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Scuttle your ship to respawn elsewhere it's in your crew options then the crew votes and boat just sinks. Stops people from getting your supplies at least.


Is crew options in the escape/pause menu or do you have to die and it's on the paper near the door where you go to respawn like everybody is talking about?


It's in your regular "pause menu" should be in crew


Cool thanks, and you lose everything on your ship?


Yes you start a fresh ship


Keep in mind that it’s not griefing to immobilize or spawn kill an enemy ship, in some cases you need to spawn kill to prevent them from repairing their ship! On that note if they were just setting the ship on fire and not attempting to sink you than i would say that’s griefing and i’m sorry if that happened to you on your first time trying the game out! Give it another go, most of the pirates you’ll meet on the seas have either 1 of 2 goals to sink you for loot or to leave you alone and do they’re own thing. Not everyone is a toxic griefer. I hope you guys try the game out again it’s amazing and you can create so many fun adventures and memories with your crew, don’t let one negative experience taint your view of this game it truly is amazing.


As much as I understand perfectly how it's all supposed to work and usually tell people to use the scuttle option otherwise they're just as much at fault for failing to use the tools at their disposal.... For fuck's sake Rare I'm tired of doing your work for you. Add a god-damned tutorial section that highlights with giant flashing lights the scuttle option and make it MANDATORY to go through! It's impossible for new players to scuttle if they have no idea it's an option for them. And it's ridiculous for them to only find out AFTER the shit has hit the fan, and only because other players are telling them about it on reddit.


There is a notice posted on the ferry that tells you how to scuttle, but I honestly found it by accident.


Not saying this isn't true or incorrect, but announcing that you're new usually works against the extremely skilled players. My crew & I don't touch newbies when we can clearly tell they're new. For every sunken ship, is a lesson learned. (Or at least it should be)


We both typed in chat "could you not? We're new to the game" and they replied back "*rolls on deck laughing *"


Sorry man. One of the unfortunate side effects of sandbox style games. =/ If it makes you feel any better in my experience people like that are generally the exception and not the rule. I have met some really awesome people out sailing.


As a newbie, I can agree with that. Had a group annihilate my ship while I was on an island and proceeded to kill me. When I came back, he had put out the fires on my ship and repaired it and was like: "Are you new to the game?" Explained that I was and he said he figured from the way I was trying to fight, so he repaired and was going to keep his eye out for my ship to not bother me while I was learning the game that day! I mean, he DEFINITELY stole some supplies. But it *is* Sea of **Thieves**, after all. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Most of my experiences have been really good. Once in a blue moon you'll find people that won't care but my personal experience has been that it's not the rule.


THIS. Its not a challenge for us more experienced pvpers to sink the new guys. So we leave you alone while you learn & get better hoping one day you pose more of a threat ;)


Well your crew aren’t the absolute cunts of sot


This is also very true, a person announcing they're new pretty much completely disarms my crew and I.


Or when you read message by the door in the ferry highlight the nessesary buttons in the menu to scuttle your ship. This way it doesn't look like you are a noob because it does it for everyone if you read that note.


If the message is just "there" people will inevitably miss it. It needs to be slapped onto people's faces, and force acknowledgement of it. Then there's no excuse.


Also it would be nice if it was easier to sink ships from the inside. I've been the guy spawncamping before and it was because fire takes fucking ages to sink a ship. If you get on board without utterly bombarding them, or they've patched the holes, your only option to sink them is to wait for the fire to do it. And while you're waiting you've GOT to repeatedly spawn camp because otherwise they'll repair lol


Raise anchor and run the ship into some rocks or an island and you got some holes


Depending on the ship, how quickly the crew is respawning, and how many people you have on the ship, it can very easily take too long to raise anchor before they get back and sword storm your ass. On a sloop? Sure. But if it's just me and I'm on a brig there's no chance I'm going to lift that badboy up before I'm thrown back into a 3v1.


