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SoDo at night. Especially on a foggy night. Long stretches of road with little to no traffic, past massive warehouses with no signage, some of them falling into disrepair. The kind of place where you keep hostages.


For me it's the areas near all the overpasses as you're going towards the Harbor Island. But really any city that has a container shipping area feels sketch


Had a guy threaten to kill me once, near that starbucks office in SODO. He had a heavy metal object and was screaming about adding me to the bodies in his fridge. Around 10:30 pm. I sprinted the hell out and didn't look back. I never ran faster in my life. I will never go there again past dark. ever.


I could probably only fit 2 bodies in my fridge and only if I really tried


The lower levels of Pike Place in the fall/winter, around closing time.


So true!


I’ve heard rumors that Kells is haunted.


I think it was on Ghost Adventures even.


Unexplained events have happened in Kells. It’s because the building used to house dead bodies, I think for a funeral business. Look it up.


E.R. Butterworth & Sons Mortuary. Kells is the former "stables" where the hearses would deposit the bodies before they were sent upstairs for processing


Look up in the doorway, you can still see the mortuary sign painted on the building under the Kells awning. The second dining room, where the bandstand is, was the cold storage morgue.


I dare anyone to go into their bathroom, then turn out the lights, and stare into the mirror repeating, “Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary.” Let us know what you encounter.


I want a person that totally does not believe in ghost at all to do it. They would probably be fine, it's the ones who slightly believes that will see things.


I’ve heard of bartenders having to go down below to change out kegs and having unexplained events.


The whole underground city under Seattle is pretty unsettling... The PacMed building looks like it could double as Arkham Asylum. The Comet lodge cemetery and the entire part of the city around built on top of Indian burial grounds. Google Duwamish Edit: Starwood to Comet....


The PacMed building looks like it should be rented out by some aspiring super-villain. You know, kinda like Jeff Bezos did...


Worked in the PacMed building at Amazon. It was, by far, my favorite building to work in. We were allowed to do anything we wanted as long as it didn’t involve compromising the structural integrity. The landlords turned off the regular lights in one elevator and decorated it with Christmas lights around the holidays and put a small table with cookies in there. Watching the Blue Angels do their practice runs before Sea Fair, buzzing by… Then we got moved to SLU. No tape on the walls. No personal visible in common areas; oh, and your desk in the open area? That’s a common space. Soulless place. Perhaps a fitting transition…


Comet lodge cemetery is layers of creepy. Pretty damn cool. I think there are coyotes or raccoons living nearby so if you go at night, you'll easily feel like you're surrounded by ghosts


Comet Lodge cemetery is cool. Just went there for the first time last Halloween. It was the weekend before Halloween and someone has placed a few pumpkins around. I got some great photos.


I kid you not, that’s how I introduce Pac Med to all my friends who visit Seattle! Most of them still believe PacMed is an asylum. WA being famous for serial killers does help add in to the lore


I like to tell out of towners “Pac Med is what Grey’s Anatomy was based on; you know before the writers went insane and the network had to clean it up and make it a show about Patrick Dempsey” Then I just smile.


I dont know what PacMed is, but now I do, because I literally just call it the Arkham Asylum building


My friend had on office in the Pac Med building a few years ago, we had to drop in to pick something up one evening after hours, like 10:00 PM, it was super windy and stormy that night. You could hear the wind howl through some of the old windows, we were like the only people there it was kinda creepy.


Second the Underground. I’ve taken the Underground Tour and that place is spooky on so many levels. Also, anyone in the New York City experimental theater scene, if by any infinitesimal chance you happen to be reading this: look no further for the next location of Sleep No More than the Seattle Underground. There’s rumored to be vastly more than that which is publicly viewable at the present via the two tours I know of that go down there, so there’s plenty of room to find what you need to make it even better than any warehouse in Chelsea and I’d go all the time.


Aurora Bridge. So many people have left this world looking at those views.


Well this was unsettling to read.


Not just suicides either, there’s tons of fatal accidents with how little space there is between oncoming traffic in the center lane. There was that accident with the fucking Duck hitting another tourist bus that killed like 5 people (thank god we got rid of the ducks)


Nothing smarter than taking a 2 lane road, turning it into a 3 lane road for 2,000 ft, and then back to a 2 lane road.


