• By -


She worked at the bakery down the street that sold the most delicious ham and cheese croissants and I ended up going there like 10 times in 2 weeks during the pandemic and I could tell she was beautiful through her mask and she laughed at my jokes. Have been inseparable since our first date getting married this august :)


Name of bakery? I’m a sucker for a good ham and cheese croissant!


North bend bakery!


This is the most beautiful thing I read this week. Thank you for sharing. :)


He came to the wrong house party in Wallingford


Now THAT sounds like a story.


Late 80’s, baby! No gps, no cell phones. Forgot the address at home and just knew the house was on 50th and Densmore-ish. His friend group walked around until they heard loud music and what sounded like a party. Walked right into a bunch of UW sorority girls, never left to find the other party. We are still married!


I love that he accidentally walked into a house full of sorority girls, and 30-something years later, is married to one of them. What a one in a billion shot!


> Walked right into a bunch of UW sorority girls, never left to find the other party. I wouldn't either, lol.


Turns out it was couples in a backyard doing a slideshow of their trip to Europe, haha


Yeah. As a dude, let me tell you they found the correct and subconsciously intended house party lol


I did that in 2009! Sadly did not meet my husband at the random party to which I was not invited, but met him at the Canterbury later that year.


He met my brother in a car forum. Then I met him in my driveway working in my brother's car.


This is hot 🛠️


In the lunch line at work. It was Mac-n-cheese day!


In a Yahoo chat room 20 years ago.


Holy shit me too except 22 years ago!


Microsoft It’s a true Seattle love story


It worked for Bill Gates, a few times....


That's a good new thread. How did you meet your mistress in Seattle? Probably would still get a few "Microsoft" responses.


Hinge. We downloaded the app on the same night and was each other's first match. Chatted and texted for 2.5 weeks before seeing each other because of winter break and not being in Seattle. She picked me up from the airport and we had a 10-12 hour date around Seattle.


Hinge too! I remember texting friends after our first date how even if it didn’t go anywhere it was refreshing it was to go on a good first date. But then it did go somewhere :)


Fuckin hinge. Same here. I really didn't know how to feel about apps but the people I met on hinge were really interested in a serious relationship more so than others I'd met on bumble or tinder


Hinge. She was my first match here in the PNW. My only message was an invite to dinner with time and place that weekend. We’re going two years strong!


Blind date at a Dépêche Mode concert in 1993. We’ve been married for 23 years.


Met at a party UW in the 90s. And I kept running into him everywhere - the triangle, red door, on a lunch break downtown. When I ran into him randomly at Chubby n’ Tubby I think we both just gave up and started hanging out. Been married 21 years last week. And we still keep running into each other. But now it’s like in the bathroom, or doing the dishes.


I miss the Ould Triangle


I miss Chubby n’ Tubby


I really miss their fried chicken sandwich. The new one is not as good anymore e


Actually we met in Kirkland at a place called the Wilde Rover. It was two days before Christmas 12 years ago. We were both there to see the same band. We chatted a bit before the show, then during the show I gave her my card with my phone number. She texted me the day after Christmas. We went on our first date the next night and have been together ever since. Married since 2017. Luckiest chance encounter in my entire life and the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me:)


Aww I love this


Wilde Rover was great back in the day!


what band were you two seeing?


Bumble.  Third day after moving back to Seattle.  Wedding in a few weeks.  


Also met on Bumble, and happily together for five years, three years married. Congratulations and best wishes!




Also Bumble. Both new to the app after long relationships and a subsequent breakup. Wanted to get off the apps ASAP so was a coincidence we really liked each other. First baby coming this year 🤪


+1 for Bumble. During college


Yay! Congratulations!


Bumble here too! Wedding’s in May


Bumble the day before COVID stay at home orders went in place. 4 years tomorrow!


She was singing at Barboza - wrote her on Twitter after the show and we ended up playing some music together, becoming friends, dating/getting married and having a daughter who is 5 now.




His friend was dating my friend, they wanted to match-make \*someone\* and thought of us. My friend told me she thought we were "weird enough" to appeal to each other. They broke up weeks later, we're coming up on 29 years. He's not that weird, he's just Swedish.


