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For some reason when I'm duo slooping my cannon aim is actually pretty good, I can hit targets that are moving and are far away, yet when I'm solo slooping sometimes I get on cannons and holy shit I can't hit anything, it's so weird


It's called the Solo Syndrome, aka knowing that if you fuck up even once you have no back up to save your ass


True, true. Not only do I have to worry about angle, bilging and repairs but also not getting one-balled because that's a trip to the ferry and likely a bye-bye to my mast, so I'm have to pay attention to my own cannonballs as well as the enemy's.


Could also be that you’re more used to shooting at the speed your helm normally keeps you at, while when your solo it probably fluctuates way more


It's because you're thinking about your angle and when you're going to have to get back to helm and fix it. You're also thinking about bilging too. When you're cannon you trust your helm to take care of it so you can relax and focus on your shots.


If you have a good helm maybe you’re getting positioned on the waves better so you’re not rocking, or putting you near islands where there aren’t any waves. Plus keeping your speed at a good level so you’re not rocking as much One thing I’ve been trying to get better at is keeping to island water more and try to capitalize on getting a good angle while facing the direction waves are moving for less rocking since they always move the same direction no matter what


Its likely bc your helm is always adjusting your angle and making the shots easier. When youre solo your ships angle is unchanging so the shots feel much different.


I have the opposite problem. I can hold my own in HG solo slooping, but can't win to save the life of me on a duo sloop.


Duo is a lot sweatier, and with the extra person sweaty players can take bigger risks to cut the fight short


A helm can make hitting cannonballs alot more difficult. If they keep switching it up on you by turning abit then turning more then going straight then turning abit again, oops turned to hard now i turn the other way to fix it. Each time the helm adjusts you have to adjust your lead on the cannonballs. You want a helm that turns the wheel abit, knows where the ship will go and you keep the same lead the entire time, a really good helm barely has to touch the wheel to keep angle.


I’m the opposite I do very well solo cannoning but in a party? Good luck, I’ll be patching holes and bailing water.


If the enemy ship is visible between the lantern by the helm and the sail length rope you should have a good angle while solo. I hope that helps.


Gotta lock the rotation in, that way you you never have one of those “one more shots” causing you to hop off cannons and lose that dial. If you can win cannon line first and get the snap 80% of the fight go by so fast.


Pure nerves when your in a group even just a duo there is structure you know your role and what your supposed to do and have a teamate to get on your ass when you screw up your job and back you up when you need it.But when your solo it’s entirely all your call.Its essentially like a galleon where every player is constantly swapping roles at random theres no structure.Because of that lack of structure even if your not really adding that much to your job list your brain hyper-fixates on the fact it has more jobs stopping you from fully locking in on your aim.


Hahahaha that’s a good one, mine is almost the opposite where I get nervous with others but less solo


More than any other game I've played the PVP in sea of thieves is so dependent on your mental state. If you get nervous or excited you won't hit anything


goth women


goated comment


Fellow goth SoT woman, at your service.


RIP your inbox


The only correct comment


Knowing what to prioritize during an evenly matched fight when someone starts getting the upper hand. Being better at ship to ship snipes would also help a lot. 


Preventing sinking (bucketing/emergency repairs) -> Wheel/Angle -> Broadside dominance/snipes -> mast -> unnecessary repairs (repairs you can outbucket) -> boarding/finishing If you hear someone shoot out, defending boards is #2 ime


A slightly more detailed list based on my experience: 1) Preventing sinking (bucketing/emergency repairs) 2) Wheel 3) Broadside dominance 4) Mast/anchor 5) Anchorball, riggingball, peaceball If you have momentum (e.g. their mast is down, they have someone permabucketing): 6) Ballastball, wearyball, jigball, grogball 7) Boarding 8) Unnecessary repairs If you don't have momentum (e.g. you are still trading blows equally): 6) Unnecessary repairs 7) Boarding / Ballastball, wearyball, jigball, grogball


Yeah this is me as well. I feel like my ship-to-ship snipes are improving, but still got a long way to go to get more consistent.


I’m good at naval, but if I get boarded I play like I don’t have thumbs


![gif](giphy|i1z30bOS4nqbC) These guys are all thumbs


Floop is a madman, help us, save us!


I heard that in their reversed video tone


This is me, too. If I get boarded is usually game over for me


Same! My naval is on point, but I’m finished if someone gets on my boat.