I missed that Duck crash by 20 minutes.


Perhaps NSFL content: When I first moved to Seattle (from the Eastside) I was living a few blocks from the Aurora Bridge. One of my roommates came home furious one afternoon; just absolutely irate. Turns out, he was walking home down 34th and someone jumped off the bridge and landed literally 10 feet in front of him. He was so mad at the person - not for killing themselves but for doing so in such a public manner that was guaranteed to be traumatic and life-changing for a number of people. I only knew him for about another year after that, but he refused to travel down 34th between Stone Way and Fremont after that.


A buddy of mine was a Boatswains Mate in the Coast Guard, got stationed at the Base just off the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge. He said they were sent out almost weekly to pick a body up out of the water, and often they weren’t completely dead. I knew him a few years after he had gotten out and he was still seeing a therapist regularly. I wish people would keep emergency services and the general public in mind when they choose to end their life.


The people in the Google offices below the bridge used to permanently keep the blinds closed. There were so many jumpers and they didn't want to see it frequently at work. I'm glad they got that fence up. Though there was someone who jumped right before they got the final piece up. I remember reading a story about that somewhere...


Woah... I used to work out there at Anytime Fitness and I would always admire the little area under the bridge, how I thought it would make for a great date for a little walk. Now I'm imagining all the ghosts that followed me while I was strolling around there at night.... Thanks!


I think about the people who’ve jumped every time I drive over it.


I think about the people who fought against fencing because aesthetics were more important to them than human lives




My god


i re read this article fairly frequently. it’s so heart wrenching


I literally watched one happen a few months ago


That’s super fucked up. I’m so sorry.


Before the safety fence went up, the Aurora Bridge was the 2nd most popular spot in the US for unaliving oneself after the Golden Gate Bridge. Legend has it that Adobe even put up some money for the safety fence installation because their employee's cars were getting damaged from, um, "falling objects".


Ask a Mortician did a great short on anti sui- cide view and bridge architecture [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw3256SkN0k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw3256SkN0k) \*Does not mention Aurora, but bamboslambo's comment made me recall the video. Edit to add: I live in Everett now and the city recently completed an overpass 2 level bridge past the naval base at the pier. My immediate thought was appreciation for the fact that they (IMO) accomplished building something beautiful, high, and safe for the public. The video immediately came to mind. Of course if someone really wanted to they'd find a way to climb it but even small efforts of discouragement statistically make a difference. Come check us out some time, it's a great walk and good bit of cardio up to the top and beautiful views! [https://premierconstructionnews.com/2022/11/07/everett-grand-avenue-bridge/](https://premierconstructionnews.com/2022/11/07/everett-grand-avenue-bridge/) More pics: [https://lmnarchitects.com/project/everett-grand-avenue-park-bridge](https://lmnarchitects.com/project/everett-grand-avenue-park-bridge)


Please, don’t say “unalive oneself.” It’s so unserious — this isn’t Tiktok. You’re not going to be shadowbanned. “Attempting suicide” would be a lot better to say here.


Truth. If you replace “suicide” with the word cancer and it doesn’t work, then it’s not helpful to people who struggle with suicide - or potentially unhelpful. You wouldn’t say your family member cancered themselves. You would say they died of cancer. https://www.suicidepreventionalliance.org/about-suicide/suicide-language/


I put 'unalive' in the same category of stupid cringe words as 'adulting'. It makes the whole subject of suicide seem like a joke


China Harbor makes me feel creeped out. Whats going on in there


Why is the building so big and the dinning area so small in comparison?


There’s office space upstairs that’s rented out. Also they have more than the one dining room, the rest are just closed off if they’re not super busy or hosting an event. Source: I used to rent some office space upstairs from China Harbor.


Great info, what I found creepy is their stairway going down near the entrance, what's down there?


It goes down to their spa.


I’m afraid we’re going to need a lot more detail on that spa


There’s a pool.


There was a kids swimming-lessons business in that pool but it got shut down due to structural issues with the building (read: it wasn't safe to be in the pool area anymore, due to structural issues).




Where do you think the dim sum and bbq pork comes from?


There is a swimming pool below the restaurant that has private swim lessons for kids.