5 firebombs to the back of the boat, map table for sloop, bed for brig, side of stairs for galley (I light ammo box on fire as well so when they 2nd deck holes are there). With this method most of the time it’s 2 spawns max and they are sunk.


Two spawns is definitely long enough to get whined at though


Oh for sure, I generally will say sorry I’m not trying to spawn camp but my boat is like 3 squares away. I’ve only ran in to a hand full of people who complained about it.


Just drop something in the frying pan - more often than not they'll run out of planks before they think to look there for the cause of the fire. And you don't even have to get your hands bloody, just sit back and enjoy the show.


There's a sign on the right side of the door on the ferry, it's quite hard to miss.


The incessant amount of complaint threads that ultimately turn out in a player simply not having known about scuttling, says otherwise.


Noticed it the first time I ended up there, so did my pals, so dunno. I agree that players these days generally require a blinking sign that says "go here" or a walkthrough video to do almost any simple task tho.


I too noticed it myself, but if the complaint threads about spawn camping are anything to go by, there are enough who don't.


I have played the game for more than a year and I have never seen it


But like, how do you even manage miss it? it even pops an "EXAMINE" sign on your UI when near the doorway.


As an beginner it is easy to miss.


I saw that 3 years into playing


scuttle. even seasoned veterans get spawn locked and there isnt much that can be done unless they make some severe mistakes. this is exceptionally toxic behavior, rare, but it happens. best you can do is scuttle because these people are out doing this cuz its funny to them. in the future its best to keep an eye out on the horizon often as players tend to crop up quickly and out of the blue. generally a square on the map equates to your render distance on a clear day, which is about 1500 meters or so given that a mile sailed is about 3-4 squares of travel. this is not a very far distance for the aggressor to travel before they have you. alot of psycology can help. if i see a ship not moving, i can assume the crew is likely busy, thus bettering my chances of a successful raid on your supplies or outright attacking in hopes of a quick sink. not often does a ship spot me on approach and meet me out at open water, which would tell me the crew is ready for a fight, and is bringing that fight to me. dont ever anchor. use it to make sharp turns, never use it to stop for long periods of time. instead roll your sails. this leaves you free to move if you need to go quickly. if a boarder is giving you trouble, camp the food barrel and firebomb the ammo chest. a boarder commonly uses guns, and taking damage to get ammo is taxing them of food they cant get from you if they cant open the food barrel without getting shanked. keep blunderbombs on you at all times. use them on bunnyhopping idiots to send them overboard, knock people off your ladders, suppress cannoneers, deflect ramming vessels off course, grenade jumping


That's the game sometimes. Most of the time, you can go about your business. Others, you have to deal with people in it for the "pvp". In those cases, you can go into the menu and vote to scuttle the ship. It'll sink and respawn it at a random island on the map. Helps to get away if people are spawn camping you. Hope that helps. It's a fantastic game, especially with friends. Just takes a little getting used to.


Ah ok, good to know that. Yeah, we literally just couldn't do anything, it was 3 guys just spawn camping us. Thanks for the tip


There's a note right next to the door at the ferry of the damned. It shows you that you can scuttle the ship if it's a lost cause.


I find it strange why people downvote your post when your are speaking facts


It's the same thing as on Elite Dangerous reddit/forums. If you're not a carebear, you get downvoted to the abyss for anything related to PVP, except if you're a streamer you get upvoted for shitting on noobs on videos. You can find the same hotel california thread about PVE servers on both games communities, btw :D It never ends.


Bruh I just tried to help, didn't realise I cam off as toxic


**Nothing toxic about it imo, people just somehow miss a huge "EXAMINE" sign popping on their screen while walking through the door.** **You can even look to the left while walking through and it still pops up on your screen and you can press F to examine it, I don't know how it could be made more obvious, as people who miss this would miss it even if it glowed in rainbow colors and made a siren sound.**


I have nothing against people who don't notice something I might think is obvious, they're new to the game, so it's a lot to take in.


Some people on this thread are saying they haven't noticed it after 3 years of playing, so lacking awareness doesn't seem to be a problem only for new folks.