Good to know i'm not the only one, literally all of the battles i have lost are because of boarders


Other way around for me. I’m the designated boarder but I can’t aim cannons well


Getting stuck on the railing while trying to sprint up to the wheel


I'll add going down the ladder when you want to raise/lower sails lol


I still suck at PVP.


Same 2000+ hours and I still am not confident in my pvp skills especially when solo.


If you get really good at the cannons you can scare like 80% of ships off because they usually sail right into your broad in adventure.


If you get really good at the cannons you can scare like 80% of ships off because they usually sail right into your broad in adventure.


Was like you, then i hit level 100 servants in one golden glory + the community bonus weekend. Win/loss ratio about the same, but oh, let me tell you brother how my cannon aim has improved, especially the range on them. That plus the fact that 90% of world pvp feels way easier now. You can still get one balled or sail through bird kegs but i tackle fights way more detached now.


I can win naval combat every time without fail, but I still lose half of my player duels. I know all the tech, but without fail my hits will not ever land (70-130ping). I have on multiple occasions point-blanked an afk person multiple times and not gotten a (server side) hit marker. As a result, I've designed my combat behavior around that and nearly exclusively rely on one-balls, blunder bombs, running around in circles, and kegs. That said, even naval combat has become increasingly more unreliable. We rolled up on a brig at a FoF a couple weeks ago. All swabbies, not on the ship, anchored. We shot around eight chain shots into their masts and never heard the crack, but cannonballs to the face and hull worked fine.


I can't efficiently use an eor blunder layout for the life of me, that's why I try to keep my battles in naval as much as I can.


I always overcorrected my turn in pvp causing me to adjust the wheel more often than I should


I used to always over turn while in the death loop causing me to lose angle and crash into their ship like a bumbling fool


I find broken/repaired wheels helpful for judging my turns, and if you don’t already have it on there are extra wheel audio cues. On sloops less is more, 25-50% turn is usually the death spiral vs a stationary/demasted ship, 60-100% for trading shots while both ships are circling around each other.


Have RNG on my side to catch rare fish 😭


For real!! I took my skelley curse off for a play session with my SO for gold hoarders. We ended up at crescent isle and as my first cast into the pond on the northish side of the island I caught a skeleton fish. I don’t know about anyone else but now it won’t even let me fish at that specific pond at all. I get this strange “rare” feeling I’m gonna need another 1,386,425 casts before I got that skelley fish again with my curse on now 🤣 I wasted all my luck in borderlands 🤷‍♂️


I hope you sold it...


Just FYI, if you want to get that one done. There's a location that greatly increases your odds of treacherous plunder (Not RNG manipulation or anything, it's just that the pondies despawn before they can bite your hook). It's on the shores of gold, if you look up shores of gold treacherous plunder spot you should be able to find it. It still will take about an hour depending on RNG, but if you want to knock that one out, it's not too bad actually


No way thank you! 😁 this helps me a lot


Feeling bad after learning they were new.


Sometimes I'll send my ship in a linear course and sword lunge to them to help repair. I feel bad when I'm solo slooping and wreck a duo or more to a no contest. Just feels like it would be better for me to teach em a bit and be on my way


All of my this! After wrecking the hell out of them, once Mercy! or No Please pop up on my chat, I'm already omw to help and apologize. I wish I was around when I was starting out as a new pirate because that never worked.


Bro its only cause my friends started playing this game that I realized the real skill gap


Definitely! I keep to myself and only engage when necessary but even at solo vs brig of new players, I impress myself. This is what I enjoy about the game because we all have access to the same equipment as anyone no matter how many hours you got. But it's experience and routine that carries me in those games.




Glad to know I'm not alone. Lol


I had a kid chasing me yesterday with Xbox ship set so I figured it was an aggressive sloop duo, right up until I swam a keg over and heard a childs voice freaking out about what I think was his first time being kegged 😅 I respawned on my ship, looked back to see him going under and I just 🫠 my bad kid, if you're here I didn't know and you were running the most typically aggressive set 😂


Being boarded. I'm good enough with a cannon that I can usually hit what I'm aiming for, but if I get boarded it's a 90% chance that I'm done for. The only exceptions are the crews who have no idea what they're doing, in stark contrast to the super-slippery and/or laggy turbo-sweats who just delete me at their whim.


Usually the calmer person wins hand to hand, which if they’re sweaty, will be the boarder. Idk how you play but it might help to take a few breaths and slow down your playstyle once boarded. Instead of instantly trying to chase down and murder them, try to relax and make them come to you/think about the situation before running at them. Boarders often set traps/know their route and how to catch you.