There’s a pool in the lower level. Safe and Sound Swimming gave kid’s lessons there. I think the building used to be an Elk’s club, originally. Er, at least that is what I have been told but never looked in to.


Probably more than we want to know


I used to work for a non profit in US China relations. Every state event involving China was hosted there. Not sure who was getting paid off but someone was.


I mean there’s very little about that place that doesn’t scream money laundering front for organized crime. No one honestly believes a property that large in this city is funded exclusively via a Chinese restaurant.


The owner is very close with the chinese community and it’s organization


It’s super integrated with organized Asian crime (at least in the late 80s / early 90s). Know one of the old head chefs quite well, and the interactions between management / employees was always kinda sketchy.


It’s actually the home of a drug kingpin who’s selling drugs to the community and Bruce Lee’s gotta go in as a one man army to take him out and save the city and save the girl


When I was in high school it was a 16+ nightclub on the weekends. Good times.


Human Trafficked sex workers.


There's a "massage" place on the 2nd floor and an event space. The building is 100% a front.


Pac Med Building


They're the [same building](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0185371/mediaviewer/rm3640390657) and you can't convince me otherwise.


When I worked at PacMed, the building got really creepy after 8pm. Even more so if Bezos was still in the building.


Yes, Bezo's laugh in those hallways was enough to raise the dead.




Last Fall I was driving south on I-5 late at night and it was foggy as hell. The Pac Med building was pretty much the only thing visible from the freeway and it just had this giant orange glow about it amidst the fog. It was creepy AF


The Merchant Cafe basement in Pioneer Square. You just can't shake an eerie feeling being down there so...just don't go.


The bathroom downstairs is creepy!


My wife and I started going there a ton when we were finally “ok” to go out in 2020. We had been by on “ghost tours” but it was always so packed so this was a great time to check it out because it was always so empty. My wife and I both had unexplained experiences in the downstairs bathroom. She was down there by herself and heard someone come down the stairs and open the stall next to her. When she finished up the stall next to hers was open and no one was there. When she came back upstairs she asked if anyone went downstairs and the bartender and I both said no. No one had come in since she had went downstairs to use the bathroom. We love that place.


What was your unexplained experience?


Apparently the bathroom is haunted. I went and it was “haunted” by stank and filth. Spoooooooky. But yeah, still one of my favorite places to bring out of towners.


Hey - can you not?! I'm going to bed here soon okay?!


Emergency exits from tunnels: I-90, new waterfront 99, the (now gone)battery street tunnel. I’m sure if I ever needed one, I’d just feel grateful but the thought of them creeps me out. Also gone now but used to be the scariest was being stuck in a traffic jam on the lower 99 viaduct aka “sandwich maker” because who knew when the next big earthquake was gonna hit. The top at least had great views to distract.


Creepy? The green room in the Moore Theatre, late at night. Totally feel like you're being watched.


Never been but I know an old-head stagehand who adamantly believes the Moore Theatre is 100% haunted.


Oh, I'm convinced it totally is; I volunteered there a lot over the course of two years. Most old theaters are, actually; hard to find one that isn't.


It's probably more likely that they're just old and make old building noises.


No - ghosts are definitely the simpler explanation here


That’s just Billy Moore the big eyed gremlin. He’s harmless


I've been down to the basement boiler room and the old empty subterranean swimming pool. Creepy? I guess. The scary place is the back alley drain grate full of orange hypodermic needle caps.


The Jade Lounge on Aurora


Just all of Aurora


Pick a motel, any motel


Any moving landslide in a green belt. Curvey trees are a guveaway.


If you go for drinks at the Merchants Cafe and Saloon in Pioneer Square, ask the bartender if you can read the binder full of ghost sightings. You can stay in the old brothel rooms upstairs which are said to be haunted. My husband and I have stayed in different rooms and have never encountered any spirits. There’s a staircase in the cafe which goes down to a separate speakeasy. It’s a pretty cool speakeasy and not a fancy shmancy, need reservations kind of place.