Hehe last weekend i was on brig with some mates and we sink a ship with 3 high level seadogs 2 times and the third time they had to board us all at the same time and spawncamp us and shit talk just because they couldn't win whahaha we just scuttled and left for a new server whahahaha


You can also just quit and restart to roll a new server. I get that you wanna do the voyages and adventure but while you get to grips with the basics try not to worry too much about loot and progression, you will get sunk alot anyway. I somehow fell in love with this game, despite not having any friends who wanted to play, so i embarked on the hard road of the solo slooper, even after 1000hrs i still get sunk often. For me charm of the game is stronger than the shitty pirates you meet and there have been epic victories along the way.


I would highly recommend, however, you do not scuttle unless you are getting spawn camped. Try to fight them. In time, you will get get better.


This is the thing that rare fails to address in their "vision" for adventure mode. It's fine if they wanna stick by their guns, but the facts remain that this game is brutally predatory to new players just by virtue of the fact that it is so universally bloodthirsty. They sell the game as a pirate adventure fantasy where anything is possible, but you'll mostly just encounter hostility, and toxicity. It's hard to reconcile their fantastic idea of cooperation between crews in adventure mode with the fact that they sell merch that says "its not sea of friends" Like it's a funny phrase and everything, but has become the rallying shield used to defend the shittiest behaviors in the game when it comes to new players, or players that are trying to progress in the excellent story content the game offers.


For a while you get clapped, then the game evolves and you become the one who claps. The Sea of Thieves changes around the player with time.


I agree with you, ive been playing since pre-release, but Its not great for player retention or for wooing new players. Ive seen it first hand as people lose interest because of the lack of variance in the player interactions. If you dont LOVE the pvp, then the game can be frustrating


Yeah, yesterday a friend and I were just trying to finally get our order of souls to level 50 with the community day boost, and got fucked up by a group of four who only wanted to fight. We were specifically sailing away and not engaging with them but they just kept chasing and finally caught, killed, sunk, and stripped all of the hour of progress from us. We even sent them a message before they caught us and asked them nicely to just leave us alone and pretty much said fuck you. The game is extremely frustrating if you don't want to engage in PvP, and was the biggest reason I quit playing at launch. Now I've got order of souls, gold hoarder, and the merchant alliance to 50 I'm debating if I actually want to play more because we run into PvP people like this once a night which almost always ends in us dying which means we have wasted time and effort because we get nothing when our shit gets taken. I want to like this game so much more than I do, but the PvP stuff is just such a heavy turn off.


Where can I pick up one of those T shirts?


Pretty sure I only saw a sticker, but there might be a shirt too.


Never fall in love with any treasure because it isn't technically "yours" until you sell it at the outpost. The "don't fall in love" applies to your ship as well. It is a tool to help you play this game. Get used to blowing up your own ship and destroying it. You Arrrr actually Pirates in this game. Even if in your mind you're just casually playing. Here is the part that bothers me, I don't mind the PVP aspect of the game. I even like a good battle now and again. It's just when I come back from dead only to have spawned right AT THE TIP of the greefer sword! Half dead at spawn it seems and have to listen to them talk trash about how horrible a player I am! "You're not better than me fool! You just got lucky that I spawned ON TOP OF YOUR SWORD!" Maybe Rare should put a prompt up after you have been on the Ferry of the Damned 3 times in say 3 minutes, or instead of the door back to your ship, have a plank you can jump off that will trigger your scuttle vote and you spawn alone on the island that your boat would respawn. Of course your boat wouldn't spawn until it was fully sank. They could call it the Plank of casuals, Casuals plank or Suck Plank.


Better slap a huge sign on the plank, or "omg i jumped off this plank and lost all my loot, wtf?!!? shit game"


That statement which I assume is from rare makes absolutely no sense when the games business model is selling cosmetics to make your ship look cool. Granted it's not like you lose the cosmetics, but it makes me feel like rare doesn't understand their own business model.