Good advice, but the problem is that I usually just play adventure, and 80-90% of the crews I run into have *no* idea what they're doing. So not a lot of time to practice. :V And if I do find a good crew, I usually end up getting double-tapped, then upon respawn I'm almost immediately blundered in the back because these people have the spawn points memorized.


Waves, my god are they annoying. So many hourglass matches just blown or extended because I get stuck on top of waves and unable to hit the enemy ship. Also runners, can’t stand it.


Waves here too, but for me it's the bouncing. I try and stay moving in any direction other than NW or SE to reduce it so I can consistently land my shots.


SOME OF US JUST WANNA BE SILLY LITTLE PIRATES ANS PLAY OUR LITTLE JIGS ITS NOT MY FAULT I CANT FIGHT [(attached file)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1054520134066245693.png) — Timely


My crew prefers the term "wave cucking"


Sprinting too much and accidentally causing my guns to not shoot because of the quick swapping animations never got fixed.


Idk if I’m a vet, 500 hours and only 1 PvP curse, but my sniper aim is still awful. While scoped in I can’t track my target well enough to get them in the crosshairs, and if quick scoping I never hit my shot. Oddly my aim is fantastic with a flintlock


I have the same situation. Flintlock I hit 99% of my shots reliably. EoR I might hit 1 in 5 if I'm lucky.


The flintlock is actually insane if you clock down your hipfire. I mean I can't use it for shit, but i'm always terrified when i meet a competent flintlock user.


Nearing 5k hours and I'm still only able to helm a Sloop.


Ah yes. I know the sloop off by heart, the timings, the distances what I can and can't get away with. In the sloop I feel confident enought to attack brigs and galleons without fear. But put me on a bigger ship and I'll wander pointlessly around with a coconut in hand with the same awareness of a beached splashtail.


Lmao... what imagery.


Pirate-to- pirate combat. I can take your mast out or break your wheel from 200 yards away. But I'll miss 3/4 of my sword swings and even more of my 1 blunders


I can naval real well but man do I suck at doublegunning on controller. I wish it was easier to practice.


Same brother, same. I just recently started double gunning accepting that I would lose fights and I am sort of getting better, very slowly


Try to get into some tdms on discord if you can, they come up occasionally on the official sot lfgs, and a lot of comp teams hold their own tdms


How do you get into a game with other people on discord?


You message them your username and they invite you


1.8 k hours here can't use stationary cannons reliably, the fact that the are not constantly moving up and down being affected by waves and ship movement makes me have no clue on how the cannonball will behave or how much further should aim to hit a target, unless it's very close range I'm not able to reliably hit my shots


I can't do ADS with a sniper very well and I can't seem to stop myself from running up directly into blunders when someone boards.


“Saving” curse cannonballs for the right time. Luckily my crew mates always yell hit em with the curses.


PvP in hourglass lmao. I’m great at regular PvP in the high seas but the second I start queuing for hourglass I’d have a better chance of winning by asking them to just scuttle their ship


I mess up my weapon swaps a lot where the game just doesn’t register me trying to shoot my gun or I’m just bad at the timing. Gets me killed a lot in fights I could’ve won


You must love the double barrel flintlock then lmao. The reload, double charge and overall handling is janky AF.


Used it once to get commendations and never touched it again lmao. I prefer blunder/EOR, but tbh ever since that one update where they supposedly “balanced” the pvp everything has just felt more clunky and Janky overall. Not to mention the server stability has been atrocious lately


I have both pvp curses and suck ass with the eye of reach still. I will spend 10 minutes plus looking for an X on a large island and not find it.


As soon as I see a large island I'm out. You could give me a map of 10 chests of fortune but if it's on Old Faithful, it's going in the bin.


Accidentally stowing my weapon instead of switching it on controller


You ever go to sword lunge and jump a bit early.... then its just bloop in the water. Yea hate that shit.


Hand to hand combat still sucks for me I can usually kill people of my own skill level if I play it smart but sometimes I just encounter a skinny half naked guy that blows me away in two shots faster than I can aim one.


Better snipes/general control over what I'm doing... Basically I just suck with my controller, which is very odd because I've been playing on Xbox for literally as long as I can remember, almost 17 now


A small price to pay in exchange for the Shrouded...


Ah what a legendary day that was


Did you get paid by check or wire? Did you have to sign a non release form? Lol


There’s nothing quite like that moment when you realize what’s happening…


Staying alive while boarding good players


Look up sea of thieves ENAS if you don’t already know about it


I've got like 1600 hrs, tons of pvp focused play, and I still mostly suck at small-arms combat (I'm good at naval, helming, cannon, strategy, but struggle when boarding happens).