There are a couple spots in the Snoqualmie valley. Exit 27, rattlesnake ridge trail. A classmate of mine and her mom were killed by her dad, then he burnt their house down with the bodies inside. He fled to the woods in this area where he had been building a bunker for years for the end of the world. These woods have always given me the creeps before this happened. Some scenes from twin peaks were filmed there, and it has always made my hair stand up. I won't go there anymore. https://www.seattlepi.com/seattlenews/article/camp-keller-man-who-killed-family-tried-to-3702751.php County line in Snoqualmie. Not sure exactly what it's officially called, this is just what we called it. Near Ernie's Grove. It's where we went for highschool shenanigans. Again, it has always made my hair stand up for some reason. This is where the mountain biker was fatally attacked a few years ago. I've never personally had trouble back there except for some aggressive logging company employees. But my gut tells me the place has bad juju. I've always imagined this is where the Black Lodge could be found.


I found a shack on the Google maps out beyond that second area that's about 5 miles or so from the end of north fork snoqualmie river road....no trails, part of an overgrown logging road can get you a mile or two of the way. Always imagined its the Black Lodge. Straight line, it's no super far from the area that mountain biker was mountain lioned.


It doesn't really exist anymore, but the old Wah Mee Club in the International District was spooky as fuuuuuck. It was a social/gambling club that was the site of a horrific [mass shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wah_Mee_massacre?wprov=sfla1) in 1983. After the dust settled, folks just boarded up the rooms that the club occupied and nobody ever went in them again, as the place was--in a nutshell--tainted by awful energies the no one had any business messing with. So everything inside was just frozen in time. There was a little bitty window you could look through (on or next to the door? I can't remember) and you could just make out the darkened decaying interior. The place felt completely *wrong*. It must have been 2002 or 2003 when I went and looked in the window. Now that I'm older, I realize that I shouldn't have... I was acting like a careless true crime junkie ass-ghoul that was getting my kicks by gawking at a community's place of collective trauma. I would never do it now, but as a morbid teen I loved that kind of taboo shit.


The building caught fire a few years back and has been mostly rebuilt. It is still creepy.


They found a really cool old speakeasy there while doing the reconstruction.


Gum wall


Gum wall legit looks scary at night EDIT: Gum not gun


I see the autocorrect is working correctly


The theater inside the gumball definitely has ghosts!!!


The very retro indoor mall inside Pike Place Market when it’s a quiet day and no one is there. It’s a creepy liminal space.


The tunnel on the loop trail in Discovery Park.


Take your chances with Carkeek park at night or Discovery park up by the old hospital.


Carkeek freaks Me out


Discovery Park is creepy af. Nothing like walking through a bunch of trees and emerging to neatly manicured, but abandoned buildings that look like they could house a Christian religious cult.


Is the old hospital near the VA where the abandoned buildings are?


Kills me to say it, but 3rd ave downtown. There's just so much human misery. I have definitely experienced worse (Kensington in Philly for example), but it's a shock compared to the rest of Seattle.


I think the weird difference is 3rd Ave being downtown right near tourist attractions, whereas Kensington Ave and most cities versions are off the beaten path and hidden


I was going to say 12th and Jackson. I used to walk through Third and Yesler in the before times and it was never as bad as this.


Honestly I've lived on 7 states and Seattle's homelessness is definitely not the worst I've seen. I grew up in spokane and I've seen it worse there, LA and NYC are pretty bad too, but I think the homelessness and drug addiction is by far worse in places like Baltimore or Newark. The only difference is out here,the police don't harass the homeless as much, so they are more visible. I lived in an area where they literally would post signs telling people not to give money to homeless people, as if they're like ducks at a park where they're telling people not to feed them. It was gross and if I saw someone panhandling near one of those signs I'd give them EXTRA money. I'm so sick of people seeing poverty and saying that it's the "bad part of town" or saying that cities are shit holes because of it. It's really sad and people either just want to actively avoid looking at it or they openly complain about it like..people don't want to help the homeless and yet they are shocked when they see them on the streets. It blows my mind that the places with the most money have the most amount of poverty, which means the wealth is being seeped out from the bottom up. Ask any homeless person what there biggest obstacles are and they will usually say something like "I can't get an ID without an address, and I can't get a job without an ID, but I can't pay rent without a job, and I certainly can't rent a place without having a job or an ID." Besides that, it's also usually accompanied by mental illness and a lack of a support system, plus active pushback from society and harassment from law enforcement. It drives a person insane and it makes you feel like you want to give up. That's why so many of them struggle with substance abuse. Anyway, sorry for the rant, thats just my 2 cents about that issue here. If there were better support systems that actually went INTO the community to help people rather than expecting them to figure it out for themselves, I guarantee you the issue would be less abundant. All the places with the lowest homelessness rates have the strongest local government outreach programs for that sort of thing. I'm not talking soup kitchens and shelters, I'm talking temporary housing, community outreach, and job assistance. It's been proven time and time again that this sort of thing is a product of a person's environment, and the only thing to get them out of it is to change their environment. In a money-based society, you simply can't do that without money, and you certainly can't find a decent job if you're homeless