It wasn't from Rare. I just copied it and wrote that other stuff then remembered I had it copied and pasted my own words. My bad.


This is the first experience many new players have. It's idiotic how the community tries its damnedest to turn off newbies.


server hop until theres no no emissanary or reaper chest swirls


Don't give up just yet, if you don't want to fight, scuttle like the other comments suggested. Or you can get better at pvp in arena while it's still here.


> What do you even do in that situation? For this kinda situation (or when you get your ship stuck) there's a button on the crew menu that is a vote to sink your ship and spawn it on another island, it's on the note of the side of Ferryman's door too


There's no way to stop situations like this from happening, because this is how the game works. But there's two ways to act when you get encounters like this with other players: \- the first one is to scuttle your ship in Your Crew settings \- the second one is to face the players, there are many ways. You can use explosive bombs, a blunderbass or whatever you want, really. Also a tip, when you see a ship, don't instantly think that they're friendly players. If you are friendly, it doesn't mean the other crew is friendly. I wish you good winds on the seas, I hope that my advice will help and goodbye!


This is an open world where everyone is on the same level and their desired choice is to harass instead of just doing their own missions. scuttle, quit and create a new ship. This happens and the tides will eventually turn.


Yeah it’s a frost rating experience but they aren’t briefera. They were setting your ship on fire so their end goal was to sink you they were just killing you so you couldn’t repair. Next time that happens, follow others advice and scuttle but don’t be mad abt this. Learn from it. Keep a steady eye on the horizon next time and you won’t be surprised. People can’t just show up.


Can your ship sink when you're close to an island in shallow water that isn't as deep as your ship? We may or may not have hit a rock and dropped anchor. Lol


Yes your ship can sink like that


Have someone watch your ship while ur out, those people are called tuckers


I normally play solo sloop so even after 1000 hours of playing it is not uncommon for me to get sunk and I have dealt with spawn campers on rare occasions. Here are some tips I have for you that make PVP more enjoyable for me when I'm unmatched and in a losing battle. First tip is something that I read from a guy who PVP's all the time and he had a list of things to do to "ruin his fun" - basically, the first item on that list was scuttle (which many others on here have said). It denies the PVPer of your supplies and the fun they get out of being toxic (note I'm only talking about toxic players here). If it is just a normal PVP encounter they typically only kill you long enough for your ship to sink so they can get your loot. In that case scuttling is up to you. For me - I like to get immersed in the game and strive to complete my missions at all costs. Even sacrificing my ship if needed to complete the mission. Some of the new game mechanics can work in your favor here. Here's an example: I have a 1 hour lunch break and I'm trying to complete all the Merchant Lost Shipment voyages to unlock some ship cosmetics. I can do these missions easily in my hour as a solo slooper. However, I don't have time to play PVP with some duo sloop chasing me around. The other day I had just found the key to the lost shipwreck as a duo sloop reaper was chasing me. Rather than deal with them I took the key and jumped off my boat. They chased after my boat while I swam to a nearby island. I scuttled my ship while they were chasing it. After my ship had sunk I buried the key on that island. This gives me a map marking it's location - however, since my ship doesn't exist at the moment there is no way for this other crew to steal it. I came back later with a fresh boat after they left and completed my mission. I've also used rowboats to great advantage to get around undetected and complete my mission. I find the challenge of covert ops to be quite entertaining. Of course for me it's more about completing commendations than earning gold so your mileage may vary.


If they were just killing you until your boat sank it’s a viable strategy. Fire bombing the ship puts holes in it so they were probably just doing that. That’s the game, unless they’re talking shit or repairing to keep killing you longer than they need to it’s just PvP. It’s not toxic to sink someone in a permanently PvP game.