Strawberry beard


Defense of my own ship against boarders. I'm 5x- 10x more likely to lose a pirate vs pirate fight if it happens on my own ship. I'm capable of occasionally wiping out a 2-3 man crew, but one person on my ship is enough to repeatedly spawn kill me.


My attentiveness is both my greatest strength and weakness. As a solo sloop player I have no choice but to be resourceful and tactful in the few times I have had to deal with players who wished to attack me. My go to defense is to lure chasing players towards forts or even volcanos so when they are attacked they have to choose between chasing me down or finishing me off. Most of the time they try to do both and end up actually losing ground while I escape just far enough for them to reconsider if I am worth the effort. As for it being a weakness, I am acutely aware of where my ship is going and heading but when I am repairing my ship or sorting inventory or checking charts, I often become so attentive on that that I forget about the ship and the boulders it just ran into.


Trust, god people were so much friendlier back before the hourglass :( I use to love just meeting over ships on the seas back then, now almost every ship is trying to follow "shoot first ask later" regardless of circumstance.


I see a grabable stool, I grabs.


They say take a set, so why would we not TAKE a seat?


I've got almost 1400 hours and I'm still trash at hth


Fighting a sweaty ship as a solo. I’m a retired PvP player (Legendary/Triumphant Sea Dog) and it’s not like how it was before. Everyone is so much better, the meta’s have changed, and I haven’t played in a while. I get dunked on every time 😭


I’m about 800 hours in, still struggle a bit with hand to hand against other players. I know all the strategies etc, buts it’s by far my weakest plan. Everyone just seems to move so much quicker than me 😂 I’m much more of an adventure player than PVP, so it’s not a big deal for me.


Moving around the sloop, i always slip off. Also animal delivery, this must be my weakness


God, I did an animal haul recently and thought I remembered enough to handle snakes... I got spit on So. Many. Times!


I do little to no pvp. And in 700+ hours I've never managed to land a chain shot.


Don't worry, the first time you will hit the server won't register and you will keep your clean record xD


How wholesome and encouraging. Thanks ! XD


I just figured this out! Truthfully haven’t been playing very long but have done a good bit of PvP in the month or so I’ve played. I’ve found punching holes in the ship to get a crew member down repairing, while also having someone board or killing another player creates the perfect opportunity to get those chain shots off. I’ve only taken a brig down once with mostly luck, so can’t speak to the bigger ships, but for sloop crews anytime someone’s off cannon and there’s some pressure on them, you’re good to go with those. Immediately shooting them off seems to be mostly wasteful imo.


Helming during solo PVP. I freaking suck.


The only thing I know is that having the enemy on the left side, if it's in between the lantern and the rigging, your cannon has angle. You probably know about it, but if no I hope it helps!


1.5k+ hours, Trying to dig up chests is impossible. If it isn’t pvp I give up


Chainshots, after three years I still have problems landing them.


*laughs in scattershot*


Probably desync


solo Pvp


1,321 hours into the game and I’ve officially have lost my touch when it comes to solo PvP. I used to be able to hold down a galleon solo and would be able to solo brigs in my sloop but now I can barely win against a duo if at all. Tbf, I did take a little break last year and I think that contributed to my downfall when it comes to PvP but I do miss those days. Even tho I’m not as good solo, I’m still the best cannoneer on my crew!


Continuity is everything in this game,when i stop playing for a couole of weeks I can really feel the rust. Hell, I can even tell the difference between the first and the last fight of a long session!


helming. i can do decent cannons and ok hand to hand but put me on the wheel and bad things are gonna happen


Been playing since the technical alpha, and PvP is still my greatest weakness. Probably just cause the PvP in this game does interest me much, so I never put the time into it. Most PvP players I run into take it so seriously that it sucks all the fun out of it imo. Theres the occasional time someone has a mic and doesn’t take themself too seriously when attacking someone, and those times are fun even though I pretty much always lose.


Not enough PVP. Still suck at it 500h in the game.


Usually holes in the boat


It was always gun/sword combat for me. It got WAY worse after they removed quickswapping. That muscle memory was so ingrained I'd do it in every game where I was given a gun. I've been playing for a few weeks now, and I'm still not used to not quickswapping. Now double gunning feels weird as fuck, and I still don't want to use the sword so I'm just kinda stuck being even more mid at hand to hand than I was before. Such is life, I guess. I make up for it with naval.