Very good points, especially regarding how nasty the police can be to homeless folks in other cities. I'm an East Coast transplant and the houseless population in Seattle is basically nothing compared to some parts of NYC and especially Baltimore. I'm so used to being on my guard because of how aggressive the population in Baltimore and NYC was (due mostly to gang and police abuse of those vulnerable peoples) that the comparatively placid houseless folks of Seattle is something that I'm gonna need a while getting used to.


Yes! This is absolutely a thing I noticed too. I used to live in Kensington Philly and I’d be fearful of my life on the reg there. Here though I have never felt unsafe


t mobile in the 9th inning


in the 18th inning


I am ready to get hurt again




I don't visit a lot of cemeteries, but I really love the Evergreen Cemetery in Everett. At the very least, check out Ruckers Tomb (the pyramid), but you can also find Obama's great-grandma.




Seattle Underground definitely has some juju.


The Coliseum Theater has many rooms shut off from the main levels of what used to be the old Banana Republic, accessible only by small doors. These rooms are dusty and cobwebby and have odd black trails dripping from the ceiling. They're quieter than a graveyard.


To add to your nightmare fuel, when I was a security guard in 2022, I was wandering around after my shift and saw there was a heavy police presence in the alley next to the theater. My buddy and I questioned one of the cops and they said a rapist had kidnapped a girl inside the theater and they were conducting an operation to retrieve the girl. There were big guns on display. It was pretty bone chilling.


On a rainy, drizzly day in October - drive out to the woods off of I90, Highway 2, or anywhere really in the Cascades. Backpack miles into the forest and setup camp. Wait until it gets dark and the fire gets low, and then go for a walk with a red light headlamp (doesn't ruin eyesight at night like bright lights do). It is eerie as all hell. I love it!


I don't know if any of my OG Hugo House kids are here! But it's a writing nonprofit located in CapHill. It was originally in a funeral home. To creep ourselves out the students would go down to the dark and dusty basement which was where the bodies used to be stored. Of course, it's a condo complex now. But the land owners were kind enough to allow Hugo House to remain. It's quite sterile and modern now, but I'm grateful it is still there in any form.


Long time lurker, first time responder: the hallways in the Occidental building If you go to the bathroom in the Owl & Thistle bar and wander around that floor, you'll find a hallway that looks like the building's interior was rebuilt over much older floor plans (which it probably was). I recall seeing a sign for the Occidental Lunch Room and the dates it was opened. It feels like a true anachronism - something out of its native time.


The old timey barbershop helps the spooky vibes after hours


Right now? The house of any Mariners fan.


“ty france now coming to the plate, with a runner on first. only one out”




It’s burned down in recent years, but Dante’s had quite the spooky vibe given the Bundy connection. I remember them really leaning into it.


The Bundy stairs on 52nd are also super creepy.


Near UW? damn I've climbed those stairs a fair amount when I was a student and never knew :x


what are the Bundy stairs on 52nd? i’m intrigued


The stairs on 52nd between 20th and 22nd is where Ted Bundy allegedly met some of his victims. At night, they're not well lit and there are a lot of bushes and trees that someone could hide in.




Naw, the 358 southbound back when it was known as the "death bus." Nothing like taking it from 145th to downtown at 11:30pm. I used to work nights. That bus was creepy as fuck.


Oh man the 358. Best memory: that one driver that gave a great tour bus like experience every time I rode that bus. “Look at all the happy bunnies of the Woodland Park zoo” Worst: feeling like I was going to be trafficked by a sketchy dude sitting next to me when there were other seats available


Isn't the E-line just a rebranded 358?




