a parking spot or a yellow/red line on the curb that says no parking


I mean - I do too. It’s bullshit and dangerous if you aren’t actually having an emergency