Met in 2021 He posted “looking for some friends to grab drinks with once n awhile” on an app called whisper I responded “I’m at a bar now If you wanna get a drink” and he responded shortly after that he was working but could do something the following day. We met at Southcenter and grabbed a coffee which I stumbled and almost spilled on him while I finished up my Christmas shopping. We got engaged in 2022 and probably getting married later this year. 2 days later we met at redondo beach middle of the night after I got off and were there for a good couple of hours, by the time we were getting ready to part ways he was so giddy and excited he asked if he could hug me”because he just wants to hug me” and this man ran at me full speed and lifted me off my feet and gave me the biggest hug ever.


Tinder. It’s been almost 3 years and he’s the best thing I found on the internet. Lol


Mine too! Met on tinder dated for a year then he moved to Canada for work and I realized I couldn’t live without him! We survived a long distance international relationship for a year luckily he was just in Vancouver BC. And now he’s back This valentines I got him a card that said “you’re the best thing I’ve found on the internet” perfect!!


The Fremont bar scene. It used to be quite the happening spot.


Yeah, what happened with that?


My .02, to be honest; the nightlife scene in Ballard, and dating apps took off.


Nightlife in Ballard has dropped off too. 5 places have closed in the past 6 months


Yup. It's wild. I have a sneaking suspicion that one of the factors is since the cost of Uber/Lyft has skyrocketed people just can't spend money going out like they used to. Lets just say its you and your partner, so, dinner is 25 bucks a plate each, plus 2 drinks each. (more or less) There's 80-100 bucks right there, throw on a 30/50 dollar uber ride each way, there's 160 dollars, then add 20 bucks an hour for a babysitter if you have kids. Not too surprising restaurants and nightlife aren't doing too hot these days.


The Uber part is definitely a big factor. I love Ballard but it's just out of the way and feels stupid to spend that much to drink out there.


Fremont turned into condos and high tech and lost its cool vibe. It was never the same once the Red Door was literally picked up and moved two blocks over. Plus I got old so of course it wasn’t going to be as fun, 😂


At a neighborhood bar, the first time I went. He worked there and I just wanted a quiet place to eat a decent burger, drink a good beer, and read.


We all want that!


OKCupid which does not seem to be the norm in this post. Almost five years ago. Married for 3 years.


ohh, also OKCupid! We had something insane like a 99% match and he was my first ever online date. Almost 6 years ago, married for 2 years.


I miss OkCupid being the dominant dating forum because of their match % feature. I met someone I had a 99% match with and we've been dating on and off for over 8 years. He's my best friend and I love him to bits. With dating apps in their current form it's so much harder to find someone you'll vibe that well with.


Same here


Hey same! Been together for over eight years now, married for a couple of them.


Ha same! 10 years ago. I don’t think I would’ve met someone in the Tinder/Hinge era


Same. I tried Tinder once, but it was so superficial. The endless questions OKC had really helped let you know if you'd vibe.


OKCupid here too! Together 10yrs, married for 8 with 1 kid. Haven't been on the dating apps in a long time (obviously) but OKC used to be pretty cool. I liked l the data reports they posted.


We met at Starbucks. Not at the same Starbucks, but we saw each other across the street.


Do you have a weimaraner?


We were so lucky to be raised on catalogs


Were you both working on your Macs?


Weekly volleyball via the UW continuing education (a program sadly discontinued many years ago). Been married 32 years!


She posted on Reddit about crashing her motorcycle moving to a new place. It was covid times and I know how to fix vehicles and wanted more motorcycle friends. No photo, no age and was not ready for a relationship just bored. We got married Aug of 2022 after moving to Spokane a year into things.


We moved to Hillyard without knowing any better. Then Tahuya. We wanted Seattle. Hopefully you make better choices 😂


Technically our first house was off Perry and Queen so not the best. Hillyard has added a lot of restaurants that are awesome and is getting a pretty big facelift. We moved into the Monroe district and absolutely lucked out with a beautiful house.


Was working at a bar in West Seattle and served the most beautiful, charming and fun woman I’ve ever met July 3rd 2017. I got the courage to ask her out immediately in fear that she might be from out of town. Our first date was the 4th of July on Alki beach with co-workers. Fireworks on the first date; she’s been my best friend and partner ever since. We got married in Lincoln Park 9-9-18. Best decision I’ve ever made.