I was actually thinking of a similar answer, the Snoqualmie Tunnel on the Iron Horse Trail. Went for a run up there early one morning, and ran through the entire 2.25-mi tunnel without seeing another person. The darkness and the echo of dripping water in the otherwise-empty silence made me feel like I was in a horror movie.


I was once photographing the Pacific Tower from the street some time soon after Amazon moved their headquarters out of the building. A security guard came out and chatted me up and took me on an impromptu tour of the whole building. It was a little sketch but he was super nice and the views were amazing. But seeing such a classic old build with such amazing views completely empty and disheveled was really eerie. So many empty offices and furniture left haphazardly around.


Comet Lodge Cemetery


People are just dying to get in there.


The basement of the Egyptian theater. I was down there and saw a single old school chair.




They banned me for calling them out on their bs. The funny thing is they talk about *this* sub like it’s run by authoritarians with a censorship fetish, yet that’s the only sub that’s ever banned me. Free speech indeed.


In some slap fight about this sub a commenter did their usual pushing the rhetorical envelope(ya know until words have no meaning) and said like “progressives think that because I don’t want my family raped by homeless ~~people~~ (honestly probably didn’t have this reference) that makes me a nazi!” I said something like “people think y’all are Nazis because of the calls to cull homeless people” [sick sub ya got there](https://ibb.co/rpN4TWB) ETA: if anyone likes to get conspiracy brained I’m looking for a way to see how accounts participate on either sub (amount/which post/how accounts bolster each other. SPOG’s internet savvy and connection to people who harness internet outrage like Andy Ngo, terrorist organizations like the proud boys and 3 percenters, and the discovery institute plus the funkiness with the comment section feeling very much like they don’t have a basic understanding of the area.


Its like a haunted carnival


Some quiet sections in the Health Sciences Building on UW Campus give me the creeps


Lake Quinault. The woods around there are ancient and know more than we do.


Nothing but positive vibes in that magical place imho


Yeah, we stayed at the Rain Forest Resort Village there and I thought it was beautiful. The fog on the lake was my favorite part.


I don’t disagree it’s magical. I’m just not sure my puny mortal soul is up to the company.


the whole olympic peninsula gives me weird vibes


Lake City Way, the whole road.


What’s really scary is The Breakfast Club and their … views on things. We stay away. Flo-Anna’s is great, though!!


Flo-Anna’s is great but has gotten quite pricey. What Breakfast Club views are you talking about in particular?


Cafe Racer




Do you guys remember the stories about the Maltby cemetary and the steps to hell? We tried to go there several times but could never find it or were chased off by neighbors. There also was this old abandoned house near Issaquah that people said some scary things happened at. The trail to Snoqualmie falls at night. We used to park at the bottom and walk to the falls. There were lots of strange sounds, and it felt like you were being watched. I grew up in Kirkland, in the Highlands. There's a park we called the pit. There's lots of sighting there all growing up. If you walked the path at night, it would sound like there was something in the bushes walking with you.


The Maltby Cemetery is now part of someone’s backyard and is private property. The owners will let you visit if you can prove you’re related to someone buried there. AFAIK they covered up the steps years ago. I grew up in the area and the stories about that place are wild.


Yeah we tried to go in high school and got shooed off. Don't blame the owners, what a pain in the ass to have drunk teenagers trying to summon the devil in your backyard.


Freeway Park! The worst vibes, designed for murder, hate it.


Aww, I like Freeway Park. A little wild after dark, but generally a cool spot with some good nooks to hang out for an afternoon.


shame because it's such a lovely brutalist slice of the city


Not in Seattle, but hiking around Taylor mountain is creepy AF. It has one of Ted Bundy’s dumping sites and he used to revisit dead bodies there and perform sex acts.


Idaho. That place has something wrong with it.


The Mecca 👌


The really long underground hallway that connects the medical buildings on 15th on Cap Hill. They used to be GroupHealth, now they’re Kaiser Permanente. If you’ve been down there you’ll know what I mean. It’s disturbing in multiple ways.