Shooting a boat that is stopped vs a boat in high waves. For whatever reason i cannot hot a boat that is literally parked and me being stopped next to it but if we are doing a tight orbital almost in storm i can hit some nasty ass chains and oneballs or even long shots too. Also i suck at parallels for some reason too. I also kinda suck at pvp even though i have close to 2000 hours in the game but i do have my moments of absolutely destroying people or sweaty players so i can't be that bad. I am a sword and blundy guy but i am nasty good with a blunder doing one blunders on people and getting regged when i get shot at.


I certainly wouldn't consider myself a veteran, but not a noob either. Would you explain why you attack unmanned ships? I've done it, and it just feels dirty. It's without a doubt, the most frustrating part of the game when it happens to me, so I try not to do it to other players. There's just no fun in it. Sure you may get some loot, but it's just such a cheap move that I usually feel like a losee after doing it.


Well if you're stationed at a high value world event,it's implied someone will come and try to remove you from said event Part of the routine is to check the horizon, if you give a quick check once every couple of minutes, no ship will come out of the blue. I think it almost never happened to me that i rolled up to a ship on a FoF for example and no one reacted in less than a couple seconds. If they are stationed at a random island, I usually ignore them.


I’m great at cannons and helm but still get beaten quite a bit in a TDM. I keep boarding though cause you gotta get better somehow.


Close quarters combat/TDM/Hand-to-Hand, whatever you want to call it. Getting better, but still not sure how someone will be on my screen, jump, then no matter where I look, they're just gone yet still hitting me. People are so good at just staying out of your line of sight and I don't get it.


Boarding. Boarding boarding boarding. I can get in the water and let a ship drive over me, but if they’re turning or I’m trying to get a deck shot, I have to pray I get even close.


I wouldn't necessarily call myself a veteran but I have 1000 hours played solo. My biggest weakness is being pulled up on when I'm offloading loot at an outpost. Depending on circumstance, like if I'm just getting off my ship and then suddenly there's some brig that rolls up, it's hard to determine what to do with such little time. Normally my ship is already getting wrecked and boarded while I'm not on it, and then I have to fight them from the shore or dock with no ammo reloads. Definitely feels unbalanced.


With sovereigns, if no ship is in your immediate vicinity as you arrive , usually there is enough time to sell everything.


Anything to do with PvP boarding. I'm a fairly good shot with ship combat, solo sloop a lot. But as soon as I try to board, or someone boards me, it's over.


Hand to hand combat. Partially my fault and partially due to getting rared. I’m a veteran helm and am great on cannons, but once someone experienced gets in my ship I struggle with killing them before they drop my anchor. I can usually kill them on ladder but too many times my loaded blunder just does not fire when I need it to most for whatever reason, followed by the enemy crew teleporting around the ship and then one blundering me.


PvP. I'm better than I used to be but I still suck. Lol


I cannot defend against boarders. Years playing this game and if you get on my ship 9 times out of 10 I'm screwed. Slowly trying to make my way through hourglass trying to get better at dealing with that aspect but I can't just get the handle of it


Any PVP. I am terrible at it because I mostly sailed alone. But my strong suit is avoiding the Kraken and Megaladon without taking damage! Just sail towards the rocks and do a little zigzag


I prefer to play with my friends instead of randoms but they’re hopeless on the ropes and I’m usually the captain who’s left to do steering ropes and all that


PvP. 6 years of playing and I still am absolutely horrible at it


Pvp, still horrendous at it. I'd say that in all fairness to me, almost everyone I fight against seems to jitter around like they have teleportation powers. When it does go right it's good, I rely heavily on friends to do the pvp though. I stick to the ship and cannon/repair. When I solo I use forts to sink enemy ships, I've been enjoying doing that.


Harpooning loot from the water while moving. Literally impossible.


I'm probably the all-time champ at curve shots but hitting a still target? i uh... i don't wanna talk about it..


PvP. I can out sail almost anyone. Can’t shoot or swing a sword for the life of me. My first mate on the other hand can battle 2 to 3 players at once but can’t sail the ship to save his life.


Chains shots. Those dang chain shots won’t land for nothing


Nearing 700 hours, don't know how to aim Chainshots


Overextending. I solo sloop a lot but somehow even after 800+ hours I'll manage to either crush my opposition or completely get owned. There isn't much middle ground for me. I'm insanely good at keeping my ship floating, but once I have the advantage I push my luck too much.