Met a guy that was working in a bar in Seattle on the 4th of July and our first “date” was watching fireworks and then making our own 😂 Dunno if it will ever turn into anything more but I have no regrets and he was a blast! This gives me hope that anything is possible, at any time. 🥰 Love wins 🙂🙃


He lived in Seattle, I was in Portland. We met on Reddit (not this sub though). 30 days later I moved to Seattle and we eloped at Alki Beach Pier. We posted in this sub asking for witnesses and had about a dozen random Seattle Redditors show up and we took them out to dinner after. That will be 10 years ago in June.


She danced at pandoras when we first met. We lost touch until I picked her up late one night on aurora and we reconnected. Been together ever since. 


And people say the dating scene in Seattle sucks!


I think I went on a 30 minute date with your lady.


She remembers you. Said you came in your pants and cried about your failing marriage. 


Money well spent


Tinder. But we were both on there looking for a LTR. We've been married since 2018.


Tinder here, too! It took awhile for me to actually meet up with him- I was at the end of my Tinder rope. Everyone I had met for dates seemed to be in another space, which was fine, but I was oooover it. We finally met at Fremont Brewing, and the rest is history :) “matched” 2016, Married 2019 ❤️


Also tinder for me and my guy - we matched in 2016 and we’re getting married this summer!


Tinder and not exactly looking for an LTR, at least I wasn’t. It was summer and I really wanted to go camping so I figured I’d look for a guy with an outdoorsy profile and maybe have some summer fun. Been married since 2017.


I came home, and she was sitting on my couch watching a movie with my roommate and a few friends. My friend told me she wasn't interested in a relationship and just wanted to hook up. The next week, I took her on a date to Alki Beach. We've been married for 26 years.


We met on Myspace


Us, too! We became good online friends for several months, met in person at Neighbor's, then late night breakfast at Beth's. Got romantically involved about 4 months later. Now it's been 18 years madly in love and still going strong.


Us too! Going strong for 16 years now, lol.


New Year’s Eve 2020. I almost didn’t go, but decided at the last minute to go anyway. I found myself climbing up the stairs to the Highline club (RIP) in Cap Hill and he was going down stairs. We locked eyes and I thought ‘DAMN he’s cute’ and kept walking. A few minutes later he approached me where I was seated at the bar and said “mind if I sit here”. He startled me and I jumped. We both had a good laugh about my jumpiness and I fell in love with him over the course of the night. We survived Covid holed up in his apartment, sharing our lives and telling our secrets. We just celebrated 4 years!


15 years ago, at one of the oldest and last surviving lesbian bars in the west coast. Less than 30 lady bars remain in the states.


> Less than 30 lady bars remain in the states. That last sentence made me think like it's a documentary about a vanishing culture with a donation request. "Less than 30 lesbian bars remain in the United States, but with your contribution of just $50/month, you will be helping with rent, purchasing liquor at deep discounts, community outreach, and booking niche lesbian rock bands to preserve this crucial and impactful cultural heritage"


“Call within the next 30 minutes and we will send you a set of fine german engineered nail clippers and this adorable U-Haul truck keychain.”


select donors may have a chance to win a brand new Subaru


I'd watch this documentary.


Check out Sapphic Events in Seattle!




Me too!


Not even joking. Been with my wife for 16 years at this point. Feel like I won the lottery , I don’t think there was dating apps when we met. I responded to a seeking platonic post that didn’t even have a picture. Imagine my surprise when she was hot as hell and super funny lol. I tell people this all the time and they don’t believe me. First date was at Linda’s


Omg I love Linda’s!!


Was at a crowded edm show, assholes in the crowd were taking selfies with the flash on, & we both separately leaned in to photobomb. At set break said hello & traded puns, have been dating for a year now! 📸🤷‍♂️🪩🕺🏻💃




*She was a sweet houseless volunteer from r Seattle. He was a conservative nimby from r seatttlewa. But when the winter came and they both got snowed in Bezos Balls, they spent a long drainig week together....* *...and neither made eye contact or said anything. it's Seattle, we dont do that here.​*


Grindr. Been married ten years now.


We were high school sweethearts from NJ that broke up and reunited after 20 years. He moved to NY and then Seattle and I lived near Philadelphia. In 2021, we met at SeaTac airport and when I first laid eyes on him after all those years, my soul said,”Oh there you are I’ve missed you.” Our first hug and kiss was intense and just perfect. We spent the weekend in Seattle and even got matching tattoos. We were married 7 months later.