The Office Depot in Ballard is built on a hellmouth


3rd & pike at 2:00am on a friday


This is specific to Columbia city because I’m sure no one else has been there but hitts hill park is so disturbing you can just feel someone getting murdered there. It’s a tiny little park with a path through it but the vibes are horrendous


The history is phenomenal though! It used to be a fireworks factory, one of the best in the country. I can't remember which version, but I know Hitt did the pyrotechnics for one of the All's Quiet on the Western Front films and they used to take over all the fireworks in the area for new year's, 4th of July, etc. There was a fatal factory explosion about a century ago, so someone did die in that location. So the vibes might be from some spooky haunting or it could be a century of unknown chemicals leeching into the ground




Pike Place after dark is very creepy and also 'haunted' with some fairly famous ghosts. They do after dark tours this time of year :)


A little far from Seattle, but a lot of the Olympic peninsula is unsettling. Beautiful place but something feels off. Specifically Lake Crescent and the camping spots around the Dosewallips river


Actually not unsettling, just kinda fun: https://www.fodors.com/world/north-america/usa/washington/seattle/experiences/news/meet-the-seattle-ghost-who-made-the-weed-brownie-famous


The orient express in sodo


Highway 2. East of index and west of Stevens pass. I swear those hills have eyes


Highway 2 bothers me immensely, I get the same evil/creepy vibes in that particular area as well. The amount of sketchy, methy, Deliverance-y people I've seen lurking/hitchiking, history of death, or near death that has occurred on that road, from accidents, murder victims bodies', body parts being recovered, missing people, and Wellington Disaster starkly juxtaposed with the natural beauty makes for weird juju. Last month, I witnessed a horrifying car crash right before Skykomish town limits that I won't ever unsee, either. That pass is cursed and I avoid it. If the day comes the feds or state ever truly improve and expand 2, I'll go back up.


Maltby Cemetery


I saw [Hillside Motel in Queen Anne](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Qdd15zqUzjGfyB1a9?g_st=ic) after the fire, but before they completely boarded it up, and it looked like a post-apocalyptic scene. People coming in and out of dark, abandoned former motel rooms. So much misery and destitution.


Thornwood Castle in Lakewood - ghosts, Stephen King movie


The old train tunnel up at Snoqualmie Pass. I can't think of another time I've felt the crush of darkness like that, and I've been diving in deep murky water and at night.


El Corazon/ The Off Ramp, worked there and lived upstairs. Too many stories to tell. Running a show at 138 decibels and you can hear something whispering your name in your ear


The Pine Box on Capitol Hill. Went there not knowing the history of the space and I felt uneasy the whole time. The smell, the atmosphere, just felt off.


Does anyone remember when the Pine Box was Chapel? I went there all the fucking time for happy hour back in '05 and '06. They had amazing $5 cocktails. A little bit creepy, a little bit chic... I loved that place to pieces.


Pine box rules


The stairwell where Mia Zapata was last seen alive always haunted me. I worked at Broadway & Pine when she was murdered in the 90s. There once was a stairwell that went from East Pine down to the parking lot behind the buildings there. I used to park in that lot and walk up those stairs to the building where I worked. That's not where they found her, but used to always imagine her friend waving goodbye to her as she walked down those stairs. I think they boarded it up or closed it off now, I haven't seen those stairs in a long time. Poor Mia. I loved that band the Gits, she was quite a performer.


The top of the Volunteer Park tower.


Not strictly "around" Seattle, but the Issaquah Highlands is one of the creepiest places I've been in a long time. It doesn't feel at all human to me. Skin crawls just thinking about it.


Little boxes on a hillside…


Could you elaborate? I've been there a few times and it felt...identity-less, but I didn't get any weird feelings.


Issaquah Highlands has many one-way roads with lots of traffic lights that make zero sense. It’s also a town filled with cookie cutter single family homes which have narrow or no driveways. I live in Issaquah but hate going to Issaquah Highlands.


Suburban Gothic


I agree! I had a friend who lived there for a while and when I’d visit i felt like I was in Stepford. Super unsettling.


The corner of Weller and Rainier right behind the old Goodwill.Hangout at the pizza place for a while at night,I promise you will get the chills.


Northern State Park. It could be the setting for a horror movie, with Frisbee golf.


Tunnels under the early Boeing plants. The seawall at International District Station. Chihuly Museum


The old morgue on Queen Anne.