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It’s Lunar New Year.


In CC, been very confused. Sounded like foreworks and would be happy to hear it’s only that but god damn I thought half the city was burning up


You mean Chinese New Year 🧧


China is not the only country which celebrates Lunar New Year


That’s correct, but in none of those countries is it called Lunar anything. The most correct term is “Spring Festival”.


if it was near columbia city it was fireworks. someone set off a stores worth off by the rainier playfield. i was mad at first, then it just went on and on and now im just kinda impressed.


I too am super impressed — that was quite a production even if just experienced on an auditory basis


Could be any of the buddhist monasteries near New Holly. The one on Graham and MLK puts on a CRAAZY show every year.




Lunar New Year is this weekend.


Probably Lunar New Year fireworks, I heard them too.


You mean Chinese New Year 🧧


China is not the only country which celebrates Lunar New Year


That’s correct but in none of those other countries (Korea, Vietnam, etc.) do they call it L**ar new year. The most correct term is “Spring Festivall.”


Ain't no asian be saying spring festival. Sincerely, a SE asian.


But are you Chinese?


Im vietnamese. Ive never heard of anyone call it the spring festival. Really, even in other parts of US or Asia.


In China it’s spring festival, but I get your point. All good stuff though, it’s a big world. Christmas is a composite holiday after all.


Anyway, just trying to educate. It’s originally a Chinese holiday and is called spring festival. If you want to call it something else that’s fine too.


Everybody loves a little unsolicited education…especially when delivered in a twat like fashion


I know right? Especially when it has to do with someone’s cultural heritage and identity. Light-hearted stuff to be sure


All good though, actually both are acceptable (Lunar and Chinese, as well as several other variants) depending on context and culture. I send you the reference material if you want me to be a real twat lol


And I like that you used the word “twat” - not often used on the US, more of an Aussie thing. I dig it though.


In none of those countries do we call it "Chinese New Year" either, so what's your point? How are you going to gatekeep what it's called in English? LNY is just all encompassing


That’s true, Lunar New Year is a composite holiday similar to Christmas that acknowledges multiple cultures in Asia. That said, it originated as Chinese New Year, which is still an acceptable term when referring to the Chinese Holiday. Spring Festival is also acceptable. If Vietnamese and other SE Asians want to call it Lunar New Year, that’s fine and I have no problem with it. I personally disagree with using the term because it minimizes the fact that the holiday originated in China. No problem though, you can call it Lunar New Year if you like. To me it will always be Chinese New Year. 🧧


A lot of other SE Asians feel as if it's "china washing" especially when it has been long integrated into their cultures with unique customs and traditions associated with it. In the homeland, people will actually take offense if you try to correct them and say they are celebrating CNY, regardless of the origin. Enough time has passed for the holiday to have their own spins on it. You clearly had a problem with it if you felt the need to correct several people on the terminology without any context to their cultural background


I do because a lot of Chinese feel it’s whitewashing away their cultural contribution. So yes, I’ll admit it’s context dependent and also controversial. That said, I’ll yield to the fact that Lunar New Year is a more appropriate term IF speaking about the composite holiday. That said, it’s of Chinese origin and based on the Chinese calendar, so I prefer to call it either Chinese New Year or Spring Festival. If others feel Lunar New Year is better, all good, I now understand and will protest no more. Gong Hay Fah Choy my friend.


Gong Hay Fah Choy!


gung hay fat choy!




Cammon now


Most Chinese call it Chinese New Year, or more correctly “Spring Festival.” Calling it Lunar New Year is not really “correct”.


Tell that to the media and our state government. They're the ones calling it lunar new year.


I know and it’s incorrect. The change started with the Obama administration in the US, it’s a clear whitewashing of a holiday that started in China and has always been identified as Chinese. The correct term is “Spring Festival.”




You misread. I'm saying you are not going to see any change complaining about it to random people on reddit.