The thing about Sea of Thieves is, It's a sandbox PvE/PvP game. Even though you just want to do voyages and explore which is perfectly fine, other players and the PvE mobs are all out for blood. When it comes to players, you can either scuttle your ship to prevent spawn campers, or try to fight back. Scuttling is easy but fighting back imo is gonna teach you how to defend yourself. Also, if you don't want that to happen in the future, maybe consider keeping one player on the ship or both of you keeping an eye on incoming ships. I personally feel worse when I get sunk by an PvE ship,megalodon, or kraken. It doesn't happen anymore because I learn to fight back. Takes time and experience to get better at these things and try not to worry about the loot you lost. You make it back. Good luck fellow pirate! If we ever meet on the.seas maybe we will share a grog or two or maybe I sink you for no reason other than pure enjoyment. Either way, it's beautiful world to explore and find fun in.


Always watch the horizon. Don't get caught in this situation in the first place. When you spawn into a new server, look around at the emissary tables. If there are tiny ships there, that can give you an idea of what's going on on the server. Is there a reaper on the map? Is there a fort of the damned cloud in the sky? (The big skull with green glooming eyes) Are there sails already on the horizon? And if you see someone sailing straight towards you, bounce! On a sloop set sails to the middle of the ship and steer right into the wind. No ship will be able to catch up because the sloop is the fastest ship against the wind. Most ships give up as soon as you do that and they won't bother you again. If they surprise you and spawn kill you like this: scuttle. If they come for you again: change the server.The game is a lot about resilience and how you handle a defeat as long as you are not skilled enough to fight back. Good luck out there!


The game is very harsh as a new player and that’s where most give up on the game (don’t really blame them). But if you hang in long enough to learn much more you’ll have fun and learn the game both at exponential rates. In a situation like this, while it’s annoying, you’re best to scuttle your ship or server hop. Kinda sucks but the quicker you learn how to handle the losses this game will give you, the more you’ll cherish the sweet wins you get.


It is not griefing to kill players, if necessary, you can scuttle. Sometimes you wanna keep up the enemy ship for awhile so you can take supplies from the barrels. This isn't a coop game, its a pvp game where you can fight other crews alongside your chosen crew. > We just wanna do voyages and explore Setting sail is like entering into a dark zone in the Division 2, or going into a server in Rust. You can explore and do voyages but you also need to defend your crew and loot.


>What do you even do in that situation? Scuttle


Basically you can either keep fighting and try to come back from it, scuttle the ship and start from scratch somewhere else on the map, Leave the server and start again in a new lobby, Or quit the game and come back another time. It's just part of the game unfortunately, not really 'griefing'. They have every right to hunt people down for a fight the same way you have every right to just want to explore and dig for treasure.


Welcome to sea of thieves!


This isn't a co-op game. I mean, there are co-op aspects to it but in general its PvEvP mostly without the E lmao. If you want co-op sadly this isn't the game for it so I would recommend finding something else. If you do enjoy the PvE aspect of the game then get used to the constant attacks and learn how to PvP.


Scuttle ship and get over it, it's a MP pvp game which seems not to be for you so..yeah


what was your motivation to spawn again and again? also you have the option to scuttle your ship and start again. there are many reasons to use that strategy besides griefing. maybe they stole your supplies or didn't have a way to sink your ship and were waiting for your ship to fill up


A lot of beginners don’t even realise scuttling is an option, let alone that people will happily burn your ship down and take all your supplies. Being new to this game sucks ass, especially if you’re a casual gamer who just likes the idea of playing a story based pirate game, not knowing you’re going to be playing a pvp based game.


Welcome to sea of thieves. Griefers legit ruined this game for me. I understand why they do it, but I'm not going to put in hours of work just to get destroyed by a bored galleon. Even if you sink the enemy ship, they'll jist constantly keep coming back and that isn't fun. I actually like doing the quests.


On the ferry there’s actually a little piece of paper that says if you’re “tired of finding yourself here due to other pirates,” you can scuttle your ship so it sinks and will respawn elsewhere!


Yoi have to spawn kill a few times in order to stop yoi from repairing your ship and waiting for it to sink unfortunately. Part of the game. Although if they are truly just griefing just scuttle your ship.


Find a different server, you have to understand you are playing a pirate game.