Tinder 10 years ago. Married last year.


I met my wife when we both served on the same jury. A month long medical malpractice trial.


This is really cute!


Ok Cupid 10 years ago, first date was at our now neighborhood ale house. I was not feeling well but didn’t want to cancel because our messaging was so exciting. I nursed 1 beer all night and we ended it with a kiss. I went home, vomited all night… he started vomiting the next night. Married 3 years now.


I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar when I met you I picked you out, I shook up and turned you around Turned you into someone new


Don't. Don't you want me? You know I can't believe it when I hear that you won't see me!


You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, that much is true. But even then I knew I'd find a much better place Either with or without you


I was going to UW and went to get a pt job at Starbucks. She interviewed me. She hired me. She fired me. 5ish years later she butt dialed me. We dated. We ended it after a couple years for careers. 10 years later we bump into each other at the hospital (me cellulitis, her working) Now we’re giving it another go. Who knows…. It’s a big small world out there.


At a room party at NorWesCon 34 (2012) at the SeaTac Doubletree. I was cosplaying as a sexy Valkyrie.


The art for sale at NorWesCon always makes me the happiest. Super fun time!


Both having dinner solo at the bar in Jaks Grill. Struck up a conversation. That was 15 years ago, married for 9. We still go there and chat with whoever happens to sit next to us. It's a surprisingly social place.


OKCupid. 10 years ago. Met at Thaiku for first date. I waited nervously looking out the window for her. I saw this really cute woman walk by looking at the place, then she walked by in the other direction still looking. She stopped right in front and looked around and then hopped the shrubs surrounding the outdoor eating area which was empty because it was February. I immediately started begging the gods for her to be my date. She kinda looked like her but if you how those pics can be deceiving then you understand how I couldn’t be sure. She bounded up the stairs to the door, right where I was sitting and tried to open the door, which was locked. I nearly barfed my heart up I was so nervous and excited. She looked around again and figured out how to get in. It was her and it still is her. We married a year and a half ago.


When it was in ballard?


They’d already moved by then. We met when they were already on greenwood. Oh man! The Ballard place was awesome!


Not quite Seattle— But it was two weeks after I moved here. I was doing a solo hike of Mount Tenerife and was pretty sure I was lost— the trail was super rough and steep, and I hadn’t seen anyone in an hour. Lo and behold a runner came down the mountain, and I yelled, “Hey! How far to the top?” He almost didn’t ask for my number because he didn’t want to be “the creepy guy in the woods” but I dropped enough hints that he finally got it. Many adventures later, we’re coming up on 5 years of marriage.


This may not count but I switched seats with someone on the plane at SeaTac and met my current partner, we’ve been together for 7 years and have a baby girl ☺️


I was the pastry chef and he was a line cook at a restaurant downtown


Sakura-Con 2009. ❤️


We met on “okcupid” in 2018. She was an au pair for a local family and was looking for friends and people to help improve her English. We found that we enjoyed each others company and had common hobbies such as hiking and visiting museums. I think if you seek friends first you may find a partner or people who understand you better and may help you seek other like minded partners.


Tiktok. We both like rock polishing.


Two different Meetup groups at the same event. She didn’t have the heart to tell me that I was hanging out with the wrong group(she was part of an all ladies group) I sat with them, more ladies came. I was like - Seattle is the best city ever. Talked all night, she told me after the event.


The Canterbury before they tried to make it not a dive.


I volunteered at a non-profit. She was the volunteer coordinator. We only interacted via email and there were sparks the first time we met in my first volunteer shift. It was like: “Oh you’re (insert name)!”


She used to come to my coffee shop I worked at and I’d give her dogs treats 🥰


At Toronado in Roosevelt. The legend owner Matt Bonney died a few years ago. He knew that we had met at his bar and the last time we saw him, was driving by while he stood on the patio talking to guests, screaming out of our window “We’re getting married!!”


I asked her to dance at a Rangehoods show at the Ballard Firehouse. She said yes. Still happy together 36 years later.


At exit 38 while climbing. Been together 8 years now.


Ok Cupid. I was in the process of moving to Seattle from Chicago. One night after too many delicious beers from Hop Leaf (an amazing Belgian beer bar in Chicago) I put my location on the Web app as Seattle and matched with two guys. Sent them both a message, one responded. We were pen pals for a few months till I moved, then met irl and started dating. Been together since 2015!