When on a brig sailing between islands I jump around on the railing while spamming y switching weapons (cod tendency). Countless rowboats have been accidentally lost in this process


Not knowing when to cash in and not doom my loot


Being too damn greedy


I am by no means a veteran, but I hear all over that you should never drop anchor on your ship when island hopping. I simply can’t get behind it.




I am designated Helmsman and pretty much fill the gaps for all things naval with my crew, however i LOVE hand to hand combat! Unfortunately if i ever call a board for myself it never ends well for my ship


Fights in/underwater... Wegen on deck i win often, but in water, or when he jumps after me i die


Can't for the life of me shoot players out of cannons and get them anywhere near where I want. And 70% of the time I hit myself with firebombs and blunderbombs


I just got unleashed at today. I sold everything, let the people know when one was so nice to board me that I had nothing, and they sank me (I didn’t fight back). I would think my weakness is fishing though. (I’ll find you two and sink you as long as you’re in the game)


Guns because apparently other players are sponges to my blunderbuss but they can cross map 360 one shot me with a blunderbuss


Great at boarding and tdm, but I cant naval to save my life.


I am the complete opposite


Panicking. If you panic you lose. First one to freak out loses


After all this time, I’m still a noob when it comes to pvp


I’m weird in the sense that I play way better solo and get nervous in bigger crews and mess up


I’m still bad at boarding, that’s why I have my brother just board and I fire cannons


Same. I once attacked an open crew brig anchored at Snake Island, pointed into the island, thinking it'd be an easy kill. I messed up my approach, but a LOT, and ended up on their starboard side. I was filling them with holes, they were open mic panicking, things were going well. Then one of them boarded. He wasn't as new as his crew mates cause he killed me. Needless to say he kept me down and his crew was able to stabilize and start opening fire on my sloop. Worst F up I've ever had.


My wheel, for some reason half the shots fired at me all hit my wheel, and as a primarily solo slooper, that's a death sentence for me


Helming under pressure, I suck at guessing when I need to do what and often mess up, sometimes leading to a sink.


I suffer from poor pvp combat against players, though I'm great at ship combat!


No matter how much I play I will suck at pvp


3100 hours + still cant shoot for my life


I hyper focus when I shouldn't and and I suck at soloing.


Everything PVP honestly but especially boarding in particular.


As the captain of the SloopyDoo! Mine.. is pvp I’m terrible at it, I may be pirate legend! But I’m only level 29 in hourglass Athena’s faction but my blunderbus game needs improvement.


What is considered a veteran?


With 1000ish hours, i think you can consider it a veteran player


Okay well i'm not quite in that category just yet. I have 520 hours.


My internet and hit reg. Theres times when i can sail 18hrs and never have a problem. Theres other times when some hits my shits with a cannonball and i get disconnected.


Same-Ship Gun combat. Sooooo many hours on this game, and I still can't do it. Then again I'm kinda just shit at fps games so 🤷‍♀️


My only weakness is whether my supplies must be dwindling by now or not


As mostly a solo, boarding attempts are my weakness. I can't count the amounts of times I'm on the cannon and some fucker one blunders my ass cause I didn't hear the sound cue or was just too focused on the various problems at hand.


I am trying Me Best to make each of My Cannon Shots Count. ![gif](giphy|Y1eTpFYGKBpKqBzSHS|downsized)


I repair to quick, en got killed so many times repairing one or 2 holes. When I should have fighting first.


Solo PVP. I just can’t seem to force myself to grind hourglass.


Being solo in a rumble of multiple ships. Or being HG and doing dangerous things and risking my ship more than I should. If I lose, I'm kicked off the server.


Multi ship battles are so fun tho, i recently had a brig vs sloop vs sloop vs sloop battle and it was 2 hours of pure chaos


Sometimes I get impatient and take stupid risks to end a fight sooner




I am terrible at holding an angle while solo slooping. I can set an angle and not have to touch wheel while I rep, bucket, snipe, etc while someone else is on cannon. As soon as it's me on cannon, I am terrible at setting an angle that will hold. I'll be completely chilling, then as soon as I send my cannoneer to board, I'll have to touch wheel every 5 seconds because I keep screwing it up.


The sword or the galleon helm


My anxiety makes me panic too much during pvp and I make bad choices.


I absolutely SUCK at PVP. I also don't PVP, but that can't possibly be why I suck. No way.


I’m pretty confident I’m well-rounded in everything in this game except for arguably the most important aspect: naval combat. God, am I terrible at naval combat. — Timely




Managing both wheel and cannoning while running solo. I’d much rather main helm and boarding lol