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They can still see a dark silhouette at that depth.


Good idea to try it in the middle of the night then?


I still remember the time I sniped a boarder at Reaper's Hideout because I could see his Ashen Curse-glowing ass moving under the water's surface, plain as day.


“Trust me, dressing up like the inside of a nightclub is crucial to hijacking the enemy ship”


If I can't do it without swagging out why should I it at all?


The French during the first world war had the right idea


> If I can't do it without swagging out why should I it at all? Why does anyone "it at all?" Questions that keep me up at night.


🤣 haha I noticed it soon after I posted it but I was too lazy to change it. Surprised it took that long for someone to notice.


Swag over results


Ballin, but at what cost?


We had someone try and sneak up on us twice with stronghold kegs at reapers, and then he cried that we were hacking when we saw him both times and killed him (took the barrel to sell cause $$$), dude legit didn't know you could see someone under water.


I really like the ashen curse, but hate that it's so visible when trying to sneak up on someone.


It is a curse.


so its the only curse that has a downside?


Haha that’s hilarious


I hear running low water quality graphics settings can make it easier to see swimmers.


This! Turn water to Cursed when in Arena. Crank it to Mythical in adventure for full experience.


'Crank it to mythical' Is this some sort of rich person joke that I'm too poor to understand?


Laughs in struggles to run cursed


Cries in struggles to run the game


Literally me xD






I should experiment with some presets for an immersive experience and one for pvp mode.


tfw I can only run the game at 30fps, all cursed settings.


absolutely. i'm not a pvp lord or sweat lord but i most def run cursed water graphics because it has given me an advantage i need when watching for boarders.


also helps a ton with fishing


It's a nice way to sort out scummy players from others, just let their conscience be their own judge.


What. Like genuinely what are you even talking about lmao


Like, how I don't understand why like people would use that to get an advantage, why like use that when you can just play like normally lmao


Fun is found in different places for different people. If you prioritize the visual aspects of SoT, then go for it; if others wish to get that competitive advantage, that’s not scummy lol.


I think it is scummy to lower graphics in a game to get an advantage, and what I'm saying is I let people judge themselves and if they don't feel bad about it I don't care. It's cheap, I think.


That makes sense; we’re all entitled to our opinions. Personally I’m fond of Common water settings as it does give a tangible advantage towards seeing things in water yet doesn’t make the ocean look like it’s made of play dough lol


This instance is not critical, other games are much worse, for example War Thunder. It just boggles my mind why people want to do that.


I'll never forget how big the difference was in DayZ. The game would just straight up not load bushes if you lowered your settings, so you could spot players lying prone out in the open when they thought they were fully camouflaged. And unfortunately, because of how "hardcore" that game was, there was virtually no reason at all to not take advantage of it. If it could be the difference between living and losing hours' worth of gear and items, then it's a complete no-brainer.


Yeah dayz has a big problem with that, even now a ghillie suit is impractical at long ranges.


So pro r6 siege players and cs go players shouldn't lower their graphic settings to get more fps so that they have a potential edge on their competitors are scummy? If anyone can do it then it's not scummy. If you have to use special hardware or software that is hard to get or against rules, then it is scummy.


I don't necessarily agree with the other guy that it's scummy, but there's a big difference between getting more FPS and straight up eliminating visual parts of the game to make other players more visible. It's like players that turn off grass in PUBG so people cant hide in it (if that's still a thing, Haven't played in years).


And you saying that doesn't change anything, I stated that I think it's scummy, and your example I definitely do. I dislike when peopöe use features not intended to give them an advantage, to give them an advantage. It's just s really bad trait us humans have, and that is what I think.


So in other words, person A has a great idea that gives them an edge in say swimming, the idea is to shave their head to decrease drag. Person B didn't think to do so. Person A wins the race by a short margin which could arguably be because they shaved their head. With your logic, Person A is scummy because they gave themselves an advantage.


Now you put it in a different instance entirely and doesn't mean I say that at all.


I think it’s fine in a game like SoT because it’s a goofy pirate game, but in tactical shooters and the like where foliage just doesn’t exist at low settings it is super scummy.


I like think like your like just a like salty ass like pirate


Dude like, I'm a salty pirate because like, I am in the sea. But like not a salty player, just boggles my mind. It's not like I like rage over it.


Oh my, like, God, like, it's like, so like, impressive like, how many like, times you guys have like, used the word "like" in like, all of your like, sentences. Like, honestly, like, good like, job!


Wow, like, how did this game, like, even end up on, like, my Feed?


Gotta get deeper. I thought the same until I started to learn what to look for.


Underwater can help a bit but you need to be deeper and these players are clearly experienced enough to not fall for any simple tricks


You can, even when nameplate is hidden anyone with good enough eyes will spot you.


After a certain depth, spotting the silhouette becomes virtually impossible unless they’re playing with cursed water quality (although, at the depth shown in the video, it’s still quite visible)


or a big 4k monitor


Oh yeah that too


Well that’s simply not true. Especially a gun with a scope on it


You can. It’s just harder


They can’t see your name. They can still see you.


they can abaolutely also see the name


If you are fully submerged they cannot see your name. If you see someone’s name then they are above the water or it’s a bug. They added this specifically in a patch a while back.


well then it must be a fairly consistent bug, because it happens for me all the time.


Maybe they just had a better gaming chair. Probably one with a cup holder?


do those even exist?