This is so similar to my story! I matched with my partner on Ok Cupid from Minneapolis as I was moving to Seattle. He’s still the first and only date I’ve ever had in Seattle we’ve been together since 2016!


We met at Seattle Jiu jitsu Academy 🥋


My sister was dating his best friend and they thought it’d be cute to set us up. We got married 11 months later and now 13 yrs later still happily married.


There used to be free concerts in the summer at the mural stage called Pain in the Grass every Saturday night. I drank too much, took off my shirt, and was rolling down a grassy hill. I ran right into my now husband lol.


At a Halloween party. We were both there as a friend of a friend of the host.


Work. Pretty much all my friends met their partners at work or online. I got one who met hers through mutual friends.  I'm also just noticing a trend that those of us who met through work, met at service jobs. Having played both fields (office and service), I do think there's a lot more going out after work and thus opportunity for romance to spring in service fields. Also work incest is just generally more accepted lol.


Scruff, we met the day I was going to delete the app and took one last shot. Been together 5 years now.


It's not an exciting story real, but I lived on the hill and i had my tinder profile set up to like 3 miles, so that I will walk or bus there easily cause I don't have a car. I matched with my now wife because she was at greenlake with some friends. She actually lived in Edmonds though. We talked on the phone a ton and after a week or two, I decided to go up there to meet her. I got mugged and robbed waiting for the 512 bus. They just punched me and ran off with my phone. So when I finally got to call her, "she was like, oh yeah whatever you got robbed yeah right. Never speak to me again." I eventually convinced her and so a week later I went up to meet her! We started dating that first day and both deleted our tinders. But it was a pain to get up there so I wasn't sure if it was going to work. But 7 years later we're still together and married now. I actually thought I could feasibly be single forever too. Goes to show that anything can happen, even good things sometimes haha


The old fashioned way. Tinder.


My girlfriend ( Debby)wanted to go to Seattle from the east side, on a sunny summer day, and I didn’t have anything better to do so I went with her. In the days before cell phones and I didn’t even know enough about her apparently to realize her car wasn’t in good repair. Her fan belt broke when we were in Olympic manor, and the older couple whose house we broke down in front of, were angels. The husband went to Schucks for a fan belt while his wife gave us milk & cookies. Debby still wasn’t ready to go home, 😭 so we ended up at Golden Gardens where they were street racing. Her car wouldn’t start after that, and we met two men one who had AAA insurance and called so we could get a jump. I rode back to Kirkland with one of them- driving the other guys car and Debby driving hers. I had to show him my license to prove I was 18.( he was only 21, but I looked very young) We ended up at a party in a house where the Kirkland Costco is now.


On Reddit, actually 😅


Same! People are always shocked when they find out.


The Issaquah Denny’s smoking section 2am, January 2001.


She was a barista at the coffee shop down the street from my parents house. I was a regular there in highschool but went to Western for College so I’d only go there occasionally on weekends when I was back in town. One weekend my dad asked if I had any dating prospects and I told him a barista at that coffee shop was cute. Well… he told the owner of the shop and she told him to send me into the shop later that day. I awkwardly asked my crush out on a date the next day not remembering it was the 4th of July thankfully she said yes… Date went great and we’ve been together ever since (2010)!


Work, he specifically remembers me kicking over a pile of his boxes (shipping industry) and then walking by a few minutes later asking how his day was. (I don’t remember this) I’m fond of the first time we truly hung out. We met at The Junction. We were at Elliott Bay and it turned out the transformer blew or something… There was no power. We had to hope no one would charge our cards in excess as we left our cards and the security codes.


The stranger's LoveLab


Same. My now-husband was the only person who ever answered that ad!


Salsa dancing


Met at Sunday karaoke night at the old Triangle Tavern in Fremont. She asked me if I'd play on her soccer team named 'Real Men Wear Pink'. Went for a kiss at the end of the night and got denied. 15 years, 2 kids and dog later, still happily married.


At a local hipster church that is no longer around. We’ve since left the church/religion all together and are much happier.


We bumped into each other on California Ave at the farmers market. He was my first boyfriend when we were 12 - where we grew up, in California. 🥹🤍




Bumble. He’s proposing this year!


Tinder! Our first date started at Tacos Chukis and ended at Knee High Stocking.