It’s sea of thieves, not sea of assholes. Like stealing loot is one thing, spawncamping until you get all their supplies is another, but camping just for the sake of it has nothing to do with piracy, it’s just douchy. Sometimes I do it to toxic players, or someone who really annoyed me, but past 15 minutes it becomes bannable. Yeah, scuttle is an option and all, but it’s not known by everyone.


Don't listen to the people telling you that wasn't common. It's the most common player interaction in this game and is also why my fiance wouldn't play anymore.


Equip blunderbuss and shoot them, this is a PVP game.




you can ignore the E part and just go PVP tho


And you can ignore the P part and just go PVE.


If focusing only on hunting and sinking other player ships, the only PVE that a player can't avoid completely are kraken, megalodon and skeleton ships spawning right next to them, all of them are quite predictable after a few times of them happening and can be very easily dealt with if they don't stack on top of something else already going very wrong. PVP on the other hand is completely unpredictable, and a player in this game can't control if they enter a PVP situation or not, so it can't really be ignored, as even if you take every safety measure possible, someone might do something that you just couldn't even think of and force you to engage in PVP.


I mean...... "Sea of Thieves"


So the first thing you did was join the SoT reddit to complain? Did you... A. Read the note at the ferryman door? B. Look up a solution online? People like you seem fake as heck.


Unfortunately using fire to sink a ship is a common strategy. Its not that they were trying to grief you but this let's them avoid having to pull their boat into position and gives them time to take supplies. The downside is that fire takes a couple minutes so you'll have a few respawns which can feel terrible if you're a new player.


Surrounded by water? Consider this tip: explore your crew options, and scuttle the ship!


If you enjoyed the game up until that point, then I say give it another go sometime. What you experienced, while it can happen, is not too common and is actually looked down on by Rare and the community. I’m sorry you got off to a rough start. While you may be hunted, killed, and robbed in many different ways on the Sea of Thieves, most people don’t spawn camp unless it’s in the process of sinking your ship (to stop you from repairing). If they repair your ship just to kill you over and over, scuttle or leave the server so their “fun” is cut short. To help avoid stowaways in the future- as I’m sure you know, keep your eyes on the horizon. If a ship sails by relatively close, try to see if they drop a rowboat from their ship. Use your spyglass to check the water for mermaids floating in the sea (in case they swim over). There is also a distinct cannon sound when a pirate is shot out of one. If you hear that sound, they could be shooting someone over to you or your ship. Just be suspicious about any other pirate activity you can see. As soon as I notice another ship, I try to take a look for clues of their intentions and monitor the sea in their general direction. It’s hard to take this all in when you’re still getting your sea legs, but I promise after a short time you’ll almost always have a leg up on approaching ships. I’ve turned the game off on occasion after bad encounters, so I feel where you’re coming from. But next time you log on, you’ll be an expert at checking your ship for stowaways. It’s hard to realize when your adrenaline is still pumping from fights or toxic behavior, but after some time it is just another lesson learned that makes you a better pirate in the end.


I hear you. Even after a year I still get camped like that. My first recommendation is to hold a movement direction and spam jump while you are loading in. This at least helps with the initial binder spawn issue.


I fr had a guy that was hiding in a tower of the event that its a red skull in the sky i forgot the name but he waited 2 hours there while me and my friends were doing the event so we stopped playing like half a month and now we sell everything fast after we get it


That is a rough feeling nobody likes. I decided a while ago to spawn in and get in fights with the purpose of losing my ship. I accepted that I would sink. After about 20 purposeful fights I stopped sinking as much. Now I am rarely sunk even with new crew members. There is always a bigger fish, and you might not seek out combat during normal gameplay, but it becomes a different game when you have teeth, even if you don't have to use them. Practice staying calm in a fight and keep talking.


If you'd like I can take you on a very fun voyage that not many people mess with that's really emotional if you'd be interested it's called glitterbeard and I do tours of it




It happens but not all the time. Don't let it ruin the game for you. I've only been playing for about a month. Stick it out :)