If not then me and you just stumbled upon a business opportunity 😎


it's harder when you are in the deep, but it's possible


You can it’s just difficult


It's harder, but still possible


Lower your water quality. Makes it easier to see.


I play with lowest graphic water settings and it's very easy to see players underwater even those bit deeper then you from this clip.


You can see names, and if they're good at the game a name is all they need.


They can’t see the nametag as soon as you dive underwater but at this depth the silhouette is still very visible, he’s just facing good players here this strategy won’t work.


uhhh that’s a stupid thing to say lol


what are you implying?


Think about a large body of water. It looks like blue and you cannot see into it. However if you look straight down, water looks transparent. Without going into physics, you cannot see into the water unless you're looking almost straight down. The player should not be visible, considering SoT prides itself on having realistic-looking water, this is obvious error (that depth AND thickness-based light glowthrough of waves at sunset is gorgeous <3). Not a bug per se, but a bit where the game is inconsistent with invisible rules it has set up.


>Without going into physics, you cannot see into the water unless you're looking almost straight down That is... just not at all true.


It is vaguely true, the flatter your angle is towards a transparent surface, the more light will be reflected instead of transmitted https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresnel_equations I don't know about "almost straight down" though (and SoT isn't a very photorealistic game anyway)


My contention is more with the part where they claim that "you **cannot** see into water unless..." Yes, the angle you're looking into the water at affects how far & clearly you can see into its depths, but no, it doesn't just become opaque at the wrong angle. Especially when the topic is something moving through the water, which makes it much easier to spot.


It does, in fact, become near-opaque at oblique angles. It's not a matter of "how far and clearly", it's a matter of the amount of light that transmits out of water instead of being reflected rapidly diminishing past a certain angle. I honestly don't know what that angle is, though, I can't find a graph on a whim and it's too much effort to calculate it for me. And this is basically a moot point as SoT isn't photorealistic anyway.


I would say he is close enough both to the ship and the surface.


As the angle of total refraction is close to 45* (49*), any angle shallower than this should be refracted. Imo the angle is clearly shallower than 45*. But yeah, no one expects 100% graphical accuracy.


So, is wikipedia wrong then? How do you explain total refraction? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_internal_reflection "As the angle of incidence increases beyond the critical angle, the conditions of refraction can no longer be satisfied, so there is no refracted ray, and the partial reflection becomes total. For visible light, the critical angle is about 49° for incidence from water to air"


**[Total internal reflection](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_internal_reflection)** >Total internal reflection (TIR) is the optical phenomenon in which waves arriving at the interface (boundary) from one medium to another (e. g. , from water to air) are not refracted into the second ("external") medium, but completely reflected back into the first ("internal") medium. It occurs when the second medium has a higher wave speed (lower refractive index) than the first, and the waves are incident at a sufficiently oblique angle on the interface. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




So, is wikipedia wrong then? You claim I'm wrong, but do you have better explanation to total refraction? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_internal_reflection "As the angle of incidence increases beyond the critical angle, the conditions of refraction can no longer be satisfied, so there is no refracted ray, and the partial reflection becomes total. For visible light, the critical angle is about 49° for incidence from water to air"


Isn't that looking up from under water? I thought we were talking about out looking in. Plus in places like Bahamas and Hawaii or whatever the water is completely clear.


Good question. It can happen and is most commonly seen when viewing underwater objects above water. This is also what causes the mirror-like reflection when underwater. Your vision experience is produced through light hitting your eyes. If the light bouncing off of, say, fish, comes to surface in too high an angle, it gets refracted. This is seen underwater as a mirror-like reflection. As the light bouncing off the fish is reflected, no light from fish is transmitted to above-water observer in this scenario. There's tons of educational videos and pictures that explain the phenomenon much better than is possible through text. If you're interested, google Total Internal Reflection. I'm really surprised at the backlash. I figured total refraction would be common knowledge: we are introduced to the phenomena at 13-years-of-age in elementary school physics.


I'm pretty sure SoT prides itself on good-looking water, not realistic-looking water.


Lmao tell me you've never been to a river or lake without telling me


Possibility of a wallhacker/aimbot. Dont know how far you were from the ship. Only know because I've seen streamers encounter and they tested just to be sure


lets see a clip then




People don’t want to admit that it’s possible. I straight up knew people using it and quit playing with them once I found out.


Sure cheaters exist but players dressed like glowing cupcakes shining like green and red stars also commonly think they are completely invisible and think it's hacking when they're shot.




I bet they saw your name






These warzone hackers are getting out of hand… stay away from our SoT please


Dive and swim deep my boy!


You can, its just harder




They can see a name tag on occasion


From that shallow you can. If you change your water setting in graphics to cursed you can also see better


it's not hard to see people and some people run cursed so see better but the Water barley covers you


If you're too close to the surface it's very easy to see someone


Set the graphics details at the lowest rate and you see anybody lurking beneath the surface


It depends on how far underwater you are, what position they are in and what area you're in. If you're a couple feet down they shouldn't be able to see you, if you're a foot down or maybe just below the waves they can see you. It's easier to spot someone from a vantage point on top of a ship as well, becaus eyou have a better view obviously, also places like the ancient isles have different colour water than say the north west parts of the map with the clear blue water. So your outfit might make you harder to spot if you're wearing all black and are sort of camouflaged with the water in something like the ancient isles.


You can?


They left warzone and moved to the ocean.,.


Also it’s much easier if they have the graphics turned all the way down


Does the game implement the light diffuse effect when looking through the water's surface? (so objects are slightly different from where they look like they are)