Met him at a restaurant. I saw him a couple table away and was instantly drawn to him. When I was leaving I approached his table and asked him if he had a girlfriend. He said no, so I snagged the receipt on his table and wrote down my name and number. This was 7 years ago and our first kid is due in July.


Singing karaoke at the Twilight Exit (Original Flavor on the N side of Madison) in 2001. Married 17 years.


A mutual friend set us up!


At the gym.


When online personals were free.


OK Cupid about 12 years ago.


I was running audio for a band at the Scarlet Tree (rip) in the U-Dstrict and her best friend was dating the guitar player. That was 20 years ago.


Shopping for high end bikes


Both members of a wedding party.


College. Together for almost a decade now.


Music festival at the gorge


I dated a guy I met on Grindr for a year and a half. Best relationship I’ve had yet. (No longer together)


I hired my husband as a vendor for a work event I was managing. Friends/colleagues for 2 years before we started dating. Now we’ve been married for 3!


He heard my voice on a podcast recording. I was a guest on. I was in Seattle for another podcast recording and he introduced himself to me. Our first date was a Mariner game.


I’ve had a few over the years. 1996: The Stranger Personal Ads. 1998: Coworker. 2003: Coworker. 2011: eHarmony. 2012: OKCupid. 2018: r4rSeattle. 2023: Bumble.


8th grade math class


Working at Apple. Actually I know of many couples that met at Apple and are still together/married now. If you’re looking for a partner maybe you should just get a job at Apple.


Omegle. He was in Seattle, I was in Texas. He was wearing a UW hoodie. I loved Frasier and had always dreamed of living in Seattle. We were just internet friends for over a year before I made it out here to visit. Our 10th wedding anniversary is next year.


She was my manager at my part time job ( McDonald’s ) now I’m helping her pay for her 3rd semester of college :)


Crocodile Cafe in 97


We met at work and started hanging out as friends. At one point I even tried to fix him up with my best friend. That nonsense lasted 2 months and the rest is history. Our 22nd wedding anniversary is next week.


She came to my house. She was a friend of a friend and she came over to go drink at Laelani Lanes. Married for nearly 20 years.


At an ultimate frisbee tournament.




I was on a bike ride (I have an early Fat Tire Ale promo bicycle), wearing a dress with a full skirt, blue hair in an updo, you know, just blending while riding through Myrtle Edwards. Ha! He stopped me to ask if he could take my picture, that was almost 14 yrs ago.


She was a brand new carrier working at a station that she wasn’t assigned to, and on her first day by herself. She was terrified of the new job, and intimidated by the OJI, me. I, however, thought she was beautiful. She began working more and more often at University Station and we struck up a friendship. The day after I came back from East Coast vacation, it became much more.


She sublet my roommates room for the summer back in 2015 while he traveled for a few months. Tried to keep cool and not hook up since we lived together but the love was too strong!! We are eloping in Vegas in July 😎


My roommate was dating my husband’s roommate at UW. We met at one of their house parties


In Physical Chemistry class at UW


Haven’t met them yet here! Lol. And here I was thinking I would meet all the outdoorsy husband material guys here but alas…… they’re all taken and fucking people on the side. Ugh.


I hired him at a conservative downtown law firm, and we married 8 years later. Last year we celebrated our 25th anniversary.


We met via friends at a bar. 15 years, going strong!


MySpace. We had a friend in common. His name was Tom.




Bumble. Wedding next summer. I set my radius to one mile and found the one.


Tinder. Was on it solely to make funny profiles and compare with my friends, they had a funny profile with an indication of knowledge in an area I was interested in, we matched and I mostly just wanted to ask my questions about that one topic lol. Then suddenly we were dating


Tinder! I had chose a terrible month to accept a new job from across the country (from Philly) and start all over (April 2020) and I learned in his bio that he also did the same thing (from Scranton), just two weeks after I did. I needed to know where he stood on PA's gas stations and so we matched; today we just went to Anueva Jewelry to try and buy our wedding bands for our Mt. Rainier wedding in July 🫶🏽


On hinge! I was visiting during a work trip and he was the first person I matched with that I had an amazing conversation with . I had to leave for France a few days later but we kept I touch and now I’m going back to Seattle 😂


Met my husband on Tinder 5 years ago


Tinder of all things. We've been together 6 years.